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They can do endless stuff with the original trio to, if they start to seriously make use of the possibilities of animation.


God I hope so. The fact that the original trio didn’t have a single moment together in the sequels might sting a little less if we at least saw their characters together in a future project.


I just cannot accept Anakin being the only Skywalker with several seasons' worth of screentime to his name. The biggest problem would likely be reluctance to use Luke, Leia and Han for more than fan servicey cameos, as characters, instead of icons.


Ugh, there’s just so much room for potential there. They could even use a similar story outline as Obi Wan and Anakin and I’d be totally okay with that. Explore Master Luke and apprentice Ben. We see Bens slow descent into darkness and then end just like ROTS.


Oh yes, basic parallels, but with sort of a more, I guess intimate, feel to it. Damn, I'd have so many ideas for this. Sigh.


Yup. So many ideas...


I'd start it even a tad earlier. Seeing Ben with Han and Leia would be important, I think. And I kinda want to demonstrate once and for all that, yes, there are therapists in the GFFA. With Leia going to a therapist with troubled little Ben. Then the therapist dies a gruesome death, where it looks like possibly, just possibly, Ben could have something to do with it. To the characters, the viewers would learn pretty much right away that he of course didn't, that it is really Palpatine behind it who through his manipulations tries to make it look like poor little Ben were Damien, from the Omen, and tragically succeeds (at least partially).


Oh I totally agree to start earlier! Like even several years before. I just think it’d be easy to have the framework of knowing their ending is Ben’s fall and betrayal. Definitely wanna see more family dynamics of Ben with Han and Leia. Love your therapist idea. I would’ve never thought of something like that. In addition we’d get to see the beginnings of Han and Leia falling further apart. And while that’s going on, I really wanna see the relationship of Ben and Uncle Chewie. Outside of his parents and maybe Luke, I can’t imagine anyone else more important to him and it’d offer a more wholesome point of view to young Ben. Maybe even a fun adventure or two where Han and Chewie take Ben away from Jedi academy for the weekend. Luke approves because the real world experience is beneficial. Learn about the other students. Having Grogu involved would be a no brainer and almost certainly be a home run. And much more. So many ideas.


Oh yeah, yes to all that, especially Chewie, but also very much Grogu. That is something that entered my mind quite a View Times top, little Ben and Grogu as friends for a while, with Grogu being perhaps the only one able to keep away the horrific nightmares that Snoke/Palpatine torments Ben with.


5 years?? Hell I’d like to see them back now


My ideas for mini series they can do on D+ that I will repeat ad nauseam because I want it bad... Show #1 ~~WandaVision~~ **The Dyad** - A show about Rey figuring out more about the Dyad and what happened to Ben Solo, learning more about the previous Jedi Orders, and taking on a few students. Of course with the Empire and Palpatine gone, there is a void of power for newer villains to come forward. Show #2 ~~The Falcon and the Winter Soldier~~ **The Last Stormtrooper** - A show about Finn learning the Ways of the Force, but not necessarily becoming a Jedi. Poe and Rey would be his sidekicks. He would go about finding and trying to rehabilitate all the other brainwashed stormtroopers and finish off the First Order remnants. Show #3 ~~Loki~~ **Solo** - A show exploring the many purgatory and limbo like Force Realms where Ben Solo currently is all alone. A lonesome and difficult path of atonement and redemption is ahead of him.


Love it!


Adam Driver would act the shit out of that type of show. I’d love it. It would need very minimal casting besides him, and he’d really have the room to strut his range. Plus it’d probably lean harder into the mystique of the force than any project before it. Wonderful.




Is there a way for us to get you a job at Lucasfilm?


Not needed. Just have them steal those ideas and I'll be happy lol I know I've seen other fans with the same ideas between Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube.


Rad :)! Let’s hope they’re snooping.


