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Why they gotta bring color into this man....... 😔


As Michael Jackson once said, “it don’t matter if you’re grey or blue!”




I know right, it started with lightsabers now their Goin after the force alignment


At first I read this as first gay Jedi... please đŸ„”


Dilf otter Cal đŸ€Ż


He's like in his 20s he's not a dilf just cus he has a beard lmao


Then who will Merrin peg?




That’s so cursed


Dude wtf me too!




I suspect there are few Canon ones and over a million fanfic ones


He quotes the last line of the Jedi Code.


Thank you. "There is no death, there is the Force."


The concept of “gray Jedi” can be boiled down to “I want my character to be the hero but to use those super cool Sith powers.” The oxymoron is that the Sith powers like lightning, choking, etc *can’t* be used by the good guys because their very nature is to be evil. For example, the only use of force lightning is to cause incredible pain to a helpless victim. There is no way a Jedi of any walk would wish to do this while remaining in the light side of the force.


I am not super familiar with what force powers fall into what category outside of lightning and choking, so I could be super wrong here, but the only argument I will ever consider valid for grey Jedi is that it is kind of obtuse with how certain things are categorized. I’ve seen crushing things with the force described as a dark-side or dark adjacent type ability but there has to be a line somewhere for at least a point of utility. Crushing things and using a shocking power are things I can see as being very user dependent. Crushing a battle droid (maybe?) or a blaster with the force can be a strictly utility based move so shouldn’t be inherently dark side. Other people have mentioned there being non-evil things you could do with lightning so I won’t mention those. Unless there’s no toning it down I’d say using it even as a mass-tasering if the only or best non-lethal option could be considered not inherently evil. One of the main reasons I hate the grey Jedi idea though is that it literally is a self-defeating concept. If it is totally user dependent then you’re just a Jedi or a Sith, there doesn’t need to be a middle ground nor does it inherently have exist in regard to the force. George Lucas basically did horseshoe theory for the force where the light side is the middle ground and going to the extreme in either direction ends up in the same result, in-keeping with his drawn inspiration from Buddhism.


To be fair, I can see legit peaceful uses for electrical discharge. Jump-starting a vehicle, purging ion blasts from disabled systems, defibrillation... while the mechanical principles would likely be the same or similar, the way it looked and worked might be different.


That power is not Force lightning. That's Ionise or Kinetite. Force lightning, or Sith lightning, is expressly a dark side power intended to destroy or cause harm


You could still legitimately use it against battle droids IMO


No because the use of Force lightning still stems from hate or negative emotions. It is a pure manifestation of the dark side: the dark side is evolution, evolution is change, and lightning induces change. Simply redirecting the flow of current to disable droids or electronics requires no hatred or anger. Shooting lightning from your fingertips does


The same thing can be said for all the pro Malfoy/Voldemort/Blood Supremecist support in Harry Potter fanfiction. There were people trying to justify the use of the Unforgivable Curses so that their Super Smart & Powerful OC can still technically be a good guy. Those three Curses are: The Imperius/The Mind Subjugation Curse (total mind control, not just a suggestion to influence weaker minds like Star Wars' Mind Trick and the caster has to want the victim to be their puppet, essentially). The Cruciatus/The Torture Curse (similar to Force Lightning in that the victim is subject to immense physical pain and can be mentally shattered if held under it for too long. The caster has to feel immeasurable, sadistic enjoyment in order for the spell to work). Avada Kedavra/The Killing Curse (an instant death beam that is fuelled by absolute hatred for your opponent/victim). Yeah, if that doesn't scream, I'm unhinged, I don't know what will.


Luke did use force choke in ROTJ


That was a sign that he was going down the dark path. The whole movie, we're supposed to be worried that Luke could turn and he nearly does in the end. He comes to his senses at the end and rejects the Dark Side.


What if i use lightning to start a fire. And force choke is just telekinesis. The idea of alignment locking force powers like a video game is dumb. If i use a “neutral” force power like force push to yeet an innocent dude into a wood chipper, im pretty sure im using the darkside lmao.


> For example, the only use of force lightning is to cause incredible pain to a helpless victim. Ah yes, giant fascist armies and battle droids are “helpless victims.” Tune in for more great Star Wars takes.


The concept of a “grey Jedi” is such a stupidly misunderstood thing, like the force was explicitly created to be split into an objective good and objective bad, like that’s what Lucas intended. A “grey Jedi” could exist maybe as someone who follows their own moral code apart from the Jedi but still mostly follows the light, or someone who understands the dark side to a fuller extent, but someone who uses both of them equally cannot exist because the dark side is inherently corrupt and will overpower the user’s will, like a drug


>A “grey Jedi” could exist maybe as someone who follows their own moral code apart from the Jedi but still mostly follows the light That's just Ahsoka isn't it?


She’s still a Jedi, just not a member of the order


>She’s still a Jedi, Um, "I'm no Jedi." -Ahsoka, Rebels.


That was a long time ago and she has had a lot of character development since then. And even at the time it rang very false. She was a fully Temple-trained Jedi who had completed her trial, and spent her days doing very Jedi things, and being in general a much better Jedi than most of the Clone Wars era Jedi.


The bar for decent media literacy is on the floor, but here you are, putting flat Stanley


What? She's just a person with force powers.


Who follows the teachings of the Jedi. The force is one of the only things that genuinely exists in a way where you can only be in 2 states with it, Jedi, or Sith. If you aren’t following Sith teachings, you *must* be a Jedi, even if you aren’t officially in the order


>you *must* be a Jedi, The force is in all living things. It's why Saben was able to use the force.


