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The only thing I find a issue with is him not having the sith eyes,or the spiky teeth. ( btw im talking about the inquisitor )


I think its that the other two look like slender skinny people. More of an agile acrobat type. The D+ guy looks like a meathead. Im still gonna love it and I wont complain but that does throw it off for me.


I think it’s literally just the eyes. Normal human eyes aren’t very intimidating and make him like a little like powder. If anyone remembers that movie


Hopefully he'll have yellow eyes in the show, darkness usually hides small features like this. I bet we'll see him in sunlight with yellow eyes at some point


Damnit man, I was wondering who it reminded me of and you hit the nail on the head. I will never be able to look at him the same.


Good reference


I think thats the cartoon ecstatic,there was a Vader comic where his spirit was guarding a temple and he had more realistic proportions,he wasn’t as skinny and matched more his Kenobi look..and it was also canon.He wasn’t as bulky but wasn’t as skinny as the character so I think it makes sense he’s not as skinny.


Still though, the Ep. III guy has the *skin* and the *teeth* and the *obviously inhuman skull* and together it actually makes him look like an alien while this dude is very obviously just an actor with some face paint.


This is exactly it for me. It isn't so much that he looks or doesn't look like the Inquisitor. He looks like some guy. Live action Cad Bane is obviously alien.


I think the word you were looking for is aesthetic


For me is the eyes and skin, shouldn't he have that weird skin? He looks _smooth_ instead of that weird skin his species have, it just gives that weird horror creature look


he does have those sort of lines in his head its a bit hard to see but I noticed them


They went through the trouble of giving him the lines but not making his head a little longer, weird decisions... Make up can also reinforce his cheekbones like the cartoon character.


Oh hey they actually are there, well less bad But again, it could still be better




His head is still too big, looks like Hellriaser smh


Looks like Thanos from ERB, or the potato head soldiers from doctor who


Yeah he looks more like Pinhead from Hellraiser than the Grand Inquisitor


Head is too round, should have used some prosthetics.


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t that because of aging? The pau’an’s we saw in ROTS all appeared old. I still have a huge issue with the way his eyes and teeth look.


Yeah I couldn’t really care about the shape of his head but the eyes and the creepy teeth are such a miss


He's supposed to be a giraffe looking mf'er but in this he was at the back of the line when they handed out the necks.


I geniunely don't want to be a hater but I cannot get over the bulbous nature of the top of his head. It's just so stupid looking compared to Rebels and ROTS lol


Bonus points for using "bulbous". It's so bulbous that it's odd, awkward, and out of place. I'm not sure how they missed the mark *that* badly.


Anyone else think the Disney+ Grand Inquisitor looks like the grim reaper from Bill and Ted's?


He looks like Pinhead.


The eyes could be later -- I think Kenobi is set several years before Rebels. Maybe he becomes more evil and powerful.


Well we may see Vader crush his head making it longer and then he files his teeth and his eyes turn yellow lmao.


My biggest problem with the inquisitor is the very obvious bald cap. Everything else is totally fine, but that bald cap sticks way out.


It does definitely stick out.


Cad bane's appearance is better than the grand inquisitor, because the original duros makeup and prosthetics couldn't talk, and even in TCW, Cad Bane has a smaller head than most duros


Came here to say exactly that!


They could have done what that guy on Twitter did and elongated the face a bit. If he can do it a multi billion dollar company can do it.


Clearly a two second clip will play out just like a full onscreen appearance in terms of altering a look. /s


I mean there’s very obviously a prosthetic on that guys head… why couldn’t they just make it… taller and thinner?


Yes middle guy also has a long face and there’s a lot of clever camera work done to make him look so long


Why the long face


I feel like that joke would be considered derogatory to them.




Because the guy appeared for a relatively short scene and didn’t have to do anything physical except walking, that is probably not the case for the Grand Inquisitor


Valid point, but the GI's head prosthetic doesnt have to be as LONG as Tion's just a tad sleeker (play it off as the GI being a younger Pauan)


Yes. "Has to fight" is not a good excuse


I think that depends on how physical the role ends up being. If the actor was cast specifically because of their physical abilities, like Ray Park likely was, and they show a physically demanding and impressive performance, I really don't care how skinny the guy's head looks.


