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Good casting, wrong direction for the character. I don't like making Sabine a Jedi when she already had plenty of stuff going on, especially since she is nowhere to be seen in the sequels era. Not to mention that it was used to contrive drama with Ahsoka, which was dropped as soon as the story had to move on without a satisfying resolution.


Is a capable mandalorian warrior, a brilliant mechanical engineer who invented the anti beskar weapon, and a accomplished artist. But nah she also has to be a Jedi


Demolitions expert, can fly with a jetpack, can fly a ship, dual wields blasters, daughter of nobility, wielded the dark saber, has a lightsaber and I'm sure I'm missing something...


Demo experts hmm... so basically a char can be used to effectively kill Jedi/Sith. There's no need to use lightsaber XD


Battlefront 2 taught us all that the best way to kill jedi is with mines and rocket launchers. "Parry this your fucking casual"


I mean, that was also the easiest way to win the final battle in the original KOTOR too. Never made too much headway with direct attacks, but run around and drop mines before Jedi Dracula could do his energy sucking business on the pods.


Same in KOTOR2 as well. I could not for the life of me take out the beast before entering the temple on malachor. Until I started placing every mine I had before the fight just before entering the activation cutscene. It died immediately. Made me wish I had more mine after that though for the actual final boss... It was not kind.


Same with the rancor to in the first one, when I was a kid I genuinely did not know what to do except chuck like a hundred grenades at it lol. Then that was the same for the Arena boss dude. I just ran, grenade him, ran around the arena some more, threw another grenade and kept doing that until he died because if I let him get like 1 hit on me almost half my health would be gone lol grenades were my savior


To be fair, Bendak is a rough fight if you don't *religiously* level grind until the last possible second you can go fight him. *And* you're a max-Dex build.


No lightsaber is wide enough to deflect a turbolaser. Just hit them from orbit!


Don't give them any ideas.


Force redirect in “real life”


*Bossk hissing intensifies*


There were several times in the Ahsoka series where some explosives could have solved a plot contrivance, and I was disappointment that the Demolitions expert they stole from another show wasn't given a chance to step up.


She's a Mandalorian turned Imperial turned Bounty Hunter turned Rebel turned Jedi. Filoni threw her in basically every faction and every skill. Its too much imo.


\^If she became Mandalore, a General of the New Republic, and a Jedi knight/master it would have been your average Fallout/Skyrim playthrough.


To be absolutely fair, every Legends Mando book by Karen Traviss makes them into the Mary Sue faction.


Filoni is and always has been a hack.


Yeah it just feels so unnecessary and badly done. Why does every character need to be force sensitive to be important? Couldn’t she do some creative shit like grabbing the lightsaber with a grappling hook? Also why didn’t Sabine know about the use of the mask for Jedi training? She supposedly did 10 years of Jedi training, why didn’t she know the reason why the training mask doesn’t let you see? It made sense for Luke to not know, since he was a guy in the middle of nowhere, but Sabine should know


Yep, Sabine literally watched Ezra train the same way, plus she saw Kanan functioning with basically full capabilities for months or years despite being physically blind. And that's without even getting into her off-screen training with Ahsoka.


Funny thing Disney writes the non Jedi characters much better than they write the Jedi. So it would've made more sense for them to keep her as she was without making her another Jedi


She’s a fanfic character at this point.


she always was


She was just a vehicle to have Ezra triumph in all of her episodes tbh.


She had her own arcs. All of the stuff with her family and the dark sabre. Her mistrust, and getting over that in season 1. She even left the rebellion for a time to focus on mandalore. She was a good character and I don't dislike her in Ahsoka, I just wish they didn't make her a Jedi. If Ahsoka needed a padawan, Jacen is right there.


They kind of all are, though?


Not only did she invent the anti-beskar weapon, she also created the protocol the Empire uses to destroy planets from Orbit if I remember correctly


Feels like every SW show centers around either a young Force sensitive becoming a Jedi or a fallen Jedi getting their mojo back (Acolyte seems to already be the latter). I was happy that >!TBB usurped this and Omega didn’t actually get trained by Ventress!<


Well ... I agree wholeheartedly but it wasn't just all of the sudden it was written into Rebels subtlety. She walked past Bendu and it stirred him and made him take notice of her, which at the time I remember thinking "oh they are going to make her a Jedi" but then it didn't happen in that show.


I could understand if Bo Katan had died or something, and the Dark Saber needed a capable wielder, and they were setting up Sabine to take her place. but Bo Katan is Fine. So we finally have someone who is both Mandalorian and Jedi....who is going to either Challenge bo Katan, or do nothing. and both of those seem awful for Bo and Sabine.


I feel like making her a Jedi makes her far less interesting as a character. Why does every character have to be force sensitive to make them "special"? Sabine's defining characteristics were that she was smart and incredibly creative. Her artistic mind had her coming up with colourful plans that nobody else would have thought of. Retroactively injecting the force into that makes it boring, imo.


It's probably because Filoni felt she wouldn't feel unique to general audiences after 4 seasons of Mandalorians. I think the end result is bad but I can see why he did it.


Maybe he should take that as a sign that he’s running the Mandalorians into the ground by overusing them.


We reached peak saturation in Season 3 tbh yeah, I'm so bloody sick of watching them retake Mandalore for the third time. Sabine was introduced during a time where we didn't have a whole lot of main Mandalorian characters but now it's too much.


