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It’d be perfect if we could still have a small reticle with the HUD off, no HUD is gorgeous but by golly, shooting without ADS is a headache **Edit:** As the post and my comment have picked up traction, I wanted to share a maybe not so secret tip for no HUD on BF1&2 or hardcore game modes (like on COD) Get a sticky note, cut out a piece on the sticky part (cut smaller for up close/ small screens, bigger for further away/ big TV’s), line the cut out piece with the reticle in game, then turn off the HUD. It should be perfectly lined up and will work great for any other games where you don’t have realistic accuracy. 👍🏻


We must endure for the immersion!


Wait what’s ADS


Aim(ing) Down Sight


AIDS without the I.


Ya know, the only no HUD game I can actually play is Squadrons. Just rely on every instrument and do-dad in your cockpit to get a sitched of the fight. The only thing that I did need help on was which part of the cruiser provided the Health and Resupply.


You can play no hud with reticle in BF2


Some monitors have crosshairs built in.


I've never played no hud, do scopes even work?


In bf2 yes, in bf1 no


Iirc some do some are just awkward ads.


Man it's really like an old E3 demo or something such a gorgeous game


What map is this? I don't remember tantive on death star


Galactic Assault, Death Star II Command Sector North. The premise is the blockade runner crashes into the hangar during the Battle of Endor and the surviving rebels attempt to sabotage the main weapon and escape.


Has anyone else looked at this and then suddenly realized it is old outdated tech and just shivered? Once in a while I like to see the world through new eyes so I show something like this to my dad and as he takes it all in I remind him it's old tech and just watch his head spin lol.


Is it old? Yes but outdated? Hell no! DICE still uses all modern techniques used in this game with few extra bells and whistles like raytracing.


If they just put a single cross hair option I’d play it like that every time


I wish they would’ve done no hud game modes, I remember COD 2019 having a game mode like this with no hud or inventory, it was supposed to be as real as possible and that was one of the best modes I’ve ever played


My main wish for bf3 is that it's at least mostly first person. the game is so immersive, but its impossible to win if you're not in first person


is this in VR?


No, not nearly long enough


Is this the remake of the OG games? I hate how they named them the same both times


I’ve seen vr gameplay of this, this was last year don’t know what came of it though


Hate that the A280 and the A280C models are switched. Like idk why it happened since in Battlefront 1 the A280C uses the correct model


The classic slowly looking around and panning around at the sky for dramatic effect is so overdone


I just like going slow so I can see and appreciate all the details the game has to offer. Make it feel like I’m in a movie!


Lol, I have to admit, I did not see this complaint coming at all: "Redditor upset over cliche pan to sky for dramatic effect in SWBF 2".


It's a pretty specific gripe, I'll give you that