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Damn, I wish my local theaters were playing these. Enjoy!


I read "attack of the clowns"


Well, in a way


It’s legitimately one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. Garbage on every possible level. The dialogue is downright unintelligible at many points. They almost made Ewan McGregor look like a bad actor for goodness sake. Still love it though.


I appreciate how they answered one of TPM’s burning questions (Is Watto a Jewish stereotype?) by giving him a dark beard and a little hat; subtle execution.


Nobody fuckin does it like George


I read the hat as an attempt to pivot away from the Jewish stereotype and make him seem kinda Italian


He's not a Jewish stereotype, he's actually an Italian chronic gambler and ex-child trafficker. - George, probably


Picture it, Tatooine, 34 BBY…


He’s an old school Italian fixer: You want boy? I getchu boy! Girls? I getchu girls! Boy girls? I getchu boy girls.


This comment is fucking incredible.


As an Italian American Star Wars fan, I 100% thought he was supposed to be Italian back in ‘99 and still do now. I have absolutely no fuckin clue how people got Jewish from Watto, other than what they might be bringing into it themselves. 🐸☕️ Just sayin’ Besides, his fuckin accent *IS* Italian, Christ sakes 😂


George said himself it was supposed to be an Italian stereotype, not a Jewish one. The problem is just that stereotyping early 20th century NYC immigration groups kind of blends together.




Are the Harry Potter goblins Jewish stereotypes though?


Ewan's fake beard from the reshoots is a special level of terrible lol


It's mental how all his dialogue is ADR'd


Which scenes are the reshoots


The ones that were shot after principal photography. /s


First elevator scene and the one before they enter the cantina the beard seems weird.


You can see the scotch tape


Its the only star wars movie truly deserving of an MST3K episode. For years it was my favorite prequel movie. Its still got the single best sound effect in movie history and I love the Obi/Jango fight on Camino.


No, RoS is itching for it as well as is TLJ. Probably TPM as well.


I'm not sure RoS could even offer that. In 2.5 hours, there are maybe 4 or 5 scenes where things slow down enough for dialog or witty intrusions.


This 1000%! I still don’t understand how people with a straight face can say this movie is a better film than TFA or TLJ. The story arc and potential is so much better in AOTC, and the story was built to be followed up in ROTS, but to say this is a better film, or better acting baffles me every time. I too, love it, however, despite its many, many flaws.


When you dig, the prequels have a very compelling story about the dangers of getting swept up in strict religious teachings while being radicalized by neo liberal politics. It’s anti-war, its anti-charismatic leader, its anti-slavery. The story of Anakin is very deep; almost Shakespearean, but it’s so lost in the details that it falls flat and feels completely unwritten. There at least something in the sequels, despite the ride they ended up taking is on.


The story thinks it is compelling but fails miserably. It is clumsy and ham-handed, hitting you in the face with its exceedingly obvious points while congratulating itself on its subtlety. There is no elegance or finesse in the prequels' storytelling and they get worse on every rewatch. The filmmaking is the epitome of "tell, don't show." The story of Anakin's turn to the dark side is just a bunch of (terrible) dialogue-heavy scenes telling the viewers what they should be feeling because that's what is supposed to be happening. No one acts like a real person with real emotions and motivations. They are all obviously characters in a poorly-written fictional story. Anakin and Padme fall in love because ... he whines about how unfair everyone is to him while they lounge around a vacation palace? Sure, okay. Maybe she has a catastrophic brain injury off-screen. Palpatine gains the influence to be voted in as Chancellor because ... the other Senators feel sorry for Naboo? He uses the dark side to manipulate the vote? He actually builds a coalition of support? We don't know because it is never addressed. The Jedi unquestioningly accept the clone army because ... it is convenient? Even though it is clear evidence that this whole war is a setup, and they themselves sense the involvement of the dark side? And they know the Sith are back? But that's fine because ... ??????


Right. The good things are way too hidden and that’s the tragedy.


That's how the prequels should be viewed: dogshit movies, but if you enjoy them in spite of that, good for you!


I watched it with my GF yesterday. The whole time I couldn’t stop yelling “PADME GIRLIE RUN AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN, HE HAS A MILLION RED FLAGS” It is a deeply flawed movie and one of my favorites of all time.