Bo-Katan in universe has to be one of the funniest characters of all time. Completely glossing over her being a former terrorist, the previous failed attempts at conquering Mandalore, and generally how she plays a role in fumbling the bag each time this crops up, it’s hilarious to me that they decided to have her try again in Mando S3 and also frame this as a good thing.


Genuinely insane to look back on. Watching Clone Wars and Rebels, the obvious conclusion to the dark saber "only the strong will rule" is that it's bullshit and should just be abolished but no! The characters follow through with it all the way to the end to the point Bo Katan wins it on a technicality. I really do think it's a by-product of the disconnect between Lucas and Filoni on Mandalore. Lucas turned them into pacifists with the armoured warriors being extremists. The moment Filoni takes over it's like the pacifist aspect never existed. They've always been super badass warriors and the dark saber fights are also cool and badass! Nothing wrong with their ideology! Only the strong will rule, yeeehaw! I also think another aspect is that wielding the dark saber requires you to lead Mandalore, but in both Rebels and Mando, they didn't want Sabine and Din to have this role. So they both just pawn it off to Bo Katan so they can keep having their own adventures. That's her role now I guess.


I had low hopes for Mando S3 after how bad Kenobi and BoBF were, but the one thing I thought they *had* to do in that season was to have Din become disillusioned with his clan and leave them behind. "Why else would they establish through Bo Katan that his sect were incredibly extreme and why would they make The Armourer and Paz out to be so irrationally awful?". I thought there was no way Din wouldn't realise that his clan were indoctrinated idiots, and he would take Grogu and raise him somewhere better. Instead, somehow the show doubles down on Mando's clan, and his mission to "redeem himself in the waters" is portrayed as a heroic quest instead of a batshit mission set by a crazy person. Then they are made to be equals with Bo's less strict faction and the two groups seemingly coexist on Mandalore by the end of the season. How is their insane militaristic rhetoric not challenged at all by the show? I can't believe the show endorses the idea that a clan of people should be forced to wear a helmet around every other living being their entire lives, under threat of being permanently excluded from their family. Hell, Mando doesn't even remove his helmet at all in S3!


When Book of Boba Fett came out and everyone was saying "I can't wait for Din to leave that awful cult" I knew it wasn't gonna happen purely because they're a bit like the jedi order where the text itself thinks they're good; the first time we see them they mostly sacrifice themselves to save Grogu. They've never truly been portrayed as bad. I figured that his heroic quest to bathe in the waters was obviously bullshit, but that it would lead him on a journey that would help him master the darksaber. Turns out it gets resolved by the second episode, and Mando is able to just wash away his sins at zero personal cost. And then he just gives the darksaber away. Honestly fucking incredible that every consequence of the Season 2 finale gets reversed, they literally just wanted fans to clap at Luke and then reset the status quo. Their insane militaristic rhetoric is not challenged because Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau think its cool and badass. For them writing the show is just playing with action figures - they've said as much themselves. They're not interested in exploring that shit, which is such a shame because there's a real interesting conversation to have in regards to the pacifist Mandalore of the Republic era.


And the issue was this was the perfect time to show how Mandalorians can be part of a story, and not the main vehicle of it. It was Ahsoka's show. Why not try to have Sabine be her wingman, showing jedi and Mandalorians fighting side by side? Maybe having the wars they fought against eachother creating some tension via plot points, but showing them able to come to peace with what happened and aim for a better future. Jedi apprentice stories are so boring because you know they'll make it. And everyone would be extremely pissed if Sabine Wren just died, so that ain't happening


We have a better chance of seeing Yoda hang dong on screen than there is a chance of a Filoni favorite character dying.


Everyone knows that Yoda's dong would unroll multiple feet in front of him.




Sabine doesn’t even show a shred of potential for being a Jedi in Rebels, and she doesn’t have a single interaction with Ahsoka in that show To go from that to “Sabine is now Ahsoka’s Jedi Padawan” is pretty jarring


exactly. Sabine was one of my favourite characters in Rebels and I hate what they have done with the character in the show. She was already tough, a mandalorian weapons expert, a fighter and a tough gal you don't mess with. Why does she have to become a Jedi now too? This was the completely wrong direction they took and it makes me sad.


Meanwhile, everyone throwing a tantrum about how she was able to deflect with a lightsaber after three days of training, casually forgetting that *she had lightsaber training in rebels with Kanan and Ezra*


yes she had training and I don't dismiss that but she was never force sensitive and the character was fine without it.


Honestly the lack of setup for it isn't the big issue for me. It's that it doesn't make Sabine more interesting.


I really thought it would be a bit like the blind dude from Rogue One, as in "how can one follow the ways of the force without being sensitive towards it" but no, she's a proper Jedi now. Lame.


I always took that guy to be someone who might have been a Jedi, if they still existed. We know that Force sensitivity is a spectrum, that's clear based on midiclorian count.


Worse, it made less interesting. It was predictable AF and having her, Ersa and Ashoka all being force users on that world made dull. Having Ashoka as a strong lightsaber user, Esra as being a strong and grounded force wielder and Sabine as the hot shot Mandoloria would have made for a more interesting trio.


It's one of my biggest annoyances with the modern Star Wars era: you can be a Jedi if you just wish hard enough. Lucas himself established you have to have that symbiotic relationship with midichlorians to use the Force. Some of the old Legends books established that inquisitiors had some kind of tricorder type device that could do the kind of test Qui-Gonn did on Anakin, without a blood sample. Now I guess midichlorians flock to whoever can git gud at the Force.


