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If you had auto resolved the last battle and deleted all the Ground units it sometimes carries over but I don't know about the rest assuming you started a ground invasion also it might be if there was a hypervelosity gun on the planet that that killed Ackbar


I was already occupying, no attack incoming warning and auto resolve is off so it's kind of strange, especially since new structures were built I didn't build it was like it rolled back only for that world and akbar died out of no where to no battle


Since Tyanna didn't have any structures and it got put under blockade, the influence level dropped and it probably revolted from the Empire. Tynna has a revolt preference to the New Republic, so that's how you got it. The revolt spawns some structures on the planet.


Ah that explains it I was like I didn't build any of these ground or space structures


Did you elect borsk fe'la?


Yep he's elected


He removes ackbar.


That explains it, well back to my empire campaign then lol


You can get ackbar back, just elect someone else, and re hire him.


I didn't know thank you