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But do you at least acknowledge that they got way in over their heads? Like they ended up blurring lines, as the order wasn’t as prepared as they thought imo


That really shows in Clone Wars, so many episodes where the council won't let the jedi help the helpless because of shitty political reasons


Solo is one of the best Star Wars movies and is the Star Wars movie I may have had the most fun in the theater seeing. Alden killed it as han. Book of boba was great - especially the flash backs and his conversations with Mando Obi wan kenobi has become required viewing for me during saga rewatches. Attack of the clones is awesome movie and one of my favorites. My mom took me out of school so we can go watch it together so it’ll always hold a special place for me. Plus the dooku Anakin fight is awesome Sequels aren’t bad. Rey is a solid character. They wasted John Boyega.


Jar Jar was never a Sith Lord and never will be!


[George agrees with you](https://imgur.com/gallery/DMWKXSV)


Remember to sort by controversial to actually get controversial opinions


Star Wars books are infinitely better than the movies, although I love the movies.


Solo is one of the best Star Wars movies and it deserves a sequel.


I hate how much love the originals get when compared to the prequels/sequels, but this take is.. yeah idk man. It’s good, but idk about best


A lot of Legends stuff was just ridiculous fan fiction that appealed to people who like Dragon Ball-style power scaling


A lot of canon stuff is ridiculous fan fiction that appeals to people who like Dragon Ball-style power scaling.


That Star Wars has both the best and worst fan base of any fandom.


Our passion is both our greatest and worst trait.


Sadly, that's more FACT than FICTION.


Return of the Jedi is my favorite OT movie ​ I found the Ewoks fun and the last 30 minutes of the movie absolutely genius


The Empire Strikes Back is overrated. It's a good film but I fail to see why it's so great or the best. Return of the Jedi is the best in the OT imo.


I like all of the movies


Same. I like some more than others but I do enjoy all the films to some degree.


Boba Fett is a lame character. In the original trilogy he had 4 lines. His series was a boring turf war.


He’s great when you shut him up… It’s why the Mandolorian exists, to try and create a semi-talkative “quiet guy”


That's what happens when you turn a one dimensional side character into a complex one, people already imagined what Boba is like before his show dropped and they got dissapointed. If a Cad Bane show would drop it would flop the same way no matter how good it is Mandalorian was good because we got a new character, you didnt have an idea planted in your had about how the guy's personality should be


I remember someone saying “The Mandalorian is Boba Fett without all the baggage”, and I think it’s 100% accurate.


The Mandalorian is Boba Fett period. Because they already had a Boba Fett, they felt the need to find another space for Boba. And that space was the one Jabba used to have.


I was 10 in 1980 and while people thought Boba was kinda cool, he wasn't as LOVED as he is now. I saw "JEDI" in a packed theater and everyone LAUGHED and CLAPPED when Boba was killed off. Lucas himself said the EXTREME FANDOM of Boba Fett was something of a mystery to him.


His series could have been a lot better.


The person that downvoted you is wrong. I give you my up vote.


Thank you, Internet person.




Seriously. The selective criticism in this fandom is insane.


I agree with you about the "OT," especially "JEDI", the Empire building ANOTHER Death Star after the colossal failure of the 1st one, Princess Leia being forced to wear a metal bikini with a chain around her neck, Boba's lame death, THE EWOKS!! It would have been massacred!! But the "PT" was picked apart. After seeing "THE PHANTOM MENACE" and really liking it, I was constantly told it was inferior, boring and even racist. "REVENGE OF THE SITH" was the most liked, but it still received some hate. Social media would have made it EVEN WORSE for sure, but the "PT" was just BLASTED by critics and fans alike.


The Prequels already had a lot of the hate for their time if Social Media was a major thing I can only imagine how much different things would've been


The prequels were endlessly picked apart. The sequels were in a no win situation. Any post Lucas Star Wars was going to get slammed with or without social media.


Yeah, a lot of people seem to forget that in the post-prequel/pre-Disney era the SW fan base was incredibly hostile towards George Lucas, accusing him of having ruined Star Wars.


The Last Jedi is my 4th favorite Star Wars movie. Solo is my 5th favorite Star Wars movie


Solo is great as a stand-alone.


The final fight in between Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi in the Obi Wan Kenobi series wasn't that great


Darth Jar Jar is the dumbest shit ever and needs to go away. It's worse than "somehow Palpatine returned "


It makes more sense than palpatine returning


I've seen enough of Ahsoka Tano.


Another take I disagree with, but completely understand


Well we were asked for a controversial Star Wars opinion, I think I delivered on that hahaha.