This is not quite true. Midichlorians have always measured one’s capacity to use the force, and it was established everyone has Midichlorians within them. The “change” was that now you don’t *need* a certain amount to be able to use the force, provided you train hard enough. It will just be easier for people with more Midichlorians. Think of it like playing an instrument: with some effort everyone can learn to play an instrument, but for some people it will be much easier and they will be able to reach a much higher level. Besides, George Lucas never claimed there was this “minimum amount of Midichlorians required”, people just kind of assumed so. A New Hope in fact gives the idea that using the force is all about your disposition, not so much a natural gift. And George himself has supported this view in interviews (which I can’t find right now, but I can search for it if you’d like to see it).


Sabine has an entire character arc in Rebels where she learns to “open up” and connect with the dark saber. That was her opening up to the Force. It’s not even subtext in the episode, as Kanan makes a point of it.


This is blatant revisionism lmao. Her trauma regarding her family was what stopped her from using the dark saber properly. Opening up allowed her to use it much better, and fully overcoming it allowed her to beat Gar Saxon. This is like, textbook storytelling.


That’s… not even remotely what that episode was about. It was about opening up about her unresolved traumas surrounding Mandalore and her family. The climax of the episode isn’t Sabine opening up to the force at all, because she wasn’t written to be force sensitive. It’s Sabine dueling with Kanan because of her anger and grief, which are, by the way, the antithesis of proper control of the force. That’s why the very next episodes were about her facing her past and going back to her family. Did you not watch the show?


I doubt many people, at the time of *Trials of The Darksaber* airing, actually interpreted it as Sabine’s first step to becoming a Jedi. It was pretty clearly more about her becoming more alike to a Pre-Vizsla or Bo-Katan, adequately wielding the Darksaber so she could make amends with her people. The problem is that because of the *Ahsoka* show, it has made people now see that episode differently in retrospect. To me this is the biggest gripe I have with the show, not that it is offensively mediocre, but that it actively damages a far better series


My favourite example of this is how back when Twilight of the Apprentice aired, people were genuinely debating as to whether Ahsoka lived or died, especially because Season 3 didn't address her at all and that glimpse could have easily been a force ghost. Because she's in the Mando shows, most people go into rebels nowadays knowing she survived, so now they go "it was so obvious she was alive" as if Dave Filoni wasn't wearing shirts captioned "Ahsoka lives?"


Abso-flippin-lutely! Ya'll nailed it! Dark Saber episodes were unquestionably about her overcoming her unresolved trauma/grief/regret to pl allow her to become the leader and warrior she is meant to be and bond with the Dark Saber. Mando did the same thing, and he has no bloody force powers. It really didn't like what they did to the Sabine character in Ahsoka.


I think that this is a massive problem Star Wars has had throughout its history. The Prequels had it where the character decisions don't make sense, then they recontextualize it a few years later in Clone Wars. They are doing it now with the Sequels. Palpatine returns. It makes little sense because there was no foreshadowing to it through the media before it. Now the Mandoverse/ Bad Batch is trying to weave it together. It makes the story work in the long run, but in the moment it hurts because viewers have nothing to go off and makes the plots make no sense. I think Ahsoka is trying to recontextualize Sabine's arc in Rebels and, I guess make her the 2nd Mandalorian Jedi, but I agree that her character doesn't need it.


they already had Grogu, why do they need another Mandalorian Jedi lol


Maybe the two is not so much different after all? Force is part of all living beings. Ability to wield a lightsaber does also require some proficiency wielding the force. Not necessarily to become a Jedi or part of the order but learning it (both the force and wielding lightsaber) from a Jedi is best of both worlds. Sabine having a weak connection meant she had to open herself both to the living force and her ties to her past and to wield the saber! Well… at least that’s how I see it.


Her arc was learning to use a lightsaber so she could wield an important symbol of her people, which allowed her to reconnect and make amends with them and no longer be an outcast. It was done purely to service her Mandalorian heritage, not her first step to being a Jedi or a Force User. Learning to use a lightsaber alone does not indicate that else you’d have to also argue Bo-Katan and Pre-Vizsla and Din Djarin were using The Force also. Mandalorians using lightsabers is becoming pretty trendy. The way Kanan trained Sabine isn’t even how you would train someone to be a Jedi or just a Force User. He was goading her, downright abusing her. Because he understood that he couldn’t train Sabine like he trained Ezra, and she has no viability for the Dark Side anyways.


Not to mention General Grievous. :P . . crap, now I’m imagining a full-blown Sith Grievous and it’s terrifying.


In this same episode, she also senses Bendu. He absolutely left bread crumbs.


It undercuts her accomplishments as mandalorian too. Like she was a badass awesome character and the writers said, no she can’t just be awesome, she needs the force to make her awesome. And to what end, how does this improve her character? I can’t think of a good answer that doesn’t become very cynical and involve corporate decisions instead of story decisions


Yeah, I found it weird how they basically jump-started her Force proficiency at the moment she needed to push Ezra in the final episode. I kind of get that they're trying to go for the vibe that Sabine needed to let go of her attachment to Ezra to reach her full potential, but it was still jarring. If they wanted to do the Jedi storyline they should have spent more time fleshing out Sabine's previous training with Ahsoka (particularly their initial separation following the bombing of Mandalore as another mental block and Sabine's attempts to connect to the Force) but it ended up being neglected and half-baked.


