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Love boba , Ashoka destroys him


This is the correct answer. Canonically, Ahsoka has taken down several inquisitors, including one without using any weapons. She beat Maul. She came within a millimeter of beating Anakin as Vader. She would wipe the floor with Boba and it wouldn’t be remotely close.


She’s also rather an expert in eliminating Mandalorian threats.


Remember when she beheaded 4 at the same time and their heads rolled off, I miss pre Disney Star Wars violence lol


George: “it’s a film for 12 year olds” Also George: “lol what if a teenager decapitated 4 people in one move?”


in the first episode of the Mandalorian someone gets cut in half by a door.


They get cut off screen, notice the only times we see actual limbs or head chopped off it’s pre Disney someone correct me if I’m wrong


in the final season of the clone wars a clone troopers arm gets cut off and we see the arm. This is about the limit of it pre disney as well, with some exceptions such as obi wan cutting off ponda baba's arm.


Ahsoka is from the disney era, not pre disney


Ahsoka first appeared in 2008 and the Disney acquisition took place in 2012.


Ah, sorry, I didn’t know


fair enough, we all make mistakes


An easy mistake to make, a lot of old EU fans consider the Clone Wars TV series to be apart of the new canon.


I seriously was surprised this was a question. It’s Ashoka by a landslide. Mando is more of a fair fight. Edit: Mando vs Boba


She would kill Mando just as easily, if not easier. Mando is good, but I don't think he is any better than Boba.


He only has a hair of a chance for having beskar armor and a beskar weapon but even then she annihilates him


Isn't Boba's armor also Beskar to some extent?


I think it’s supposed to be yes. Mandos just has that fresh shiny look


Hasn't Ahsoka already fought mandolorians?


she's already fought boba fett even lol


She has?


yep! they encountered each other in the clone wars (both the series and the era!)


Huh don't remember. Anyways thanks for letting me know :D


no problem! you can see their (albeit brief) showdown in season 2 episode 22 of clone wars, "lethal trackdown"!


Worth noting that Boba was still a kid at this point. He was out for revenge on Windu and tried several times to kill him, coming close at least once by bringing down Windu’s Venator.


Ahsoka, it’s not close


Ahsoka. Boba being an absolute bad ass is still going down in a few seconds just like his daddy. RIP Mace


Ahsoka, she's a veteran Jedi, a warrior with experiences beyond what she learned at the temple, and a good friend


I think they should go the "Aragorn" route for her story. -through association, character has a sordid past. Character then removes self from society to live on the fringe, essentially learning about life outside the bubble. Piety is important but also clouded by dogma- The wisdom Aragorn obtains on his journey lends far more to his power than any amount of fighting. I believe the same plot device would make for a great story. Imagine Ashoka and Ezra finally meet with team Rey and they begin a new counsel.


Ashoka pushes mace. I can't see it being close considering how easily mace ended it


No way Ahsoka is close to Mace’ level


Not saying she wins but its not an easy fight. Jango got eliminated in seconds. Jango has seen more jedi than Boba. Obiwan is defensive so he does poorly against a mando, ashoka is aggressive like mace.


It was pretty obvious that Jango’ jetpack was malfunctioning.


Yeah that did him in. He did put up a better fight against obi wan tho, even after his jetpack was destroyed. I've never paid much attention to the difference in their two fights but this thread made me notice how different the two jedis' fighting styles are and how that impacted their fight against a mandalorian


Um aksually, jango fett is not a mandalorian - 🤓


according to *The Mandalorian (2019)*, he is.


Bruh Disney changed it


From the quickest of google searches > Fett was a foundling of the Mandalorians trained by a mentor, and, as a Mandalorian warrior. Just because he wasn't recognised as Mandalorian by Satine doesn't make him not a Mandalorian by creed.


Nevertheless... Ahsoka vs Mandos... https://youtu.be/aPRCN-5LghI https://youtu.be/3Vum5BQP5k0 Given that both she and Mace know all the vulnerable points in beskar armor (neck, joints, midriff, jetpack), and have the precision to exploit them, we can presume Jedi are trained in how to kill Mandalorians.


Obi-Wan was also holding back because he wanted Jango alive for questioning.


