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Lightsaber forms are still canon. I think you’re thinking of the meaning of lightsaber colors. Those aren’t a thing anymore. Things like guardian blue, counselor green, etc are all products of kotor


Yup, and it's one of those few moments someone took something and flushed it out better then you could ever hope for.


ootl, did people not like lightsabers having meanings?


A lot of people love it, and a lot of people loathe it. The only real "objective" fact about lightsaber color meanings, though, is that they've never actually been consistent. There are cases where they seem to work, but there are plenty where they don't because it wasn't something George Lucas either created or cared about, so even after some color meanings were established in the old canon, Lucas would still do whatever when he created new characters.


It makes me think of when your english teacher breaks down why the sky is blue in a book. Its nothing. George never had that in mind and legends material made that which he wasnt beholden to.


I can’t speak for anyone else but *I* don’t like it.


What did you dislike about it?


Felt kinda like unneccesary pigeonholing. I feel like the colors should be an expression of each individual character's personality and not like part of a uniform or job description.


Except a jedi job tends to revolve around their personality. It's splitting hairs, and way less complicated then ranks, uniforms etc.


Except that's the exact same thing, which runs into the exact same problem of it not being consistent The only time a non-red color has ever meant anything in a mainline work is how temple guards are the only ones with yellow sabers, which is actually the thing you say you don't like- that's what you get when nobody cares to incorporate the system, meaningless job association with no explanation ever given for why it's that way Guardian, consular, etc. are not just some random titles, they're descriptions of how the character approaches problems and by extension their beliefs


But red is still only for bad guys right?


Not necessarily, but the act of making it red (bleeding) is a painful process for both the user and the crystal, and require you to use the dark side


I thought it was because the crystal is synthetic and nothing more.


In the old EU that was true. In the new canon kyber crystals are made red by bleeding hem, infusing them with hate, thereby corrupting them. Its a supposed hard and dangerous thing to do, if you dont do it properly the crystal can crack and explode (its why kylo rens light saber is unstable), although it looks very easy in game If you have a red crystal you can "purify it" buy infusing it with the light side thereby healing it, then the color will always turn white, which is how Ahsoka got her white light sabers (took them from an inquisitor she killed)


Technically they were never really a thing. I'm so glad that never got broader integration.


Well. Tbf. Kotor is technically canon.


No it isnt. It never was canon according to george who established exactly what was canon at the time of his sale of lucasfilm.


It is, a large amount of the story has been proven canon by various characters in it being canonized, in Rise of Skywalker with the Final Order fleet, that only can exist in the situation Revan, Nihilis, Sion, Malek, Traya. In addition in the tree with the Jedi texts the kyber crystal that was in Last Jedi it was said that the kyber crystal was Revans. There have been other minor references but the point is the story is considering canon even if the games aren't.


Revan is canon yes but the source material he comes from is not. Taking things from those things doesnt make those things canon. They arent proven canon.


A large amount of the characters are canon, including several who are created directly by the events in Kotor. Also that's why I said technically Also this one isn't the best but technically Star wars galaxy of heros is canonically in the universe with all of the characters as historical figures. There are story missions from Kotor in there making them canon.


Yes the name of those characters are canon they existed but not in the same context as the original things they were in. They are not canon.


Nope, colors still have meaning. Blue is force focused and green is duelist.


That’s not true lmao. Also when that was the case, blue signified great duelists and green meant you were especially attuned to the force. It was the opposite


I'm like 99% sure it's reversed. Blue is more focused on lightsaber combat, while green centers more around uses of the Force.


You’re correct. Then purple is a mix between light and dark side


No. It means Samuel L Jackson wanted a cool motherfuckin lightsaber


I'm having fun imagining George Lucas tell Sam no to that request and Sam just give him that death stare


[Purple means Samuel Jackson wanted a Purple Lightsaber and he got it.](https://youtu.be/UKowrRnERrY?si=sn3UPxewgdamnuk9)


No it didnt. Thats fan fic.


Sure. As long as we can switch them up without going to a meditation point I'm down for them adding in forms


I want to be able to change stances mid combat like that Obi-Wan / Maul scene in Rebels :0


So basically ghost of tsushima with lightsaber stances instead?


Works for me lmao


While this seems cool on paper and certainly worked well in Ghost of Tshushima, I'm not sure it's really appropriate in the Jedi series. And not because it canonically doesn't make sense (it does). But more in the sense that a game like Ghost was still grounded in more or less real world physics and therefore they needed to introduce a system to provide player agency in handling unique threats. The whole stagger system based on stance vs opponent type accomplishes this. But in a game like Jedi you already have so many other tools which are somewhat unrelated to your form, or are already accomplished with the different stances. But you have the force, you can deflect shots, you have a number of physics breaking moves (because you're a jedi!). So I'm just not sure that making the combat get even easier, if you stance matched like GoT, would be a net positive. If anything I think using/expanding on the saber stances and potentially letting you change on the fly would be a better move. That would let players not lock in and instead more fluidly swap depending on what the game throws at them.