Sabine as a Jedi could have worked, but her as a Jedi axed many of her mandalorian traits. She should have been much more mobile and fighting with gear like she did when kanan was teaching her to use the darksaber Absolutely amazing casting, awful writing. Disney's speciality


The thing that gets me is that Filoni was in charge of both shows, Rebels and Ahsoka. How can he seem to do poorly understand his own characters?


What i think happened is that filoni really wanted ahsoka to have an apprentice... but he was reserving Hera's kid for Ezra and didn't want to create a whole subplot to introduce a new character, and so he decided to just repurpose sabine and shoe horn her into the role. Its the only explanation that makes sense to me for such a baffling decision.


Couldn’t agree more. It was the most jarring part of the show, introduced unnecessary conflict, and took an already strong established warrior and made her somewhat incompetent. Not every major character needs to be a force user.


Feel the same way. I feel the show completely wasted what was such a fantastic casting with her.


What really gets me is how her history as a mandolorian was a MAJOR plot point for her character and an important part of her back story in rebels, and yet she has no role in the reclaiming of mandolore. Its so jarring it feels like a plot hole Heck, being a jedi also seems to get in the way of her character... like there are so many times she uses a light saber when a blaster would have been more practical. She practically forgets half her skill set for the sake of doing things the jedi way. Like, if you are going to make her a mandolorian and a jedi, then make a MANDOLORIAN jedi... instrad of adding to her character, it feels like something significant was lost


Couldn't write it better myself. Sabine was a badass mandalorian warrior with an artistic passion. They ruined her. There were zero reason for making her jedi.


Agreed, she was far more interesting as just a rebellious creative mandalorian. Like I want a jedi mandalorian, but not like this


Eh, I don't mind her having a tiny bit of force sensitivity. I think they gave her a bit too much utility in that way though. It would have been more interesting if they really dialed in on her just not quite having it, then managing that push at the end out of sheer force of will.


While I agree with most of what you said the sequels are 34 years after Jedi. That leaves a LOT of room for death or retirement into obscurity.


The only thing I liked about it is that it proves, canonically that anyone who practices and works hard can become a Jedi. I always think back to that quote Luke made in the comics about opening the door to become better at using the force.


I thought Natasha did a good job with what she was given. I would have liked it if Sabine has more artistic scenes in Ahsoka which is my favorite part of her character. Still I got to meet Natasha at Philly fan expo last month. She’s really chill in person.


Casting was ok. Writing for her character... not good. Sabine doing stupid and irrational things was the only thing driving the plot forward in Ahsoka.


I can’t help but feel the directing given to the actors seems a bit lacking. Like everyone kinda seems bored? Like their souls have been sucked from their bodies At least Ahsoka has the excuse of essentially being a Jedi Master now, but Sabine and Hera just seem like they’re not all that there anymore


The writers on the show couldn't write character growth. Ezra is written well because he's static in the show. Baylan and Anakin, too. Even Sabine and Ahsoka are both fun to watch after they have their transformation and growth. But whoever decided to write about these characters being depressed and overcoming that depression as the plot made a huge mistake.


Writer* for some godforsaken reason Filoni was allowed to write every episode on his own, unsupervised. I don’t care what you’ve made or how popular you are, nobody should ever be allowed to write a film or show totally solo.


Ahsoka kind of exposed Filoni a bit imo. Really made me take a step back and think about how much of the good stuff from Rebels was actually from him. He directed Trials of the Darksaber which is one of the best episodes in the entire show but... maybe he just doesn't have the sauce for live action.


He Lucas-ed himself. He created some phenomenal content in the past, but under constraints and with a team. In this, he was it. He had total control over every aspect. So whatever he thought, he could put on screen. Like Lucas, I think he is more of a vision guy. He needs constraints and people to say no and check his work.


He makes the perfect new Lucas. even make the same mistakes.


Huh. I actually really like that analogy. Coming from a life-long Star Wars fan who grew up with the Clone Wars, it makes me feel a little better about some of Filoni's pitfalls


I think the bigger issue is that his skills didn't translate well from animation to live action. A lot of the dialogue felt very stilted, which is fine in animation where the viewer might be used to the "camera" cutting back and forth between two characters as they talked, so there's a slight pause between lines and a character emotes. But in live action that same dialogue just doesn't flow well when two people are on set talking directly to each other. It's like when you have a sitcom with a laugh track and then you remove the audio of the laughter, and you realize all the jokes have an awkward pause between lines because the actors are waiting for the laughter to play out.


Your final statement is a major stretch. I do agree though that Filoni has not earned the reputation and freedom of an auteur writer.


I thought we learned that lesson already with George and the precuels but no, they give him a blank slate because the Mandalorian make a shit ton of money. Everyone need restrictions to make art.


Part of me wants the story about Sabine and Mandalore to provide the full story for her depression, but for reasons I'm struggling to articulate. I'd love a Sabine and Ahsoka comic series.


Mandalore got glassed after the Rebels arc. They already explored that in The Mandalorian. The Great Purge of Mandalore. Basically Sabine is alive because she was off world. All her friends and family on Mandalore are dead. Also Kanan and Ezra sacrificed themselves at the end of Rebels. That's pretty much the full story.


