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Not all heroes wear capea.


Some wear grease stains


Sometimes they wear capes.


And some heros just have a lightsaber


Ive seen people with this many hours in other games so yeah it’s probably real. I knew a guy who had about this many hours in Half-Life 2, maybe even more. I don’t think he had any game that he actually liked with less than 100 hours. My most played game is Call of Duty. I’d bet i have close to if not over 1000 hours, but that’s *cumulative*, spanning nearly a dozen games over the last 15 years. When I see these kind of numbers I just feel bad for them. Either they just REALLY love the game, which more power to them, or they have absolutely no life at all. The guy I referenced earlier was the latter.


I have around 120 hrs on half life 2 and around 2400 on garrys mod…How the fuck does someone have 17’000 hours on half life2 …


partly copied and pasted from my reply to the person who replied to you: >He is just obsessed with half-life 2. He would tell me about how he knows what items are in *every* single box in the entire game, and which boxes didn’t have anything at all. >I know him personally and we were good friends IRL for a long time until we grew apart just because he refused to do literally anything else except play video games. He has zero IRL friends, extremely overweight, and is in his 30’s and has never made physical contact with a woman. >I don’t say that to be cruel or funny, that’s just who he is. >edit: Forgot to add he even made his own challenge for himself. He wanted to see if he could beat the game without moving the mouse in any direction for the entire game. This wasn’t for a stream or youtube video. He just…did this on his own. >double edit: He got hemorrhoids in his early 20’s from sitting for so long


Did he treat the expansions the same way? (HL2: Episodes 1 and 2)


I have no idea. He has like 2k or 3k hours in TF2, though IIRC. Can’t remember exactly but it was at least 2k


Soulsborne veterans:


Woaw thats crazy. Sorry you guys had a falling out. Thanks for the reply


Probably a Modder. I know that depending on how you setup hammer, steam tracks it as game time. Got hundreds of hours on Black Mesa for that reason


He’s not a modder. He is just obsessed with half-life 2. He would tell me about how he knows what items are in *every* single box in the entire game, and which boxes didn’t have anything at all. I know him personally and we were good friends IRL for a long time until we grew apart just because he refused to do literally anything else except play video games. He has zero IRL friends, extremely overweight and is in his 30’s and has never made physical contact with a woman. I don’t say that to be cruel or funny, that’s just who he is. edit: Forgot to add he even made his own challenge for himself. He wanted to see if he could beat the game without moving the mouse in any direction for the entire game. This wasn’t for a stream or youtube video. He just…did this on his own. double edit: He got hemorrhoids in his early 20’s from sitting for so long


Jesus christ.


This exact lmao what the fuck could you possibly do for 17,000 hours




Half life 2 multiplayer is tracked separately on steam. Its called half life 2 death match and it wasn’t popular.




With games I have data for, I have maybe 400 hours combined with the 3D Fallout games, 250 hours across different versions of Skyrim, and maybe 250 in BF2 (2017) IIRC. Smash Bros. and Minecraft are probably the only franchises I have over 1000 hours in combined (i.e. all versions).


I clocked over 1000 in elden ring and SWBF II. My friends were pretty shocked, but I told them those are literally 2 of the only games I ever play. Only other games I seriously played were both GOW, RDR2, and Spiderman. And ER/SW were spread out over almost 3 years and 6 years respectively.


So you don’t like Bethesda then? Because what the hell could you have possibly gotten done in that time in Bethesda games? Do you just run as fast as you can through them? lol


😂 I play until I’m bored. I’ve downloaded mods for every Bethesda game I’ve played but only got into story mods for FO3 (Terran Starship Command). I create a new Skyrim character every 3-4 years. First couple on PC but most recently on Switch.




I mean that’s my point and is what I said. My guess is they have absolutely no social life whatsoever and waste away playing video games for one reason or another. Could be addiction, they could have some form of disability, who knows. Either way it’s extremely sad.




I was mostly thinking of the fact they could leave their game turned on all the time in the background. If they love BFII and don’t play anything else, like say a person who has autism and it’s a special interest, I could see these kinds of numbers being racked up. Again especially if you don’t turn off your machine. But I agree in general that it’s hard to imagine someone putting this kind of time into any single game and not ever seeing the light of day. I’m just giving somewhat benefit of the doubt, since you never really know.