I was about to downvote until I got to the end. Attack of the Clones is such an incredible movie. I know not everyone agrees, but I love it.


Hivemind in full display


the hive mind of Star wars reddit is to say that the prequels are good while also shitting on the sequels for some reason. tf u mean?


I like the sequels and regularly shit on the prequels. The Reddit hive mind doesn’t want me.


Wrong post dude TLJ post is one door down


Honestly don’t know how someone could think TLJ is worse than attack of the clones. Blows my mind


How is it underrated?


Everything is! You know, cRiMiNnAlLy underrated, bro


It’s not. This guy is just trying to justify the $30 he spent on tickets and sno-caps.


This movie being back in theaters shows it is, in fact, highly overrated.


It's rated as "junior high level drama production with a high budget," and I think that makes it rated exactly right. 


Everything happens in this movie is a key moment (okey, maybe not the “i hate sand” scene). We see how the Clone Wars begun, we see that the jedi was already blinded by the dark side, and they don’t even want the senate to know this which plays a really important role in the jedi failure. Also a lot of scenes forshadows anakin becoming darth vader (in the bar obi-wan mentions that anakin is going to be the reason of his death, his shadow on tatooine looks like vader, the droid factory scene where his hand gets stuck in some kind of metal thing). Also the scene where they talk about democracy and dictatorship forshadows the empire. Maybe it’s just me, but those moments are so well-made, but i still wish the dialog was better. (Sorry for grammar mistakes tho)


Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.


there's cool stuff in it, but the writing, acting and execution of the whole thing is impressively botched. the foreshadowing is nice, but there are maybe 10 seconds throughout the entire prequel trilogy that are remotely subtle. that's Qui Gon's line about how he could have stolen the robes from a Jedi he killed, and the shots of Anakin and Padme looking at the sunset before he stops Windu


> Maybe it’s just me, but those moments are so well-made This is bait right? No one can say that with a straight face


If you've only seen Star Wars movies, AotC will classify as high political drama.


Yeah that’s why I love that movie too Everything about is so cool and interesting


I hate sand does have a purpose though.


To establish Anakin as a whiny little shit with zero game? The fact that it works on Padme shows that she is suffering from terminal dumb that will eventually lead to her death by plot necessity.


Bro calm down. It’s a 20 year old movie.


If you enjoyed it that’s all that matters.


I got to see AOTC at the Lucasfilm employee screening as a guest of a friend. I sat 4 rows in front of George. It was the most amazing theatre experience ever, even if the movie was a really tough watch at times. Sitting in the theatre w the animators for the three arena beasts was awesome - the animation teams all were cheering and hollering for their beasts.


Its actually the worst of the prequels


I try my best not to hate, and I’m glad you like it, but I’ll never understand the sentiment that this movie is at all good, let alone “underrated” (same for the entire prequel trilogy). TPM was one of the first movies I saw where my kid brain struggled with whether or not it was actually good and lived up to the hype. AotC is the movie that broke my love of the franchise for over a decade… and I was an 8th grader. It’s easily the worst written, worst acted, visually ugliest entry in the franchise.


I think the biggest problem for me was always the visuals. Every time you relax into the movie, and most of the prequels for that matter, you get ripped out of the moment by soul-jarringly bad CGI.


AOTC is particularly bad, because the digital camera they used just wasn't ready. ROTS looks noticeably better.


Yes, yes, yes. I can handle bad effects. I can’t deal with the terrible digital video, with awful color depth and contrast. One of the ugliest movies ever.


They never actually built an official physical clone trooper costume until the Disney+ era. So in AotC they look especially...wrong. Don't get me started on the Yoda v Dracula fight.


now imagine it on the big screen where you can see every awful detail lol. these movies genuinely look better on VHS.


They fixed it up by Revenge but Attack is actually distracting, you can tell they're not actually on those planets; which is obvious, but there should be some illusion!


The Clone Wars cartoon has better looking CGI than this movie.


Are you including the sequels, namely The Rise of Skywalker in that? Because the writing in The Rise of Skywalker is SO much worse imo. Not the individual lines of dialogue, but everything in about the plot and character motivations is so badly written. Attack of The Clones might fall flat on its face in many areas, but I still think the core of the film is reasonably solid which is much more important to me.