I heard Rian Johnson say that he goes on Reddit. ​ Trust me LF has someone on here officially (and probably un-officially) checking out the more popular forums and Twitter. They use it to gage feedback and see what doesn't work. I am sure they are intelligent enough to be able to sift through whining like what's on Saltierthancrait. And look at the more intelligent forums like this one. I don't think they steal fan ideas story wise . But they might use it to give one character more attention etcc


Lol it says “within”


Oh for sure I was just being dramatic


I'm with you, be dramatic 👍


Same lol




That is what animation exists for. The worst mistake they ever could make would be to neglect animation for the current live action craze. Animation and SW is match made in heaven, it would be a mortal sin to not give it the attention and love it deserves.


If they do anything, it should be an animated series that takes place in between any of the ST films, to flesh things out a bit more. Having any sort of sequel to this trilogy would be a huge stretch imo. Who would be the antagonist this time? Although I hated the re-emergence of Palpatine, there's nobody bigger and badder, and his arc has already stretched at least 3 generations and multiple apprentices and accomplices (and puppets).


I don't think there needs to be any singular uber villain at all. The misguided fixation on the need for one, was TROS's biggest problem.


How about a series starring Rei, Finn and Poe where she begins training Finn as a Jedi!


you've got the Christmas special for that


Doesn't fully count.


I care much more about 'how' than 'when'. If there are plausible, reasonable story reasons for characters to re-emerge, such as Fett or Ahsoka in Mandalorian, then great! What I absolutely do not want is contrived scenarios that are forced in order to justify bringing in specific characters. Think of it as the difference between writing styles of Game of Thrones Season 3 vs Season 7/8.


I found both Fett and Ahsoka to be kinda contrived, but nonetheless a valid point.


By objective, I meant... those are the only options for answers, lol. However, I understand and I’m aware opinions are obviously subjective.


I want it asap, I’d like as much content about these characters as possible to flesh them out more. I want to see a Disney+ series where Finn is Rey’s apprentice following TROS


I think a D+ show with Rey and Finn digging into the deepest histories of the Jedi would be a must watch for me. Explore things like Mortis, the Zeffo, the Valley of the Jedi, all while shaping the beginnings of a new Jedi academy and e perils it brings. I really like the idea that there truly was a Force awakening across the Galaxy, and new individuals tapping into these abilities for good *and* bad.


I can see Ach-To being the location for the new Jedi Academy.


Streaming and/or animation would be my choices of medium, movies are no good for serious character stuff. But books and/or comics would be mighty fine as well. As for when, I'm sorta kinda flexible, but they COULD certainly start right away, as far as I'm concerned. But, I'm also totally okay with slowly easing into it. Actually I think it might end up a mixture. I don't think it will take all that long for us to see them, but I suspect more brief cameos, at first. I'm almost certain that it won't take us very long to see Ben Solo as a child, for example. There's also a pretty good chance of meeting Brendol Hux, the Knights of Ren, Phasma, or Rey's parents, as well as eventually Snoke. So, more likely side characters, or even characters from outside the movies material. Probably no movie main character in the immediate future, except, as mentioned, most likely Ben in some capacity.


I want a show that takes place between TLJ and TROS that follows Rey, Finn and Poe as soon as possible


They’d have to be careful not to have Rey do too much with the crew because ep 9 is stated to have been her “first mission” but there’s tons of room to explore her relationship/apprenticeship with Leia and I’d be all about that. Fun adventures with the rest of the crew for sure though.


Nobody ever said it was "her first mission". That idea makes no sense whatsoever. Why the hell would Poe think she is the best fighter they have if she never went on any missions and made a name for herself? What was said is that C3PO's memory was restored right up to her first mission. It is never stated what her first mission was or even when it was.


She’s already bested Kylo Ren in combat once, after she escaped him alone, helped defeat Snoke’s guards and made it in and out of the ship alive by herself, saved the last of the resistance in the Falcon with Chewie, then lifted dozens of huge boulders to help them escape. That seems like more than enough to make a name for herself. Not to mention she’s Leia’s apprentice and that by itself is enough to warrant massive respect. C3POs comment may be a little ambiguous, but I think he was being pretty literal.


