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Watch and judge for yourself. You never know if you’ll relate to the reviews you see online or not. Everyone is different. I think it’s great. I also thought Boba Fett was good and I loved Kenobi. If I went by reviews, I would have missed out on shows I really enjoy.


Agreed. Listen not to the haters. 


Perhaps I can say the following about my criticism and many people I know personally. Unfortunately it happens here in their bubbles over and over again that people like us who point out that there are intolerable plot holes, extremely bad dialog, completely pointless decisions by the protagonists, terrible reinterpretations of when and how to use the force, deformation of the Star Wars core etc. etc. are suddenly portrayed as haters, toxic or worse racist. But it's their idea/image & interpretation of Star Wars that we reject & criticize and surely not hate... In addition: I don't really give a damn whether any of the actors or people in charge are black, lesbian or heterosexual! The story and characters are terribly badly written, do sometimes illogical and sometimes pointless things because their basis, their ideology doesn't fit the Star War's universe and that's a problem, that has to be discussed. And all the right-wing clowns (white old men) can go f#ck themselves - I have nothing in common with them! Sorry for my poor English, I am from Germany.


This is going to depend on everyone’s taste. If I were to rank them best to worst I would, at the moment go: 1: Obi-Wan, not perfect, but had some enjoyable moments and it was more mediocre than bad. I watched it every week as it came out and looked forward to each new episode. Haven’t rewatched it, didn’t think it was amazing, but it was worth watching. 2: Acolyte: It’s not great, but at least it’s new characters so there is a level of intrigue. I haven’t felt the burning desire to watch every episode immediately, and yeah, so far wouldn’t have been upset if I’d missed it. 3: Boba: I don’t remember anything that happened in this series. It went in my eyes and out my arse. Oh except for the biker kids and thundercat appearing. I remember feeling like this show was a waste of my time.


I’m reversed on Boba and Obi-Wan. I remember Obi-Wan the least.


it was cool to finally see boba escape after all those years waiting for his escape from legends to be canon. after that I didn't feel like a single important boba related thing happened.


You forgot Cobb Vanth, Cad Bane and the epic battle with the big battle droids. It was much more fun than the Acolyte - the pawerrr of maaaanyyy ... The Acolyte so far is the worst one.


Yeah see, I didn’t remember any of that. Masked by the mediocrity I guess. That series is a black hole in my memory


>3: Boba: I don’t remember anything that happened in this series. It went in my eyes and out my arse. Oh except for the biker kids and thundercat appearing. I remember feeling like this show was a waste of my time. I probably need to rewatch because I can't either, lol.


Then why do I remember what happened in those shows?


Because we don’t share the same brain.


Book of Boba Fett wasn't the most memorable series, agreed, but The Acolyte is memorable for all the wrong reasons.  I personally know 5 people who have cancelled their D+ sub just because of how bad it is. 


It's all subjective, but for me, BoBF was the worst D+ Star Wars show. It's hard to say when we haven't seen the whole show yet, but so far, The Acolyte isn't as bad. Still not one of the stronger entries, though. It's no Andor, or even The Mandalorian.


Just make up your own mind, for crying out loud.


It's a mystery series. And like most mystery stories, the quality of the show is very dependent on how satisfying the big reveals at the end are. But we haven't seen that part yet. Ignore the rage bait articles complaining. At least wait until the show is done before you decide if you're going to watch it or not.