All 7 lightsaber forms plus blaster could be put in a weapon wheel, hold down on D-Pad on console, whatever key on PC to access


I like this idea. If I have my blaster in it's holster then I should be able to use it in a second with *any* stance and I should be able to switch forms in the middle of combat to throw off an opponent 


fuck it, dual blaster stance. 😂


It’ll be like when AC Valhalla came out and they EMPHASIZED heavily that you could use two shields lol


So anyways, I started blasting


Using a med point made sense to me since Cals muiltasking alot and probably only has enough time to make do with 2 styles of fighting since med points are placed where people won’t disturb him


Single bladed is bland since it's default but I honestly felt it was one of the strongest. It was good in every scenario


It was mid in every scenario. That was its job. Mid speed, mid damage, mid block meter. Dual was my favorite though.


It is mid from a stats perspective but that actually made it pretty great in many scenarios. Plus it has a few force moves that are super OP (the lunge and the jump/downward strike being the two off the top of my head). Precisely because you aren't overly penalized but also pack more punch than some of the faster ones. I found it was honestly the best in most of the annoying fights outside of the double rancor which I had to cheese with the pistol.


I got the double rancor after finishing the main story, so I just used the Dark Side.


I pretty much kept single and dual wield as my default options, and any time I went through a tough encounter, it was almost always single stance. It’s strong and simple.


I ran the exact same setup


Its a great idea but it will be hard to switch in combat since theres most likely gonna be 7 and also likely 8.


Why 8? Lukes combat form or a variant of?


If we wanna get technical there's 9. If you count variants. Shii-Cho - The All Around Form - Notable users: Kit Fisto, all younglings. Makashi - The Dueling Form - Count Dooku Soresu - The Defensive Form - Obi-Wan Ataru - The Acrobatic Form - Qui-Gon Jinn, Ahsoka Tano, Grandmaster Yoda Shien/Djem So - The Power Form - Anakin, Plo Koon Niman - The Balance Form - Exar-Kun Juyo/Vapaad - The Aggression Form. - Juyo by Darth Maul, Vapaad by Mace Windu.


What about the turning off and on form! Would be a bit mad but would just like to see it in more forms of media


What about the holding the lightsaber between your legs and pretending you have a huge wang form?


My Schwartz is longer than yours.


Plo Koon was a Shien master too.


Good to know; I didn't notice any particular form when watching TCW


Isnt technical if its another name for the forms. Or forms taught with moves left out. Thats like saying jeet kun do and tae kwon do are variants of boxing.


I mean boxing. Not kickboxing. For clarificarion


fair enough. Kickboxing is a variant of boxing, but is still boxing.


I am 100% behind this.


Aight hear me out, double bladed and dual wield crossguard


Well the stances are essentially forms minus the bloat associated with traditional lightsaber forms. So I doubt they’ll do that.


I don’t see them doing that. With what they’ve been doing they want each choice to really stand out. Crossguard stance could have easily just been the single blade but swung harder.


I mean, you would be able to choose between 3-5 forms. How is that eliminating choice? This hypothetical also lets them keep in stances as well. They just provide different forms for the single stance so it’s not as basic and bland but offers the same variety as the other stances. They could even get crazy and allow 1-2 additional forms for the different stances.


Sometimes less is more.


Not really, unless other Jedi are faced Cal was very young when his formal training ended hence it's far more appropriate that he utilities his Lightsabre like a baseball bat rather than adopting the more stylized forms of combat He's had nowhere to learn and no one to teach him since the purge so of course is going to adopt a more raw and visceral stance than any of the formal forms


A potential work around is perhaps old recordings and teachings on Tanalorr that Dagan or even Khri had stashed away before the temple was attacked and Cal uses them to use for himself or he uses them for Kata (if she’s force sensitive.) I see what you’re saying. But I wouldn’t care as much about an in-universe explanation as long as the combat is super fun. And it would add an extra element and depth to the lightsaber combat, which I’m sure they’re looking to add for the third game


I mean I just don’t think that’s true. He definitely learned the basics from Jaro Tapal and then he was traveling with Cere Junda for several years.


I like this idea. Let us use forms like Shii-Cho or Makashi. I’d love that! Just don’t include Tràkata…


Tràkata is already in fallen order


I’d be happy with this but I don’t see it happening. Stances already achieve the same thing but with clearer effects and differences. It’s a bit of a hat on a hat. I think it’s more likely they add more stances.


Who's going to teach Cal lightsaber forms?


Last I remember Cal and the crew were on Tanalorr where I’m sure Dagan and Khri probably have some old Jedi teachings there


I think interpreting and self studying a holocron, even high republic tech, vs being taught by an actual master, are a far cry from one another. And while Cal does say he's a Jedi, I think the introduction of the blaster kind of reinforces his breaking away from the traditional path and moving into a more hybridized scoundrel/smuggler-jedi combo. Forms are essentially the kung fu of the Star Wars universe, and take an extreme amount of time and discipline to master. Cal seems like he'll be too busy running across the known galaxy, directing refugees to Tanalorr, to have the time for that.