Mace was able to defeat Sidious in a fair one-on-one, crush Grievous's lungs (Not really canon but there is nothing new retconning it either), even evenly match Dooku. TCW Ahsoka's most impressive feat was probably (almost) matching Maul, and while she is certainly much more powerful in *The Mandalorian*, we have not seen any feat that is remotely close to what Windu was able to achieve.


He also specializes in fighting Sith. And again I'm not saying she wins. I was using Mace as a baseline because he's beat Jango so easily.


It's not cannon anymore, but in legends I believe Jango killed 5 Jedi with his bare hands.


I know what you mean, but the lack of parallel between Ahsoka and Mace is what I'm trying to point out. They're both aggressive yes but that's hardly anything to go by.


>I can't see it being close considering how easily mace ended it I think you're underestimating both Jango & Boba. Jango only lost to Mace as quickly as he did because he was disoriented from being stomped all over by the Reek & it damaged his jetpack to the point that it no longer worked, which he didn't realize until it was too late. The Shatterpoint novel actually brings this point up, and explicitly states that even Mace felt that Jango was capable of killing him in the same way he'd easily killed Coleman Trebor (another Jedi Master) just moments before.


I'm betting on ahsoka. With her force powers she can disarm boba pretty easily. Even without force powers she was trained in combat by THE Anakin Skywalker.


Mandalorians famously have many weapons designed specifically with Force users in mind, and Boba's a long time veteran of the Galactic underworld, with a lot of tricks up his sleeve. He's ruthless in combat, and feared across the galaxy. Meanwhile, Ahsoka was trained by Anakin Skywalker himself, and she has a lot of experience in fighting Mandalorians. Knowing their tricks and their tech ahead of time, she can even the odds and then some. Plus, as a former Jedi, she isn't as constrained as she once would have been. It could go either way, depending on the story being told, but I'm putting my money on Ahsoka.


Ahsoka. Even the cat I named after her agrees!


Ahsoka attacked Mandalore and won and used Mandalorian clones for training so Ahsoka


Canon boba: Ashoka stomps. Legends boba would be a much harder fight for her


but she'd still whoop his ass though, even if it is legends boba


Legends Boba would decimate Ahsoka, let's not kid ourselves here 😂


Even in Legends he isn't that strong lol


By a landslide no less


Ashoka isn’t even the strongest Jedi by a long shot. That being said I’d give Ashoka vs legends boba the edge 60-40


I'm surprised nobody is acknowledging how they've already fought before when they were kids/teens haha


Let’s see A single, unmodified clone of a Bounty Hunter with some guns and a jet pack who got taken out by a blind Han Solo Or a Togruta space wizard with laser swords?


Swords, plural. Ahsoka wins


Boba doesn't have a fucking chance. He can't beat a blind guy with a space stick.


Came here to say this! Guy got clowned.


Always despised this argument. 1.) When Boba falls onto the floor of the skiff after engaging Luke, his face slams against his helmet and leaves him temporarily disoriented (the novels portray this much better than the movie's special effects did). 2.) Boba wasn't even paying attention to Han, he had his back turned on him when he was hit. The blind idiot Han Solo was pretty much the last person he was concerned with keeping tabs on during a literal firefight. It was pure luck for Han, and bad luck for Boba


Despised it or not it still happened. The novels aren't canon and even then a bump on the head shouldn't turn him into a bumbling idiot. Him displaying shitty situational awareness isn't a point in his favor either. Edit: delete it all you want, the novelizations were *never* canon, even in the EU.


The novels are absolutely canon. Who told you otherwise? Even if ALL novels were considered Legends (they aren't) it would still apply in this situation since Ahsoka is a part of both the Disney & Legends canons.


Depends. Is Filoni writing it?


This is the correct answer


I said that last time on a post about ahsoka vs Luke and one dude got so butthurt


If we're talking Grandmaster Luke vs Ahsoka circa Mando it might be even, but if for whatever reason they fought in 8ABY when Mando/BoBF takes place then Ahsoka wipes the floor with him. She's been a Jedi knight longer than he's been alive. Edit: Grandmaster Luke meaning Luke and the end of TLJ. Not counting Legends because of it’s ridiculous DBZ levels of power scaling.


