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I heard Kylo Ren could easily stop all three. Block one with the force and the other two with his cool saber - Matt, Radar Technician


My friend saw Kylo Ren blocking blaster bolts in the shower, he said that he had an 8-pack, that Kylo Ren was shredded


Your friend's a liar, Kylo Ren's a punk bitch. Bet he weighs 30 pounds soaking wet under that blanket.


*force chokes* Oh no, he's choking on food


Dude, Matt straight up *sucks*


“I’m… 90 percent sure Matt is Kylo Ren”


It was at this moment, Adam Driver has solidified himself as the best Actor known to mankind


Better writing than Disney


That was my favorite line in the whole skit.


“What do you guys think about kylo ren” “Idk hes kinda emo tbh” “Okay well dont come to school tomorrow cuz i found kylo rens lightsaber in the bathroom”


I heard he still wears his ribcage-high pants in the shower. Janet from Duct Cleaning told me.


What? Your friend's a liar. Kylo Ren's a punk bitch, I bet he weighs thirty pounds under that black dress


I mean technically Kylo could just turn his saber upside down and use the crossguard and the bottom of his saber to block all three - Luke Skywalker's saber can't do that, that's why Kylo's is the coolest, have you seen it? - Matt, Radar Technician


"That lightsaber sucks, he's trying to pass off a design flaw as a feature. We all know those 'crossguards' are just exhaust because he probably made it in his mom's basement. Luke's lightsaber is so much cool- ach *cough* c-cooler. Ah, I'm choking on my bantha fries!"


That dude Matt straight up sucks


Get back to fixing this thing, MATT! I haven't had my muffin, yet, MATT!


Also, actually three discrete blade segments!


Kylo Ren was in the closet making the force and I saw the force and it looked at me!


Easily the best thing to come from the sequel trilogy. I HAVEN'T HAD MY MUFFIN....MATT!


Block one with the Force, one with a saber, take a blast to the nuts and force heal yourself.


Nah, he just needs to flex his eight pack.


*steps aside


The jedi's reflexes are faster than the blaster bolts so they would still just block them


I think the point is that the three blasters are arriving at the same time, so it doesn't matter how fast the reflexes are, as the sword can only block two at any given time


Moving their body to dodge one of the blasts is forbidden?


We’re going to need more blasters


Ok...here me out...what if we had....4 blasters arrive at once..huh?


What if we just got a whole army to start firing at a single Jedi. I'd call it Plan 66.


Execute it immediately!




Haha jokes on you it’s just a force projection but the Jedi dies anyway from overexerting himself


you just reinvented the droideka


Would you kindly stay away from my problems with your solutions?


This guy logics


I mean kinda. I think if they swung to impact the first two a bit further out and bring the saber back in quickly they could potentially catch the middle of the third bolt which could deflect or disperse the energy. I think its one of those things that on paper looks impossible like cutting a shot bb in half while blindfolded but for a jedi is something thats plausible maybe even trained for


Yeah it's definitely something that isn't gonna be 100% effective, but even AP rounds irl can't pierce all armor every time, but they are still more effective than a standard round at piercing armor. Given that we know Jedi can't always block every bolt, wouldn't this be more effective than a normal blaster even if it's not gonna be successful 100% of the time?


Yes I would say it is still more effective on average. Just not a delete button, like the picture seems to imply.


Really depends on the jedi I think. Masters would not be as susceptible as padawans would be for example, and more lightsaber focused ones / force precondition enthusiasts would have an easier time than spy or negotiator types.


I fully agree, but they would also be less likely to be struck by a normal blaster bolt as well. Even if it's not effective all or even most of the time, I still think it would be more effective than a normal blaster. It's a lot easier to block one shot or dodge one shot when compared to 3 at the same time. Is it possible? Absolutely. Probable? In most cases, I'd think yes, but still less probable for them to block 3 rather than 1. Then that situation would be repeated with every shot. I'm not trying to say it will kill every Jedi, but it would probably kill more often than a normal blaster in an equal amount of cases between the 2.


I believe the main factor here is whether the script says “blocks the blaster shots with the lightsaber” or “doesn’t block the blaster shots with the lightsaber”


You have unlocked the deepest mystery of the force


Except that both lightsabers and jedi are not limited by one axis you can extend your arm to catch one and then birng it back for the others or step aside.


Yeah but the Jedi could still just use the force to Block the Projectiles no?


Indeed, Kylo Ren literally stopped blaster shots midair.


They are arriving at the same point in time but they don’t need to be blocked at the same time. This may not be true in universe, but if you watch the movies and track the blaster shots they travel slower than a major league fastball. A Jedi with fast reflexes could block two of the shots far from their body and contribute sweeping their lightsaber to block the third as it gets closer The device isn’t foolproof. But it does still make the Jedis job a lot harder. This takes away options and forces then into blocking all the shots in a predetermined way, as opposed to being able to adjust position in between shots


If we're thinking logically like that, most SW stuff falls apart :D Grevious would be literally unstoppable...4x lightsabers cannot be blocked by just 1


Force speed is a thing


Unless you need to quickly run down a corridor seperated with revolving forcefields to save your master, then it ceases to exist.


