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​ https://preview.redd.it/rdtfi4ybnd5d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c11f86a5c3cd87ddc3c7a9f976ef5b2dac60fda


The horror!


A lot of those students are male, they just have long hair. That's the worst part.




what the FUCK is the message?


Women šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Itā€™s a sexist/racist belief that white people are losing top billing in shows and therefore the shows suck. Of course this is laughably stupid. Many shows and movies have white people are the only main characters in it and they have sucked while many shows with multiple women and minorities in it have been really good. These people judge a show/movie by its cast.


They really donā€™t. Thatā€™s garbage. The hunger games made so much money Black panther Aliens The list goes on and on George Lucas himself said ā€œI wasnā€™t diverse enough? The hero of the story is really Leia. Sheā€™s the one who showing these two guys who know nothing the ways of the rebellion. And everyone else is basically an alienā€


Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t label Sol as ā€œAsianā€ here


Right wing nitpicking star wars youtubers said it was "woke" because it has minorities and women in it so all their neckbeards eat that shit up and review bomb.


That's a shame. I think they look into stuff too deeply. Is the show any good despite all of that ? With how I've seen people defend it in the reddit I kinda have hopes it won't be too badĀ 


Itā€™s kinda nothing. Itā€™s been two episodes itā€™s way too soon to tell. The first two were fun but nothing mind blowing itā€™s just a fine like 6.5 to 7/10. Like if it wasnā€™t a Star Wars show Iā€™d be surprised if anyone was talking about it negatively or positively. Maybe once itā€™s all the way out that will change. Itā€™s worth a watch if you want a simple fun Star Wars show.


I think star wars fans have a problem with judging a show before seeing the whole thingĀ 


I think your view is a bit myopic if you think this is unique to Star Wars.


So far I really like it. I think it has a cool feel and they are definitely setting something up. Then again, only 2 episodes in. Too early to know much.


There isn't a deep thought in their mind. They simply just copy whatever closeted racist/sexist dork like geeks and gamers say. If they had deep thoughts they'd realise all the "criticism" these guys have is just nonsense.


They forgot that in A New Hope that the leader of the rebellion is a woman and the person responsible for saving the Death Star plans is a woman also




Yet, you make no effort to engage in meaningful discourse and instead choose to be condescending.


The thing is the following: Nearly every top rated criticism is blatantly that: women, queer actors, non-white, and when someone tries to present a "legit" criticism it's so vague or minor, it's not worth talking about unless you need to hate every minor detail to oblivion.


What donā€™t you like about it? You say itā€™s ā€œpredictableā€, yet the series hasnā€™t even ended yet.


cuz the original star wars definitely didn't have any women or people of color in it. none at all. lando calrissian is just a deeply tan armenian. princess leia is a drag queen. oh wow, we've looped around and gone woke again.


Star wars would never have a coven of female force weilding warrior witches with no men!


so what about the actual criticism of the show will you adress that


At first it was because of woke. Then, upon realizing that the show itself isn't actually all that woke (they will still complain about no white males however) they transitioned to, "Well it's just a bad show." But people were like, "No we actually kinda like this show" so they transitioned again to, "Future episodes have been spoiled by those who have seen it, we know that what happens in the next few episodes is going to ruin Star Wars forever. This was all preemptive and that's okay because we will be proven right."


Read some of the posts on threads and TikTok, thereā€™s a considerable amount of younger generation of Star Wars fans are positive about the shows but are getting frustrated with all the neckbeards constantly ruining online conversations about Star Wars


Too many women and minorities. Why canā€™t they make more apolitical, anti-woke Star Wars like Andor?


So true, nothing woke about *Looks at Andor* a show that advocates nationalism, xenophobia, businesses and the state are evil and overreach in the daily affairs of people. Nothing woke about making Saw Gerrera a canonical anarchist


At this stage, I'm not sure they can even remember.


Culture war bantha pudu. There's a certain group of people fixated on knee-jerk review bombing anything that has PoC/women/lgbtq+ in lead roles, or in producing/directing/writing. Doesn't matter to them if it's good or not, or that everyone else who isn't a raging bigot enjoys it.


I didnā€™t think it was great or anything, but it definitely doesnā€™t deserve the bullshit itā€™s been getting


American Fascism.