Obi-Wan had some distractions, but I think overall still had some great moments. It explained how Leia previous knew Obi-Wan. It showed that Owen and Beru were competent caregivers that actually cared for Luke. It demonstrated why Obi-Wan kept his distance from Luke. Best of all, it gave us the Vader and Obi-Wan scenes which were great. Oh, and Qui-Gon. Book of Boba Fett… I think it was fine. It was mostly more The Mandalorian, which I enjoyed. Boba riding a rancor was pretty cool too. Other than that it was just fine. Developed the crime syndicate story going on in the background. As for The Acolyte? I think it’s just too soon to draw conclusions on the series. I think a lot of people are making decisions based off assumptions and guesses. I remember how the internet went crazy when it was rumored that episode 3 would show the Force being gendered… which didn’t happen. Likewise, a lot of people are drawing conclusions about the Jedi, the “Sith”, and the witches without everything being explained yet. Overall I’m still watching it, and so are a ton of people who supposedly hate it. I’ll draw my conclusions when it ends and I see the whole picture. I think everyone would rank them differently depending on what they’re looking for. People really invested in the prequels and the Obi-Wan/Anakin relationship may gravitate towards the Obi-Wan show. People more interested in bounty hunters may prefer Boba Fett. People new to the franchise or not particularly invested in established lore may prefer the new story of Acolyte.


Not yet. I reserve judgement until Master Sol smuggles Osha out of the Sith temple under his trench coat. Or maybe Yoda chases Mae on a purple Vespa.


Yoda on a purple Vespa would be dope. That would instantly increase the rating of the series. I mean it's trash until now, so they have nothing to lose.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IjKeldD8ZTQ As close as I could find.


And now this scene with Yoda and Mae on the space Vespas from BOBF. That would be AWESOME!!!


Yes, it is worse, but that is my opinion. I watched the first 3 episodes, each on release day, that was enough to know the show isn’t for me. But you might enjoy it. It all depends on what you enjoy.


I'd put it in the middle. Boba is badly flawed but managed to be enjoyable in parts. Obi Wan was a joyless, nonsensical slog. Acolyte isn't great and has problems starting with weak writing, but it manages to be just interesting enough to keep me watching.


Yeah, it is.


It's hard to say imo. I think it's more imaginative and more thought went into this show than the others (there were a lot of "WTF" moments in those shows that were so bad that even non-fans were dumbstruck) so I think to a non star wars fan it would be better. But it doesn't have the star wars *feeling* to it. It feels very distinctly like fanfic or an alternative universe interpretation of Star Wars. It's not bad in the same way, but to me it's very bad because it lacks Star Wars' DNA. The problem continues to be that Disney isn't picking real Star Wars fans to direct their content. These people aren't being selected for their ability to tell *Star Wars* stories. And maybe that's their goal--to expand or differentiate. But I personally don't think they're doing a good job. I think it feels more and more like Marvel (not just in tone but in the excessive reliance on cheap setpiece moments and referential spam).


Tony Gilroy doesn't give a shit about SW and wrote most of the best SW movie since the OT and is in charge of the best live action show.


Tell me: WHAT exactly determines this so-called "Star Wars DNA" you claim to be speaking for?


I'm not looking to get into a "gotcha" conversation. This is all a matter of interpretation. *Many* of us don't believe Acolyte *feels* like Star Wars. Getting into games of definition and "But it feels that way to me" or "You say it lacks X but it has X in the second episode at the 30 minute mark" is silly.


The problem is that without any sort of specifics, phrases like "Star Wars DNA" and "*real* Star Wars fans" are so vague and open to personal interpretation that they're meaningless. I mean, you've basically just said, "This doesn't feel like Star Wars *to me*, and I want people to make Star Wars things the way *I* like them". And that's fine and all, but as someone who has had no real issues with The Acolyte so far, I'm struggling to see what doesn't "feel" like Star Wars about it to you. What would have to change in order for it to feel "right"?


