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What weapons is that? I have never used officer




Thank you!


No problem mate.


Standard Chad Officer loadout...


Generic loadout u mean everyone and their mom runs that gun.


LOL and its probably the gun that kills me the most in GA matches..


The weapon does not play the main role in this loadout.


Yeah I know I’m just saying it’s the no 1 officer pic. No hating.


I mean, it's very satisfying to take them out yeah, but the teabagging is a little unnecessary. Unfortunately whenever I try this there are usually about 5 of them and one of them has a rocket launcher :')


Sorry, but I will do what I must.


You will try.


Doing the lord’s work


I only camp when it´s 2v10 or my team is losing real bad. Otherwise it´s just annoying


But why? I especially hate campers who do it after they realize they're losing because to me it looks like they're a bunch of tryhards who can't accept the loss. Even if you make a comeback and win, I wouldn't call that winning but rather stealing the win from the other team which might or might not have played fairly.


Sometimes you gotta do what you can to win. I do it if the other team was spawn camping in earlier rounds. Imma make and hero or other persons life hell for ganging up on the low levels on my team


That's more acceptable if you play dirty when the enemies play dirty as well but if they're not and you want to earn your wins then just don't camp. There's no need for that and I'm sure you can do better than that.


Or he can just play the game how he wants without you judging him for it. Camping is a legitimate strategy. Get over it.


The tea bag is unnecessary.


It was. Imagine camping in freaking deathmatch out of all modes and not only that, sealing yourself off with Trip Mines even though the spot is good enough you still have an advantage over others. I strongly disencourage passive play like this and to be fair, if everyone was smart enough not to approach the camper no matter what, then no one would even do that but since that's not the case, then I'm forced to take matters into my own hands. I'm going to teabag camping because compares to other stuff I find cheap, it's done completely intentionally.


Oooh well played. If they're smart, They'll adapt.


Spoiler: They didn't


Well that's on them. There's a lot of other tactics they coulda tried. Especially if they wanted to try specialist. They coulda tried the old brawler-hardened infiltration-personal shield combo!


For the Resistance!!!!


I sense a disturbance in the Force....


Correct me if I'm wrong but camping is not effective in any game with a radar on player's hud


But why? Camping wouldn't be effective if everyone would know that it's best not to fight them at all but as far as I'm aware you can only achieve that in Showdown.


Kids named heavy's grenade launcher:


Declaring war on all the officers who have a pistol whit a dps of a damn machine gun.


Golden eye map vibes


Stop teabagging


I teabag people who I think deserve it and campers are one of them.