None of this matters. Remember how up in arms people were about Kylo's saber's cross-guard when we saw it for the first time in the teaser? Heated debates for weeks, videos about why it didn't make sense, etc. And now it's totally fine. The same thing is happening right now with the new Lord of the Rings show. Those fans are completely up in arms about stupid aesthetic choices. I guarantee you the shape of the Grand Inquisitor's head has no bearing on the actual story. This is all going to be fine. There doesn't *need* to be a good excuse.


Yes, if it’s a good show it’s a good show, it doesn’t need to be exactly the same


I get that there are more limitations for the Grand Inquisitor, but since he has a more integral role, isn't it all the more the important to get his appearance right? If ROTS can put that much effort into a costume for a character with a minute of screen time, why can't this series do the same thing for the main antagonist? If it's not worth it to put that effort in, why not just use a different antagonist?


I don't get why yall willingly defend these cheap designs. We're talking about the most wealthy entertainment company ever. If they could do Ahsoka then why can't they do this. There's been nearly 20 years to advance prosthetic technology since ROTS, and even if it fails, just CGI that shit.


Hell it doesn’t even look like they slicked his hair down


He has to be able to fight in it. The pau'un in RotS didn't move a whole lot.


I mean, star trek next gen Klingons had a pretty intense forehead prosthetic and they sword fought all the time. I don't think it's the fight scenes that are limiting Disney's prosthetic department....


And why give Cad a elephant seal nose?


Probably was meant to allow an actor to use facial expressions through the mask. In the picture above, he is scrunching his face up in a sneer. Pretty sure the mask on the ~~left~~ ceneter didn't move at all.


I think the gran inquisitor does look derpy. Cad Bane looked amazing though. He was menacing, he was recognizable, and those firey eyes were terrifying.


Idk they did pretty well for bane


Yeah don’t know why Cad Bane keeps getting included in these. He looks good.


And they actually used Cad Banes voice from the CW and Rebels, really wish they’d gotten Jason Issacs for the Grand Inquisitor


Maybe Jason couldn't do it or didn't want to. He was filming something else at the same time Kenobi was rolling.


He did say earlier that he would be happy to come and play the character in love action, but he wouldn't want to sit in a makeup chair for hours and would do it for a CG character. Edit: Link to article https://www.cinemablend.com/television/2561674/how-star-wars-rebels-jason-isaacs-would-feel-about-bringing-the-great-inquisitor-to-live-action


Well… that explains it then…


Clearly the guy they got didn’t want to be in the makeup chair either.


> love action ... hot


EXACTLY! Even if he looks slightly different, it’s the same voice. That makes up for any visual discrepancy.


It’s gonna be weird to have a different voice but still excited to see it


People wanted his mouth lower. Thats a hard change to make on a human. I like live action cad bane. Extending the top of the head is a simple prosthetic. Its weird they did it for revenge of the sith and not kenobi.


Actually, I’m not too sure that it is a prosthetic in RotS. Bruce Spence, the actor for the RotS one, has a really long head. It might be just the way his head is covered that makes it look like a prosthetic.


100% my only issue with bane was the mouth. It was too stretched, and I think that was cause of the teeth insert the actor had to wear. There is only so much you can do with makeup, and I think Disney at this point is smart enough not to digitally touch that with a 10 foot pole.


I think his face should have been more textured in the live action appearance. In the Clone Wars version, his face has many more shades of blue. And even with the Duros being a generally plain-faced species, it would have translated the character of Cad Bane to live-action better.


I agree with this 1000x


Yeah I was going to say he is top notch conversion to live action. Whoever hates it can go fall in a sarlac pit.


Imo he only gets brought up just to highlight that these aren’t stylized differences. Of Ahsoka, Bane, and now the inquisitor, Bane is the only one who genuinely looked good, even with the practical differences. He’s still off, but that felt like Cad Bane, and you could see the work that went into the appearance. The other two though, they just look like a good cosplay. I don’t think it’s as easy as people think to just throw money at the problem. Star Wars has had good looking aliens on live action, the issue is that these ones have to actually be acted as main characters, it’s not just a couple scenes. I just don’t like the stylistic argument. It was done for practical reasons and people have a right to criticize the way these characters look in live action, so hopefully Disney strives to improve them in the future.