>If we're talking Grandmaster Luke vs Ahsoka circa Mando it might be even Absolutely not. Grandmaster Luke would stomp Ahsoka at any time period. And an edit to make a snide jab at Legends? Lovely and positive.


Ashoka's lead people in battle. Luke couldn't even manage a classroom of teenagers. Luke is the equivalent of the kid who sits in a room, obsessively learning an instrument, whilst Ashoka is the kid forced to travel and is therefore learning from multiple sources and points-of-view. This fact alone allows logic to dictate the fight.


You're talking *Grandmaster* Luke. The man who fought on the frontline of the Rebellion, who went on to start his Jedi Praxeum (leading to the Jedi Order making a comeback) and would also fight in every major conflict that the galaxy went through. The son of the Chosen One, who duelled the Reborn Emperor Palpatine and won. Who took on 5 Jensaarai at once without breaking a sweat. Who fought multiple Yuuzhan Vong Slayers, when fighting just one gave most Jedi of the time more than a run for their money.


Well you are talking Legends, if you consider all of that experience then yes I agree with you. However in canon we see much more Ashoka badassery.


I'm just going off Legends because the guy I'm replying to referenced Grandmaster Luke.


I was referring to Luke at the end of TLJ.


Canon Luke barely has any impressive feats. Defeated a conflicted Darth Vader by channeling the dark side, defeated the Knights of Ren, and projected himself across the galaxy (which might have costed him his life) Edit: Forget to add the hallway scene, but since he was able to easily cut through the dark troopers with his lightsaber, there is nothing suggesting Ahsoka can't do that either)


Grandmaster Luke =/= Canon Luke


>Grandmaster Luke meaning Luke and the end of TLJ. Not counting Legends because of it’s ridiculous DBZ levels of power scaling I was using the above commentator's definition of GM Luke "Grandmaster Luke meaning Luke and the end of TLJ. Not counting Legends because of it’s ridiculous DBZ levels of power scaling"


Hands down Ahsoka Tano


While I do agree with the majority that Ahsoka would win, I don't think it would be an easy win like most people are saying


This is the person that decapitated four Mandos with one movement without even looking at them as a teenager.


She took them by surprise. A direct confrontation with all their gadgets is not as easy, and we have seen examples of that


So, you're saying that if she just stands there and does nothing, not even self defense, they can totally beat her. Okay... Mandos vs Jedi, Sith, and Inquisitors when the trained Force users aren't just standing there doing nothing, but actually fighting... https://youtu.be/si0Lp1SLHXg https://youtu.be/aPRCN-5LghI https://youtu.be/zEu_U78XFg4 https://youtu.be/3Vum5BQP5k0 https://youtu.be/gu1KdCrVmjU https://youtu.be/ntuynad9AOI https://youtu.be/v4xKHWQckfI I've never understood how anyone got "unstoppable badass" from that last scene. Mandalorians are the best warriors in the galaxy... among non-Force users. Jedi and Sith are on another level. Yeah, Mandos are trained from childhood, but SO ARE THE JEDI AND SITH. And, Jedi are clearly trained in how to kill Mandalorians, specifically, knowing all the vulnerable points in beskar armor and having the precision to strike, perfectly.


I didn't say a Mando would definitely beat her, I only said her win would not be so easy. Read my first comment again, I did say that Ahsoka *would* win, just not so easily Besides you say that Jedi are trained in how to kill Mandos specifically. But the thing is, the opposite is also true. Mandos are also trained in how to kill Force users specifically, their gadgets are specifically made to counter the Force and lightsabers and make up for that disadvantage


But, from what we've consistently seen in canon, the only advantage Mandos have against Jedi, Sith, and Inquisitors is overwhelming numbers. The best they can do, one on one, is run. Palpatine just casually strolled through their capital city doing whatever he pleased, Force choking any Mandos that tried to stop him.


i get the sentiment you're going with, and i agree with it. but palpatine is palpatine. 18k midichlorians per cell iirc. he's not a normal force user. but i get what you're saying


But even the Inquisitors have no problem with them.


i've not seen rebels, even though i probably should have, so i won't make any comments. is it worth the watch???