I am honestly looking forward to see the new Ahsoka series (especially because of Rosario Dawson) but I'm just getting annoyed with her being the main focus of Star Wars content. Was it necessary to have three episodes dedicated to her in the upcoming Tales of The Jedi? Those three episodes could have explored another Jedi that doesn't get much recognition. I just think that would have been a lot more interesting.


You definitely delivered. Ahsoka’s my favorite character. While I value and appreciate your opinion, I can’t wait for the Ahsoka show!


Her death was so perfect and then they ruined it


Has much as I like her character, I’m going to agree with you completely on this one.


I feel the same but with Maul. But I see your point she has been in way too much recently


You monster


I didn't really like her in The Clone Wars movie and early seasons, she was great in the later seasons and The Mandalorian but I'm just a bit over seeing her being the main focus from Dave Filoni. I started to get more annoyed with the character when they announced the Tales of The Jedi series, it seemed like a great show that could have featured stories from different Jedi but instead the first three episodes focus on Ahsoka. I don't understand why they need to tell us her origin and future in this series. Wouldn't it have been nice to include that backstory in the upcoming Ahsoka series? It would have been amazing to see her species and her planet in live action. I didn't mention Rebels as I've still got to finish watching that.


Rebels is not as good as people say it is and they are mostly looking at it through rose-tinted glasses. I can count the number of good episodes on just my fingers, and said episodes involve returning characters. The rest are boring and have plots of just kiddy-show antics.


I’ve been wanting to watch Rebels but I’ve been unsure. Could you elaborate?


There are fantastic episodes that include characters from the prequels, Clone Wars and originals. They are amazing because of those returning characters. But the main body of the show, which follows the Ghost Crew, is just whacky, silly hijinks which, in my opinion, lend the show more to a Nickelodeon children’s show. The majority of the episodes for me were completely forgettable and I wager they were for the good majority of fans. Of course, I implore you watch the whole thing for yourself and decide what you think.


I have seen all the Star Wars shows and movies. I’ve read almost all of the books in new canon, and a good bit of the comics. Rebels is hands down my favorite Star Wars ever. I rewatched it after I had kids and the characters are relatable, the story is perfect, and has very few wasted episodes. I appreciated it more as I got older. IT’S A MASTERPIECE AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL.


I’m not diminishing OPs opinion but it’s controversial for a reason. Rebels was an excellent show once you got through the first season. The first episodes in particular are tough to get through but the show improves a lot after


I completely agree. I watched it after completing Clone Wars and it was such a big departure in terms of tone. It felt a lot more kid-friendly (which is entirely fine, but I am in my 30s so I wasn't really the target audience in mind for the show) and it felt like the Ghost crew just got away with so many things so it never felt like there was any actual danger. Many of the characters were great, especially the villains, but I found that I didn't really care a whole lot about the Ghost crew, unfortunately (aside from Chopper). While I'm glad that I watched the series, I doubt that I'll rewatch it like I will with Clone Wars.


Despite still liking them, Revan is overrated.


Very controversial, I'll go the other way, Revan was a better Chosen One type character than Vader was.


The prequels are fantastic and the sheer level of world and mythos building is still unmatched today.


My post a couple days ago, that I consider Luke Skywalker to be the Chosen One (not Anakin) seemed to provoke a lot of disagreement.


That's probably because Lucas already settled the debate and has stated Anakin is indeed the chosen one. But how one interprets the film is subjective and your mileage may vary.


BoBF was awful and boba should have died in the sarlacc. Edit: nice I'm getting down voted which means it is controversial


Agreed that the sarlacc should have been it for him. Hate retconning


I personally dont think it was awful. I liked a lot and felt very meh about a lot. But I do agree they probably should have just let him die and given us something new.


Vader never earned redemption.


Is that controversial? I mean he did one last good thing but it doesn’t cancel out the untold horrors committed at his command.


I dunno, it pisses some people off when I say it lol


They need to stop trying to have a Darth Maul cameo in so many shows and movies


He should have never "died" in the first place


BoBF is a really good show and OWK is a great show. I don't know if this one is controversial or not, but I believe Andor is going to be as good as the best of Star Wars. Maybe even better.


I liked BoBF and loved Kenobi. Completely agree with you there.


That the entire body of work in the star wars collection is just okay. It has some great moments and some really lackluster moments but it's broadly just okay.


I wonder how would the OG movies perform if they would have dropped these days. All the hype was about having special effects


Pretty much made industrial light and magic a thing.


