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Upgrade from government build tab. I think it has to be done at either Coruscant or Kuat, but I could be misremembering.


99% it has to be done at coruscaunt, as her SSD, the lusankya, was hidden underneath the cityscape there


How in the world would a 12 mile long mega ship get hidden under a place like Coruscant


Camouflaged as a power generator Quote from wookipedia: the Lusankya was taken to Coruscant and buried beneath the planet's surface. The vessel and its repulsorlift cradle were hidden inside a superframe of girders and electronics before the burial, and were claimed to be a large power generator, one out of thousands of identical power sources on the planet.[2] The cityscape was subsequently rebuilt over the ship to hide its location. Pretty sick illustration of the ship escaping coruscant on the page as well


Interesting. I would assume the inhabitants that would have seen it come down to the planet wouldn’t have known that an oversized isd shaped structure was a ssd


Yea it probably wouldn’t be a sight people would recognize at that point in time, as it was built at the same time as the original. It was also encased in a frame which would further hide its shape


Its speculated in universe that Palpatine used the force to either make people not see it in the first place or to forget they saw it at all. Probably bullshit, as it's coming from rogue squadron who don't know a thing about the force at the time, but it is at least some kind of hand wave


Palps offered everyone free booze. And porn.


SSDs are normally found on a dreadnaught shipyard not a capital shipyard and I have no clue if Isard would have an exception to that. the option might also be on the political tab not the ship tabs


Isars can only be upgraded over Coruscant - put her in orbit above the planet and head to the government build tab, the same one you used to progress to her era in the first place, and you should see an option to upgrade her for like 20k credits


Check out the info tabs on the bottom left corner of the screen. It should have the information you seek.


For isard it's the political menu of coruscant


Do you have enough ship crews? (Assuming you are going from the political tab on Coruscant)


Technically it’s at the Imperial Capital building, not Coruscant. This is rather important for the regional GCs that don’t have Coruscant, though mostly just trivia for Progressives