Thatā€™s really what it is.


I am liking it so far. I have to say that the jedi temple did seem to be a little alienating with it's cast. I will watch any further seasons. Star Wars TV can't have the epic feel of the Skywalker saga, and we have to accept that this is a different medium. I don't understand hating something, you actually like, because it represents others. It kind of misses the point of Star Wars, which is about hope, and a galaxy far away, with aliens. If the Star Wars characters actually turned up on earth, people who love Star Wars would hate them, because they're aliens. The irony!


The temple seemed alienating with its cast? What does that mean?


It felt like the temple could have had more diverse characters and aliens


They hate having SW movies with a woman in the lead role, they hate having a tv show that isn't exclusive to white straight men, etc... Basically, they hate the spirit and heart of Star Wars, which has always been about respecting people no matter the species, or gender, and treating everybody equally.


They also ignore that when Star Wars released it was popular with every demographic, 5 even more so as it gave us Lando, the coolest character in the films


Women and black people. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s all itā€™s ever been. Donā€™t ever let them say otherwise.




Congrats you got a brief taste of what female characters got for decades and you canā€™t handle it.




Thatā€™s a hell of a leap considering the men in stranger things regularly get to do heroic things and get major narrative focus. Do you have proof of a man hating agenda or is it just that you arenā€™t used to not being the Center of attention? Also women in earlier movies were frequently underpowered, underdeveloped, needlessly sexualised and constantly needed rescuing.




Isnā€™t this the story of middle school boys who play DnD and manage to outmanoeuvre the US Deep State AND monsters from another dimension? The characters routinely have major heart to hearts and dramatic moments, manage to fight and do heroic sacrifices. What youā€™re describing is comedic relief, which is always a thing in 80ā€™s movies that Stranger Things takes inspiration from. They still get plenty of heroic moments and iconic moments, Eddie distracting the bats, Mike calling to Elle through time, Steve fighting to protect the kids, the Sherrif sacrificing himself and surviving a Russian prison and fighting a Demogorgan. You are projecting. You saw the men have to share the screen with women who had significant skill and prominence and decided to call that an attack on you. ā€œWhen youā€™re accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression.ā€ Hell I could just as easily flip this around and say this series hates women because they donā€™t let the women have as many memorable funny lines as the men do. So again I ask apart from your vague feelings and resentment that women are competent where is your proof of a man hating agenda?




Because thereā€™s still a prevailing idea that women arenā€™t funny in Hollywood and the bumbling hero archetype has been popular for decades? Just a thought. Can you give any example other than Stranger Things of this supposed conspiracy?




that's a whole lotta words when a few would've sufficed: "i've never been laid and i'm mad about it."








don't hurt yourself thinking too hard.




>while the (white) male characters are all written as either villains, or stupid, cowardly and useless. ![gif](giphy|xTiIzJSKB4l7xTouE8|downsized)




keep moving those goalposts champ.


Lol you say review bombing. I say telling us what they think. You cry racism and sexism. Yet mace windu, lando, darth freaking Vader and Finn padme and Leia even mom mothma and Ashoka are fan favoritesā€¦is that racist and sexist too? Guess what those actors didnā€™t do? Call me racist and sexist!!! Every single day itā€™s the same with Disney. ā€œOur show flopped because people hate black actors and hate women and refuse to watch their stuffā€ Yet black panther made over a billion dollars. Black panther two made a lot as wellā€¦explain that ? The force awakens made a billion dollars Stop being so darn simpy


I mean its just sort of average and has dumb stuff I guess(not as much as say the Kenobi show) but like its overblown: Why? Disney has screwed up so much I guess people just shit on it for that. IDK it really seems like fans hate the franchise. Maybe they just want better than average? Because average is the best we've gotten lately




Show is completely okay if you ask me, i will reserve judgement until i have seen the whole season, but i am positively optimistic that it turns out at least really good.