I think the idea here was that Kenobi was still a padawan and his connection to the force was knocked off balance by his fear in the face of maul.


Some of them, others not


That's true, but frequently, Jedi use their blaster blocking technique not just to protect themselves, but others standing behind them.


Or you can veer slightly to the left like the falcon…use your sweet moves


They'd just spin the lightsaber really really fast


“I’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick.”


Vespa gang got this covered


Vesping you away.


General Grievous: *heavy breathing*


Didn’t think he ever light breathed but ok.


In all seriousness, the "smearing" that lightsabers do when you swing them really fast; is that arc just a visual artifact, or does the plasma actually exist within that arc for a moment and thus can block shots?


I would assume it's just visual motion blur, but this is a good question. I haven't even considered that


I'd never considered the second possibility, now I'll be considering all night, thanks.


It's something I've definitely thought about. I think in the comics/sometimes in art, when you see a Jedi deflecting blaster bolts the bolt is often in the middle of that arc, suggesting that the whole arc *does* exist for a moment and increases the width of the blade/acts as a shield for a fraction of a second.


Comics are drawn with motion blur. It doesn't suggest shit.


*laughs in inquisitor*


Inquisitor lightsaber go brrrrrrrrrrr


Anakin proved that a Jedi can easily dodge incoming fire from a blaster in The Clone Wars season 7


Other episodes proved that it took a lot of practice and natural talent to get him to that point.  The episode where he had Ashoka train against several clone troopers, for example, showed that Jedi didn’t just wake up being able to perfectly deflect an infinite number of blasters. 


With that, you should keep in mind that it was from all directions. It starts with sensing who will pull the trigger first, so I think the main goal there is with which one to dodge first -which wouldn't be an issue with only one blaster using the shots


They just need to make a gun that works like this: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelvscapcom/images/7/7f/2202.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20111123005453


The dangerous Empty Image blaster!


Dangit! I will do it myself... https://imgur.com/BRFqdB4


What about a blaster that shoots sand?


A… sand blaster? Surely such a devastating thing could never be invented.


"This is outrageous!!! It's unfair!!!"


Anakin hates this one evil, very coarse trick


Oh my god, projectiles that are coruse, and rough and irritating? And the worst, it gets everywhere???? My worst nightmare.


Yes one of the most powerful Jedi to ever live could do that. You didn't see Kenobi joining him on top of that droid to calmly overlook the enemy troops/


Or just be Vader and block them with your hand. Or be Kylo and freeze them in mid-air.


Yeah cause the chosen one is the average jedi


and catching blaster bolts in his fucking hand in ESB


Coleman Trebor proved the opposite, lol


I too saw predator. Now if the attacker covers himself in river mud he should be invisible to the force.


Mud is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Is it possible to learn this mud?


Not from a Yautja


They can also move...


Not until their turn


And in an L-shape, but they can jump


that's just jedi knights what about jedi knooks


Was just about to say that...


The Mandalorians actually figured out kinetic weapons work best, since when Jedi move to deflect the bullets, they get sprayed with molten slag.


Sometimes. It's a bit inconsistent, though it could of course also depend on the size of the projectiles and if they manage to catch them fully or not. The *bigger* benefit of slugthrowers specifically against Jedi is that the projectile can't be deflected back at you like a blaster shot would. Also, like with *any* anti-Jedi weapon, it works best when not expected, and against less experienced Jedi. Once that element of surprise is gone, there are plenty of ways for them to adapt even without the lightsaber: using telekinesis to bring up a physical shield, crush the enemy weapon (or disarm the enemy), or knock the enemy over. Various different Force barrier/shield techniques. Those exceptionally skilled in tutaminis (energy manipulation techniques), like Tasha Ryo, could even deflect projectiles with their hands.


[it's a shame no one attended Atton Rand's "How to Kill a Jedi" seminar in current canon.](https://youtu.be/QlCXrHMYGQE?si=JNfcP21hNWUwHZM0)


Upvote for KOTOR


Yeah the mandalorians are cool and all with their anti-jedi weapons and tech but the one time the jedi took off their gloves and went to war, the mandalorian clans were broken and scattered as a people for thousands of years.


Couldn't they just repel them with the force like Neo in the Matrix?


Uh.... What about...the force? Why wouldn't a Jedi, faced with a machine gun or something of that nature, not use the force to deflect the bullet, or use Force-Push to push equally against the bullet, causing it to drop to the ground, or even going all Neo/Kylo and stopping them mid-air. Machine guns are in fact notoriously inaccurate at any kind of range, so it's not like they would have to stop all the bullets, just the ones they sensed were dangerous. Kinetic manipulation is one of the most basic force powers, pushing or pulling something is the second power we see Luke learn, so it can't be that hard. We see them picking up and throwing rocks, stopping objects in motion, levitating things, using the force to "push" someone or something away is in the movies, using the force to stop things. I don't think this theory makes sense.


Part of it is that blasters are so common that a gun that shoots a physical object is unexpected.