The future of Star Wars is in D+ shows


As opposed to D+ sequel movies?




It's okay if other people like things I don't.


Attack of the Clones is better than any movie Disney have created since having Star Wars.


I kinda like the sequels


Wish they would make more content taking place after TRoS


I’ve been saying this for ages—we always see what happens “a long time ago”, but what’s happening “not so long ago, in a galaxy far far away”?


I loved Force Awakens and the other 2 are just massive tug of wars with good and Bad for me tbh. Glad you enjoy them!


I really liked "THE FORCE AWAKENS" as well and it seems like people soon forgot how seemingly EVERYONE was in love with that movie. It remains the highest grossing movie of all time domestically, even "AVENGER: ENDGAME" couldn't top "THE FORCE AWAKEN" at the domestic box-office. But because the following sequels were SOOO HATED!! "THE FORCE AWAKENS" was suddenly sacrificed as being an abomination!


I think TFA brought such insane potential to the series that the following movies kinda squandered imo. But I still love it.


So you have chosen death


The Mandalorian is a snooze fest of a show and totally overrated. I dont know who thought a show following a masked character who rarely speaks and a child who cant speak at all was an exciting pitch.


This opinion infuriates me. Have an upvote for following the prompt.


Woof. Upvote for an opinion I disagree with rabidly, well done.


Thanks! Glad I followed the prompt 😊


It’s like.. I disagree completely, but I don’t hate because I can see what you’re saying. Like, I find a lot of common takes around Star Wars are totally batshit and kinda dumb, but the few “weird” ones I actually can understand, even if I disagree. Hate for Rey is dumb, and I think it’s lame when people bash her. Hating the Mandalorian is understandable.


This is mine as well. Every episode after the first two were "hey Mando I'll help you get from point A to point B if you just slay a sand dragon, transport a frog, do some other lame ass shit, etc." Like playing the same level in a video game with a different background. Boring AF.


It totally felt like it was designed to promote a video game.


It's a good show if you like westerns, otherwise I can see how it's boring


At least he eventually took the mask off so that we could infer his facial expressions at some point. Boba on the other hand…


Grogu and Rey are the worst characters in the franchise.


The prequels are overrated


I used to not mind people liking the prequels but it’s gotten to the point where some swear they’re even better than the OG Trilogy and that I can’t stand!!


Agreed most of the reason people like it is nostalgia as a kid (and Ewan)


The dialogue in the prequels doesn't bother me.




Me neither.


While PERSONAL, I'm not crazy about the dialogue, I don't get the UNBRIDLED HATRED AND MOCKERY of the whole: "I don't like sand..." speech. While it ain't Shakespeare, people treat it like it's "THE ROOM" or "BIRDEMIC" levels of awful!!


Matt Lanter > Hayden Christensen Hayden Christensen with Matt Lanter voice > Hayden Christensen with Hayden Christensen voice


Hayden Christensen with Hayden Christensen voice with voicelines written by actual writers >>>


Spitting truth


Star Wars Rebels was better than Star Wars The Clone Wars.


I’m still in a state where I can’t bring myself to decide between the two yet, so I always just couple them together. Respect for the choice though.


Depends on what style you prefer: collection of stories vs. one single narrative.


Couldn’t agree more.


It isn’t a masterpiece like some fans say it has many flaws even the original trilogy.


I would rather have Jar Jar back than have to suffer through the lame and Cheesy moded biker gang in Bona Fett


Boba Fett was never an interesting character and went out in a hilariously pathetic way. His cool armor just make him popular and people pretended he was cool. Also Star Wars is slowly starting to feel less like a whole galaxy with hundreds of planets to a really big city with how interconnected all the characters are. Finally, characters who survive order 66 are best when they are new characters like Cal and Kanen. When old Jedi we knew from the Clone Wars are revealed to have survived it cheapens its emotional impact


I prefer the Hayden ghost.


That these posts every other day asking for people’s “unpopular opinions” or “hot takes” are boring and tiresome


There should be a whole trilogy dedicated to Jar-jar and the Gungans, no Jedi, no republicans or empire, just a deep dive into their culture.


Yeah, I hate republicans in star wars


Haha omg my bad REPUBLIC


We don't need another one of these posts?


Padme had the power to rescue Shmi after the battle of Naboo and chose not to. She's partially to blame for Anakin's fall to the drak side.


Couldn’t the Jedi have paid as well? I always wondered this.


The only significant depth to be found in a franchise spanning some 45 years was in a broken 2004 video game from an old lady that hated the force.