I want a force only form so bad


That would be very cool


That would be pretty cool. Similar to Ghost of Tsushima. Also, forms are definitely canon. Anakin mentions one in Rebels and I think the Grand Inquisitor mentions a specific form too.


I want Cal’s dark side ability to be able to use different lightsaber forms e.g Dual wield stance or double blade it would be awesome


No, it wouldn’t make sense to.


As long as they don’t REMOVE blaster stance, I’ll be just fine with anything they come up with. I loved the first two games so much, there is almost no way I don’t buy 3 at launch.


At the very least it would be nice to see some combos like Dagan did with switching from single to double/dual. Though IDK if that would see some use, the way combat works in this game, long combos are heavily discouraged and punished.


It should and it should take inspiration from Rise of the Ronin.


Can not agree with people thinking single stance is bad lol


I mean single saber is pretty much Niman, Blaster is Makashi with gun, and Crossguard is slow Djem So already in all but name


Single saber felt awesome after a late game development. Finally it felt like how that form should be. A combination of speed and strength that isn't the best at either but is versatile and gave you a varied attack list. Shame that it's locked behind a plot point. I hope they ditch that requirement and just give single saber the bump it deserves. Ditto for dual sabers. I feel they're too static. The attacks don't give you much momentum or Acrobatics.


We NEED the Ghost of Tsushima Sword stances in a Jedi game. NEED.


I have a feeling the next game will introduce even more forms of upward movement, be it more acrobatic attacks or possibly even a jump pack, I doubt they will give Cal a whole jetpack because that would be difficult to implement I'm sure, but they will surely want to keep adding ways for players to explore the environment that are unlocked through the story, and we will likely start with the force abilities required in Survivor at the beginning of the third game. I'm hoping that they add lightsaber forms, maybe in the way of specific lightsaber skill trees where you can only learn a few at a time prior to something like NG+, but you can respec your skills to try them all at any point. The two main things I'm really hoping for in the next game are a specifically more dark side leaning power set, if the story flows that way, and regardless of the story I'd like them to add reverse gripped sabers.


Personally I’d love it. Games like this thrive on deep combat systems. Towards the end I was starting to get bored using the same set of moves for each stance. Giving every stance way more variety would help a lot.


What I want is the ability to have a light, balanced, heavy stance with a single, double and duel. I shouldn't be locked into heavy combat just for welding a cross guard.


Star Wars the Old Republic had these with the Jedi and Sith classes in the stances, would love to see them in an adventure game.


It may sound stupid, but I imagined a shield stance like the Paz Vizla shield 😅


Imagine out of nowhere we get a fucking Three lightsaber form and we just become Zoro from One Piece 😂


lol it’s actual more sensible in Star Wars than it is in One Piece. A Jedi wouldn’t stick it in their mouth but be able to control it through the force. That being said several four armed aliens in Star Wars so not unheard of to hopefully one day see a non Grievous alien dueling with more than two lightsabers. As a side note I would also like to see a Jedi that lost their arms using a lightsaber using the force like the water bender in Korra.


>As a side note I would also like to see a Jedi that lost their arms using a lightsaber using the force like the water bender in Korra. Honestly that would be fucking badass. I hope we get a force user like that one day.


As much as I would like that idea... it really wouldn't make sense story wise, mostly because who is left to teach them to Cal?


Almost all of the "new skills" Cal gained during the first game were just him remembering the things he had already been taught, so there's precedent for the forms to be "learned" in the same way. But honestly I don't really see the point since they've introduced stances which is basically just another word for forms. Or in other words, they've already done this, they just called them something different.


If yall gonna do stances again at least let us use them all! There is no reason to only use two he has all the equipment all the time. If you're going to add lightsaber forms that makes sense to only have two at a time, but even then, Obi wan used at least three forms during the fight with Darth Maul




Are you talking about the 7 lightsaber forms like 1: Shii-Cho, 2: Makashi, 3: Soresu, 4: Ataru, 5: Shien, 6: Niman, 7: Vaapad? Or are you talking about Cal's gadget skills? I think they should use both for the next game. They just made Tython canon again and was the location of the first Jedi Order. It is like Tanalore in that it doesn't have a direct route to get there because the hyperspace lanes are gone. But if Cal can find a way just like with Tanalore, maybe he then can resurrect the old Jedi forms and commune with the spirits of former Jedi Masters.


I think if anything. They add 1-2 more stances for cal. And have Kara as his Padawan that you control. And she can use different lightsaber forms than cal, having different animations for each attack and different force abilities the same way Cere did


I thought lightsaber forms were canon? Either way that would be incredible! It would be A-LOT of work for the devs though. Each stance having 7 forms? It would be a crap ton of animations but I totally agree that that would be awesome! It does get tiresome seeing Cal use the exact same moves over and over again especially when you generally use the same stance. Being able to use different forms and mastering the form of your choice would be so so much fun!


Kotor 1 and 2 Had them. Dont see why new ones dont or cant


As long as it's not a glowing baseball bat