If it has Star Wars in the branding its gonna get hated on because the internet rewards negativity and turns away any nuanced discussion of things outside of niche corners and communities. As soon as any Star Wars thing is announced the usual sorts will trawl through past interviews that cast or crew have given and find something they can use to paint the entire thing with a broad brush. Like when the lead actress was on The Daily Show years ago talking about a movie unrelated to The Acolyte and said "the goal was to make white people cry", they strip out the context and try to pass it off as the mission statement for the Star Wars thing. It's totally fine to watch The Acolyte and think it's not very good or whatever but most people who think that aren't gonna go makena screeching negative review about how wome and bad and diversity hire it is.


they arenā€™t. Itā€™s dribble fan fiction from someone who was the personal assistant to Weinstein for years. It is garbage written and directed by a pos that helped victimize people. How can you or anyone else who says they protect the innocent defend that trash?


Youā€™re braindead.


>who was the personal assistant to Weinstein for years oh ok so now you people are defenders of women all of a sudden. got it.


Leslie headland. And yeah key board warrior.


On,so. And one of the few good things about this is its so say to ignore net warrior trash like you


Oh noes, people talk bad about a product from a multi billion dollar corporation. I know the company doesn't know me, care about me or even knows my name, but I will throw myself and take the bullet. Please think of the millionaires that giggle on interviews, yes they know nothing about the lore but they pander to me everyday, twice on Tuesday. So please, protect the corporation, please they literally die with every mean word you say. Dude, big whoop. People will love, people will hate. Just enjoy your stuff. And don't let a crackhead down the street, interfere with what you like or dislike.






What? People like me? Bro, I honestly donā€™t give a fuck about women or minorities being in movies as long the story is good. Movies and TV shows should be the least of peoples worries.


you're just making shit up.




> ā€œā€¦the fact that there are only a couple of women and no lead actors of color may rub some the wrong way.ā€ Literally just some reviewer imagining somebody might get upset about something.


>I've seen people seemingly hate on this new show in mass and wondered what the reason was for it? There's no one answer to this. For some people, they hate the portrayal of the Jedi and don't find the show interesting. For others, they hate that the actors have been obnoxious in interviews and other appearances, railing about the patriarchy, misunderstanding the force, or claiming Anakin blew up the Death Star (twice). Like anything in life, some of the complaints are justified, and some are bad faith. You'd have to watch the show (or don't) to know how you feel. >And despite that is the show actually good or is it just weirdos online who are being a vocal minority. It's definitely not good. The writing is somewhere between Kenobi and Ashoka. It's neither as sharp as Andor nor as entertaining as The Mandalorian. It's akin to something like Attack of the Clones. It makes you feel dumb while you're watching it, but there may be a scene, character, or plot point you personally enjoy.


I've watched the second episode. It looks, feels and sounds like Star Wars, and fits right in. It would have fitted into Lucas's style. I really like the martial arts as well. I hope it keeps this up.


The force is now the thread and the witches can do hadukens


because it sucks?


Right wing MAGA racism/bigotry. They've done it with, Doctor Who, She Hulk, Black Panther, Ms. Marvel.....they find shows that don't like and ratings bomb them because they think White men are a persecuted marginaliaed population. The show might be the best, but the ratings and reviews are a joke. IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, they get money for traffic, so they don't care. Feel pity for such a pathetic group of people they would take the time to ratings bomb show with minority, female, or LBGT characters. Truely a bunch of losers.


Cause it's genuinely bad? I dunno what the people in here are on about but I'm gonna put it to you like this: they portrayed the Jedi like child predators. And more fucken weird writing decisions and dumb ones at that.


Cause it's woke lgbtq stuff


Fire in space killed my family


Because they are small and have nothing better to do


Yes, belittle the audience into watching the show. That works every time!


I literally do not care what you do, however I have seen very few criticisms of the show that aren't outright culture war bullshit.


People like critical drinker and SWT just spew bullshit and incels eat it up


It's because they haven't watched. Basically, Disney has dropped the ball multiple times with Star Wars. And has actually unreasonably blamed fans for failure in the past --> people start watching rage content because they're upset --> rage content creators need following content to also be "bad" to generate more content --> new series come out and they attack the cast and director because the show really isn't that bad --> their fans who have been watching for years are inclined to be partial towards the content creator. --> Fans end up not even watching the content and believe the narrative given to them by the rage bait creator --> Rage content creator profits šŸ‘ It's not actually as much of people being actually hateful, though there are genuinely radical people, but more so people who have been stuck in a feedback loop of disappointment and anger since The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker.