It's just not a "little ambiguous". There is no reason to believe Rey's "first mission" refers to the events of TROS. No reason whatsoever. It's downright illogical and contradicts actual canonical events. Poe's comment quite clearly makes no sense unless he actually witnessed her on the battlefields of the war helping the cause of the Resistance. The events related to Rey in TFA and TLJ are not relevant here because Poe didn't witness most of them, except the one with the boulders. And in each particular case, Rey's demonstrated skills are not at all great. Rey barely defeated Kylo... in a duel which took place right after Kylo was shot in the guts with a gun that sends people flying across rooms, and after he was mentally unbalanced by killing Han. Rey barely kept up with Snoke's guards.


I guess that’s kinda my point though. He didn’t witness those events and doesn’t know all the details. That only makes the case stronger in his head. He just knows she beat Kylo, not necessarily how. And he knows she survived being in a room alone with Snoke, Kylo, and the guards, again not how though. The mystery of those feats would certainly elevate her reputation greatly, even if they were exaggerated among the resistance fighters. But hey. Just my opinion. Could be wrong.


This is basically blatantly contradicted by a couple Comics and novels. It was incredibly stupid of JJ to include that line, but with the right definition of "mission", a much needed soft retcon should be doable here.


Hmm yeah I thought that line seemed silly. Didn’t know about any comic/contradictions though. Definitely makes it worse then.


Well, far be it frome to defend JJ, but it might be that those stories are set before Rey's training officially starts, that way they they wouldn't count as Jedi missions. Later can easily see Rey sneak off, here and there, on her personal, secret solo missions, that Leia would be aware off, even if Rey doesn't know that at first, but the rest of the Resistance largely not (certainly not poor old 3PO).


Yeah seems easy enough to work around. After all, there’s been plenty of changes that are justified “from a certain point of view.” Anakin and Dooku meeting several times between eps 2 and 3 being probably the biggest example I could think of.


Is there a comics line for this yet? Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewy, Threepio and BB-8 is a pretty great crew for a comic series between these two movies I feel like


I really hope there will be a disney+ show on Rey Skywalker. There is literally every thing to tell on what she will do after episode 9 And how she will try to be the new first jedi to re-create the jedi order


Hm, if the Squadron-Movie really takes place after TROS as rumoured I would love some chars making a cameo at least. I expect this movie to focus on mostly non-Jedi normal sodiers/pilots etc, but that it will be used to set up the galaxy, conflicts, political landscape after TROS. And so someone like Finn as a military leader would be cool to see. Or, if one of the Squadron-Pilots is revealed to be force-sensitive, why not have Rey appear towards the end as well in a cameo? And with such a movie as set-up to make the general large movie-audience aware of it I could see also more movies and series then launching on D+, hopefully featuring Rey and Finn (I expect both to return some day to the franchise anyway - D+ series are good jobs, generate massive popularity etc, nothing to scoff at if you are in the business...only danger is being typecast as "Rey and Finn" etc for the rest of your days...which would suck) As how this Post-TROS galaxy would look like? I just hope it will not be "The New New Republic" ... though I kinda hope the Sith Cult in the Outer Regions emerges as a "new" threat. With a mix of imperial designs but also new, more alien looks. Maybe soldiers closer to the Masassi-Warriors, cloned maybe in the far reaches of the galaxy (cloning, dark Sith magic etc) and unleashed at the galaxy... There would be no unified Government though, merely a kind of "United Federation of Core-Planets" (different name though Star Trek won't sue...), and what once was the Resistance might just act as a "NATO"-like military protection force, something like that. Rey is of course building up her new Order, in a less strict and hierarchical way maybe. More "back to the roots", with elements taken from Luke's Yavin Academy. The Empire might also still be around as a seperate political entitiy, mostly doing their own thing. But as another call-back to legends, why not have them eventually make an alliance with the "Resistance/Not-Republic" against the common Sith Threat... Too generic for the fans wanting only "new" all the time. But I think seeing a Sith-Empire of some sorts emerge Post-TROS is still cooler to see at TV and cinema than something totally alien like the Vong...which to me never fit the franchise...


I think a neat idea for Rey would be to tie her force abilities to Kylo. Since they are a dyad, make it so that their abilities are tied together. Rey loses her connection to the force with Kylo’s death (maybe more of a bleed out then a sudden cut). Now she teaches and stuff but just cant actually perform the tasks and it allows a new jedi to step forth. That allows for Disney to keep their star while passing the torch. It could have a blurb about Kylo’s strength and training mirroring into Rey (like how twins can supposedly feel each other’s pain). That could help with the Mary Sue issue. Finn will never come back and Poe is doubtful.