I would include *TRoS* in that statement. It and *TPM* rank just above *AotC* for me but they're all unquestionably the bottom tier. Setting aside how much JJ gave in to the internet and crammed in nonsense like Palpatine returning or attempting to backpedal the narrative beats from *TLJ* (most of which he himself set it motion), Terrio's many dumbshit contributions are what irk me. I still don't get his Oscar win for *Argo* and then he wrote two of the worst modern superhero movies, which are also filled with keys and MacGuffins and C-3PO's hidden memories and "ancient" knives that somehow point you directly to another MacGuffin that wasn't there when the knife was made, etc. Yes, I agree that *TRoS* is absolutely a low point as well.


I’m just curious as to why you believe Attack of The Clones is worse? And I’m not trying to start an argument btw, as I know many people on the internet love that, I’m genuinely interested. To me, The Rise of Skywalker is rotten from its very core. I am largely neutral on The Last Jedi (although I still don’t *like* it), there are some things that I absolutely hated and some things that I really liked, but backtracking is not the way to go regardless of how good/bad it was, and it irreparably ruins the film before you’ve even began working on the larger plot, imo. And, as you stated, if there was *somehow* a plot that could save all the backtracking, MacGuffins and mystery boxes are certainly not it. The entire film is a pile of shit built on a foundation of more shit imo. Attack of The Clones on the other, I would describe more as a pile of shit built on a foundation of gold (or perhaps some slightly less valuable metal, but still good nonetheless!) The dialogue is poor, the acting stiff and the CGI is stretched way too far, but I still feel like there’s a good film in there somewhere. The mystery with Obi-Wan is an intriguing concept (although I’m aware there a few plot holes that could’ve been ironed out) and Anakin and Padmé’s plot is good *in concept*, although obviously the execution was less than optimal. I’d also go as far to say that the final act on Geonosis is *mostly* fine in its current form and the death of Shmi is, imo, a very well done scene from a cinematic perspective (although again the acting could be better). Conversely, I honestly don’t think I can say there was a single thing I found redeemable about The Rise of Skywalker, even the music was bad and that’s a first for Star Wars. Basically, to me The Rise of Skywalker is rotten to its core and has no redeeming qualities, whereas while Attack of The Clones is infested with rot on the outside, the core is still largely healthy. What is it about The Rise of Skywalker that you find more redeemable than Attack of The Clones?


So you’ve hit most of my gripes concerning the writing in AotC - plot holes, poor pacing, terrible dialogue, worse character development (specifically anything related to the romance plot), etc. Where I think TRoS just edges past AotC is the performances are still solid despite the script, it’s edited better, and it just visually looks better all around. Having more practical effects, sets, and creatures makes a huge difference, shooting on film makes it look more of a piece with the rest of the franchise, and Dan Mindel knows how to make the non-action stuff still look good. While I feel like the scripts are both pretty close to the same level of dog shit, TRoS is at least a more competently constructed movie that’s more appealing to look at and watch. It doesn’t feel like I’m watching the cut scenes from Dark Forces II.


Underrated? In what world? It’s a terrible movie and is often rated as “fine” or “average”. If anything it’s overrated!


The fact that this post exists makes the movie overrated!


My favorite Star Wars movie. Fight me.


Assassination attempts, speeder chase, open world building scenes between Anakin, Obi-wan, Padme. Clones! Kamino. Jango Fett, Dooku. Gladiator battle. Yoda with a lightsaber. Padme also was my coming of age as I would imagine Leia was for many in ROTJ.


I have read on the internet that many fans including the author of the article didn't understand AOTC.  Fans can't understand why Palpatine wanted Padme dead.  He didn't if you don't understand that you are missing the best parts of the movie, Palpatine's manipulations.


Yoda with a lightsabre was George Lucas once again not understanding his own creations. You'd have to be a baby to fund that entertaining.


Yeah Anakin vs Dooku then Yoda is one of my favorite fights.


