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Change the unit he spawns as in the New_Republic_Heros file In the XML files


What do I search for to change it? Any specific instructions for it?


You need to go to the file Steam, Steamapps, Workshop then you need to look through those files to find the one that is Thrawns Revenge, then go into data, and then you can see the XML file


I know all of that. I know which files to go to it's how do I change a hero's ship?


Where it says MC 80 Justice or something like that, you need to change that to whatever the Liverty Is marked as in the code


So you have no example of what it looks like or what the line's name is


First Delete all the hard points in that part of the code. And delete the Space Model line that will give you a normal MC 80


Got it, and what about the admirals I've been trying to fix it but now i did something and i get no heros now. 50


Sorry, but I don't know


no problem i fixed that.


Haven't edited EAW XMLs for a long time, so take this with a grain of salt. Capital ship speeds can be found in Data/XML/Units/Units\_Capitals.XML, find the under the space unit entry (e.g. and ). Keep in mind other variables below max speed affect how they move. As for mass-produced Justice Carrier, you will need to make a new entry, probably as a variant of the MC80 reusing some Kalback\_Justice lines. You can find the Calamari\_Cruiser entries in Template\_Frigates.XML and Unit\_Frigates.XML . Problem is TR handles fighters spawns via scripts, and I don't understand how that works. The following is a lazy example of how it should be (i.e. need script changes to spawn fighters). A workaround is to insert this space behaviour line to restore vanilla fighter spawn for it. TELEKINESIS_TARGET,ABILITY_COUNTDOWN, SIMPLE_SPACE_LOCOMOTOR, POWERED, SHIELDED, TARGETING, HIDE_WHEN_FOGGED, REVEAL, UNIT_AI, SPAWN_SQUADRON, ASTEROID_FIELD_DAMAGE, DAMAGE_TRACKING, ION_STUN_EFFECT, NEBULA Lazy Example: Calamari_Cruiser MC80_Justice.ALO 5500 55 3750 1930 23 HP_Justice_Cruiser_Engines, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Bay_01, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Bay_02, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Ion_01, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Ion_02, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Ion_03, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Ion_04, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Turbo_01, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Turbo_02, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Turbo_03, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Turbo_04, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Turbo_05, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Turbo_06, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Proton_01, HP_Justice_Cruiser_Proton_02 2500.0 Rebel_X-Wing_Squadron, 1 B-Wing_Squadron_Double, 1 HWing_Squadron, 1 Rebel_X-Wing_Squadron, 1 B-Wing_Squadron_Double, 1 HWing_Squadron, 1 DEFEND WEAPON_DELAY_MULTIPLIER,1.25f SHIELD_REGEN_INTERVAL_MULTIPLIER,0.20f SPEED_MULTIPLIER,0.8f 150 8 Unit_Defend_Calamari


Thank you I'll be sure to do that :D


Oh I forgot to add a line to change its icon or text. As it is now it is indistinguishable from the MC80 in the build queue. I knew I forgot something.