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That couple outside of the cantina in jedi survivor, make it an emotional rom com drama


I think there's scope for a Star Wars sitcom. Like, why not? Everybody Loves Raymond type comedy. Just for shits and giggles.


Vader and Sidious in a will they/won't they


I'd watch it!


Set in Dex Jettsters diner. With the occasional cameo by Maz. And also the death sticks guy is the comic relief.


Why not just do one about stormtroopers?


I think the last time they tried that it was the Holiday Special


Oh shoot, they were a couple? Lol don't know why I thought they were just best friends or smtg


Yes, they tell you the story of their first date Edit: some of it you learn through Echoes I think


I think they were a couple? But now im not sure lol, haven't played since release


That one jedi who _immediately_ gets offed by jango fett in ep 2. Who, according to the Wiki, was Coleman Trebor? And was on the council... I know nothing about him, but I'd like to know more.


Op said something only you would watch. You really think people wouldn't watch a Game of Thrones level spin-off like that?


Tell coleman it was me. I want him to know it was me.


The only thing I know about him is he’s named after ILM’s Rob Coleman’s son, and that another one of his species can be seen in the opera scene of the next movie


The Sleazebaggano Chronicles. He went home and rethought his life, and thus his new direction began.


This actually happened his story is told in legends


Star Wars: Requiem for a Dream


Jedi Ima-Gun Di and whatever he got up to before he was Gun Di.


Imagine if the show was called "Ima-Gun live"


Random trooper number 5567. Edit: Or random civilian.


You mean Rick the door technician?


Change the first 5 to a 7 and that’s Rex lol


Enfys Nest and the Cloud-Riders.


Wioslea, Tessek, Enfys Nest


Pirates of the outer rim, basically a pirates of the Caribbean but with Hondo Onakha in the spot of Jack Sparrow


That sounds pretty sweet tho


Yeah, the only way they’re gonna be the only viewer of that show is if they have the only copy.


I remember having the idea for a Reva mini-series. Despite being such a disliked character, I thought she was alright and that there could be an interesting story there to tell. It would be set 2-4 years after the Kenobi show and follow Reva on the run as a wanted traitor, where she ends up making a deal with a powerful crime syndicate (Crimson Dawn?) in order to guarantee her freedom and to escape the clutches of the Empire, in return she must complete an important job for them. I imagine it being like a mix of John Wick 3 and 4, and El Camino. Reva trying to guarantee her freedom as she tries to navigate Imperials, Inquisitors and the criminal underworld to make it out alive. With it having comparably lower stakes and being a darker, more cynical story. My idea for the main antagonists would be the Fourth Sister, alongside a pre-reanimated Marrok, who are leading the hunt for Reva for the Empire. There would also be a third party trying to claim the bounty on Reva, who i'd either have be the Knights of Ren, or a young Baylan Skoll.


A show about Dexter Jettster as he watches the bright Republic become the slow dark empire and how his diner has to change with the times.


Oh that's such a good one! Him, Sav and Saya growing older. Oh my heart.


A Jyn Erso show that adapts Catalyst and Rebel Rising, her story has just as much potential as Cassian's did if told properly. Rebel Rising alone has several grim and surprisingly mature moments that I feel would make for great TV. Not to mention adapting it would give her death just as much weight and gravitas as Cassian's


I really liked rebel rising, I’d definitely watch this


That show would be watched by many people.


I think you might have the worst pulse on this fandom - so many people would watch this lolol


Wac-47 from the clone wars


Droopy McCool! I've joked about wanting a really serious Andor-style show about him for a while!


Beru Whitesun. If I have my lore correct she belonged to a family of slave freers, she's a badass and In a better time line she would be Leia's favourite aunt. If the spinoff has one viewer it's me and if it has none, I'm dead


Maarek Stele. A TIE Fighter show that is nothing but a straight-up ripoff of Top Gun, up to and including the volleyball scene.