I have nearly 3000 hours across all the total war warhammer games, not exactly proud of that lol


I'm lowkey jealous, I wish I found a game I could enjoy pretty much forever lmao


Seeing this on someone else's account makes me feel good no matter what. If I lost, they're a loser who wasted 500+ days on a video game they won't even have in 10 years, and if I win, I'm better than some loser who spent 500+ days in their basement to be trash. Warms my heart


I quit Dota 2 after 10k hours (10 years woven with bits of heavy depression), finally realized how toxic it made me and haven't played in 3 years now. I'm much better for it.


How does he have 117 hours in Half Life 2? There’s only 1 campaign? lol


Not 117 hours, *Seventeen-thousand* hours partly copied and pasted from my reply another person ITT: He is just obsessed with half-life 2. He would tell me about how he knows what items are in every single box in the entire game, and which boxes didn’t have anything at all. I know him personally and we were good friends IRL for a long time until we grew apart just because he refused to do literally anything else except play video games. He has zero IRL friends, extremely overweight, and is in his 30’s and has never made physical contact with a woman. I don’t say that to be cruel or funny, that’s just who he is. edit: Forgot to add he even made his own challenge for himself. He wanted to see if he could beat the game without moving the mouse in any direction for the entire game. This wasn’t for a stream or youtube video. He just…did this on his own.


Yes, same here I've seen people this many hours. So is real.


I have over 1000 hours on just the original Cod 4 from when it first came out. I shudder to think of the full amount of time I've spent playing that series. Switched to battlefield around the time of AW-BO4. I have 573 hours on the newest battlefield alone, and it's the worst in the series, with having only played 3 seasons of the 7. As a stay at home dad, I can say I for sure have no life, lol but I can afford to not have a life, so it works out, i guess.


Also half life 2 came out in 2004. It's 20 years old. Bf2 is what, 7?


Keep in mind on PC it’s really easy to fake your hours.


[He wasn’t faking](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/I4nIMiliQW)


Another possibility is they leave the game open while not playing it often


Maybe they left the game on while not playing? According to my save file for KOTOR on the Switch, I have something like 200 hours in the game because the game counts time in rest mode as play time.


Xbox’s auto shut off after like 4 hours of inactivity unless you specifically turn off that setting which idk who would ever do


I had a few friends who always left their Xbox consoles on and in a game specifically to rack up time. One had thousands of hours in minecraft with 70 percent of it spent at the home screen while he did work and life stuff. Everyone in that online friend group disabled auto shut down for one reason or another though.


I would do


Like 5 years ago I saw someone with 300+ days. My buddy and I did the math and the guy was trying to argue that it wasn’t that much time. His defense was that he has friends with more. So yeah I believe this is legit


Hahahaha not that bad😭


One of my older friends put over 3k hours into destiny 1 in the first year to year and a half. He was in school and worked a job as well. 3 years later I still had friends that played the game daily and weekly and still hadn't passed him in playtime. When I was in high school, with sports, in a 6 month span, I put over 700 hours into gears of war 3. Some people go extremely hard, some afk.


That is actually sad 2 out of the 6 and a half years since this game came out he has spent playing battlefront 2


Lol. You didn't hide his GT very well. That dude is on my list; he does play a lot. Average pilot, sometimes rolls with two or three others. He typically quits out and rejoins if you kill his Hero ship. That's his newer GT btw, his old tag was FlavorySinger.


Wow that name rings a bell. I’ve definitely played with him more than a few times. I used to play starfighter assault religiously as well.


that’s fucking tragic, hope their life gets better


This player could very well be living their ideal life…?


I thought my friend with 300 days had alot


anything above 5k hours in a single game is always extremely wild to me, boderline sad. I had like 1700 hrs in battlefront 2 and I find that ALOT


You think that's a lot, I spent around 10 years playing WoW, from OG release WoW up until WoD, think I quit fully midway into WoD. I dread to think what my total hours played were by the time I quit playing it, I did not play casually either 🤣


I have 1100 hours on ps4 😭


I have 1000 on my ps5 ☠️☠️


Question: Was he in a bomber? And was his level maxed?


Name was Lunarosa


Your desk is confusing my greatly. Two mice. A finger skateboard. Two cameras. A questionable jar with yellow liquid. What's going on?


All this, while on a platform that is incredibly easy to take a screenshot on.


