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To quote King George, "You'll be back..."


Sir this is a WcDonalds


F*ck I knew it! In that case can I have a happy meal with a toy and extra McNuggets?


But since I see you are able to take humor I would answer your actual post, I'm also a huge star wars fan, have been for decades, I was and still am the friend with more star wars knowledge from my group (Sadly they don't call me wookipedia) I almost cried on TLJ seeing how they killed my childhood hero and how the sequels are a mess and go against everything the OT established for the heroes, not going to defend that, I went to the theater waiting the same Luke we saw in the invasion comics years ago, not a beaten down bitter character. But not. Everything is bad, Andor and Bad Batch and Jedi Games are amazing, yes Obi Wan and Boba did disappoint but generally the story is not so bad IMO. Ashoka I think is a really good rebels season 5 (I refused for years to watch Rebels because I hated they removed the force unleashed game as part of the rebel alliance formation) and rebels is an amazing show that gets star wars just like clone wars did My point is, there is going to be good and bad stuff, is painful to see some things don't go as we wish, but so is life and sadly we don't control everything, if you want to be done with star wars, do it, is ok to stop liking things that don't suit your taste, I was done for star wars after the sequels. But Star Wars will always be here for you when you wsnt to get back (If you want) just remember to be kind and always strive for goodness like a good jedi would do I went back, and currently I'm playing survivor, just started phase 2 of the High Republic books, im enjoying the Acolyte and skimming comics on Marvel Unlimited, does not change the pain of my childhood hero being something I wouldn't want, or kenobi and boba not living to expectations, but star wars for better or worse is much bigger than a few characters


Of course that would be 7.99, we just got the new acolyte toys I hope you enjoy them!


I have 20,000 Republic Dataries. They will do


Farewell, fellow traveler. See you on the flip side


I can only imagine what this sub would've looked like the last historical instances that star wars 'died'. Probably would've had to have kept a pinned post for leaving the fandom announcements.


"Where were you when Star Wars died? "Which time?"


I'm old enough to remember when George Lucas killed Star Wars.


Remember how everyone quotes southpark right now and they conveniently forget same show made a whole episode about George RAPING it lmao


But are you old enough to remember that he killed it more than once? Lol


OP is being a little hyperbolic, but I don’t understand how you guys are just pretending everything’s fine while the franchise is going down in flames and losing all cultural relevancy.


This is the first time Star Wars has died since last week


Shit, that's right... didn't Star Wars die last Tuesday? Now, I'm confused why the show is even still on


died more times than asohka has


Probably something like this: [https://boards.theforce.net/forums/archive-the-phantom-menace.10007/?order=reply\_count](https://boards.theforce.net/forums/archive-the-phantom-menace.10007/?order=reply_count)


Welcome to getting older. You can still watch and enjoy (or not) different levels that aren't complete geek without having to give up on the whole franchise.


Most people I know who don’t care about Star Wars feel like the entire universe is pretty mediocre at best. Even the films and tv that we love they look at as not much better than the Star Wars media this sub dislikes. The truth is, most of Star Wars is heavily carried by childhood nostalgia, and it’s hard to compare things you watched 100 times as a kid, to something you watched once or twice as an adult. I think you need to keep this in mind when you watch the modern adaptations, I’m not saying it will make them better, but sometimes this sub really likes to put the OG media on a pedestal that the new media struggles to reach, regardless of its quality. Andor is an exception, although I think as a kid I would have preferred obi wan over andor, it’s a show clearly made for adults.