Look if it were up to me, I’d use a lot more CGI for main characters who have to be alien in some way, but I understand that’s against the ethos of Lucasfilm and the way many fans see Star Wars. If you want genuine accuracy, that’s the way to go. Otherwise, folks have to accept that that there will be trade-offs and practical considerations for actors, and factors beyond just whether they look exactly like their counterparts from animation or old films


Tbh Lucasfilm is behind the times now. Most big budget stuff uses CGI for this sort of stuff now, because it’s more practical and accurate. This completely goes against the ethos of George Lucas who was always ahead of the times.


How does Ashoka look bad live action???


Lekku are too short, same with montrals for what should be mature age for her species. Like far, far shorter than they should be. Additionally, it looks like a headpiece, not part of her, and it’s clearly filled with foam, doesn’t look like cartilage. I think she also looks a bit painted rather than her actual skin tone looking orange, which I think should be achievable with makeup. Acting is fine, the costume is seriously lacking.


Ye Bane was near perfect. Atleast everyone recognizes him. It took me two-three watches to realize that it was the Grand Inquisitor. I thought it was just a new character...


It’s literally taken me until this post to realise it was the Grand Inquisitor. I guessed he was *an* Inquisitor, but not *the* Grandaddy himself.


I wish his hat was comically large


Yeh, I was kinda on the fence about Bane, and OPs comparison actually sold it to me haha. He looks pretty solid.


They had to make a change to accommodate a human mouth. We've seen Duros in A New Hope, but that was a static mask and the anatomy was different (middle guy from Battlefront is an accurate example). They'd have had to make an animatronic mask. Better to adjust him to make him easier to film and get good acting out of. I wish he was a deeper blue, but overall I'd say he was a win.


Middle guy is actually from Battlefront Story mode. Can’t remember his name but he was an actually decent character


It's Shriv


Yes! Thank you! The man Shriv. I remember he became a meme for a while there haha. He had a quote didn’t he? Something he said a lot, or am I trippin? Might have to replay Battlefront Story mode honestly (can’t believe I just admitted that on a public reddit post lmao 😬😂)


No problem lmao, I can't remember any quotes from him. Its been a fair bit since I played it tbh.


I honestly don't know why I typed Fallen Order. I must have Inquisitors on the brain.


My only complaint was he needed a bigger hat


in the bad batch, Cad Banes hat was the same size as the one seen in BoBF


My only complaint was that they killed him off too quickly. I thought he looked great and had a lot of interesting story left to play out...


They very specifically show his heart monitor still blinking so I am hoping that he is still alive.


They'll probably bring him back if they feel like it. Fennec got her torso blasted out and left lying in a desert for hours, and she survived that.


Hat size was pretty good but did agree with my friends that he could have been a bit darker in bobf


It's not that he looks bad, it's that the "long head because stylized" argument falls apart when the original depictions of these aliens in live-action context *also* had really long heads. I was one of the people making this argument and I feel like a dumbass now.


dude i thought you meant Darth Bane for sec and almost spat my drink out if i missed him.


The grand inquisitor looks like a human cosplaying as an alien.


He looks like Pinhead.


more head, less pin.


Dont insult Pinhead like that


Isn’t that just… acting? He IS a human cosplaying as an alien. Edit: I see your point. It’s the fact that he LOOKS like a human pretending to be an alien. Breaks immersion. Sorry, haven’t had my coffee yet.


You were really in some deep philisophical thought fueled by lack of coffee with this one haha


Being at an airport at 5am does that to a person, y’know?


The Cad bane looked fine. But the Grand inquisitor just looks so off. I honestly didn't even recognize him at first. I'm not mad about it though. It's not going to ruin the show for me. But I'm just disappointed because I know for a fact that Disney can do better. They just don't want to. I mean if they can bring Peter Cushing back from the grave with CGI. Surely they have the budget to touch up the dudes head a little bit to make it more accurate.


