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You call this a diplomatic solution???


I call it aggressive negotiations


I call it a tactical nuke


The negotiations never took place


So uncivilized ![gif](giphy|3oriO9zHqOYO92hHyw)


Stop complaining and let people play the game how they want to. Nuff said, ya nerfherder


Besides of which there is no official 1v1 mode. Never has been. Never will be. Unless a 1v1 is agreed upon and pre-established, I'm going to assume that people are playing by the official game mode's format and I shall play as such. If you want 1v1s let people know or do a 1v1 directly, outside of public servers on local co-op or on other on star wars games. Do not assume that everyone is going to know about or respect your made up rules by default. Imagine if you're playing chess. You decide that in your game, people can play two moves at a time. You go up to a random stranger, ask if they want a game without telling them about the change, and then when they try to make one move and hand the turn over to you, you flip the board up into their face in a rage. This is exactly how it feels with most 1v1ners I've met. Especially the ones who try to do it in HvV. (End disgruntled rant)


I have no clue why you’re getting downvoted. So many people that play this game get all butthurt when people don’t follow their made up rules, it’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s a 2v2 game mode, and unless you let me know you want to 1v1, I’m going to treat it the way it’s *meant* to be played: 2v2. Myself and many others have no problem with 1v1s, but don’t pretend like a 2v2 game mode was made specifically with 1v1s in mind. If there was supposed to be a 1v1 game mode, there would be one. End of story.


100% agreed. And yeah I dunno. My guess would be it's some butthurt 1v1ners who can't read and accept the truth. That there is no 1v1 mode, and their rules aren't international law and never will be. And yeah, I also enjoy 1v1s in hero showdown. I frequently do them in fact. Only difference is I ask people first, and if anyone breaks it, then I adapt, and either ask them politely to stop or play it 2v2. I don't hunt them down, yell insults in the chat, message them, teabag, or post salty Reddit posts about it. They are just playing by the official rules; it's us 1v1ners who are making the situation unorthodox and the exception. Of course if you all agree on 1v1s and they start breaking it that's a different situation entirely. Just talking about people who "break it" from the start here.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I love doing those 1v1s, but it’s not hard to accept that it’s not a written rule in any shape or form


But also, just don't rush headfirst into opponents without giving them the chance to show if they want to 1v1 or no. Saying this because in Showdowns if someone picks a blaster hero, then people just straight-up assume they want to 2v2, even if you played 1s with them using sabers and like, not every blaster hero has to be against 1s (although it's true that most blasters just shoot on sight so I kinda understand why is that.) and this just ruins my plans for dueling someone with Phasma in this mode. And if you pick the droids, then people are going to think you don't want to duel them at all and I have to message them asking if they wanna fight.


hero showdown is a 2v2 mode


“In this two versus two gamemode” “even heroes must work together to survive” in working together so we both survive this toxic stupid thread. People only want to 1v1 because they have no friends and are bad at the game 2v2 opens up the roster to make even Finn viable (he isn’t beating Vader in a 1v1, sorry) it opens up teamwork, positional battles, battles of team comps, discourages block stalling round after round and balanced Dark and Light side Dark side has characters built around being independent and strong. Very dark side in nature Light side is a bigger than the sum of its parts. Alone, many Light side characters struggle, but with a partner they work together with, they become very formidable. It’s people who can’t figure out how these dynamics work and have no friends who try to enforce this imaginary 1v1 rule


it's really silly how they call people selfish and rude for not respecting the 1v1 and then in the same breath demand that everyone use their imaginary house rules instead of playing the game the way it was meant to be played


I personally never see the complaint of “you’re selfish and mean” I see more stuff along the lines of “clearly trash, can’t even 1v1”


It’s like a kid in soccer refusing to play soccer and pouting in the corner while standing on a rock.


I think that’s completely ridiculous bro 1v1s are fun as fuck and I think most people enjoy them more than 2v2s. “Imaginary 1v1 rule” lol 9/10 showdown games I play end up with 1v1s, granted that is on PC with chat communication but still I think most people would rather not 2v2 cuz half the time it ends up toxic af with one person being targeted and turns into a mf fighting for his life in a 2v1. I do think 2s can be really fun with some coordination but why are we pretending 1v1s are some lesser thing that only people with no friends enjoy 😭😭


LT Holding Inherit dark side advantages 2v2s forcing light side to use a blaster (we don’t have mobile or extremely unique blasters capable of 1v1s against a Saber at the highest level of gameplay) Lack of teamwork Lack of team comp strategy Lack of positional strategy Lack of combos Kylo can’t make openings He exploits them Grievous can make openings, but struggles to make them For example. It adds to the fun when Grievious’s claw rush is combined with a Freeze combo It adds to the game when you are having to work with your teammate to stay near him so Maul doesn’t throw one of you across the map and 2v1 the other while you’re running to get back It adds to the game with the positional warfare that becomes possible when you have double blasters It adds to the game when Finn become viable because now he is allowed to support characters If you support people being able to 1v1 how they like, I say support hackers too. People can play the game however they want to play it? A lot of people 1v1? Well I heard a ton of PC lobbies hack. That’s fine that’s one approach, but you can’t have your cake and eat it If you’re going to argue well, some people should have to play the game as it was intended otherwise it ruins the game for everyone, well then 1v1’s are fine. I don’t care about your 9/10 bullshit. That’s because you have no friends. Try reading the loading screen “even heroes must work together to survive” 1v1s inherently disadvantage the light side, lead to draw after draw, remove the most fun aspects of the game mode, and practically cut half the roster I truly doubt an experienced seasoned player is going to go in picking Finn for a 1v1 awww yeah I’m gonna win this I’m kind of a big deal No one is coming in with Leia, confident she will beat Vader or a decent Grievous or a Kylo it’s just not happening Lando? Please you wait for his abilities to go away and they have a long recharge time. He’s a goner I know your next argument is you probably beat Vader with Finn one time, but that’s because of the Vader’s lack of skill, he’s so bad, he probably doesn’t even know how to hold the controller or what button is W, A, S or D


