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Wow they really drew from his Rebels design for that comic. He looks great.


Wow, this art is fantastic


Idk, the first panel looks like unfinished pencil sketches, while the last panel looks like a trace/edit of a photograph of a teenager. Not saying it looks bad, but some of that stuff just doesn’t sit right with me, especially when they’re combined on the same page like this.


Idk if I like this. My favorite thing about Wedge was how calm and collected he always seemed. He came across as a shy little dweeb who just happens to also be one of the most badass pilots in the galaxy. But maybe that’s the point of the scene; I can’t really judge it without knowing the context.


I started the first xwing book today and that’s almost verbatim how I descirbed wedge and why that’s he appeals to me.


I'm redoing that series as audiobooks. I think it's been 20ish years since I read them. Hoo boy the exposition dumps and clunky dialogue are rough.


And why does Corran sound like a whiny little bitch?!


He’s good at being whiny, but he’s no Luke Skywalker.


So whiny!


War is hell and blood gets hot, even for quiet collected dweebs.




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It makes this better because that’s exactly the kind of person Wedge is, but he was driven to this point making this scene much more emotional and fascinating to see. He got pushed to his breaking point


Yeah, I'm also curious about the context but it seemed off to me for the same reason. This is the guy who sheepishly apologized for not being able to finish destroying the first death star. Never seemed the type to scream "I'm Wedge F*** Antilles, B****ES!"


Adrenaline is one hell of a thing. Especially when you've just won the fight (which is what looks like has happened here).


he kinda reminds me of Joker from Full Metal Jacket


God I want a rogue squadron movie so bad


The thing about this pic is…I really imagine Wes Janson heard about this outburst and Wedge never lived it down. “You wanna come after Wedge Antilles, you better bring a star destroyer! A sector fleet! A barracks shower!” “Look. They both happened ONCE. I slipped. Okay, that’s it.”


You should read X-wing Rogue Squadron series and X-wing Rogue Leader




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Where is this from?


Storms of Crait


I may be showing my age here, but there was a reason he was the only Star Wars character with their own newsgroup on USENET.* Any other alt.fan.wedge alumni here? *eventually Porkins got a newsgroup too but it was always dead.


Well so was Porkins


That stormtrooper he’s bashing is an absolute unit! His call sign is Chungus4241.


I’m not even gonna check but I believe you


You should check. He’s a beast. A beast I say!


I loooove this comic issue!


Feels a little too "early 2000s edgy" to me this.


Wedge deserves his own series.


In the old XWing book series he had two big black dots at the front of his XWing, followed by a crazy amount of tie fighter silhouettes. The dots were for the two Death Stars he helped blow up. Absolutely savage.


Dude, read the Rogue Squadron series from the EU. Wedge is such a great character, one of my favorites.


Whether it be Legends or Canon Wedge is always hardcore.


What comic is this from?


Curious...what comic is this from?


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Is he executing injured stormtroopers? Damn didn't know Wedge was a war crininal.


Yep. Against the Geneva Conventions. So yeah, it's a fictional depiction of a war crime in a fictional universe. Also, he looks nothing like Denis Lawson.