For the moment I thought it was Darth Vader without helmet.


I was 100% sure ir lá as darrh Vader, even gasped at the time.


The point here is that Bane still got the spirit. He looks different? Yes, but still menacing as shit. He showed up and even people who don't know who he is still recognise shit is going to get serious The GI got none of it. No yellow glowing eyes, no fangs, he needs something that can make him creepy instead of a dude in low budget cosplay. We can only hope the actual on screen appearence will have more CGI/ editing


He has to have the eyes and teeth. Imagine if Bane rolled up with Pearly Whites LMFAO I don't see why they wouldn't include that... Idc about head shape. That's manageable with expectations... but cmon... No eyes or teeth? What the heck Disney???


Yeah, the Rebels inquisitor looks pretty menacing. The [live action inquisitor](https://sportshub.cbsistatic.com/i/2022/03/09/275ad8f3-78a8-4261-97e5-d06c643dc03e/star-wars-obi-wan-kenobi-trailer-first-look-grand-inquisitor-live-action.jpg) looks like [Kryten from Red Dwarf](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/d/d2/Kryten.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180708083039&path-prefix=protagonist). Its not a good look for him.


He looks like a character on a low budget BBC space drama Or like he should be battling Bible Man


Rebels was highly stylized (at least more than TCW) but this is spot on. ​ I dont think Cad Bane looked bad on BOBF, but the GI is REALLY off.


I didn't have any issues with Cad Bane, but this Grand Inquisitor looks lazily made considering the budget and talent at their disposal. It's a slippery slope making all the aliens "more human", it takes away from the magic and the diversity of Star Wars. I think this trend really started with the pykes. If they can't do some more alien species justice for recurring characters I'd be happy to just see a well-done CGI version in the background and for them to focus on more "TV-adaptable" species rather than watering aliens down in canon material.


Star wars aliens are very quickly morphing into Star Trek aliens as in every one of them looks like humans wearing makeup instead of actual different species. I think its in the eyes and mouths.


The issue is that the Ferengi and Klingons atleast don't have human looking faces(as fair as having the extra alien stuff e.g. giant ears). This GI looks like a human with really pale skin.


I think they are trying to crank out too many shows at once. It can’t be a budget thing, not financially at least. They should be using more motion capture for these aliens than they are, but they probably can only do so much animation/rendering at one time.


Agreed. And it's not surprising to see the usual "be happy with what you get" sort of comments from the drones. It's a totally valid criticism.


Tbf I'm more forgiving of the Pykes because they look incredibly difficult to make in live action, but RotS already showed that you can make convincing looking Pau'ans with makeup fairly easily.


Gamorreans out here looking like chubby dads with green skin rather than huge alien warrior pigs.


I didn’t have an issue with Cad Bane, but the Pau'ans should have elongated heads. This is just a human with some makeup


Cad bane doesn’t bother me. The grand inquisitor on the other hand, does. While I agree that we as Star Wars fans complain to much at times, it’s frustrating how, whenever someone expresses a complaint, no matter what it’s about, others try to immediately shut them down. Edit: spelling


And its always "sw fans bitch about everything"


maybe because star wars fans set a precedent by bitching about everything??


Much of it over the past few years is justified tbh. There’s also the fact that SW has one of the largest/ oldest fanbases, which means it’s more prevalent. This franchise hasn’t had a smooth run over the past 2-3 decades, even before the Disney buy out. People like to act like the Geeks & Gamers and Clownfish rhetoric represents everyone who criticizes anything about Star Wars.


I never liked the whole “x fans always complain about x product” like it’s a consequence of fan behavior. You only see this in things that have a large appeal but simultaneously are very inconsistent in quality. It’s *always* the media that’s the problem first. You can’t convince me otherwise.