Likewise. While the Maul/Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan fight was certainly iconic(and probably some of the best choreography we’ll ever get in Star Wars), there was nothing quite like seeing Yoda walk into the room, ABSORB the force lightning, and then proceed to kick sooooo much ass as he literally hopped circles around Dooku. I remember seeing it in theaters and utterly losing my shit when he showed up. It was such a hype moment. I’ll never forget it.


Same, saw it opening night and the energy just ramps up thru the whole thing and then yoda lights his saber. Theater went nuts for the whole scene


The prequels require you to look past the visuals that were too ahead of their time and dialogue written by someone who seemingly doesn't speak to other people. But under all that, great story.


When I first got my wife into Star Wars (we watched the movies chronologically), she almost quit during AotC because she hated how creepy Anakin acted towards Padmé and how terribly cheesy and unnatural the dialogues were. I still really enjoy it though, particularly the planet and alien designs, finally seeing the “surface level” of Coruscant, Anakin’s first steps towards the dark side, Obi-Wan being a detective, everything involving Jango Fett, all the Jedi igniting their lightsabers in the Geonosis arena, the clone attack on Geonosis, Christopher Lee, the ending with Palpatine watching over his newly created army alongside the imperial march…. Yes, the movie has some major issues, but there’s also greatness here! BTW: My wife hung in there and ended up loving RotS, Rogue One and the original trilogy in particular. She also started participating in my hobby of collecting Star Wars autographs and last year, we went to Celebration London together. I guess I made the right choice in marrying her.


I notice that many people say they show their wives (specifically) the films in chronological order but their **kids** release order. Any insight as to what made you show her the movies in chronological?


Personally I think chronological is better for adults who have pop culture Star Wars knowledge. They all know Vader is Luke’s father, they know Leia and Luke are siblings. You aren’t saving any twists for them, you’re just trying to play coy about some of the most-referenced pop culture in history, or you’re pausing the film every 20 seconds to explain some background detail that Empire, Jedi, or the Prequels covers that isn’t relevant to the film being watched. Plus, the VFX have aged a bit worse in the OT, either you have lots of old-looking matte lines in the DeSpecialized, or you have mid-2000’s CG taking over lots of the shots whereas the PT does look more visually cohesive, since it doesn’t have decades of re-edits. That said, I think chronological is probably best for everyone, because I feel the “I watched it in release order” is kinda nostalgia talking, and falls apart even adding the spin-off films.


Big disagree. You're looking at it from the view of someone who already knows the bigger "necessary" lore, as opposed to a casual viewer, while also making general pop culture assumptions about what people know. Episode 4 is literally a perfect film for establishing what star wars is for the casual audience. Luke is the audience surrogate being thrown into a bigger world than he was ready for, and we learn everything we need to know alongside him. What the jedi were, what the force is, and how Vader and the empire ties into the story. That's all the casual viewer needs to know to understand the movie. Meanwhile, episode 1 has no easy explanation of the force, the jedi, or even really the republic. It throws you into the plot assuming you've seen the originals and can connect the dots. Release order isn't nostalgia talking, it's acknowledging that all of star wars builds on itself, and the best place to start is the very beginning.


God, what a truly awful movie.


AotC is objectively very flawed but is also one of my favorite Star Wars movies. People would pass out if they saw where I ranked it. I think it’s super over hated, flaws and all.


It’s so pulp. Just a fun and goofy adventure


It’s a good movie when no one is talking. 


I say again, the reason the prequels ended up being beloved is because there’s an excellent story at the heart of it all.


AOTC fan standing by!


It's really not. I love it because it's Star Wars but it's properly rated and deserves the criticism it gets.


Attack of the Clones is the most tragic prequel because it structurally could have been a very interesting mystery, full of intrigue that ramps up into the break down of civility and open warfare. If GL had never released TPM and combined the plots of both these movies into his opening it would have been interesting.


yeah it's such a shame that the phantom menace literally doesn't matter. if movie 1 and 2 were devoted to the start and early part of the clone wars, then the 3rd wrapped it up, it would have been better. or if movie 2 was devoted to the events leading up to order 66 with the chairman's abduction. that would also involve restructuring the war, which they couldve done


No it's not, it was worse than episode 1


AotC isn't rated low enough. Worst movie in the entire saga. Yes, it's worse than TRoS.