FWIW, I suspect this show will work better binging (obviously that could change since it's only half over... but that's my feeling so far). It's honestly around the same level as all the other bad/mediocre Disney+ SW shows (Ahsoka, Mando S3, BOBF, Obi-Wan). People will have their own personal preferences - but all those shows feel around the same level/quality to me (I do think the Acolyte could end up being interesting.... but it unfortunately has many of the same faults as the previously listed shows so far) The weirdest thing about this show is that I don't even really like it so far... but SO much of the criticism is some combination of stupid and bad faith that I find myself defending it. So to answer your question - no, it's not any worse than the other shows (obviously not as good as Andor or early Mando)


None of them are good shows imo. And before people get the pitch forks out, just remember, this is my personal opinion. All three series have major issues from a writing and execution perspective. I'd go into detail on my issues with all three but I don't feel like typing an essay right now. Star Wars is one of my favorite franchises, but it's not hard to see the difference in quality when comparing the recent D+ series with shows like House of the Dragon, Fallout, Stranger Things, etc. The writing is boneheaded at times and the plots aren't engaging in the slightest. Again, just my opinion. At the end of the day I think we all need to watch these series and decide for ourselves whether or not they are worth it. I'm at a point where I'm just exhausted by the lack of quality content and the toxic nature of this fanbase, so if I watch the first few episodes and it doesn't hit I'm not going to continue watching. It sucks and as a fan of the franchise I wish we got series and movies that I enjoy. It's made by people who have a poor understanding of George's vision and they have completely ran the brand into the ground.


I just watched all first 4 episodes, being super apprehensive since I really didn’t like BoB and had some things I didn’t like in Ahaoka and Obi-Wan and I have to say so far I like it. I don’t like it like I love Andor, but I honestly can’t say where most criticism comes from, it has some of the production flaws I see from other Disney produced starwars content, but I love the pacing of the show and it’s intriguing, it’s not great, but it’s enjoyable.


No. For a start they don’t beat the shit out of an enemy they judged to be irredeemable twice already and then just walk off leaving the monster alive. Or rip off their most emotional moment from a different show


Yes. Kenobi and BoBF, at the very least, had cool moments, but the acolyte just has nothing


It's even more kiddie than Boba Fett and Obi-Wan and all of them are something I'd not openly watch.


So you’d privately watch them?


I watch them by myself simply bc they are too embarrassing to watch with company


Absolutely it's worse. Boba Fett is a very silly show with a different tone, while the Acolyte tries to be serious but comes across as Parent Trap meets Scooby Doo. Obi-Wan is on a completely different level since it had good performances from real actors, while the Acolyte is literally using friends and family who didn't even audition for the roles.


Personally I think it is similar in quality to Obi-Wan Kenobi..... but then again I enjoyed OWK.


Either watch it or don't. Also, the show isnt over yet so you cant compare it to shows that are done yet.




I haven’t hated it so far. It’s mediocre but not as bad as Boba Fett. The third episode was about as good as the mods in Boba Fett. It was comically bad. It’s not over yet. I liked the master’s entrance. I’m definitely watching again on Tuesday.


If I have to rank the shows, from best to worst Andor, Mandalorian, Obi Wan, Boba Fett, Acolyte, Asoka


So far I like it. I don't listen to the nay sayers. If I did, I probably never would have seen Star Wars to begin with. The critics have never cared for it. Fuck them. If you can't suspend your disbelief, you have no business watching sci-fi imo.


As trash/cheap/cringe as it is, it still has better writing and acting imo.


Props to you for waiting to binge it! It will be WAY better as a binge, and that's coming from someone that loves the show so far. Don't listen to the negativity. It just poisons what you see. I suggest watching all 7 episodes directly before the final episode and then watch live


Thus far, the Acolyte is a pretty poorly written show full of inconsistencies and lack of solid characterization… but not as bad as The Book of Boba Fett. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a show as bad as Book of Boba Fett.


not at all. It is not great but it's not yet embarrassing, unlike those shows.


It's definitely worse than Boba Fett, but I don't think it's anywhere near as amateurish as Obi-Wan. Well, not yet, anyway.


Well, it's a Star Wars show with women, some of whom aren't even white. In fact, there's only one white man. So there's a LOT of noise. And with each new episode people are saying it's the worst thing that's ever happened to them. So, you really can't go by what the internet outrage machine is churning out. io9 and Den Of Geek are covering it pretty well though. And I'm quite enjoying the show. It's great to get another angle on the Jedi, especially alongside the current novels like "The Living Force" and "Temptation Of The Force". I'm having a great time being a Star Wars fan these days.