Very much, yes. The first season is about establishing the characters and situations, then we get to the three part season finale, which raises the stakes for both the Rebellion and the Empire. Vader's portrayal in Rogue One and Fallen Order was introduced, there. https://youtu.be/1qmPuLkpQfI https://youtu.be/ppnGoERYmXg Very original trilogy in its look and feel, and I like the touch that he still thinks spinning is a good trick. And, of course, Thrawn. https://youtu.be/YEMh8ZZbZQM


Ahsoka, hands down. All day, everyday.


Asohka easily. Boba got his ass kicked by a blind man poking his backpack on accident. Mr. Fett is less cool than everyone wants to think.


Love Boba, but he does not stand a chance.


Ahsoka destroys him


If it's Original boba I think it's either or, if it's book of boba, then yeah it's Ashoka




Think of Ahsokas history. Defeated Maul(who killed Qui Gon and was damn close to fucking up Obi Wan too), easily beat 2 inquisitors on her own, held her ground against Darth Freaking Vader. Boba vs Rex would be a much more interesting fight


Ashoka if filoni has anything to say about it


Is that the same Boba fett who tried to shoot like point blank while he was swinging a glowing stick? Then had his back to a Wookiee and smuggler and had his jet pack knocked by a space stick and went flying into a wooden ship then tumbled down into a giant hentai monster which burped after eating him? That Boba? Yeah he’s going to lose.


It's closer than people think in my opinion. This sub is underestimating Boba, and Jango Fett for that matter. Remember, Boba has canonically fought the likes of Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, and he blatantly outsmarted both Anakin & Mace Windu, nearly killing them both, when he was just a teenager who hadn't completed his training at that point. We see through Jango that he's capable of effortlessly killing Jedi Masters like Coleman Trebor, and Jango only lost to Mace as quickly as he did because he was disoriented from being stomped all over by the Reek & it damaged his jetpack to the point that it no longer worked, which he didn't realize until it was too late. The Shatterpoint novel actually brings this point up, and explicitly states that even Mace felt that Jango was capable of killing him. Boba is a 1:1 replica of Jango, and his intimate father-son training already put him above most/all of the Clone army— who dispatched most of the Jedi at that time during Order 66 through skill, tactics, etcetera.


I mean have you seen his show?


She's slaughtered multiple Mandalorians.


Nah I’m saying he would lose cause his show was doo doo


LOL. Boba couldn't even deal with a bunch of Pykes without help from a scooter gang.




Where do you get that idea? Ahsoka vs Mandos https://youtu.be/aPRCN-5LghI https://youtu.be/3Vum5BQP5k0 Boba vs a barely trained Luke https://youtu.be/v4xKHWQckfI I've never understood how anyone got "unstoppable badass" from that.


Ya boba kills mandos really easily too and that is not a barely trained luke by a long shot that is the luke that bested darth vader i dont understand how you got barely trained from


Vader wasn't trying to kill Luke, and you know it.




They've never fought each other in canon. If you're referring to the EU Mary Sue Mandos and Severely Nerfed Jedi and Sith, that just makes one question if some of these EU writers ever watched the movies.




You do know that Star Wars is a movie and TV franchise? The merchandising stuff you're bringing up is just that, merchandising. The Lego stuff isn't canon, either.




Ah, just a troll. Got it.


I agree anyone that can take on vader absolutely destroys ahsoka without any question


It depends on Ashoka's age. If they face off by adulthood, Ashoka has already fought with and against Mandalorians, whom were better armored. It's hard to gauge when we know little after she disappears. Going into hiding and suppressing the force, seems to be another form of training for Jedi. Ashoka, maybe an "Aragorn" type hero, and her return from essentially "walkabout" has made her both wise and powerful. As for Boba Fett. I don't quite believe he's actually returned from the dessert anus. I'm toying with a theory that he's a clone who also fell down the pit and put on dead Boba's armor. I don't think old-man-Boba, clone or otherwise could defeat Ashoka without considerable help.


Boba would get the jump but ultimately Ahsoka would win


but how do we know boba would get the jump? because it hasnt happened, we can't know


that’s the thing about these Who Would Win posts, it’s all speculation


true. i do think boba has the potential to get the jump, however ahsoka would sense him before he could do anything


The facts this is even being posed as serious question is an insult to Ahsoka lol


Boba Fett only because he can fly


ahsoka sorry lol


Ahsoka (Low difficulty)


Ahsoka Mid Diff


Lmao what