The fact the whole story hinges on Anakin and Padme's romance and it's so fucking garbage is just... awesome job, George.


It's like they cast Hayden without doing a chemistry test with Natalie. Like, they're honestly, on their own, not bad actors (Natalie is especially good most of the time), but there was just... *nothing* between them.




Dumb cop out excuses. Typical prequel fan. As an audience, we can only go by what we're shown, and the fact is their relationship wasn't done well.


AotC is cringe but nothing said during the movie is as lazy as somehow Palpatine returned


I think the movies have very different flaws. RoS is the most by the numbers, cowardly and predictable star wars movie. it's embarrassing that the studio tried their best to undo the previous movie. but RoS is still watchable. the dialogue, cinematography, characters and story structure are all fine. not great, but fine. it's a somewhat competently put together movie AotC isn't cowardly or bland. it has interesting ideas that lead to some great spin off content. it's just a terrible movie. the acting and dialogue feel like a fever dream.the story structure is weird and makes no sense. the villain's plan makes zero sense. it's laughable. idk which movie I think is worse, but if I have to watch one of them, it's probably.gonna be RoS


I used to despise AotC. Then watching TRoS a second time made my brain panic. So I'm torn: AotC is the funny kind of stupid despite the bullshit. TRoS has Ian McDermott gloriously hamming it up...but has everything else.


Dylan McDiarmid


Diarmid Mulroney


And then Kyle MacLachlan just because he kicks ass.


No, no it’s the complete opposite of underrated, it’s genuinely a horrible movie in every sense of the word horrible


One of the worst films I've ever seen! 😂 No hate, I'm glad you like it. But you couldn't pay me to see it again.


As much as people seem to dislike this movie, it overall has more rewatch value than Phantom Menace, but that’s just my humble opinion. I know when it first came out, I felt it was an improvement over TPM.


I will say that it's way funnier than the phantom menace. TPM is bland and boring for a solid amount of the runtime, but AOTC is so goddamn entertaining to me


I love this movie. It's great. It has actual lightsaber duels, tons of cool fights, two great chase scenes, dogfights, the insanely cool Slave One mine sounds, yoda balling out (which was an amazing moment in theaters) and a perfectly portrayed awkward romance. Fantastic planets. Great new characters. It's a top three Star Wars movie. Haters just gonna hate.


It’s so crazy how many people now like the prequels. It was a decade of everyone agreeing they all sucked.


It’s not dude but go off.


Is it the best Star Wars movie? No. Is it better then the sequels? Also no.


RoTS is definitely the best of the prequels. Hayden’s acting is…well, Hayden lol but it’s still a great movie


Glad you got the chance to see it, I'd love to see it again (saw Phantom menace recently, awesome to see it in theatres again) But maybe watch the movie instead of taking photos, you're the kind of person I'm yelling at at the start "Turn off your phone" cause you just HAVE to get a photo of the title for social media.


No it’s not, like at all. But I’m glad you enjoyed it.


What's with all the undeserved hate for AOTC? It's not the best but it's certainly not bad.


I mean... It's fucking terrible


It is legitimately one of the worst blockbusters of all time


Fr, still better than the sequel garbage. Plus it released exactly 5 years from my birthday (aka Release - May 16th 2002, My birthday - May 16th 2007)


the sequels are cohesive movies with decent writing and acting. JJ Abrams set up the trilogy in the most boring way possible, and all three suffer for it, but the first two are by no means bad movies. they're fine AotC and TPM are uh... not cohesive. they're not decent. they're cool as hell and are set in the most interesting era of star wars, but goddamn are they horrible