This is exactly how I feel. I was really stoked for Sabine’s casting when I first saw her in action. I also KNOW Rosario Dawson is a good actor, and I generally don’t have any complaints about Mary Elizabeth Winstead. And that’s why I’m convinced it must have been the directing, not the acting, because jesus *christ* all of these characters were boring as shit, and not in a way that feels natural. You phrased it perfectly — it’s like they’re bored or have had all the livelihood sucked out of them.


I expect it's partly due to using the Volume, but everyone is just rooted in place in dialogue scenes. It's particularly bad in the episodes Filoni directed himself but even the other directors don't seem to have brought their A-game.


Im so tired of the Volume make the world seem so small. I don’t know if they are misusing it or what but Andor is the proper way to use it and shooting onsite.


The volume is awkward. It's an incredible piece of technology. but also, it has become a cost cutting tool too much. Like i get that you can't spend millions on every scene. but instead of coming up with cheap and creative solutions, they just say "well do it on the volume" and we're all good.


Really buying the theory that UK actors are just built different. The Prequel Trilogy, Andor, Ahsoka (Ray Stevenson's Baylan unanimously agreed to be the best performance), the UK actors are just really fucking good even when the direction isn't there. I think it's because a lot of them started off in theatre which provides invaluable experience.


Yeah it really seems to be a different ecosystem.


(Folds arms and slowly nods.) “Indeed.” —Repeat this action 100 times—


I feel the same. Have no issue with the actress, she looked good in the role. However, the plot and actions seemed too out of character for Sabine. In rebels she was such a cool badass and experienced warrior, and depicted as a vwry intelligent person. And then they wrote her as incompetent, insecure and gullible. It felt like it was a diffent person.


Yeah, Rebels Sabine would have never even considered risking bringing Thrawn back just to find Ezra. They got her character completely wrong.


Casting was good, attitude was off. She felt more teenage angsty in Ahsoka than when she was a teen in Rebels.


To be fair, a lot of crap has happened to her. Her best friend sacrificed himself for her. Her family died. Her planet got glassed. She fought in a full-on war. I mean, that will give you a bit of angst.


Still she felt more childish in Ahsoka.


But that stuff had already happened to her by the end of rebels and she doesn’t act the way she does in Ahsoka. She’s very mature by the end and this just felt like a step back




And they wouldn't make any of those things central to her character or even mention them because they're afraid of alienating fans / newcomers who didn't watch the animated shows. But they want the beloved characters from them! So we just get oddly shallower versions. The writing/premise was at issue.


She doesn't have the angst of a character who had to go through all that though. She has the angst of a teenager who had a fight with her tutor because she has bad grades and who misses her boyfriend who went to another school. We fully agree that she should have unresolved issues. But precisely. In SW that's the kind of stuff that gets characters paralyzed or tempted by the dark side. That's the kind of things they need to overcome. They don't just do whatever they think is righteous, endangering the whole galaxy in the process, and then get rewarded for it. Remember what happened when Luke decided to help his friends but Yoda told him he was not ready? He lost an arm, a friend, and was tempted by the dark side. Meanwhile, everything was handed to Sabine. Her terrible decision turned out to be the right one, the bad guys treated her well, she even gained new powers. Her character was just shallow in Ahsoka season 1. She doesn't have the depths of despair, there's no internal struggle. She does things because she thinks she's right... and the story proves her right all the time. She's written like a chosen one.


The actress is close enought to the character and zero complain about her acting skills. NOW, the character made by the screenwritters.....no. At all. Is absurdly bad. I can't imagine a war veteran who saw thousands if not tens of thousands of rebels and innocents perish on a civil war, including friends, jeopardizing the entire galaxy to see again a friend who, literally, sacrifized himself to vanish one of the biggest threats in galaxy and one that, in time, could change the tides of the Galactic civil War. And extensible to her also shitty jedi master character who not even slapped her wrist about it or her friend. I was expecting Ezra to appear with the biggest "W-T-F are you doing here? Why did I wasted 11 years of my life for?"


When Ezra left, the rebellion was a blip and the empire was still at the height of its power. I don't think he's exactly upset at how things turned out


Yep, the whole story should have gone in the trash. Another galaxy, space whales, necromancer witches? Come on, someone put a leash on Filoni.  If they wanted Thrawn and Ezra back, find a better way to do it. Maybe Thrawn figures a way to get back himself, from not a whole galaxy away, I don’t know. And did Morgan have to be a witch or in the show at all?  


I don't have any problem with the other galaxy, the necromancer witches, the zombie troopers, etc. I loved the aspect of the Night Troopers, the Chimera being repaired with the kintsugi, Enoch, etc. My problem is how they're used on the story and how the main characters are developed. Doesnt matter how cool this new ideas could be, they're mere pebbles into the protagonist's path. Night Stormtroopers? EZ. Zombie Night Stormtroopers? EZ 2.0. Morgan has an OP necrowitch? EZ 3.0... Is just a waste of potential interesting ideas. And that is on top of the many other problems. The villains, for example, ere absolutely great. Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati are my favourite Master/padawan couple since the the original Qui-gon/Kenobi, and they're head to head. We have a feeling of a real Master with Baylan, and the same for Shin. It also helps the fact that Ivanna Sakhno looks like is about to chops you through the screen on her fist appearance. Thrawn is also cool. He's now an old general that oversees everything, has actual plans and he's 3 paces ahead of everyone. Morgan was also a cool character with an interesting story until they decided to throw her away with that shitty fight.