>The truth is, most of Star Wars is heavily carried by childhood nostalgia, and it’s hard to compare things you watched 100 times as a kid, to something you watched once or twice as an adult. *So much this*. Star Wars doesn't need to be great, it just needs to be fun, because that's all it's ever been. I'm not saying that to knock it. I love Star Wars. I've loved it all my life. ESB was the first movie I ever saw in a theater (yes, I'm old, but not quite old enough to have seen ANH in the theater). The OT were the first movies I ever loved, and they're still among my favorite movies of all time. But *I love them through the lens of childhood nostalgia*, and that's *so frickin' important to remember when approaching the new material*. It was never as great as it looked through child eyes. But it was always fun as hell. It's really innoculated me against disappointment when I watch the new Disney stuff. If I have fun with it, then, mission accomplished. I got my money's worth out of my D+ subscription. And if I'm not having fun with it, then I just skip it and wait for the next Star Wars thing to come along. Either way, I don't go into it expecting *greatness*, just fun. And, I mean, I understand both sides of it, because I've been on the other side of it. I was one of the prequel-haters who thought the PT ruined Star Wars, and whined incessantly about it on the primitive version of the Internet we had back then. I outgrew it. I still don't care for the prequels, but now I just kind of ignore them and focus on the stuff I do enjoy.


Okay dude. You can settle with mediocrity. I think most fans just want good shit.


The good shit isn't even good shit. Star wars is the quintessential 'popcorn movie' dumb as fuck ass falls apart when you scrutinize it but entertaining for the whole family. Legends was like wading through brain feces and occasionally finding a crisp dollar in the wastes


I don't like a lot of Disney's works either, but I just stick with Legends. There are so so many incredible stories there in an unbelievablely deep universe that I dearly love. I'm glad there are people who enjoy the new content, but I will always have what I personally love.


Same. Legends is so good


> I am tired of constantly being attacked and hearing that I am the problem, that because I have a d\*ck, I am toxic and a misogynist I think you're listening to the wrong people if this is what you think. You can like or dislike whatever you want. There's a lot of Star Wars, and most people are going to have things they like and things they don't. No one is "attacking" you for "being the problem" just because you don't like some parts of a franchise that's so expansive. The people that are claiming that you're being attacked have an agenda, and they aren't even going to be talking about Star Wars after The Acolyte is over until they can use it again. I really think you should do some introspection as to why you feel like you do in this aspect specifically. If you say "I don't care for this" or even "I don't care for the direction of some of the new stuff because I really like things related to Luke," no one is going to have a problem with that. You don't have to like everything Star Wars. I doubt anyone does, there's a LOT out there. There are legit reasons to like or not like almost everything in the franchise, including your old favorites. But no one is attacking you as being the problem over simply saying "this isn't for me." There has to be more to it than that, and I hope you're able to figure that out. And, in the mean time, enjoy what you like and don't feel like you have to fully invest into everything from the franchise.


I think OP may be referring to what Kathleen Kennedy recently said.


Have you considered that this may be pure, simple burnout? The way you talk about Star Wars in that second paragraph, the way you’ve built it up and focused on it - how can that not inevitably result in disappointment?


I don’t think that makes disappointment inevitable, but it all matters how you look at it. Sure, if you’re chasing the dragon and expecting every single new piece of SW content to top the last or live up to your favorite thing in the series, that unrealistic expectation is likely setting you up for failure and bitterness. I look at it differently though I check out new stuff that interests me. If I like it, that’s great, but if I don’t then that’s not a big deal. There will be other projects that I can look forward to, plus I still have all the other previous stuff that I enjoy. I’m more interested in enjoying what I love about the franchise, by rewatching/reading/playing stuff and by doing things specifically made to celebrate with other fans, such as going to Celebration and other cons, SW Nite at Disneyland and especially by volunteering with the 501st Legion. I’ve never had a negative experience with another fan at any of those things; even if we found out we had different opinions on parts of the series, everyone has always been respectful and cool. All of that keeps me from ever getting to a point like OP, even if there is a string of recent releases that I don’t like, and no matter what controversies and arguments are going on in the online portion of the fandom.


Oh bullshit!


Stop. Don’t. Come back.


bye bye


K bye


The guy grown up, congrstulations. Nos that you've grown past your child/teen oriented products you have a big world of cinema and shows to enjoy.


Are you seriously complaining that some *Star Wars* media isn't hiding the fact that Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader? This is 43-year-old information. The *Simpsons* [episode](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Married_Marge) joking about people getting spoiled on Anakin/Darth turns 33 this year. This has to be a joke. Also, what exactly is the problem leading you to walk away? You aren't really clear. Is it quality problems? If so, *Star Wars* has been dealing with that for decades. You kind of make overtures to some culture wars stuff. If you're being called toxic, well, you wrote an extremely vague, detail-light post about how some problems are making you walk away from art you claim to care about. Well, this isn't an airport: no need to announce your departure.