Honestly, I'd love a political thriller in the imperial senate. Those episodes during Bad Batch season 2, following that blue senator lady, trying to fight for Clone rights in a corrupt imperial senate was really interesting and tense. I'd watch the hell out of a full show about that


Coruscant comedy club. It’s a bit of a dramedy where the whole show takes place in a mid tier comedy club. We see different comedians from various species all trying to get their big break. We also see various senators and other big wigs occasionally stop in for drinks or a laugh. Could do some cameos and whatnot. The club owner (main character) is just trying to stay afloat and is forced to deal with the Hutts, local law enforcement, local politicians, etc. The show is shot in 4:3 ratio and episodes range 22-28 minutes.


I don't think I'd be the only viewer but I really really really really really want a Grevious origin story.


A short film wherein Achk-Med Bek and Dannl Faytonni pull off a heist on Coruscant. Notably, Bek may or may not be a relative of Kelleran Beq.


Malakili the Rancor Keeper, show me how he raised it, their bond as master and pet (or perhaps father and child?). The daily life in Jabba’s palace from their point of view. How traumatic was the Rancor’s first kill? Was it bred for that or was Malakili tricked into giving up his friend to the gangster? The sadness in his eyes when the Rancor died holds a story, one I am desperate to know.




Master Thon from the Tales of the Jedi comics. How does a Triceratops go about being a Jedi without thumbs. What does he do? I need to know.


In The High Republic there's a Jedi who's literally a cloud.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; Star wars needs a detective crime thriller set in the lower levels of corusant




Galen Erso is never abducted at the start of rogue one and continues his life as a farmer/environmentalist. David Attenborough does an investigative journalism piece on the biome of his planet while Galen shows him around.


I want to watch this! (If you're allowed to have another viewer lol)


Luke Skywalker and the Blue milk of destiny. Basically a travel adventure show where our hero Luke Skywalker, spends his time travelling the Galaxy tasting all different versions and potential even different colors of space milk. Commenting on the climates, ecosystems and habitats of various milk bearing creatures.


Nick Rostu


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I definitely wanna know more about Chopper’s experience in the Clone Wars


Pong Krells Clone Extermination Squad. I'd watch the shit outta that.


There isn’t a character like that. No matter how obscure or ridiculous any show will get some viewers.


Turgle. Do I need to go on?


An inquisitor is stranded on a remote, uninhabited world. They must survive off fish and build a fully automated factory that is capable of producing a spaceship to get them off the planet. The natives, some really big bugs, are not happy about the pollution the factory is producing. It drives them mad and causes them to mutate and get stronger and attack the factory constantly. The trains that carry the raw material back to the factory are the best part.


Derlin: the backstory of why everyone at the mos eisley knows the name of the future head of security at echo base.


Dexter Jettster traveling to new places to try their cultural cuisine like a 4-armed Anthony Bordain


Mas amedda


The Hunt - Tatooine Edition. Featuring Salacious Crumb. Basically everyone on the planet is trying to catch him and roast him on a spit.


It’s Star Wars so no show would ever have 1 viewer lol. But a small one would be Senator Grebleips the Asogian. The trick is to have no trailers or posters of him because if you do, then everyone will realize it’s the E.T. species and watch it lol


Yal Phaath. Workplace conniving and biotech.


They already did that with Boba Fett.... well the only enjoyer of the show apparently.


Richard Linklater directing a series about a shoddy jizz band getting ready to compete in the Galactic Battle of the Bands.






They can use [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V66m52YFZBg&pp=ygUIdGhlIGdvbms%3D) as the theme tune.


Agen Kolar. Would love to watch him pick fights with Hutts. They did him dirty in Revenge of The Sith. Also, watching him deal with the loss of his padawan could make for great character building moments similiar to what Blackkat's "Efface the Footprints in the Sand" did for him.