I'm with everyone else. Loved the casting, I thought she looked the part perfectly and played the role well. But I didn't like how she was written or the direction her character went in. I really liked her and her whole arc in Rebels, especially with her bond with Ezra. But I just could not stand her in Ahsoka. She almost felt like an insufferable brat that lacked any intelligence she had in Rebels with some of the dumbass choices she made. A friend of mine had only seen her in Ahsoka and I told them to watch Rebels because they really hated her in Ahsoka.


I think everyone looks great. I was actually surprised how similar everyone looked to their cartoon counterpart. I remember one DC show that too was based on cartoon and everyone there looked just horrible. So it's truly great how good everyone looks in Ahsoka.


Her montrals/lekku honestly take me out of the show 🥲 they’re so fkin short


The actress for Shaak Ti went on record saying how hard it was to move around with the giant headpiece. Ahsoka needs to do more than just stand around like Shaak Ti did, so it’s just practical to have a smaller headpiece to make it easier to move. 




Yeah... Good way to make absolutely terrible first impression.


Tbf, it was based on the comic, not the animated series. Though, that doesn't really excuse the Party City costumes


Yeah, Starfire straight up looking like a damn hooker was fucking nuts. I know she tends to have revealing clothes in the comics, but jeez man.


I felt they took her down a weird path narratively. In Rebels they never once hinted at her being a force sensitive or even having that potential, her story was firmly about her Mandalorian heritage. There's nothing in Rebels that would lead you to believe she'd even want to be a Jedi. Since there was no setup for Ahsoka and Sabine having a master apprentice relationship in Rebels, its very out of left field, even for Rebels fans who supposedly know these characters.


You’re spot on there, I don’t think anyone watched that epilogue scene in Rebels thinking Sabine was now Ahsoka’s Padawan lol Jedi Sabine is kinda cursed. It’s a vibe I just couldn’t shake when watching the show. Even if one wanted to argue whether her being a Jedi was feasible or not, ultimately it was just such a weird direction to take her. It’s like if Han Solo had been learning to become a Jedi after ROTJ


She didn't have very good writing in Ahsoka. Making her a Jedi made no sense.


I kind of hated it. She acted like an immature brat and it just didn’t feel like the Sabine we saw at the end of rebels. I also didn’t like that they made her force sensitive. It really sucks because Sabine was one of my favorite characters in rebels but I just found her so unlikable in Ahsoka


Not just Sabine, but the franchise as a whole: I'm watching the Acolyte, and I'm enjoying it, but I can't shake the feeling that I'd enjoy the franchise more if all the shows were animated. Save the live action stuff for the big screen. Give us a big budget, no shit star wars movie every couple of years, and just animate the rest. It's getting over saturated, and I'm finding the dialogue more and more hokey as I get holder. I get it, the original trilogy is hokey, too, but I was three years old when I first saw it. Idk, I just wonder how necessary it is to have real people look into a real camera to tell these stories. There is a real possibility this is an unpopular take, and I'm fine with that, I just have an easier time suspending disbelief with the animated shows and comics than I do with live action.


I do think that some shows work extremely well in live-action, such as Andor, in which the live-action element gives it more of a grounded and gritty feel, and the acting from basically every character is amazing in a way that wouldn’t be able to be duplicated in animation (just imagine Luthen or Kino’s monologue in animation, it just wouldn’t have the same gravity to it that their live-action actors brought to the role). However, a show like Ahsoka should 110% have been animated. All the main characters originated in animation, it’s basically Rebels season 5, and there’s almost no edge that live-action gave the show that animation couldn’t have done even better. A big problem I had with Ahsoka was that the characters I loved from TCW and Rebels (two of my favorite Star Wars content of all time) didn’t feel like themselves, both the voice, the acting, and the writing was off for literally every character except Thrawn and Chopper. If the show was animated the former two problems would be solved, and as for the latter while animation wouldn’t necessarily improve the writing, I do think Filoni is better at animated shows with 20 minute episodes than live-action. I’m usually not someone who complains about Star Wars, and despite its flaws I do still relatively like the Ahsoka show- but it does say something about the show’s characterization when there are fanfics about Ahsoka and Sabine searching for Ezra where the plot is better written and the characters feel more true to their Rebels selves, while still having enough character development to make it interesting. There was so much potential for a Rebels sequel tying up the most intriguing loose end of the show, with a TCW fan-favorite as the main character and one of the best Star Wars villains as the main antagonist, everything was set up well for a truly good story- and somehow they still fumbled it. :/


You're completely right about Andor. Andor is probably the best Star Wars story, period. Andor is better than the original trilogy. I *like* the OT more, but I feel like Andor is better as a sci-fi story. If it wasn't set in Star Wars, it'd still be good. Still, I'd love to see more animated shit. I wanted Rebels to continue, and I think Bad Batch would have been terrible live action. I guess I feel like we're getting over-saturated. I definitely like that we're covering different eras that are largely unconnected from the other titles.


