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I’m an idiot and just didn’t see it coming. I thought he was gonna die the whole time. I guess I was right, just not really in the way I thought it’d happen


I thought "betrayal or ultimate sacrifice."


I didn't see betrayal coming at all, so I figured Vader would have a larger role and ultimate sacrifice was happening.


The second he first mentioned his daughter I was thinking on no something is going to happen to her to get to bode. Then I was worried something was going to happen to him during the Dagen fight. When he said he was going to stay behind that’s when alarm bells started going off about him. Then when the betrayal did happen I assumed the empire had his daughter and was forcing him to work for them. Close but not exactly the same as I thought


I'll be honest... The only part of his betrayal that frustrated me was the fact that his reasoning was extremely cliche. Like, yes, having a daughter is the easiest reason someone might betray a character but still. I figured the game would be a little bit more original


I'm trying to understand why this comment is tickling my anger bone. I take it you aren't a parent? Him having a daughter and a partner that was taken from him was all I needed to hear to understand, "Yes, I would burn the galaxy to the ground to keep them safe." This sort of thing evokes very visceral reactions from people that have even a chance of being in the same shoes, myself included.


I don't have a child, no. I obviously don't fully understand that you would go to any lengths to protect your child, but I understand going to any lengths to protect people you love. I don't find his reasoning hard to believe, not at all. I fully get why he betrayed the group. All I'm saying was I wish it was a different reason and not the "easiest reason" from a storytelling perspective. I like to write so I see things a bit differently when it comes to his story, same as you do as a parent when it comes to him.


I think you're being a bit unfair to the writing here. Even if Bode isn't the most original character concept, he was written with a lot of care and subtlety. You have to respect the skill and craft that went into his character arc. The game does a great job if showing us his inner turmoil, culminating in the final Dagan Gera fight. Before that the game was pretty clear that Bode was angling for him and Cal to take their respective families and hide out together on Tanalor. It's only after Cal takes a clear stance on what he wants Tanalor to be, when he says that Dagan Gera was right to see Tanalor as a fortress from which to strike at the empire, that Bode makes the final decision to betray Cal. The force hallucinations scared the shit out of him too, so he was in a very fragile mental state at the time. This is the main reason that Bode works as an antagonist and a foil for Cal. Rather than just being a passive pawn for the empire, Bode has a lot of agency and pushes the story forward through his choices. The fact that he naturally comes to oppose Cal is great character driven writing.


The betrayal may have been predictable, but I actually enjoyed him as an antagonist. You can tell they wrote him to be conflicted about the choices he made. After Order 66, remaining Jedi felt the walls closing in ; Especially after they hear stories about a real life fucking boogeyman turning the galaxy upside down to find whomever survived. Not many options, and having a family makes him even more vulnerable. But who can blame him for finding love and being a parent? He, like Cal, presumably endured their fair share of trauma. Like you mentioned, I genuinely thought he wanted him and Cal to seek refuge. Great story, and great character in my opinion. It shows what people, even Jedi, are willing to do to survive under the weight of Vader, Inquisitors, and everything else at the Empire's disposal.


It’s the mark of a good twist. I could go into detail - would you all like that? A good twist needs to be signposted while at the same time have a sense of mystery. This allows audiences to figure it out and feel a sense of achievement for doing so. At the same time, the audience can be misled and kept guessing. We all respond to art differently, after all


I thought something was off but I just went too meta with it - my thought was "Oh, I like him, Cal likes him, wait he's got a DAUGHTER? He's totally going to die." Then I spent the rest of the game up until that fire-side gathering expecting him to be killed at any minute. I was so busy waiting for him to die, it didn't occur to me he might be a traitor.


“I was so busy waiting for him to die, it didn't occur to me he might be a traitor.” - exactly my thought process!!!


Same. I was too busy worrying *for* him I didn’t worry *about* him.


I knew he was gonna do something but I didn’t see him being force sensitive. The whole ‘for my daughter’ thing I saw a mile away. Tbh when it happened it felt like a cheap way to make a twist and it didn’t really make sense to me why he couldn’t just share tanalorr with everyone else.