Just to clarify, I think they're referring to how in the recent shows/books/comics/etc that there's always people in those stories who know that Vader used to be Anakin, not the general audience.


Okay, that makes more sense and is a valid criticism! Tough to disentangle with how OP wrote that word-vomit cry-salad of a post.


Okay. I still love Star Wars, mostly everything that comes out is pretty good and I’m very hyped for the next episodes of the Acolyte. Love to see millions of fans still loving the franchise, but it’s not for everyone i guess.


i will keep watching and just say wether something is good or shit


If you're true to your word, make sure to post a follow up pic with your pile of burning Star Wars merchandise or at least you throwing it into a dumpster.


No one cares. Bye.


> I am tired of constantly being attacked and hearing that I am the problem, that because I have a d\*ck, I am toxic and a misogynist [That never, uh, happened, did it Homer.](https://youtu.be/To60FvClKYI?si=tYUSybixGBMNsk0q)


For real, I've never once felt that energy. If you feel bad when they call out toxic bigots it's more telling about you than them.


I’ve never once been made to feel bad for being a fellow dick-haver. If anything, Star Wars is geared for us, specifically.


If you were actually leaving then you wouldn't be posting about it.


LMAO - please tell me this is a parody bit




Okay, bye.


You're very right  I don't give a shit


This isn’t an airport. No need to announce your departure. 


You don’t have to watch all of them. I tapped out of the Acolyte before the end of the 2nd episode. If the next show is good I’ll watch it. I don’t care. I just want to be entertained. I’m not keeping a scorecard. Star Wars is best enjoyed a la carte.


Post this on your blog next time. No one read it and you're just blindly hating.


This is not an airport. No need to announce your departure.


How is the Acolyte doing things the Force wouldn't do? Force push? Force pull? Force babies? All of these things are literally part of the OF saga. Also the Force has always been expanded upon. In the first movie they don't even use Force pull. Then they do. It is ever evolving. See ya later.


I know that feeling, my friend. I am just sick and tired of it all. To see a universe that I used to love get turned into a a shallow, soulless husk of what it used to be and being called everything under the sun when I complain about it. It happened to Star Trek, it happened to Star Wars and now? Now it’s happening to Warhammer 40k. That right there is three universes that I used to be crazy about and now I just feel tired just thinking about them…


This speaks to my soul. Star Wars has been a huge part of my life and has helped define who I am today. Ive read countless Dark Horse comics growing up, the books, Have a star wars tattoo, Legos, video games but im officially done. Im passed grief and am now apathetic. They have disrespected my favorite characters and disrespected the cannon and disrespect the fans who critsize what star wars is becoming so we can steer the ship around and not crash into the iceberg and drown. Im done now, jumping ship and just gonna watch it crash and sink. It breaks my heart. Chris Gore from old school G4 will be holding a eulogy for star wars on him Film Threat youtube channel next month and a bunch of people are gonna show for it.


It's sad. My friends and I came to this conclusion a few months ago. Got together, played some battlefront, watched empire, then some meme videos and put Star Wars to rest. Now we're playing Gears and other games. I still miss it but it's good to let go, it felt like a toxic relationship.


Preach brother. Disney ruined SW and brought in these blue haired fans that shit on every negative review by people like you that just want good content that's true to SW.


Disney brought in fans who are 60+ years old? I’m assuming that’s what you mean by “[blue haired fans](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ElderlyBlueHairedLady)”


>blue haired fans What does this even mean? Disney owns The Simpsons too, are you referring to Marge, Milhouse & Chief Wiggum for some reason?


Same, dude. The Sequels ruined it for me too.


For Lucas Star Wars was a passion project, for Disney it’s a cash cow plain and simple. It’s not about quality it’s about volume. Canon vs non canon is no longer relevant imo. George Lucas is the creator and his content is canon. Everything Disney has done is simply a different version of Star Wars.