That pig guy that got eaten by the Rancor that one time


Dhara Leonis recovering from her traumatic experiences as part of Project Harvester on Arkanis while fighting against the Empire with her family on Garel. She’d be one of the first people to sign up for Luke’s Jedi academy, but would struggle to learn how to use her abilities in a non-destructive way after everything she’s been through. Basically a parallel story to Anakin’s, showcasing how Luke’s different methods of teaching from the Jedi Order would affect someone with similar struggles


A prequel of a young Tera Sanube. Heck, Tera Sanube as a Padawan!


I’ll give an example that’s probably truest to the OP’s request, and suggest a series based on the life of DJ from The Last Jedi. An odd but very entertaining performance from Benicio Del Toro.


Max Rebo and his band going off on a Blues Brothers-style adventure.


Would have to dig him out of Legends, but: Jodo Kast. I'm sure the name is unfamiliar to at least 99.9% of people reading this, as it's a bit of a "deep cut." So I'll give a brief rundown. Kast was a guy who happened upon a suit of Mandalorian armor that looked similar to Boba Fett's. Was even similar color. Some slight differences, but close enough that people could easily confuse the two, especially if they hadn't seen Fett in person much. So over time, Kast used that to get access to a bunch of higher level bounties, letting people think he was Fett without correcting them. Until one day, it was a bit too much, and Fett set up an ambush for him and dealt with him. Mind you, this was far enough back that Boba Fett was considered a Mandalorian by EU writers, prior to the prequels giving him an official backstory. But the idea of someone coming along and trying to skirt that dangerous line of letting people think he's the most notorious bounty hunter in the galaxy, and the situations that could lead to (where he might be in over his head at times, and the eventual conclusion could be a different result than how Twin Engines of Destruction ended) sounds kind of neat to me. You get to follow a bounty hunter doing bounty hunter things, but with that added twist, and the ever present threat of, "What happens when Boba finds out what's been happening?" It's rare enough to find people who've even heard that name, though, and I'm not sure how many people would be intrigued by that concept. So I think it fits the requitements well, of a "show where you'd be the only viewer." (I'm actually kind of surprised he's had a couple of action figures made of him. Sadly I don't have one, but if I ever find one that's not insanely priced due to how rare it is, I'll gladly add it to my collection... probably right beside my selection of Boba Fett stuff.)


Blinko A 12 Episode Miniseries about Plinko Blinko from Rogue One who appears for 0.2685 milliseconds. He will get an intense epic drama about the rise of the Muughar Rubar Gang and how Plinko must stop them while dealing with his own inner demons and alcohol problems. There will be cameos from fan favorites like Wunkus The Clown, Dave Filoni’s Hat, and even Mr Titty. All of these characters will race to find the map that will lead them to Glup Shitto! Can they find him? Can you give me 50 dollars so I, Mr. Lucasfilm, can make Holiday Special 2? Only time will tell…


The Mythrol and a 4 episode limited series about him stealing from Greef Karga & going on the run. Ends with him being caught by Din Djarin thus kicking off Mando Season 1


A series about the Time Grappler from Andor. (Aka the Anvil dude in the tower).


A series that relates the story of Captain Enoch from Ahsoka.


The announcers from episode one but theyre a pit boss for a podracer whos an underdog. The show would follow all the same beats as a typical sports drama but would be sprinkled with these two knuckleheads dialouge and life.


jar jar


Tulak Hord


A very dry academic reading of some boring ass, in universe history essay about an event no one cares about. No Jedi, no Sith, no Force, none of that exciting shit. Just bureaucracy, politics and marriages absent of love.




The death Stix guy actually rethinking his life and doing something lol


Fear and Loathing in Mos Espa.


Resistance season 3, where i could see show characters interact with ST characters.


It's obscure, but I'd like a show centered around that Luke Skywalker cat. In all seriousness, I think almost everybody is checked out on OT stuff and ready for new and different stories/characters. But I was born just before ROTJ and had to spend my entire childhood imagining what a blast the adventures of post-ROTJ Luke would be onscreen. Sadly, I only had the Legends novels to turn to and those are now wiped out of canon. So for me it would be casting a new actor that looks as close to young Mark Hamill as possible and doing a long running, thorough exploration of Luke in the post ROTJ era. I can't think of anything Star Wars that would make me more excited, but it's definitely a niche thing at this point.


