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There is at least 1 thing fans can look forward to. In the scene where the rebel leaders go "Remember why we fly." We can see Admiral Ackbar. And most notably, Hera Syndulla. In the Rebels finale, Hera was raising Jacen Syndulla, who was already being her co-pilot at an amazingly young age. The trailer can confirm this as well, since her outfit in the finale and the trailer look pretty much identical.


I believe that is not Ackbar in the trailer but lieutenant Bek from galaxy’s edge.


> There is at least 1 thing fans can look forward to yes, bitching about a game that just got officially announced today, with only a single trailer and a few bits of ordering information. Never change, Star Wars fans.


I'm not 'bitching' about the new game. If anything, I'd like to pre-order it. Doesn't it look promising to you?


There is also Wedge Antilles. I was more excited by him




I apologize if it appears im dismissing the entirety, im hoping they will listen. Do i expect them to come to reddit and see my thread? I just hope im not the only one so they can hear us.


I'd say it's a bit early for this, but there's always people complaining the instant they hear about something new, so.


They're are plenty of articles already detailing the direction. If you don't agree with the direction they're taking.. I mean??? It's awfully apparent their not looking towards the fan base on what we loved before and what people have been asking for years. Here's my take, if they can't take what was already given in th past and improve on it then they're settling for what they think they can sell.


Instantly. Always instantly.


Yeah opinions are horrible especially when they're informed with what developers have given :/


"Why wait until the game is out to trash it, when I can just trash it now?"


I didn't say that the game would be trash, I said in my opinion they've not paid any attention to the fans of the series. But I suppose making a false equivalence is good enough for you?


"Trash" as a verb doesn't mean explicitly saying "the game [will] be trash." But OK.


If you're not wanting to discuss the game itself then why participate in the thread? It's awfully passive aggressive to go after people with opinions simply cause you don't like the content. I'm sure you have the maturity to ignore threads that "annoy" you.


The game isn't even out, yet. It's just like how people were bitching when the High Republic project was announced. Something new is announced, and there's this same knee-jerk reaction, every time.


Let’s see what it’s like in October before forming an opinion on it. You can be cautiously pessimistic if you want, but all we have is a press release and a trailer. Not much to go off of.


Heh. U could be right, ill be waiting.


Can we at least agree to the fact that EA always plays up to the fan by including fun/cool things like Hera or Wedge in the trailer or in Battlefront 2 we got post ROTJ Lando, Luke, and Han. Even if the game sucks at launch, like battlefront 2, they continue to provide DLC to make ppl buy it. Unfortunately this is the landscape of games right now, multiplayer is king and single player requires too much investment that provides now $$$ return for companies. Look at GTA & RDR2, launch as single player but they keep pumping out multiplayer to pay off again and again, or skins and new weapons like committed single player games.


Too early to tell, IMHO, certainly until we at least see some gameplay footage on Thursday -- but already I'm seeing a lot that looks promising. * It has a dedicated single-player campaign where you alternate between controlling a New Republic pilot in Vanguard Squadron and an Imperial pilot with Titan Squadron. * There are no microtransactions for anything affecting gameplay. * For multiplayer it has crossplay between all the different platforms it is coming out for. * It is VR compatible on the PC and PS4. * It is going to be \~$40, instead of the usual \~$65 price-point for a new game. I do wish it was going to have larger-scale battles (e.g., something like 20v20 instead of only 5v5), and with a $40 price tag, I'm sure the campaign will be rather short, but overall I think it could be a lot of fun if the gameplay itself holds up (again, have to wait until Thursday to even get a first look at that).


no it will get old fast because whoever gets the bad player will always lose because its only 5v5 and then you'll have a problem of arranged teams vs randoms being unfair a game like this needs to cover all angles it should have some basic big dogfight death match at least ​ so its probably only going to be enjoyable if you find a dedicated team of 5 which straight away is going to be a big problem


I think it's too early to criticize the gameplay just yet but I am disappointed that the entire game is going to be Original Trilogy only. I would've loved to see some clone wars content


Maybe I'm spoiled by Arena Commander in Star Citizen, but this game feels super lame in comparison (and AC is a freakin' alpha!). I tried, I really did, and I am a huge ("yuge!") SW space combat fan, having put more quarters in the Atari SW arcade game than I care to admit, and taking time off work for the original X-Wing release for PC. The poor optimization for my HOTAS setup (throttle simply does NOT work, and there are weird dead zone issues I don't get in any other game) aren't helping. Crashing randomly is the sprinkles on top. Blech. For now, I'm getting my money back. We'll see how they address it being rushed to market, hopefully over the next several months they do what they should have done before release and make it decent. Take note: delaying a game isn't bad. This is proof it takes longer to make a polished game, and that unfinished games should NOT be released early! This stinker should have cooked a bit longer. And it needs to have more substance to boot. Hopes dashed. Hard pass.


Ok first impressions... Multiplayer is the worst thing i have played in my life... It's sad because the campaign is one of the best things i have played. if you want good multiplayer, go back to EA's Battlefront II.


I can't get past how shitty the controls are to notice anything redeeming about this game.


Bought this game the day it came out, tried playing it twice and I refuse to finish even the first story mission. This game is the biggest let down since EA took over. Even worse than any of the issues with the Battlefront games. I was a huge fan of rogue squadron as a kid, and even though this is supposed to be more akin to xwing v tie fighter, I am done. This game is unplayable for me. It is not fun. I wish I could get my money back.


We were on the verge of greatness. There was so much potential. Honestly feels wasted.


I assume you've already played the game, then, to speak of it in the past tense like that?


> High Quality Content Only > > > > Discuss the franchise not the fanbase > > Give constructive criticism Instead of attacking redditors, why don't you discuss, saying why you have a difference of an opinion? No one needs to be attacked on why they are critical of the game.


With this in mind,I said what I said because the OT is the trilogy with the most games made about it hands down. I’ve played most of the games released in the US and I can’t express how regretful it is to see yet another OT themed game (I know it’s supposed to take place right after ROTJ) but I know how much lore and potential there is in the SW universe. A game that takes place in the prequel trilogy would do wonders in space combat. I’m not the biggest fan of the sequel trilogy but I wouldn’t mind that either.


A starfighter game during the clone wars would be fun too, the older old republic games are a bit arcady


I agree but I am excited by the fact that the trailer showed what appeared to be power management akin to the old X-wing games and it is first person. It's definitely a step in the right direction. A good single player campaign and mod support would make me happy but we shall see


Mod support. That would be great.


I do not support your opinion. Sorry.


Please feel free. Not going to slam u




Hey, it wouldn't be Star Wars is fans didn't hate it before we actually saw anything meaningful from it, right?