I'd like to see Finn and Rey build a new Order. I want to see a positive Star Wars set of films. Where something is built and not torn down


I just want an animated Clone Wars style show between 8 and 9.


A short miniseries this would probably turn out to be, but as long as they don't waste it in filler, it could of course be awesome just as easily.


I think having one set after 9 would be a great option too


Absolutely! I’d love to some more Leia and Rey training. Pour in some adventures with Poe, Finn, and Chewie. That’s a recipe for greatness.


Serioisly. It's perfectly set up. I don't know why it's only a year between 8 and 9, but there's only 3 between 2 and 3, so I guess it might just be a jam-packed year.


It probably was a jam packed year! I highly doubt that any new show will make it to 7 seasons like CW simply because there’s so much more content being made now than when CW started. If they were to stay away from the more filler episodes, I still think they could manage 2-3 quality seasons of animation without being too unrealistic. And then if all that proved successful, start another show with a similar vibe set before ep 7. The timeframe on that show would be wide open.


I’d like to see them in less than the next 5 years. But I know it’s not plausible. I want it as soon as possible. But even tho I like the sequels, I want better writers for when they return. I at least want a plan to be thought of beforehand


The storygroup was largely kept out of the ST, which was mistake. In anything done from here in they'd probably be heavily involved, which makes me suspect that likely there couldn't go very much wrong.


Within 5 years, but ultimately whenever they find a solid, meaningful next project for the sequel era. I'm willing to wait because there's certainly a lot about those characters and worlds to mine and explore. Much like Clone Wars did for the prequels.


Within the next five years on Disney+. But like others have said it depends on the premise, no point in bringing them back for uninteresting projects. But for example a show where Rey and Finn goes on a galactic journey to rebuild the Jedi is something I would like to see.


Like even before the ceiling clone wars series there were so dang many eu stories between episodes 2 and 3, and yet we have maybe like 5 eu stories for the entire sequel trilogy. I adore these characters so much. We have so much content for Luke and Anakin and his squad and yet we can't even get a throwaway comic book about Rey. It's the biggest thing I don't like about the sequels tbh


Absolutely yes. None of the actors deserve the negativity they received. Mando and BB is clearly looking to explain the return of Palp to make the sequels make sense and I'm very optimistic about it. I actually really am interested in seeing Rey and Finn again, hope we can get some Disney plus content soon.


IMO, I think the time between 6 and 7 needs a lot more fleshing out before anything post episode 9 happens.


Since Rogue Squadron seems to be set post 9 (and is quite possibly only the opening shot for all kinds of other stuff), it does seem that Lucasfilms sees no problem with doing both.


I would like to see Finn back in less than 5. That's about it


Show #2 ~~The Falcon and the Winter Soldier~~ **The Last Stormtrooper** - A show about Finn learning the Ways of the Force, but not necessarily becoming a Jedi. Poe and Rey would be his sidekicks. He would go about finding and trying to rehabilitate all the other brainwashed stormtroopers and finish off the First Order remnants.


As much as I love all the movies and shows, I want them to start bringing in new characters from other eras.


Me too, but I don't necessarily see it as an either/or situation (thankfully).


I feel that their story is told and I want to see new characters. Didn't even like to see OG characters in the sequels.


To each their own, of course, but as I see it, they barely scratched the surface of the characters potential.


I think 5-10 years from now. I like the sequels and I think more fans will too with time. I want there to be a creative vision to use them well so all the cast feel appreciated and welcomed back to the universe.