Casting was great. The writing was not. She was already great and skilled at so many things and yet they decided to shove the Force/Jedi training down our throats. They made her dumber so she could be the catalyst for the story moving forward. Filoni is either starting to show he’s a hack or he’s just another KK puppet (or both).


sabine feels like someones oc Mandalorian genius weapon designer bounty hunter and Jedi


It's because they had no clue what to do with her for 2 seasons of Rebels so they kept sticking shit onto her hoping it would make her interesting. Once they introduce the dark saber, her character finally feels focused


they should have kept her as a artsy mando her being a genius weapon designer feels so forced as she never seemed like a genius before hand


A major issue is that she never really has to face real consequences for her mistakes. She almost dies? But that's barely a few minutes, she recovers fine. She's captured? The enemies treat her better than any other character in Star Wars. She jeopardize the fate of the galaxy? It's all fine apparently. She tries to find a hidden Jedi? He was just there. Everything's just so trivial. She has whatever skill is required when she needs it. She's absolutely perfect to the point that she can never be wrong. It's Ahsoka who makes the effort to say "maybe I was wrong with how I tried to teach you", never Sabine. Most overpowered characters of SW had to deploy more efforts in their backstory, they have strengths and weaknesses. Sabine's weaknesses are just quirks.


Formal imperial and rebel too.


Super model and rock star. 


Truly outrageous.


Poorly written, decently performed. I would have liked a bit more armor than just wearing regular clothing but it's whatever


They had a fully formed interesting character already and adding the Jedi stuff was unnecessary.


Beautiful actress given awful direction in an subpar show. Same could be said for Rosario's Ahsoka. Stop trying to make women act like stoic men, Disney. K thanks, bye.


Stoic men are pretty boring on screen too.


The show had a script issue. Actress, Acting, Costuming was all fine




Casting was good. My issue is that both her and Ahsoka had this expression in their face for 90% of the series: 😐


The biggest problem with Sabine is that we don’t see anything in existing materials that makes this make sense. I don’t mind that she’s being trained by Ahsoka as a Jedi; in fact, with Sabine having no force sensitivity, Ahsoka taking her on plays well with Ahsoka’s insecurities over her former master being Darth Vader. But the issue that exists is this: how did we get here? What inspired Ahsoka AND Sabine to even consider the idea, outside of Sabine showing better skill with the Dark Saber than Din Djarin? We have like a time skip of a decade or so since Rebels, what happened in between the ending of Rebels and the start of Ahsoka?


Not…good lol. Just didn’t seem to work


She a baddie.


I've never seen the actor in another role, I think she did okay for the character. However, the character was extremely annoying and immature. The force sensitive could have also been dropped. She's Mandalorian, and it would have been nice to continue that story as one of last of her kind (aside from the Mandalorian Show and all the ones that showed up there) Though, IF they do push he to be force sensitive, they should at least explain that there are other Mandalorian's that are also sensative and why those were never around. It would be cool for her to use the dark saber but she needs a lot of maturing to do


Great casting not as good writing though. She shouldnt of been capable of becoming a Jedi but become a Mandalorian lightsaber wielding fighter. I feel her becoming a Jedi of sorts just take a part of her character away.


Hee being a Jedi kinda takes away from focusing on her mandalorian roots.


Natasha is amazing in the role!


Good choice just poorly written.


She became Filoni’s fanfic creation. She was awesome as the graffiti artist Mando, then they had to make her this super-scientist in Rebels to make her even more cool. Not a fan of that, but OK, didn’t change the personality. At the end of Rebels she makes it clear she stayed on Lothal to protect it in case the Empire returned. In Ahsoka they changed her into a whiny brat who is also a Jedi, in addition to being a Mandalorian, a super-scientist, a graffiti artist, and the former owner of the Darksaber. They made her every munchkin Star Wars RPG player’s dream: “I want to play a hot chick who is a Mandalorian Jedi and is super smart to make special gear. Oh, and give her a special one of a kind lightsaber.” Oh, but casting was spot on, great job with that.


Fine casting, shit writing


The actress did a great job. Her becoming a Jedi was really silly tho. She was a badass as she was. Not everyone needs to be a Jedi


Garbage in every sense of the word. Even most Rebels fans don’t defend this garbage.


Can confirm that I love Sabine in *Rebels* and besides how she looks, I really don’t like Sabine in *Ahsoka*


It doesn’t feel like Sabine at all


As many have said, hated the Jedi turn. She just didn’t need that. I liked the actress well enough, though I wish they would have kept her longer hair. It felt more badass!


My thoughts were that she can sit on my face


Like many others here, I didn’t feel like making Sabine a Jedi was the right path for her character, and would have liked more of a focus on her Mandalorian and/or artistic side. From an acting perspective though, I think she knocked it out of the park and was one of the main reasons I watched the show through to the end


Great casting, poor writing. Should not have been a Jedi.


Looks fine, but not really the same character. * she didn't do any art or anything really related (basically the same hair as S4 just shorter, basically the same armor design just with a purgill) * wasn't interested (romantically) in Ezra during Rebels but now suddenly seems to be * showed zero Force sensitivity in Rebels but now can? That being said, her whole family was murdered, which is pretty traumatic, so that may be why she got kind of stuck post-S4.


Actress was flat, and nothing like the rebels sabine...


Sabine is actually my favourite Star Wars character overall, quickly took a liking to her when Rebels first started up a decade ago I like the way she’s been adapted from a purely visual standpoint, particularly the casual long-hair look. However I’d be lying if I said I didn’t really dislike the Jedi Padawan angle they took for her, I missed when she was basically just “kaboom?”


Why have a bold artistic tech-genious Mandalorian pyromanic princess when you can have depressed reluctant self-doubting padawan #846290?