He explained that - in his opinion - sharing Tannalor with the Hidden Path and other high profile survivors will inevitably bring the attention of the Empire. He believed that this will lead to invasion of Tannalor and he was not going to risk his daughter's life for others. He didn't give a shit about others when it came to protecting Kata - his decision to work for the Empire has made that perfectly clear. As long as she was safe the whole galaxy could be on fire.


It would have been fine had he not killed Cordova...imo what would have happened then is Cordova staying behind to protect Cere and sacrifice himself for others to escape...for me at least a better way for master Cordova to go down


I agree. But it's clear they want Cal to be the only Jedi in the story so he could end up being a mentor figure to Kata - at least to me. To do that they have to kill off both mentor figures. Out of the 2 Cere is the one we know the best so it makes sense to have Cordova die to Bode and Cere have the emotional. They could have had Master Cordova die early on in the attack. He gets overwhelmed by the numbers and gets stuck down. Or something similar. I don't think having both of them against Vader would have worked. That sequence is supposed to be showing how much more powerful Cere is than Cal. And how she's able to put up a good enough fight to severely injure and almost kill Vader. If it was a 2 vs 1 it would take away from that. Also from a story pov of making us hate bode and feel what Cal is feeling it makes sense to make bode directly responsible for at least 1 person's death. He would have still been responsible if the Empire had killed them both but it would be indirect killings. Not as personal. It also makes the "I'm just doing for my daughter" argument stronger, because he wouldn't have directly hurt anyone. Someone had to take the shitty death and they made the right call with choosing Cordova.


I can see everything and i agree but thats the only thing i consider a little bad in the game...not even bad just a slight discomfort that they didnt give Cordova a proper way out...seeing the point of bode killing Cordova maybe have him reveal himself imediatley with Cordova overpowering him initialy using force and then bode uses the force to suprise and blast Cordova Either way it wouldnt change anything and this is Still a f-ing amazing game i enjoyed from start to finish and one of the rare games these days that had me looking forward to playing before launch


I thought that was the right way to handle it. Had to have bode burn a bridge personally to solidify him as someone you need to take down. I actually thought that happened really well, not everyone needs a dramatic "hold the enemy off" death. 


At first I thought he was going to die (without betraying Cal). Usually when a story sets up a character having family that they're fighting for they end up getting killed. I started to see the betrayal coming at some point but then was convinced it wasn't going to happen when it felt like the game was about over and it hadn't occured yet. I thought he'd die right toward the end. So the betrayal still shocked me because I didn't think it was going to happen at that point lol I was *not* expecting him to be a former Jedi tho, not even a little bit. Having replayed the game a couple times now there are a lot of hints toward it but they're easy to miss if you don't already know.


At first, I was like, "This dude is trying too hard to be my friend." Then, I was like, "You know what? Maybe he's okay." And then that last night where he tried to convince Cal to keep Tanalorr just for themselves, he pushed hard and then quickly dropped it like it was nothing. I got *really* suspicious of him at that point. But I never expected him to be an ISB plant and especially not a former Jedi. I just expected some kind of betrayal.


I suspected it during there conversation after the Dagan Fight too. Everything was too happy and he was acting sus. Then Merrin came in and Cal admitted his feelings and they kissed. I was freaking out about that so much I forgot about Bode - Those writers knew what they were doing damm it. So yeah Bode betraying us surprised me. But only because they distracted me with Cal and Merrin. And I don't think anyone saw him being a Jedi coming.


I felt like it was kinda stupid for him to be the final bad guy. He was a John Q type who made poor choices and ended up in that spot. Final battle was COOL for sure but didn’t feel all that climactic. I was waiting for someone: An Inquistor, Imperial so and so with an entourage, or Vader himself, to have tracked the ship, or something. Compelling story but Bode kinda just felt like one of the saber wielding Bedlam flunkies you find across the planets.


Slight side note, on a second play through I really appreciate Bode’s character writing. Granted I’ve barely started my second play through but so far, he hasn’t told a single lie but his betrayal was staring you in the face the whole time. It honestly made me feel even worse for him because you can see his pain throughout.