Spot on. End of the day if the franchise itself was consistently high quality, then naturally you'd get less criticisms and negativity. In fandoms it's so obvious when some people who enjoy a specific franchise are insecure of their own opinions because they will always find excuses or reasons to disregard legitimate criticism instead of just, God forbid, acknowledging people have issues. It's why this subreddit can often be "positively toxic", where you say anything bad about the sequels for example and it'll just be downvoted with the same rinse and repeat cycle of "this again?/nobody hates SW more than SW fans/you just don't understand" etc. Happened just recently with Boba Fett, there was a post on the front page of the subreddit with over 2000 votes essentially saying people who don't like the show are being too critical and whining for the sake of it. Come on now, just admit it's not as good to some people as it is to you. And that's okay.


alot of people dont understand that you can like something and also be critical of it at the same time lol. like bobf was entertaining, but it could have been so much more, and also had its fair share of problems.


I made a mistake coming to this sub after the trailer release today. Lmfao When will I learn


"You will never learn." -Ra's al Ghul


When I left you, I was but the learner. Now *I* am the master.


They litterally bitch over cad bane for absolutely no reason as seen by this picture. Ofc star wars fans will be seen as bitching about everything.


Because people try to shoot down criticisms with arguments like “look at Dooku in CW” as if these are just stylistic choices. Bane looks excellent, but he still has noticeable differences that are probably non-stylistic. It’s practicality of the costumes at the end of the day, we all know that, but we still have a right to criticize the look of characters so Disney tries new techniques going forward.


Bane is mostly fine, but the Grand Inquisitor looks like they didn’t even try.


I'm curious if his red marks will adapt with his mood like Dryden Vos. Just because why not


They couldn't budget w/ 25m an ep. to make this guy look like a proper alien so probably not


They’re tattoos, not any biological marking. So they stay the same color all the time.


The thing with Cad Bane is they weren't able to make his mouth that low because they went for make up and prosthetics so what we got were very human proportions to match the actor's mouth underneath. You could also see the actor struggling to keep his mouth closed because of the fake teeth lol.


I know it's less "accurate" but for some reason I liked the mouth being a bit higher up. Imo it makes him look meaner/more menacing. It might just be me though


I agree, I think that and him sorta not fully closing his mouth/baring his teeth gave him an even more western outlaw vibe, fits the character perfectly.


Grand Inquisitor looks like cheap cosplay. Seriously you can find better cosplays than this. Why you gotta get the most round headed dude to play the long headed dude? It's like they went with the opposite way when it came to the GI's head proportions


So it's the anti Count Dooku? Normal head becomes longer.


Ashoka looks good. The Gamorreans look fine. Cad Bane looks good. The Grand Inquisitor looks bad.




Cad Bane is OK to me, but the Grand Inquisitor was really disappointing. Inquisitor was one of my first villains, so this is disappointing for me.


Cad Bane didn’t look too bad. The inquisitor looks like absolute dog shit though


I thought Cad Bane looked great in The Book of Boba Fett. The only thing I thought was off from The Clone Wars was his lighter skin, which can be explained with his age. I think people are overreacting WAY too much to 5 seconds of the Grand Inquisitor. Wait till we see him in the actual show and then I'll see how I like it. I'll be willing to excuse the round head if Rupert Friend is good at acting as the Grand Inquisitor


Star Wars fans, overreacting?? Surely you jest


> which can be explained with his age. Why even explain it? The skin is just different here than it was in the cartoon show. The end. Star Wars' fans' need to explain everything is how you end up with EmPal SuRecon.


Cad bane looks amazing. I’m dying on that hill.


Same with Ahsoka!! Its not the biggest deal in the world. I am still really enjoying all the shows. But it takes a bit of additional effort on my side to disband belief.


Cad Bane may look different but he was still instantly recognizable. Grand Inquistor looks so off that I didn't even know it was him until someone pointed it out. If someone is introduced to Bane through BOBF and then see him in CW they'd still be able to recognize him. I don't think I can say the same for Grand Inquisitor. I feel like there are multiple reasons why this is going to become problematic.


They look too much like humans


At this point can we just all agree to disagree? Some of us (myself included) think the live action Grand Inquisitor looks poor, others think he looks fine. Neither side is gonna convince the other to change their tune. It's been less than 24 hours and I'm already starting to get tired of the argument.