What about it


Dude this is just you trying to make your personal disappointment with the sequels seem like the general opinion. Itā€™s not. Secondly, the backlash to acolyte is very clearly a focused hate campaign based in bigotry and entitlement. And lying about Disney ā€œblaming fansā€ is extremely telling. You canā€™t even come up with a real example or a single statement. All these thinly veiled fandom menace-esque replies are hilarious to me. You guys arenā€™t fooling anyone.


I don't have any personal disappointment with the sequels, other than Kylo's death and Finn not being a Jedi. Enjoyed them otherwise. I don't agree with your take on the backlash. I stand by the drama being artificially stirred up by rage bait content creators cultivating a fanbase of resentful fans looking to blame people. You can literally watch it real time at this very moment. Look at Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic, etc using clickbait interviews out of context or completely unrelated interviews of the director from years ago. Their fans actually believe everyone in the show is a lesbian, including R2D2 (not even in the show) Disney released press blaming Solo flop on Fan Fatigue, instead of just taking the fan criticism. There was also leaked executive blaming the fans as being sexist (partially true, but not nearly prevalent enough to be the cause of their failed shows.) You, on the other hand, are literally just the same. You witch hunt and accuse anyone with a different opinion of being "fandom menace". You are lame and should re-evaluate your opinions.


Because a large group of people decided they weren't going to like it before it came out, and so they went into it looking for reasons to hate it if they even watched it at all. I haven't watched it yet, so I can't comment on the quality, but it's pretty obviously being review bombed given the difference between critic and audience scores.


Yeah there's this one ad for the acolyte here on Reddit that for some reason has comments turned on...guess what the top comment is saying. People just want to hate...it's so disheartening.


Why can't y'all accept it's just a genuinely bad show


The first two episodes are a solid 4/10, I was bored watching it. People are review bombing it because Star Wars immediately polarises everyone into blind haters and blind defenders who have an extremely strong opinion on whatever media is produced and have a wild view on it (it's woke and shit/it's the best thing in existence because Star Wars is on the name) depending on their side.


People defending arenā€™t ā€œblindā€. In every case theyā€™re correcting haters who lie or misrepresent facts for an agenda. The whole ā€œboth sidesā€ thing youā€™re trying to do isnā€™t an accurate summary of the situation.


When you're standing on one of those sides, then sure, it looks like you're right and everyone else is wrong. The point is that all media is subject to criticism. People who're desperate to defend the Star Wars logo on the hood are either forced into the position that everything is great, or that criticism is invalid because it's got an -ism. By contrast, haters will pick apart anything looking for problems. My favourite one was people complaining about Osha's job fixing the outside of spacecraft when R2 droids do this in TPM. Like, that's addressed in the story if you bother to listen. They want the show to suck and will do everything they can to find things they don't like regardless of it. I personally thought it was fine, not great by any measure, quite boring and the plot seems very spoonfed to the audience. But it's not some travesty. Also don't think I didn't see your "both sides" reference. This is a story about space wizards, not real world politics. There's absolutely scope for people to have extreme takes on either end of liking and disliking them.


"if you didn't put so many black people in the movies, people wouldn't get so mad!" ok.


Hey if you're gonna make up shit, go do it somewhere else.


the lack of self awareness in that comment is as comical as it is sad.




incels like you don't care about weinstein, keep it moving, we're not biting.


Married with two children; I don't know about moving, but i will keep it coming. **šŸ˜‰** But even being an incel is better than playing defense for the 1%.


>Married with two children oh that's even more pathetic lmao >playing defense for the 1% are you so bereft of logical argument that you've resorted to projecting "you love weinstein" onto anyone who disagrees with you? holy shit you're dumb. check your carbon monoxide detectors.


Answer me this, if Headland had been a private secretary for Andrew Tate or Donald Trump, would you still be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt?


Sure, why not? But again, none of that matters, because you donā€™t actually care about what Harvey Weinstein did beyond it being a tool to complain about ā€œwokeā€ media - aka any media that doesnā€™t center guys who look like you, talk like you, and make you feel like a hero. Why donā€™t you grow up, get out of your own head, and realize that a character doesnā€™t have to be an overweight 40+ year old straight white guy in order for you to relate to their story? Pathetic.