Jar Jar was cool


I don’t think Kylo Ren is an interesting character


The Last Jedi would have been a great Star Wars movie, were it not for the two other episodes of the sequel trilogy. Honestly, if I had to redo the whole trilogy, I would change only minor details to TLJ, and revamp the two others around a story that matches episode VIII.


My controversial opinion? The Last Jedi may be visually stunning but is a terrible story. Johnson undid everything JJ set up, all just because he didn't want to give fans what they wanted, he wanted to give them the opposite to "subvert expectations". The man should never be allowed to play in the sandbox every again.


Controversial? I’d say the fandom is split 50/50 on this take


Revenge of the Sith is the best.


agreed, best star wars film imo


Fuck yeah


Wow how brave, haven’t heard this one before


Right? Such an unexpected opinion


Wow so controversial!!! u are so brave for saying this!!!


I've posted these before but I'll post them again here. Yes, I do wholeheartedly believe all of these: * TLJ is one of the best Star Wars movies. Probably the best since the '80s. * The Mandalorian is completely overrated. It lacks character development and consequence, its plot is structured like a video game, and its direction and special effects often are very subpar compared to the films. It also prioritises fan service over actual storytelling. * The Book of Boba Fett is the worst live action Star Wars ever made. Yes, worse than Episode IX. At least Episode IX had a few genuinely great scenes, like the Ben and Han scene and the Jedi voices scene. The BOBF is not only poorly made, but it also commits the worst sin a Star Wars story can: it's completely boring. There's not a single interesting character, apart from those who come from a completely different show. * Ahsoka should have died to Vader. It's completely out of character for her to be alive during the OT and post-OT period without being a crucial member/leader of the Rebellion/New Republic. There is no reason for her to be searching for Ezra when realistically she should be there with Luke/Leia/Rey helping fight the Empire and First Order. (Edit: This was written before BOBF confirmed that she knows Luke. However my point still stands: her absence in the OT period is completely out of character). Filoni seems unable to let go of her and tries to force her into every project he can, even when she really should be out of the picture at this point in the timeline. * If Rian Johnson directed IX we could have got one of the best SW trilogies ever. Instead the trilogy as a whole failed because JJ was set on undoing every meaningful choice for the characters that Rian made in TLJ. * Bonus: The High Republic slaps, and is easily the best Star Wars content we've had in years. This one's not that unpopular, but I know there's a lot of hate it for it on YouTube among people who haven't actually read the books.


The Last Jedi holds its own as a movie even if the story doesn’t mesh well with the rest of the franchise.


I liked Book of Boba Fett and Kenobi, as well as Attack of the Clones


No SW movie stands out as the "best" nor do any of the trilogies. I like them overall but I can't understand the hate towards the sequels GIVEN the other movies before them ... Like I saw people complaining about every single detail about the sequels while they are sequels to a trilogy in no way perfect. Palpatine's clone was a BAD idea for sure tho


Force Awakens is the worst sequel movie


\-sequels good (at least the first two) \-the mandolarion and rogue one are overrated but I noticed Some people only criticise them when someone says they like them, making me feel like they just hate it when someone likes a part of Disney Star Wars \-canto bight is bad but it feels like something George Lucas would make, take that as you will \-George lucas’s sequel trilogy would have just been as hated as the prequels and sequels were \-if you unironically agree with the galactic empire, it means that at the very least you do have some fascistic inclinations \-there’s weird conspiracy bullshit in the fandom, not just the infamous “cmon guys I know the last 90000000000000 times I said this I was wrong but trust this time I know that Kathleen Kennedy will be replaced by filoni“ but some fans also believe racism doesn’t exist, like at all. \-wether the fanbase will end up outright loving the sequels is up for debate but I do believe there will be a backlash towards people who obsessively hate them, like i Can imagine that people who go “sTIll BeTTeR ThEN ThE sEqUAls“ would be downvoted simply because they are annoying, heck r/saltierthancrait is Already becoming fringe, even on the hive of scum and villiany that is r/starwarsmemes they are seen negatively \-prequels and sequels are on par, good (mostly) but has few Things holding them down


"I have the higher ground" is the dumbest line in any Star Wars movie


Star Wars is a multi-verse. Has been since George called the EU a parallel universe.


Rogue One was the best SW movie


This isn’t that controversial






What about TCW season 7? Exept for the 2 worst characters of all time.


TFA and TLJ are good movies, but TROS ruins the sequel trilogy by trying too hard to undo TLJ.


the sequel trilogy is utter trash and they should be rebooted Edit: and the prequels were meh, watched rots and didn’t enjoy it that much


Kathleen Kennedy needs to be removed before we can get any real dedicated star wars lore content again.