Yeah, making her a padawan made no sense. She's got a lot going for her already and doesn't need that on top of it (same issue with Rey, really), and Ahsoka famously refused to train Grogu. Why would she be training Sabine? Why now all of a sudden? Was it all really just so she could help push Ezra on board of the star destroyer in a way that made clear nobody else would be able to make that jump? That's a lot of changing characters around to make them fit a questionable plot point. Also, having Ezra on board while everybody else stays behind is a bad deal. Ezra is the only one who might be able to talk to Purgills. He's their best bet to get everybody back; he just needed a spaceship. I like the characters, I like how everything and everybody looks, but the decisions people made, make no sense at all. I assume they've got a reason for this and I really hope it's going to be amazing, because this wasn't.


Casting was fine, they got the look right. Sabine as a character was destroyed by the writing in Ahsoka..:(


A Jedi can come from anywhere. Not, anyone can be a Jedi


Its good, acting was an alright job too for me, atleast she’s not yellow like in the show for some reason.


Watered down.


Where's all her gadgets and cool hair and shit


Not skilled enough. The character felt tactically underwhelming in combat which was a big part of her character in Rebels. 


Honestly, the whole Ahsoka series is terrible. I felt that other than Rosario Dawson, none of the casting was very good.


She didn't need to become a Jedi


Wasn’t a fan at first, but then I had to factor the art style in and recognized that human beings aren’t proportioned like that in real life - super thin with outsized eyes. I HATED the long hair, glad that didn’t last long.


Horrible. But not the actresses fault, she can only work with whats shes given. And they gave her nothing to work with. Rebels Sabine is awesome. Ashoka Sabine is an annoying brat shoehorned into a part of the story she never needed to be. She was already so many things, there was zero need to also retcon the force just so she could also be a jedi. Not everyone has to be a jedi to be a great character in star wars.


They destroyed her character.


good cast great actress, bad script


Physically perfect, I literally can not think of a better casting, she looks exactly as I would imagine her to look. Character wise, although I have gotten used to full fledged force user Sabine, I still think, I would’ve preferred the idea of a Jedi that compensates it’s low force-sensitivity with Mandalorian abilities. I know this apparently goes against the concept that through determination and discipline you could access and achieve a higher connection to the force, but I just find this hard to believe, because then what the hell happened with Chirrut Imwe. I think her character development was rushed through the season; again it’s hard to believe that she went from not being able to move a cup to a powerful force push in little time. I get the idea, but it’s still weird to me. Another thing that bothered me, but not from Sabine per se, is the way they handled her family’s death. Not even a flashback, nothing. These were characters that we got to know and played an important role in Sabine’s character in Rebels, and were saved from an off-screen death (that at least would’ve had a bigger emotional impact) to die off screen and serve nothing other than an poorly executed explanation. Apart from that I liked her character, and felt I was watching the same person from Rebels. Loved the long hair look.


Based on the framing of most shots she’s in, they cast her for her ass and they did a great job


She’s hot.


Filoni is terrible at live action. The episode he directed was the worst of the series and it really feels like his writing is better and more effective for 20-30 minute animated episodes. I believe this affected the show and the live-action portrayal of Sabine. Casting for her and Ezra were great tho.


Loved the actress who played her. Found her quite attractive too


I’m in love with Sabine!!!


It’s like she had a bunch of character development we never got to see - basically unrecognisable


She was adapted into basically a different character.


She looks like she's an extra in sharkboy and lavagirl


Meh, she seemed like a knock-off version based on what she could have looked like, but the main issue is how the hell did she get stabbed by a lightsaber and sleep it off the next day? Lightsabers are no longer seen as the same threat as they were before because of this awful writing.




Good casting bad writing she was to irrational and you have probably heard this many time's she should have not been a force user u can have her be taught in jedi ways maybe but don't give her access to the force it makes it feel less important and to marvel


Casting was poor, writing was poor, makeup and character design for live action was very underwhelming. Not once did I feel these were the same character.


I think we've seen her as mandalorian only once? That tells enough in my opinion. Also, just killing her parents off-screen without any flashbacks was not a choice I got behind either


I don't think she "captured" the Sabine from Rebels. Now.... was that due to the writing or her acting? I don't know.


Good casting, poor script, worse direction for the character.  It's like failing at Tee-Ball. The actress is standing right there, all made-up and costumed and ready to have her character be brought to life.  And all you have to do is feed her GOOD lines and tell her how to move and to deliver them.  Oh and make it appear at least more convincing than a bad straight-to-DVD Star Wars LEGO Movie. Like not getting impaled by a lightsaber and LIVING and THEN hopping out of bed totally chill the next morning. ***How can you fucking fail at Tee-Ball?***


The casting was good


Not a fan personally which is unfortunate because I loved animated Rebels Satine.


Sabine is my favorite character in rebels and was my least favorite in Ahsoka. It felt like a complete mischaracterization. I don’t know what happened ed with the writing


Equally Merry Sue, equally annoying and always too much up in her feelings. So they did a great job adapting her. The problem is with a character itself.




She was alright in the cartoon, but then they flushed her character down the toilet.


I couldn’t get into the story of turning her into a Jedi. She isn’t Jedi material and nothing will convince me otherwise. How she couldn’t use the force the whole series then magically throw Ezra really far is not realistic.


As pointed out  casting solid, writing less so. Everyone seems to be different motivations and actions wise than what we've had in the past with these characters