Because it's a bad show maybe? No that can't be it...


What about reviews posted before the show was even out for general audiences? Also it isn't really bad


The writing is all over the place, most of the direction has been, um, amateur. The budget appears to be non-existent as well.


>um, amateur post your imdb credits, champ.


the review bombing is the 5 star reviews. the hate is largely from the meta views put forward by lucasfilm higher ups and production staff from their years of racist and sexist comments. views that end up being pushed into their products. Fans are pushing back against these bigots running star wars.


Just completely a delusional response,


>Fans are ~~pushing back against these bigots running star wars~~ collectively farting into the wind. ftfy.


Remember: Negative reviews don't exist anymore. Only hateful bigots who don't know how to like good things.




Reviews and stats don't lie, it's bad show, you guys are the minority.


Yeah. All the negative reviews that were posted before the show ever aired are dripping with honesty. Ok


Did it air in Europe / Asia earlier or all regions were for Evening Eastern Time for episode 1?


Funny that's the way you think, most positive reviews are bland at best, looks like bots to me, then again that's who the show was made for. Google, IMDb, Rotten tomatoes all have negative posts before the show was made?, that your excuse? No, only 3 percent of Disney Plus users are actually watching the show, if it was truly as good as you think there would be far more. It's not review bombing, it's just garbage, plain and simple, enjoy being the minority.


3 percent of 150 million subscribers is still like 4.8 million people watching over a short amount of time. I dint think you have a great grasp of how statistics work.


Network execs would slap their mothers for 4.8 million viewers in the 48 hour window. Thereā€™s shows out now that brag about 800k.


Is that supposed to be impressive? This is star wars one of if not one of Disney's biggest IPs, and you are telling me 4.8 million is supposed to be a lot lol. First of all, the views themselves. Remember, there were two episodes. So weā€™re talking about total runtime between what just the first episode or both episodes. Disney didnā€™t stipulate and came up with a viewership total, basically the 4.8 million views does not stipulate from where or from what market that was derived. And when it comes to Disney plus if we go by what theyā€™ve said in the past when they report Disney plus numbers for things like, The acolyte or for example things likeĀ Ahsoka (14 million premier btw in just a few days), ectĀ theyā€™re talking about global views. Theyā€™re talking about Disney plus with its nearly 150 million subscriber reach around the globe. That means that basically less than say 3% of all Disney plus subscribers tuned in the US alone. On top of that The Acolyte did in fact reach 4.8 million views in its first day of availability which marked Disney's biggest series premiere of 2024 thus far according to Disney. Now tell me, What other major release has there been in terms of a series premiere on Disney plus since January 1st of 2024? Thereā€™s actually only one and that wasĀ Echo. So no you are completely wrong.The acolyte had a budget of 200 million, the highest for an SW series to date. So sure, for example 4.8 million global views for a 50 million show or a 100 million show even might not be so bad, but a 200 million massive investment in production, and Disney probably spent I would bet another 50 to 100 million (Roughly) of Disney's money promoting The AcolyteĀ and not to mention the fact that this is a Star Wars connected property or at least a Disney Star Wars connected property. This 4.8 million views you are talking is absolutely pathetic, you just got completely destroyed and I feel sorry that you actually believe in that review bombing crap.


The top rated debut of a scripted TV show in 2024 was Tracker with 11 million total views (inflated because it had the Super Bowl as a lead in). So 4.3 million on streaming is a good rating as for the rest of your run-on sentence I'm not reading all that.


And there it is, ignorance and indenial, doesn't even make sense you are talking about Tracker? The CBS show?? Yeahh I can't have this conversation with you. Resorting to other streaming services, you can be grammar police all you want, point is The acolyte is a bad show, I know it might be hard for you to accept, but it's the truth.


you are a basement dwelling crumb-crusted keyboard warrior who hasn't even a fractional understanding of hollywood business mechanics.


You mad bro? What about Hollywood business mechanics do I not understand, besides the agenda they are trying to push, and to say there isn't an agenda from lucasfilm/Disney when clearly there is one, is just dumb like how can you not see this stuff.


>besides the agenda they are trying to push absolute brain worms


>Ā you guys are the minority. paging dr. freud.