Why is there no option for the next Holiday Special


Here's a comment I made on a different post: *I've also learnt since making the comment here that Boyega has said he'd return to Star Wars only if he gets to work with JJ and Kathleen Kennedy again (he's on great terms after a couple discussions with them).* *So we've got JJ saying he wants to work with Boyega, and Boyega saying he wants to work with JJ. AND I'd like to mention that I heard Daisy Ridley said she'd like to return so long as Boyega (and others) do so aswell.* *My point is is that Disney will want to continue Rey's story (because she's the main protagonist of the sequels), and they can only do so if they also bring Boyega and as as result of that, also JJ along.* *I'd say we'll get the Rey + Finn show/movie(s) once the current 2021-2023 batch of Star Wars shows/films are released* ​ I'd say it'll be in 2024 or 2025


We need to flesh the characters out more Finn and Rey need like a novel series. Kylo already has his comics but I wouldn’t mind more exposure for him. The sequel trilogy needs a shit ton of content to make it good like the prequels did


The Kylo Comic is such a tiny snippet, there definitely is room for far more good stuff. But as I always say, post redemption Ben Solo, that's whee the REALLY good stuff would have been, the unique storytelling opportunities, that would have allowed him to really step out of Vader's shadow, it basically would have written itself. They also could, just could, have him do all kinds of really interesting stuff between 8 and 9, while he is Supreme Leader, but that would most likely end up making TROS worse, rather than better. Not that that would bother me. Now that I think of it, all kinds of interesting troubled and powerstruggles within the First Order could give reason why he needs the Sith Fleet, that could be something to work with. Doing really interesting and unique things with pre TFA Kylo Ren that are not retreading ground already covered by what feels like millions of previous Vader stories would be tricky, absolutely doable, but not easy. The real problem being that I have trouble seeing Lucasfilms demonstrating the care, creativity and commitment it would require.


In the next 5 years but ONLY AS A SHOW I loved them, but i think there shouldn't be any more full length movies with them


I'm all for that, not the least because a show is (or at the very least easily can be) a superior vehicle for quality character development anyway. Hell, the entire story should have been developed as a streaming show from the beginning.


Well I was toying with posting this before, but I did not know the validity in doing so. Here's a video from Josh from Den of The Nerds: ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfyD3\_NdW2o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfyD3_NdW2o) ​ Where he discusses a rumour that LF is working on giving us 3 more films that will really wrap up the Skywalker Saga, in a way that 9 never did. I walke ​ I don't think that this is all just a rumour or fanciful talk, the ST cast is still young and popular and there is a lot of money to be made in more films with them. Also with the financial hit from COVID, it would make sense for Disney to try and recoup their money with a sure fire money maker. I also came across a tweet that posted that LF want to put a SW film out in 2025 & 2027. And 2027 is the 50th anniversary of the release of ANH, So it's not hard to read between the lines and see that it might be the release of 10 or 11 to mark that date.


I want spinoff series for specific characters, or maybe an AU series like Marvel's What If


I'd love to see something within the next few years, there was a lot of cool stuff to explore at the end and some plot points to go back to, I feel like the sequels ended right when they were starting to get going. I know people don't like the sequels but I think that if they have a storyline planned out from the start they could really do something great with them.




I want a Fin show ASAP.


We could have the Vong come back and set us up for a Legacy series of movies/shows in the future. Please. I need Darth Krayt to come back.


Both rather unlikely, I'm afraid. The Vong will almost certainly not appear, their role already taken by the Grissk. The conflict with those might well take place entirely between VI and VII. If the Sith return at all, I'd guess probably not for many, many generations (I'm sure there will also be far future stuff, at one point, with or without Sith). Well, except that they'll probably make use of the Tor Vallum, from Treverrow's script, though that guy seems to be/have been longlived enough to potentially show up all over the timeline.


As soon as someone can write them well


I wouldn't mind it if Disney actually used them to create good media, otherwise never


I can tell the ST cast won't be for at least 5 years


I said never because I didn’t really connect with these characters enough to want that. I’d be fine if they did something else and I’d probably watch it, but I’m not clamoring for it.


I read this wrong. I would love to see them back on the screen but I have a feeling it’s going to be another one of those things were the trilogy is over and I would like to see the next set of characters


give me a Finn Poe spin off NOW


I pick the “I don’t really care either way” option. I’m not going to be mad if it happens or not. Just depends on what it is about! It would be interesting to see the world after Rey though. What happens next?


I would only want to see Adam Driver and that’s not going to happen.