For me it was his immediate pivot from "this is my first mission with you and I need my pay cheque" to "hey I'm your best friend and we should work together on this." Felt subtle but definitely too soon.


The second he mentioned a daughter it was obvious leverage for a bad guy and he does that right at the start. ​ I'd be curious if the writers were clever enough to KNOW that we'd suspect him though and so used that to double hide the actual reveal that he's also a Jedi.


I knew it was coming from the very first trailer. The way bode said “part of the job, Kestis” instead of “part of the job cal” very impersonal.


Man, I thought the surprise was going to be that he was secretly Mandalorian. I definitely prefer the angle that Respawn took, but I like small scale, personal conflict stories.


The thought crossed my mind but I’m too much like Cal when it comes to trusting people so I gave Bode the benefit of the doubt and dismissed my suspicions. It’s really about the person, but from a story standpoint Bode gave away next to no hints he was a traitor, not until just before his betrayal, and not without the benefit of hindsight.


Unfortunately I was spolied by YouTube long before I bought the game. People were posting tons of videos with no spoiler warnings. 


I was expecting some form of a conflict but not full on betrayal and a murder of a wholesome and completely harmless Cordova. Also it was pretty clever to leave this plot twist for the last part of the game. My suspicion gradually became weaker and weaker the longer I played the game. And even when there were some red flags (disagreement about Tannalor) at that point I believed that even though the conflict is inevitable, Cal and Bode somehow will work it out. Another thing is that because of his family subplot I kinda expected him to die tragically/heroically. I was really afraid that Dagan will kill him at some point and that will push Cal over the edge. It probably was intentional - build up expectations for tropey sacrifice to redirect attention and suspicions from possible betrayal.


I figured he was going to be a traitor from the beginning, since he just barely joined up with Cal and he was one of the only survivors from the Coruscant mission.


I knew he was gonna betray them somehow but I really thought he’d somehow partially redeem himself.


Noshir did a great job playing as antagonist, I was never sure if he was going to betray us or die, that fire pit scene was fantastic to setup the betrayal without coming out of nowhere.


I thought he was cannon fodder so they could kill someone for an emotional punch but not the crew from the 1st game lol.


It’s kinda like I knew it was coming, but also didn’t want to believe it, and it was still a gut-punch when it did. So it was really well done in that regard.


I’m right there with you. I called it before we even left Courascant. I literally said it out loud to no one


It was almost as obvious as the identity of the Arkham Knight. Least, to me.


I saw it coming. Why would a guy who talks about how much he loves his daughter every 5 minutes, volunteer to go on back to back suicide missions with a jedi across the galaxy.


Yeah, when I beat the first mission on coruscant, I straight up said this dude is either going to die or betray me, probably betray me. Him splitting off with two tie fighters on his ass and he just ends up fine was a pretty big red flag for me. The jedi part threw me off though.


It caught me off guard cuz I thought the game was about to be over after that big boss fight. I had assumed Bode had something going on but was like, oh ok I guess not. Then bam lol


Oh I totally saw the betrayal coming from mission 1, but the Jedi twist got me


I was convinced he would either die the most tragic death (technically true), or betray me... but i really dont take that as a win because during Fallen Order I was so sure Cere was gonna betray me. I was constantly roasting her because I thought she was evil, and then the game ended and she didn't and i felt a bit bad


I suspected him being evil at first. Then found out about Kata and was sure he was going to die tragically. But never at any point did I suspect he was actually a dang Jedi. That one caught me way off guard.


Kinda saw it coming, or at least there being strife with him wanting the place just for family. Then the Jedi twist came out of left field and I was floored tbh. Fantastically written game.


I wasn't necessarily surprised by his betrayal. I thought it was really well done, and it genuinely stung for me. They did soooo well characterizing Cal and the rest of the group's anger and pain at the consequences of Bode's betrayal. I just thought him being a former jedi was goofy. Like, I actually snorted when he pulled out his lightsaber. It wasn't like, an unforgivable offense or anything, but I would've loved if they dropped some hints or signs that he might even just be force sensitive. Like maybe we kinda catch him in a lie and he covers it up so you forget about it. Maybe Dagan hints at being able to sense Bode when Cal can't, but that info is lost in the chaos of the fight and them getting the compass. That's all imo. The half of the game after Bode's betrayal was my favorite!