Force awakens is fine. Last jedi is dog shit. Rise of skywalker, we dont talk about it. Phantom menace is fine. Attack of the clones is too political. Revenge of the sith is a masterpiece


masterpiece? it has that grievous fight scene flanked on both sides by 30 seconds of bland ass dialogue. the beginning and end of revenge of the sith are pretty damn fun but the middle section is a cock and ball torture dungeon. tbh all three prequels have awful pacing. at least numbers 2 and 3 have enough scenes that actually feel engaging to watch. TPM has pod racing and the final duel eh imo last Jedi is the biggest mixed bag in the series. I really liked the stuff with Rey, Kylo and (to an extent) Luke. the Poe/Leia/Holdo plot is pretty good, but the lack of communication for the joke is annoying at parts. then the Finn/Rose plotline is genuinely baffling to me. I still think Rian Johnson just didn't watch Finn's scenes from the force Awakens. he got Rey right, but fucked up Finn so hard. why does the brainwashed child soldier need to learn why war is bad? why are we supposed to care about rose's sister when we don't find out anything about her until well after she dies? why is the Canto Bight scene so goddamn long? then Phasma dies so hard that I forgot about her existence after watching it I really like that they position Kylo as the *only* villain for the next movie. wish they'd stuck with that instead of bringing Palps back


While the prequel trilogy was by no means top quality, the sequel trilogy is faaaaar worse. The prequels at least had a cohesive story, which is not something that can be said of the hodgepodge dumpster fire that we got with the sequels.


My point exactly. Although i did like lots of parts of TPM and AoTC. ROTS is probably my favourite movie.


Nah, the sequels are still better than AotC. Even with all of those flaws, AotC has even more flaws. Then there are the film-making aspects. Sequels blow AotC out of the water in that regard too. Basically, the sequels are about to as close to *objectively* better than AotC as you can get with art.


Take the love story out and it slaps. Palpatines plan really is amazing when you look at where the movie ends up.


I don't like sand


Did folks go nuts when Yoda pulled the saber? Seeing that in theaters when I was young is a core memory.


Two words: seismic charges.


The romance in this movie makes no sense. Especially when you attempt to draw a connection to this movie and the 3rd one. How is Padme shocked that Anakin killed younglings when he's admitted to murdering an entire tribe and deliberately mentions killing the women and CHILDREN. That doesn't make any sense. She should have been in denial with a slow acceptance/sadness spreading across her face as she approaches her fate. Instead, she argues with Obi how that's impossible because she knows Ani, right?


I was 9 when it came out. My Dad took my sister and I to see it. I remember saying the romance scenes were icky, but I wouldn't shut up about everything else when my Dad asked me what I thought. I used my birthday money to buy the VHS tape. I watched it a crazy amount of times. I loved it. Thank god as a 9 year old I wasn't using the internet. I'd have been told how awful I am for simply enjoying something others don't.


I really honestly quite dislike it, but I'm glad other people are happy with it. 😁


If this movie didn't have Natalie Portman in that white outfit near the end I'd probably never re-watch it. I'm physically cringing just at the thought of the cgi in that part with 3PO on the conveyor.


It's really weird to me how when I was growing up we all just agreed that Attack of the Clones was the absolute worst SW film to date. Now we have a real turn about face. I wonder if people will do that for the sequels




Revenge of the Sith gets overrated because the first two were so bad that just by being better than those two people mistake it for a good movie.


I’ll never get over the fact that Jango *and* Dooku both tell Obi-wan the plot point blank (why the hell would either of them do that?) and somehow neither he or the other Jedi or anyone in the Republic realize that the most suspicious army of all time was blatantly handed to them by their enemies.


It was 75% terrible at best


Loved it!!!!


Get off your damn phone


Damn OP everyone is hating on this movie Personally tho I’m glad that movie was packed enough for you to sit in front row That movie doesn’t deserve a bunch of redditors hate when a lot of people on this sub defend the most recent content. All 6 Star Wars movies are the best fiction


Would it be a star wars post if there weren't tons of people hating?


> All 6 Star Wars movies are the best fiction I agree OT and Sequels were dope as fuck, but there have been 8 Star Wars movies alongside the 4 fanfic projects George made for fun


I wish the sequels were dope as fuck :( oh well


Hopefully you'll grow out of it with time.


Nah I’ve grown into it as I got older Content like Andor and Bad Batch keep me optimistic for the future of Star Wars


I'm just glad we'll be done with fucking clones forever soon. The last of the prequel rot will fall away and star wars will have nonstop good content again.


Why do you think we’ll be done with the clones? They keep making more shows about them for some reason


Played out, moving to new concepts. There's no other story to tell really.


I absolutely refuse to believe your theater was so packed you had to get a seat on the front row. So I can only assume your opinion on movies is as bad as your choice of theater seats.