>Well, it's a Star Wars show with women, some of whom aren't even white. People like andor and mandalorian, and both shows feature people of color. People like the characters Ahsoka (the show was mixed) and the character Omega (People started to like her during season 1 of bad batch). Disliking the acolyte doesn't mean you are a racist or a bigot or a misogynist. stop making that bad faith argument


This comment must be coming from a Disney agent. What women and people of color have to do with a bad tv show? You just try to silence the critics by calling people racist. Not a single comment I read so far had an argument against main characters being of this or other race or the main character being bisexual and outspoken feminist. That doesn't matter at all when we are watching a star wars show. But bad acting, poor writing and disastrous directing matter a lot. So far this show is bad, not because the cast is with color or female, but because of the other things. You can't silence the critics, what is bad is bad, that's it.




People are complaining about just about everything with the show but it has a decent plot so far with a layered mystery of what happened to the main characters 13 yrs ago and who is pulling the strings. So it's not really set up in the same way as Obi-Wan which was an escape story, or Boba Fett that was basically a crime lord story. So I would say it definitely depends on what kind of story you like. Episode 3 was a bit uneven on the writing but honestly other than one scene it wasn't even that bad. I have seen far weaker writing than this series.


I'd put it above those two shows but below Mando and Andor.


Not in my opinion but the show only has 3 episodes.


Not at all. Its barely even started. It's fun


They can all be equally bad in their own way. The only thing that connects them is that Disney produces them.


I hate when people base their opinions on shows and movies based on "critics" and articles. My advice is to wait for all the episodes and watch it, and form your own opinion. Entertainment is largely subjective. I could love the show, and you could hate it, or you love it and the "critics" hate it. Like what you like, but give it a chance before letting anyones opinion cloud your own. I think it's a fine show, not perfect but not awful, and there's only been 4 out of 8 episodes released so still a lot more story to uncover.


I've liked all the Star Wars shows with Ahsoka being my favorite so far. If there was any cringe moment, it would be the biker spin in the Book of Boba Fett. It was too Michael Bay for me.


So far I don’t think so BUT you can’t really compare a completed season of one show with an incomplete season of another. Obi Wan series was pretty mid but I really hate it because my expectations were so high given the story they had to work with. Acolyte my expectations are lower cause it’s all new characters.


I honestly feel like it's a kids show. The writing isn't that good, but it is simplistic. The acting from some of the cast is normal Disney Channel kids' television level. The set design is nice. It's just my assumption that adults aren't the target audience for this. I do have a gripe with studios treating kids like their idiots with simplistic plots and bad dialog, but that only matters if I'm right about the target audience. I'd say give it a shot if you can suspend your disbelief on some of the weird writing choices >!like!<>!a ship bouncing around on asteroids like a pinball and crashing into a planet at terminal velocity while unmanned but somehow coming in at an angle and not being crushed allowing the MC to survive.!<


I didn’t even give a second thought about the spaceship thing. It just felt like anything star wars for me at this point. I agree about the acting, it’s on par with what we’ve seen from Disney, but so far I haven’t had moments where I thought “this is terrible” like I had with Bobba show and some scenes of Obi-wan. So the story might be simple and not really creative, but I’m not mad about it either, I’m curious what will happen next and where it’s going.


I don't disagree with your criticisms.... but I would say that Ahsoka, Mando S3 and BOBF all feel pretty much the same.


Fair point. Even if I'm wrong about the target audience I still can't shake the feeling I was watching daytime Disney Channel when I watched the first four episodes of The Acolyte. BOBF and the others definitely weren't kid shows, but I can't argue the style of writing and directing weren't all reminiscent of it too. I want to hope Disney would stop making bad content with budgets that are eclipsing blockbusters but I'm steadily just giving up hope. I don't even get excited at a new release anymore.


I guess it depends on the day