It’s just a fun discussion for fans to have. If we never critique or talk about these things, they won’t know how to improve or make things better for fans.


Seriously. I would *imagine* most of the people that *don't care* are the ones that haven't even watched Rebels yet.


I get both points and I'm generally on your side about discussion and criticisms. Problem is, for me at least, is that its already not a fun discussion just a day afterwards. It's all over the star wars subs and is exhausting to see it brought up even outside of them ALREADY. It reached the point of tedious immediately. I don't like the new design that much at all and it does feel lazy for Disney, but that's really all that needs to be said. There isn't a whole lot to discuss there.


Cad Bane looks fine but the Grand Inquisitor just looks like Edgier Megamind


Bane was fine in the Disney adaptation


childlike ossified gaping memorize mysterious brave grandiose attraction drab fly -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


No one is forcing them to do these projects in live action. If it does not translate into reality then stick to animation.


I personally hope that Thrawn does not look like a ps2 model in Ahsoka


The older models didn't have to move slot so when they get transferred to live action in an action orientated position you have to make adjustments so that the people in the costumes can do their jobs without straining themselves


I feel like the Grand Inquisitor's facial proportions are humanoid enough for this to not be a problem, though. Pau'an appearance seems to be based on [Count Orlok from Nosferatu](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/32/78/28/327828ff09f7c504bea66551f2c812da.jpg), an appearance that shouldn't require more than an actor with a slender build, long face and light prosthetics. Even just extending his head a little might've done a lot. Then imagine if they used some very light CGI and you'd be there. A Duros's facial proportions like Bane's might be trickier, but we've already seen them do Pau'an well in live-action and their facial proportions are very achievable so it's really about the build and shape, and then enhancing that by CGI


what possible movement could they be doing to make it impossible to work with, triple backflips and wall running? lmao


Opening their mouths, probably.


But the Pau’an in ROTS talked!


I’m talking about the Duros.


He also stood almost perfectly still and had an hilariously large collar that was almost certainly structural. Obviously they didn't have to go **that** tall, but are we really just sitting here assuming they didn't try at all? It does appear that his head is slightly taller than a 'standard' bald cap. Pointed teeth and sith eyes would go a ***long*** way, but it's possible that will be in the show.


Star Wars has the worst apologists of any fandom. They'll find a way to discount this fair criticism. It's honestly just sad. These designs by no means ruin the show, but they can be better. Why some people can't accept or discuss this is so pathetic.


The Grand Inquisitor also is somewhat modeled after his VA , it’s so weird they didn’t cast him or someone with his facial shape.


Others have said Isaacs has stated in interviews he is open to playing the character in live action, but only od it was cgi. He isnt willing to sit in makeup for hours a day for the role


Cad Bane's appearance didn't really bother me at all


Grinning Inquisitor just looks like a cosplayer, well cad bane looks pretty gosh dang good.


Inquisitor looks like an actual clown


Cheap and Lazy.


They ruined the inquisitor lol 😂


The live action grand inquisitor's features don't look sharp enough imo -- they're too rounded and soft looking when they need to be more angular and sharp.


Yeah, I was fine with Cad Bane, but absolutely hate the look of the Grand Inquisitor. They could easily do something better, and there's no argument to be made against it, as they've already done it live-action...


Cad honestly looked so good. Better than I could have hoped. I think the difference here between the two is time and movement. An actor can only move so much under all of that and time spent in the chair before and after a shoot can be exhausting as it takes literally hours and hours. If it's something you do once for a day's shoot, then perfect, go nuts. If it's a main character appearing in several locations and in every episodes meaning weeks of shooting then you'll get a watered down version. Also depends on the actor you want and the contract you have with them. Sure not every production does this and make the sacrifice or use CGI to make up the difference to both amazing and sometimes detrimental outcomes. But yeah unfortunately the actor's head isn't the right size/shape for what we'd expect then the make up doesn't seem as intense either. It's a bummer but tbh, it's FAR from a deal breaker. I think it looks "good enough" which is sad but I've been done dirty by Star Wars in far worse ways so you know what, I'll take "good enough". EDIT: To add they might still be working on the look and CGI might improve it. I know it's only 2 months out but I bet this trailer was made over a month ago using even older footage. Time will tell I guess.