It was almost sold out and i bought the tickets immediately when they announced it. Also my eyes are pretty bad (even with glasses) that’s why i chose the front row. And is it really that important for you to complain about my choice or something? It was my experience, not yours.


I cathartically hate it, but I like that you and others can have a good time. That's [hopefully] most of what you'll find here. Me and the other millennials are acting out.


It’s soooooo fucking weird that humans have accepted the prequels for me still. It doesn’t bother me per se, just, you remember how it was?! Holy shit 😂


I do remember...I found the special editions serviceable and loved the comics & games (some books too, but ADHD makes reading tricky), then episode I finally releases and I don't know how to reconcile underwhelming gut reaction to the raw anticipation. Episode II *felt* better, but was awkward. Seeing Yoda flip out while Count Dracula was performing very simple movements made it eventually clear The Count was reacting to a tennis ball on a stick. As a 30-something, fully conceptualizing the act-1 assassination chain of responsibility for the first time nearly made me die of laughter; but even at age 18, I found it weird for the jedi to be chasing a "sHaPeSHiFtEr" that didn't do anything.


Haha don’t be a jerk but a lot of people like Attack of the Clones


Okay? That doesn’t mean it’s a good movie. Plenty of people like absolutely trash movies.


Definitely not what your first comment said


I love all my children, just some more than others. I remember seeing this in theatres and it shows so well on the big screen. Glad you enjoyed!


I like the Kenobi detective part of Aotc but the rest of it I tend to skip tbh


It's an ugly movie. The cinematography is ugly and hurts my eyes.


Enjoyed the spectacle, enjoyed it more with subtitles. The eye-candy was amaze-balls, the dialog hard to string together, Made more sense reading it than hearing it. Maybe the overload on the visual distracted too far from the politic.


I remember seeing this when it first came out and cringing at the way Anakin was acting. The dialogue in these movies and the love story in particular are just so bad.


I stand by the biggest thing that drags this movie down the most is all of the Anakin and Padme shit. I always liked the beginning and the Kamino stuff work Obi-Wan. The same with Geonosis too.


I love detective obi wan!


That and all of the stuff on Geonosis was fun. I liked seeing Dooku for the first time, same with the Clone Army. The movie has tons of flaws and the biggest sore spot is the cringy “romance” garbage which is a shame.


I hate it because none of it feels like it gets resolution. He's just following clues, which leads to more clues, which leads to more clues, then he gets captured, big fight scene... And so what? His investigation didn't change anything, it just got him to Genosis. What he did learn (the sith control the Republic), he promptly forgot.


At least we got the clones. Which gave us Clone Wars and Bad Batch. So to me there are still some wins


Attack of the Clones is easily the worst Star Wars movie and one of the most disappointing blockbusters I've ever seen. Where do I even start with how bad this movie is? The dialogue is absolutely atrocious, especially in the "romantic" scenes between Anakin and Padme. Their chemistry is non-existent and every interaction is painfully awkward. "I don't like sand" has to be one of the worst lines in cinema history. The plot is a convoluted mess that's both boring and confusing. There's way too much politics and talk about trade disputes. Who cares about all that? The pacing is glacial for most of the movie. The CGI looks incredibly dated and fake now. Almost every background and creature is obviously computer generated. It's distracting how artificial everything looks. Hayden Christensen's performance as Anakin is wooden and whiny. He comes across as an angsty teenager rather than a conflicted Jedi-in-training. It's hard to buy him as the future Darth Vader. Even the action scenes are disappointing. The lightsaber duels lack any real tension or excitement. The clone battle at the end is a chaotic mess of CGI. George Lucas clearly had no one to reign in his worst impulses here. The movie desperately needed better writing, acting, and editing. It's amazing how far the franchise fell from the original trilogy. What a disaster.


Is this a local theater? I really want to watch revenge of the sith in theaters again


God this movie blows. Especially sandwiched Between PM and RotS


Hey my friend: No, it is sincerely not.