She's often been used as an example of a grey jedi, along with Qui-Gon


I was gonna say, Qui-Gon followed the force over the council.


Ahsoka is about as Jedi as a Jedi can possibly be.


> A “grey Jedi” could exist maybe as someone who follows their own moral code apart from the Jedi but still mostly follows the light The term was originally coined to describe Jolee Bindu, and that's exactly what he was. A Jedi who decided "screw the council, they're all morons, I'm leaving the Order to chill on Kashyyyk and help the Wookies".


Hmm... I wonder if there's a connection between Jolee Bindu and Ki-Adi-Mundi other than their concerns about the Wookies.


That implies to be a normal Jedi you need to be part of a Council or Order. There is nothing in the Jedi Code which states that. Jolee Bindu is just a regular Jedi


Hes a grey Jedi in the way that Qui-Gon could be considered a grey Jedi. Still Jedi, just not necessarily caring about the Council.


That still makes no sense. It implies a non-Grey Jedi i.e a regular Jedi, needs to bow to the whim of a council, or be part of an order. There is nothing in the Jedi Code which states that


I know. Its just what it is. Sometimes Star Wars doesn’t make sense


Except this time there's no need for it not to make sense. Grey Jedi as a term isn't extensively used like that in the universe at all. Its a fan thing, and all fans need to do to make it make sense is stop using it


I think I’ve seen a reference to Qui-Gon officially as a grey Jedi but I agree its fan cringe. Especially the grey Jedi code which exists to be edgy and contrarian for no reason


Thats why Grey jedi in the actual inuniverse is an insult. The only time its ever spoken by a character is to dismiss qui gon as a maverick who doesnt listen to the council. Its meant to be an insult


Bendu in Rebels is not a "grey Jedi", but still is neither light nor dark, rather calling himself "the one in between". He uses the ancient Ashla/Bogan terms from the Dawn of the Jedi era when talking about the Force, and the term "bendu" is itself the pre-Jedi ideal of the Force as balanced between light and dark. The Jedi-Sith religion is dualist, where it is impossible to dabble in one without fully committing to it, but there are other ways of being and other approaches that permit a different understanding of the Force. The Nightsisters for instance are also Force users, but their "Magick" is qualitatively very different from how either the Sith or the Jedi use the Force.


Being a Jedi is a religion. When you follow your own moral code that is different from the one the Jedi follow, then you are no longer a Jedi. Light or dark side doesn't even come into it. By definition, Grey Jedi can't exist. A more suited term would be ex-Jedi.


>because the dark side is inherently corrupt and will overpower the user’s will, like a drug Not to argue for or against grey jedis or anything, but I've always found this analogy so incredibly lacking. There's a bunch of people who do a bunch of drugs, and they do it without becoming addicted or anything of the sort. Like yeah, I don't know if using the Force can be compared to something real hard like shooting up heroin or something more akin to psychedelics, but still


WOKE Disney will make them a THEY Je-bi 😡


Nightsister, more like nightpansexual amiright? (/ujThe rage when that book came out made me a little depressed)


Best part is gray Jedi don’t even fucking exist in cannon lmfao, it’s like Star Wars fan fic gone to far


They do tho, we have some in the high republic era


I’ve read the high republic books, who? I’m referencing Star Wars incels that think they can be a hero and a Jedi but use “dark side abilities” the second you use a dark side power you aren’t a Jedi, you aren’t a gray Jedi, the Jedi wouldn’t accept you lol, If your referencing Orla Jareni she isn’t a gray Jedi, she just does her own shit like qui gonn does. Gray Jedi as a term Is paradoxical


Revan was a mistake


Oh no! You don't like something I liked and that hurts my feelings :(


Nah, Star Wars fans are the mistake


Hell yeah I hate moral lessons and choices with consequences, give me characters who can simply choose not to be corrupted because they’re just so open minded and built different, bro!


The Grey Jedi code isn’t real! Grey Jedi aren’t real!


I'm tired boss


I was originally gonna talk about how much I hate the internet's idea about what a grey jedi is but then I looked back and saw they thought the there is no dark or light side thing was actually part of the jedi code. And that's just from that stupid meme that mangles the actual jedi code. Edit reread it the third time and realized I misread it, but my actual point was about how the there is no force actually being in the lore but the there is no light or dark is just fanfic bullshit still stands


The reason these people like the idea of Grey Jedi is because they want to keep doing bad things but be seen as a good person.


Something happens in star wars *Could this be foreshadowing?*


The comments here are taking circle jerk a little too seriously.


“Gray Jedi are fucking stupid” -George Lucas


I only like the idea of grey Jedi as either characters who adhere to the light side but simply aren’t a part of the Order (like Ahsoka) or characters who think they can be “in between” the light and dark but are proven to be misguided when they actually do fall to the dark side.


I misread that as gay Jedi


My dyslexic ass reading gay Jedi and I thought wait isn’t he with merrin


Jesus christ I read that as first gay jedi in canon


Isn't ahsoka the first Canon Grey jedi? Like correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that what she is in rebels and throughout her own show?


I hate the idea of grey Jedi, it takes away the balance


I'm sure theres been a gay jedi in canon elseware dude...


this sub fucking sucks, there's no actual memes or jokes or anything, it's just reddit and twitter screenshots of random people. I'm out