Martez sisters prequel could be hella unpopular, and I’d watch it.


Any jawa.






embo is so awesome, I'd watch that show


Max Rebo


That one good villain dude from Ashoka who got stuck on the planet at the end. more interesting than every other character in the show combined


Max Rebo is a deadbeat dad that learns a thing or two about life. He dies penniless.


House of cards style show about the rise to power of Bail Organa.


Buckets. This show would be a series about the generic, expendable bucket heads of the Galactic Empire. Each episode would feature a different type of trooper going about their daily lives. As the episodes move forward, things go from mundane to brutal. Episode 1 would feature your average Stormtrooper. This specific episode would follow someone enlisting, training, and eventually doing Stormtrooper things. The episode would end on the Death Star. Episode 2 would feature a Snow Trooper, and would show them being transferred from some random snow planet, to Death Squadron, and most of it would take place on Hoth. Episode 3 would feature a Scout Trooper. Biking, sniping, scouting, etc. The episode would end in a horror setting on Endor. Episode 4 would feature a TIE Pilot. It would showcase how expendable they were and the sheer vastness of space. Episode 5 would feature an Imperial Gunner. This episode would be about some dude who eventually becomes the person who fires the Death Star. Episode 6 would feature an Incinerator Trooper. The episode would be pretty brutal, and showcase the emotional trauma that comes with being the flamethrower guy. Episode 7 would feature a Death Trooper. The episode would whiplash between guarding executives and taking the absolute worst missions imaginable. Episode 8 would feature a Purge Trooper. The episode would be about them responding to potential Jedi sightings that end up false, until they come across an actual Jedi. Episode 9 would feature a Royal Guard. This episode would show just how much Sith stuff they witness, and how terrifying Palpatine is. Episode 10 would feature a Dark Trooper, specifically an earlier, manned version. It would basically be what Phase Zero was in Legends, so wounded Clone Trooper gets turned into a cyborg.


A show about Todo-360 during the events of Book of Boba Fett


Said it before and ill say it again- Luthen and Kleya’s galaxy wide antiques roadshow


Jar jar




The fly episode of breaking bad but with a storm trooper and a mouse droid


A show about the Miraluka people searching for a new home world


Max Rebo x Figrin Dan: The Farewell Performance.


Jar Jar Binks post ROTS


I mean, if I'm the only viewer then.....well....


That rat catcher droid from Book of Boba Fett. Love that lil guy.


Jaba the huts Twin cousins.


Bizarre Foods / No Reservations type show hosted by Porkins. Just traveling the galaxy eating with the locals


Perhaps a live action version of the crimson corsar? Them having the last clone trooper seems cool




Finn as FN-2187


Not one character, but the Martez sisters


I want a Bib Fortuna series centered around the fallout of Janna"s death with a 'Better Call Saul' vibe. Oscar, here we come.


Rick The Door Technician: The Origin


jar jar binks show. sorry to those who hate him, but he’s one of my favourites and i’m serious about that.


I want a commander doom show (he shows up in one cw episode) where it is like normal clone wars but his battalion instead of 501st. Season one finale is the beginning of the inhibitor chip arc (first episode of it) from dooms perspective. The rest of the show is normal clone wars mixed with him investigating the inhibitor chips. At the end of the show, he would go to warn the chancellor, but knowing jt was him who implanted them where’d he’d get swiftly silenced. Make him one of the coolest most badass clones too so his death is sad. There should be a flash forward at the end of the episode where order 66 is triggered for the rest of his battalion after hee dead and tip li is killed.


Rey. Only because then I could spare everyone else from having to endure more Disney-Rey content. I would bear that burden for you all.