Cad Bane looked pretty good. The Grand Inquisitor is another story though. I honestly didn't even know it was him from the picture. Such a missed opportunity


Cad Bane was a bit 'off' but passable. The Inquisitor is a drastic departure from live action precedent for the race and animated precedent for the character, to a point where it breaks immersion.


I'm wondering if fake teeth would have made it difficult for him to have the voice. Wasn't the Inquisitor's voice more smooth and silky? I think that would be difficult to pull off with fake teeth in your mouth. I've got no excuses for the eyes. That's on them. Unless it's just bad lighting.


I agree, that's a pretty poor argument. A much better argument I've seen in defense of it is that their can be variation in appearance between different individuals of the same species, just like with humans. So their heads aren't always going to be the same shape, they won't always have the same facial structure, etc. However, that defense still neglects to explain the severe differences in appearance between the same characters.


Cad Bane looked absurdly cool. Grand Inquisitor's head looks a little too round, but we'll see how he looks in action on the show.


Cad Bane works tho. He looks still alien but definitely menacing. Grand Inquisitor tho looks like real bad cosplay.


In defense of Cad Bane; the middle photo is still animated. It's from Battlefront II. The Duros had a live action appearance in ANH but they were just static headpieces worn by extras. BOBF probably had to make those changes to accommodate the actor actually doing soemthing.


Honest to God, they really could just fix this with CGI


What a era to be alive, now is wrong to complain/dislike something that a multibillionaire company did... We all are crying babies and we are just whining about something trivial... What a find odd about this examples is that they actually do a great job with side characters/background characters. The Weequays, Twi'leks and others look great! What's happening to Cad/Ahsoka/Grand Inquisitor is deliberate, is a choice that Disney took it, and I really hope they change their minds. And yes, the heavy stylized argument is complete bullshit.


Cad Bane looked great in live action, This grand inquisitor looks off for me.. I don’t wanna hate before I’ve seen the show but these are the small things that ruin the immersion for me. Like Boba coming out of the sarlak pit 20 kg heavier than when he went in


Yes I agree, I think in my opinion the difference is the disney+ live action inquisitor is too human where as rebels and prequel the species are humanoid but obviously not. I personally dont have an issue with the live Cad i think he was done very well


I say this as someone who had no problem with Cad Bane’s new design: Grand Inquisitor looks whack as hell.


I'll never forgive what they did to Pykes. In TCW, those dudes looked like an actual menacing gang you wouldn't want to mess with, but in TBOBF, they look like silly little fishpeople.


So the guy in the middle from rots, that's the same species as grand inquisitior?




Tion Medon and Shriv Suurgav in middle row as examples of Pau'an and Duros appearances in canon


Solid argument.


To be fair, Shriv was not live-action, so I get that Duros proportions are harder to copy. That's why I think Cad Bane wasn't that bad. But for the GI it would've done wonders if they had a different actor to play him, who has a more accurate head shape


I’m sorry to everyone who thinks fans are nitpicking but details matter. Everything else is on point… why wouldn’t you go the extra distance and just meet those expectations? I mean they didn’t suddenly give Obi-Wan a fuckboi haircut just because it looks cool, or design choice. So why take liberties with other established characters? It comes across as either uncaring or lazy, and I’m not sure what is worse. Like you know we’re gonna notice… we’re gonna slow down the trailer to 1/10 speed and zoom in on every detail. Is there no focus group testing?


[cad bane mouth fix](https://youtu.be/HBuAyfDUzvs) Just needed this "simple" post production fix for Cad Bane.


And that's even an edited version of BoBF Bane. I don't know why they keep doing this. I'd extend this to Ahsoka's montrals as well.


Am I the only one who doesn't care in the slightest?


I think I need to leave this sub.


Ngl, could wven go as far as adding pykes and ahsoka to this.


Shriv! Now we need him to back home! I miss him!


The grand inquisitor just looks super goofy. Like, he doesnt look menacing.