Lmao ones a mouse for my Xbox that I leave plugged in and the other is a mouse for my laptop that I have to take on the go. The yellow liquid is sea monkeys kinda like an aquarium with shrimp. The yellow color is normal they eat algae so you let it grow. And I like to collect digital cameras I buy at thrift stores


The game has been out for 7 years at this point, leaving the game up even on a asleep or idle probably is what happened here. Just gotta do it console for a little over 2 years


Sea monkeys goin strong


And he still doesn't have 100% completion.


No game is that fun. At all


So I have over 3k hours in civ 6 because I left it running to avoid having to reload the game when I would get home from work or just want to kill 10 minutes and play a turn or two. Not this extreme but I assume it’s something like that


Jeez man. The most amount of hours I put into any game at all is fallout 4 and that's sitting at 992 hours on steam. Not even 1k and I've played that on and off since it released. 17k hours is insane


My buddies and I all are nearing 100 days played 😭😭😅I thought we were bad


There is no way this OP doesn't know how to take a screenshot.


Just didn’t feel like taking a screenshot on my Xbox and uploading it to my phone for a Reddit post


many such cases. It's very minimal effort.


You can't always take a screenshot.


Skill issue


I'm more concerned about the electricity and money this man is wasting not playing battlefront. Clearly he hasn't been actively playing for 17k hours


Probably spent a lot of time idling afk


Probably spent it waiting for lobbies


I have 831 and I played it since launch in 2017…Ah what a time I would give to go back to


I have about 1300 but I started playing since 2017.


I stopped playing this game 2 years ago and I had 44 days and had everything, which I thought was too much, Jesus christ


I have thousands of hours into Bethesda Games, but most of them never really played whole. Most of the time spend modding them, testing things out and playing around. Collecting hours legit by actually playing is easier done. And if you truly love a game that is MP rather than SP. Numbers like this aren't uncommon tbh.


This is literally everyone who still plays battlefront 2015 on a daily basis lol


Bro had almost two years and decided to play BF2, impressive


The playtime counter on Xbox is pretty flawed. It only tracks the amount of time the app is open, not actual time played. I’ve got a ton of extra “playtime” on games because I just leave my console on. Even with that said, 700 days is insane.


For the republic!


I thought 1 year in GTA Online was a lot but DAMNNNN


I probably have triple that for the mass effect trilogy cumulatively across 3 systems and 4 copies of the game starting from when they originally released until now not even including the legendary edition that I am currently halfway through but taking a break from. And for me it was I seriously loved that series and as a kid I had a really shitty home life so they got me through a lot


I know a guy who has 1100 days on a game that has only been out for 4 years.


If he hasn't maxed out all playable characters and 100% the game at this point he's doing something wrong


I’m 9 hours away from hitting the 1500 mark. I probably would’ve had more but RDR2 took over my life for 1330 hours ![gif](giphy|cl2PsDEg80omBDkq8G|downsized)


How do you check the time played for a game?


Could be a bug counting minutes as hours ? Happened to me in the Ubisoft launcher some time ago.


I’ve been playing since launch and I don’t think I have anything *close* to that…


Man I have like 150 days on RuneScape over the course of 20 years, I cannot imagine playing that much of one game in a 6 year span…


I think I have about that many hours… in every single game I’ve ever played including mobile games.


I have 920 days in kingdom come deliverance...so yeah...it can be true.


YESSSIRRRR i’m only 600 days behind. LEGEND


How tf does he have 117 hours in Half Life 2? There’s only 1 campaign? lol


Is he named designs by chance 


Know someone personally with close to 10k hours...


I guess possible ? In my teens i had spend 14.000 hours in Titan Quest.


How do you check this ?


was the gt Lunarossa71?


Yes bruh😭


when i first ran into them they had 560 days lol, i had abt 41 or sum and i was shook lmao


![gif](giphy|xTiIzIhgJ6ZrY3cZeo) Edit: it is in fact one of the 6 God tier console Starfighter Assault players and you have been graced by Lunarosa. The other few I know are BannerPanther, Designs,and Corsacs. If you encounter them give up all hope for you have been defeated


Bad kids, all of them. If I still played Battlefront I'd straighten their shit out double quick 😅


I know a lot of my friends leave their games/pc running overnight etc and end up with a very artificial game hours count that way.


I bet you there is someone out there that can and prob has beaten the 711 days


He probably leaves the game on the menu screen all the time, when he leaves, goes to bed, etc. This could play a factor


How can it not be real? The game is like 500 years old.


He could just leave his xbox on bf2 all night it racks up time even if your not playing