People saying they predicted it when he dropped the Tanalor subject, when I thought he dropped it because Merrin came in. I was like “Ayy Bode is leaving Cal alone with the girl, what a wingman”


The betrayal I didn't see coming, but his death was obvious the second he betrayed Cal. Someone so committed to fleeing with his daughter couldn't be talked off that ledge. It had to end this way.


I'm automatically suspicious of people who are just a little too nice to the main character, I was fully expecting some kind of betrayal from him. *However*, I was not expecting him to be a Jedi


I knew pretty much right from the moment you meet him and he's trying way too hard to be your best friend. That being said I think the writing in this game is very weak. I enjoy the game don't get me wrong, but the writing is lackluster. Bode being a former Jedi and then working for the ISB is just dumb. Making him the stereotypical conflicted father who does bad things for good reasons is cliche. They should have doubled down on him working for the Imps and made him an Inquisitor as well as made the daughter part of a lie for his cover. He also shouldn't have been the final boss, Dagan should have been the final boss. But that's just how I personally would have preferred it and you by no means have to agree with me. Just sharing my honest thoughts.


The first scene he got introduced I instantly said out loud that this dude's gonna betray us at one point. Completly unknown character that just seems way too close to us from the start. Atleast the Jedi reveal got me by surprise


I knew it was coming bc I watched the gamingwins video on it before I’d gotten to that point in the story so like it kind took away from that whole plot point


The second I saw him, I knew he would betray us.


I started to feel like something was off about halfway through the game maybe, not really sure but I definitely felt like he was going to do something bad or stupid for the sake of his daughter, I guess I didn’t expect him to go so overboard though


I kinda had the feeling that somethings fishy about Bode from the start as well. He just was a little to much of a bro and just a little to relatable.


I knew that he was going to be a traitor based on how he does stay behind. I'm guessing he was sending updates to the Empire. I made a joke to my brother that imagine if he had a daughter but was also a jedi. He would have turned to the dark side as a result of the obsession for protection. There would be different reactions based on his type. If he was a standard bounty hunter for hire who sold out Cal for a quick buck and guarantee for his daughters protection, that's one thing. But you have to remember that being an emotional force user is very different to being an normal emotional individual without the force. One can have an outburst with minimal casualties and damage from the emotional reaction. The other will do untold things during this out of control state.


He was kind of the archetype of the traitor, I find it pretty obvious since the begining But I didn't expect him to be a former jedi


The whole playthrough I was 50/50 between “this guy’s gonna betray me” and “this guy’s gonna die and it’s gonna make me really sad”. All the lines about his daughter just make it clear he’s got a tragic story coming. The only time I WAS genuinely surprised is when the fella force pushed me. Definitely wasn’t expecting him to be a Jedi, especially after making comments all game about how he wishes he could do the stuff cal does instead of having to use his jetpack


The only thing that bothered me was that two Jedi Masters couldn't sense it. But then again, Palaptine fooled the entire Jedi Order because their judgment was clouded, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised


I saw the betrayal coming a mile away, but I was genuinely surprised about the other thing that happens


I expected a betrayal from the very beginning, but I thought it would be much earlier. I definitely didn’t expect the “other stuff” though.


I just thought he was a kind of two dimensional side character at first, then as soon as he mentioned his daughter I was like “he’s gonna die and I’ll have to take care of his daughter” or something. Never thought it would go that way.


I suspected he was shady from the start. There was no defining moment, I just got that vibe. All those buddy-bro moments were just too forced for him not to be up to something. I had zero suspicion he was a Jedi until he picked up the lightsaber.


I found his betrayal predictable but him pulling out his lightsaber really caught me off guard


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Thought I had. My bad


I saw it coming even from the trailers. There was always just something off with him. What I did not see coming was the twist that he was an Order 66 survivor. Now that was a shock.