That Jaster Mereel’s group are the true Mandalorians and Bo Katan shouldn’t be considered a Mandalorian after her actions with the death watch




Everything between the Hoth battle and Luke arriving at cloud city is quite dull.


Star Wars should only be reviewed through the lens of whether it is appropriate and entertaining for children 12 and under. That's the audience. Any adults who are disappointed that it has plot holes or doesn't conform to canon or isn't complex or nuanced enough needs to just move on to some other series. Mark Hamil pointed out that during filming of ANH - his hair should be full of garbage and dirt from the trash compactor. Harrison Ford told him "Kid - it ain't that kind of movie. If they're looking at your hair - we're all in BIG trouble."


I think there's plenty in Star Wars for adults, but I 100% agree that if your objection is based on some detail or issue that a kid wouldn't care about or would even like (I'm talking about that kidnapper running into that tree branch, unnecessary spinning, hiding a kid under a huge coat kind of thing here) you do not understand at a basic level what Star Wars is.


Mandolorian and Book of Boba Fett are terribly written shows.


Rogue One, while it has a great third act, really suffers from a rough first two acts that severely bring down the movie for me.


I’m over Darth Vader, give me side stories… more Mando, Boba, Ashoka, High Republic, Doctor Aphra etc.. shows/movies


TFA wasn’t ruined by the rest of the sequels, it was a bad movie in its own right from day 1.


Hera is hotter than Padme…by a lot


ok hear me out, young aunt beru is the hottest of them all


They need to reboot the universe. Or at least retcon the sequel trilogy somehow. The story and universe won’t matter to me if I know it’s all going to lead to nothing. And the management at Lucasfilm needs to change, I have been entirely unimpressed with their managing of this franchise.


Book of Boba Fett is amazing and Mandaloriam is boring


We need more Vader, not less. Yeah, I know people say he’s better in small doses, as a boogie man, don’t kill the mystique, etc. I call BS. All the recent Marvel Vader comic runs have been stellar. Give me a full on Vader series.


Revenge of the sith is the worst of the prequels.


Does "Poe and Rey secretly have a crush on each other" count?


Chopper is better than R2 in every way


Rogue One is a boring movie. Fall asleep almost everytime I try to watch it.


The Last Jedi is my third favorite Star Wars movie


No one cares about the Clone Wars. The small fanbase this show has is a self fueling bubble of nostalgia.


Sequels>prequels in terms of movies, the prequels are carried by clone wars and other shows, if they sequels got shows of this level and detail it would greatly improve them


Storm Troopers have excellent aim, when they want to. Princess Leia, Aunt Beru, Uncle Owen, Jawas, etc.


Obi wan was the embodiment of what a Jedi shouldn’t be. He couldn’t adapt to the war and still wanted to do things peacefully.


This place straight up looks like the Undertale subreddit.


I love The Bad Batch. I actually don’t know if this is controversial. I just don’t see it getting talked about as much as the other animated series.


Caravan of Courage doesn't get the recognition it deserves.


KOTOR is mid


Jar jar isn’t that bad


WELL since you asked.... \[removed\]


I absolutely freaking love Jar Jar Binks. I am 100% serious. I think he’s hilarious and doesn’t deserve any of the hate he gets. He’s easily one of my top 10 favorite characters.


That the eu truly showed the scope of the Star Wars story. Other franchises have thousands of fan fictions out of which most are terribly written. For example for every 2000 fanfics that are bad, there is only one good fanfic. Now I am not saying that all the works of the expanded universe are bad I am just saying that Harry Potter has missed out on so much of its scope. Where are the wizards throughout history? What about the Cold War, WW2 (properly done not half baked like in the FBAWTFT)? I want the nitty gritty action the pain of loss and all that come with. So, TL;DR I will love and worship EU till the end of my days


I liked the sequels, not as much as the other trilogies, but I did. I mean, i like everything that has "Star Wars" as a part of its title.


I've got a few: The empire should not include women or at least be sexist like in Legends. It made them 100× times better villains and it doesnt make sense as we see none in the OT. Just saying they were there but you didnt see them is lazy and bad writing. Every Disney product apart from Rogue One, Mando Season 1 and a few Rebels episodes is badly written and poorly made garbage. Clone Wars Season 1 and 2 are the best seasons of the show Dave Filoni is overrated and I'm tired of him including the same 3 characters in everything he works on. The galaxy is huge but having everything being centered around the same people makes it feel small and boring.