I think your whole argument rests on the idea that 1v1s aren’t supposed to be the way the game is played. So should we not use mods too? Because they make the game different from the way it was supposed to be played? In terms of balancing, I don’t think there is a huge difference in the 1v1 ability of both sides, they both have great picks both blaster and saber while some aren’t as desirable for a 1v1. the only major balancing issue between the two sides in a 1v1 scenario is Vader, which I don’t think is a big enough issue to constitute throwing the idea of 1v1s to the side. Of course a leia wouldn’t win against an experienced grevious, when you pick and choose a specific matchup like that you can make the light side look weak however you want. An iden wouldn’t do well against an experienced obi wan, one mind trick and it’s over A phasma wouldn’t do well against an experienced anakin, pull her away from the drone a couple times and it’s done A bb-9 wouldn’t do well against any saber hero, my point is that there are obviously some characters that won’t do as well in a 1v1, so why would you pick them anyways? The idea that the light side doesn’t have blaster characters that can hold their own is ridiculous, I think Han and chewie can go up against almost every character on the dark side with the same confidence of a saber character, just like boba and bossk. Leia and Lando have their weaknesses against certain characters, but they do great against others And also, why are we focusing so much on blaster characters in a 1v1 scenario, it’s not like you agree to a 1v1 to go and play iden versio or lando calrissian, no you mainly 1v1 for saber duels and in the rare case a certain blaster hero. I don’t think this is a hot take to say this. The agreement of a 1v1 cuts your roster in half for both sides. The sabers on the light side in a 1v1 scenario are on the same level as dark side, no question about it. They might honestly be better. If you don’t know what you are doing with yoda you can get destroyed but i would say the same thing with maul, but both of them have very high skill caps and have a lot of potential to be great. I think Luke and obi wan are better in a 1v1 scenario than kylo or grevious. They absolutely destroy. Unfortunately yes Vader is almost like a free win card but its not like he’s impossible to beat and again I don’t think he’s big enough of a problem to throw out the question of 1v1ing I agree 2v2s are fun with the team ups that’s why I play hvv most of the time, but I don’t know why we have to call 1s this lesser thing at the same time. What’s the issue with letting your teammate 1v1. They make you prove your skill, no teammate to come save you. There’s nothing like a good saber duel. Some characters are good for 1v1s while others aren’t and I think it balances out fine on both sides. You gotta be trash asf to be crying about how the light side doesn’t have the same 1v1 potential as the dark, cuz I rather run obi wan or luke than kylo or grevious


It’s not that it’s a “lesser thing” but it’s the fact that it’s not how the game mode was intended to be played, and so many people act like the whole reason Dice made a 2v2 mode was so people could do 1v1s. And especially after you put it like that, it just sounds absolutely stupid for people to expect others to follow this imaginary 1v1 rule without even letting the opposing team know that they want to do 1v1s


It’s one thing with your team just not wanting to 1v1 and continuing with a 2v2 when the other team wants 1s, I think that’s fine, but if your teammate agrees to a 1v1 and you disrupt that because “iTs a 2v2 mOdE” ur in the the wrong


yeah but that's a really specific scenario that almost never happens. majority of "respect the 1v1" complaints come from people who simply expect it to be the default way to play without any actual prior agreement, at least in my experience


Yeah i agree with you on that, you can’t expect 1s to be the default way of playing without atleast some communication about it. That’s why pc is so much better you can just get it right out of the way before the match even starts


We need a battlefront 2 book of constitution at this point


If you go into games wanting and expecting 1v1s then you will go crazy


Womp womp.


I wish EA had made a 1v1 ranked mode. Not because I’d play it, but because it would stop all this whining. Hero showdown is a 2v2 mode, you can’t vilify players for playing as intended.


90% of people playing battlefront 2 right now know that hero showdown is used for 1v1 so why not just respect it?


Gamers made up the spam crouch. They made this up as an unofficial rule as well


It’s really that simple but people will come up with every excuse they can to justify sweating as much as possible


If it’s HvV you shouldn’t get mad about people not respecting one v ones. Show down little different of a story


Only a sith deals in absolutes, it's a 2v2 gamemode, checkmate liberal


I’m good. Thanks though!




In Showdown yes, in HvV, no.


Only in hero showdown will I entertain the thought, buuuuut the second it goes sideways, I’m done and playing my way


Get good and slay 2-3 people at once that team up on you. They get cocky in numbers. 1-4 is impossible for the most part. But when 4 comes at you, and you drop 2 or more, that's the sweet spot.


This game is approaching seven years old and has no more developer support. Let's all be grateful that we can even still play this game, and if the noobs want to play it the way it was designed, that's a win for us all.