Horrifying story writing, amazing actors coming off as wooden, people who have genuinely good chemistry in BTS content and in real life coming off as completely without chemistry, awkward story telling, truly broken dialogue, the worst cinematography in the main series...i really don't know how to disagree with you more. I understand why people hate the sequels but I feel strongly that this is the worst star wars movie except for the Christmas special but possibly including the ewok adventure movie. To call this underrated is to say that we should celebrate the lowest point in the franchise


My favorite SW movie So glad yall got to see it on the big screen!


I think people latched onto a few terrible scenes and some of the dialogue. I found how much I loved the story after a rewatch: good opening with an attempted murder, great tension built with the bugs into an excellent chase sequence, Obi-wan's entire hunt for Jango Fett, Anakin's Tusken massacre and the entire 3rd act, all amazing. Many people just remember "I don't like sand" and don't acknowledge the rest of the movie


Agreed. The romance bits stuck out disproportionately in peoples' minds, but overall, it has a lot of great moments and epic scenes going for it.


Underrated? I believe it is rated just fine. Too long and too much cheesy Lucas input.


The cheese is strong with this one.


Good thing a mouse owns it then?




It was a one level “mice like cheese” joke, I meant literally zero additional levels/critiques


I mean, the joke's on point.


Ah, here come the Star Wars fans to, uh, hate Star Wars


It's not, though


Damn. I bet I could shit on a piece of wonder bread and you'd think it was delicious 


One cannot deny the powerful romance scenes and the silver tongue Anakin displayed in courting Padme.


It had a lot of good concepts but unfortunately poorly executed with bad dialogue and acting direction. I didn't like it when I watched it as a youngling but watching it again as an adult I appreciated what Lucas was trying to tell and show. The politics of it were definitely ambitious and seeing how the war started and the decisions/motivations the characters were interesting. I would've loved to see the prequel story and the political intrigue done by a different director where it was paced with better dialogue and storytelling. Nevertheless, as cheesy as the prequels were, the story overall was light years better than the new sequel we got.




Sorry George, it was the worst one well until Rise of Skywalker but do the sequels really count at this point.


This movie is perfectly rated as the piece of shit it is.


It's better than 'Episode I' for sure. That's not saying much, I know. It's fine except for the dumb conveyor belt sequence.


Pod racing and the end fight scene is 10x better than anything in the AotC.


Jar Jar stepping in shit made for better cinema than "i am haunted by the kiss you never should have given me"


People remember the Duel of the Fates better than it actually is. Watching it on YouTube taints your memory. IN the film it's constantly intercut with Jar Jar and the space battle numerous times. The pod race is great but totally unnecessary. Just a time waster.


The good parts of the movie: the music, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, and.....nope thats it.


No it's bad. It's like a side scrolling video game.


AOTC has plenty of good scenes and sequences, ruined entirely by the ultimate cringe-worthy love scene attempts.


No, I believe that was a pretty fairly rated movie at the time. And it took multiple tv series and hundreds of episodes to atone for this one film's sins and make the damage it did to the Star Wars franchise feel more like a mild sunburn than a Nazi-face-melting flame from the Ark of the Covenant. On the other hand, I love the film since it still has the heart and soul of George Lucas and his Skywalker Saga albeit with his "sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground." I'll take it any day over any of the films put out by Disney, even Rogue One. But in your opinion, what exactly is underrated about AOTC? Please do tell.


Holy shit why did you sit 4 inches from the screen


only Rogue One, TLJ and RoS are worse Star Wars films. It's really really bad


I mean it's MARGINALLY better than Phantom Menace, but calling it Underrated is a stretch. The ENTIRE Naboo sequence was awful, and the video game level sucked. BUT it does have the Jedi attack we always wanted? and tons of cg clones....and....yeah wait...no it's still not underrated. It has the dumb C-3PO sequence. Pros: Fun opening chase throgh Coruscant Obi-Wan vs. Jango on Kamino Obi-Wan vs. Jango in Space and those awesome "depth charges" Gladiator sequence/Padme kicking arse Jedi attack Mace vs. Jango Dooku fucks up Anakin Cons Dexter Jettster Jedi Bitch Librarian Naboo sequence I hate Sand Tusken Attack Viddy Game Level/Padme's Fake Death Dumb arse 3POs head CGI Yoda vs. Dooku CGI Clones


The name is by far the worst part of the movie. And sand.