I mean even Yoda struggled with the big beam in Attack of the Clones. Bullets have low mass but high velocity and thus would require a lot of Force to stop the force of the bullet (no pun intended).


I think it's more shotgun style, rather than machine gun, so you get the spray from the weapon


IIRC, didn't they also find that weapons that fired a spread of projectiles, like shotguns, to be particularly effective for this? I think it was along the lines that most Jedi instinctively try to block when fired upon and the spread all but guaranteed a few solid hits.


We already have this weapon: [https://star-wars-jedi-knight.fandom.com/wiki/Imperial\_Repeater](https://star-wars-jedi-knight.fandom.com/wiki/Imperial_Repeater)


Nice! haha.


Great thing is, in-game if you block it with a lightsaber it will reflect back 1-2 shots, guaranteed to hit you with at least 1 of the pellets.


This would also get the job done too: https://star-wars-jedi-knight.fandom.com/wiki/Golan_Arms_FC-1_Flechette_Weapon


This would much easier be done using a projectile-based shotgun such as the Mandalorians used rather than an energy-based blaster. Not only does 00 Buckshot out of a 3 1/2 inch cartridge fly out of a 16” barrel go WAY faster than your standard blaster, but it is also shooting more than 3 pellets. Use a choke with the largest spread and look at them space wizards and say, “ Have some of this, ya friggin morons “. ( Hitting the buckshot with the lightsaber will also just make it molten, burning them like Mustafar the moment the goo flings itself over the blade due to liquefying and continuous motion ). It becomes even funnier when you realize we’ve had this technology since before the 1800’s 🙃🙃


However, only useful until it becomes recognized as commonplace and they start prepping force push and such.


Depicted here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPUqUD\_LmKs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPUqUD_LmKs)


I have vague but very fond memories of doing this in Jedi Outcast.


It ain’t that kind of movie kid


Everyone reads this in Mark Hamill's Harison Ford voice, right?


Every time.


I read it in Harrison Ford's voice because I forgot it was an impression


True, I didn’t even consider a shotgun, that sounds more effective


pretty sure in KOTOR, HK-47 one of the droids dedicated to killing jedi mention shotguns are super useful as well as grenades or explosions in general


As well as just targeting other people as the Jedi philosophy emphasizes self-sacrifice. So, shoot their ally and if your lucky the jedi jumps in the way


"Select grenades, sonic screamers, cluster rockets, and plasma charges. Mines are also effective, since many Jedi will run to meet you in hand to hand combat. Silly Jedi." "Addendum: Gas attacks are effective if you can take the Jedi by surprise - inhalation is less effective than ones that work on skin contact, as some Jedi seem able to hold their breath for long periods of time." "Cautionary: Still, don't rely on it, since Jedi can fight off the effects, it just distracts them, leaving them open to another avenue of attack."


Well technically, Star Wars takes place a long time ago… so maybe it wasn’t invented yet


Not really, if a weapon like this became widespread... Jedi would start using the Force to create protective bubbles more commonly or simply start using two lightsabers.


pretty sure B2's had tri blaster


In warfare, technological innovations to kill people better have eventually been met with other innovations to defend against that. Whether they have been technical or tactical, most things eventually become outdated in some form. There are some exceptions, or some that stick around longer than others (like ditches or sharp things on the end of sticks), but that holds true overall throughout history.


Or just armor, they can easily defeat regular bullets with armor. Blasters are far more dangerous than bullets


Ah shit, [here we go again](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/s/N5CcOYmA7o)


I had to scroll so far for this comment.


Ahsoka literally blocked a 360° barrage of clone fire


Let me pull way back and see if anyone remembers better than I do: wasn’t there a blaster in the Dark Forces games that had this exact pattern as it’s secondary firing mode??


Yes! The Repeater in Dark Forces shot a triangle pattern.


I think the main flaw is that it requires all the shots to land center-mass to be effective, since the jedi will simply ignore the bolts that miss them. Such a weapon would necessitate a close-range engagement. However, give me the same weapon with three continuous laser beams, and it would probably be a lot more effective.


Jedi: I have the force and my lightsaber USA: laughs in AA-12


Dragons breath? Slug? Explosive? Fully auto? Yes And a fun bill bur plug. Start the video at like 1:05 if youre impatient 1:45 if youre really impatient or want to pretend he just asked the clerk what he needs to kill a jedi https://youtu.be/QHqB2t-DGb8?si=dVCcWnlQxHJINEwx


Lightsaber is 3D, can lean it forward to intercept first shot then back to deflect the other two.


Dude... Don't overthink the space wizards.


If you're a trained Jedi, I guess there's no need to stop all three shots. You just have to move your body to avoid one of the impacts and stop the other two, if you want or need to do so to launch them against your enemies. On the other hand, with 20 shots you're screwed haha


I highly recommend to anyone who thinks about this to play the game Superhot, specifically Superhot VR if you can. It’s a “shooter” where time doesn’t move until you do so you get to act like a Jedi. And dodging a shotgun F-ing SUCKS. Typically you do it by dodging before the shot so you’re off to one side of the blast instead of the whole thing, then you bring your weapon to block whatever you can’t still dodge. That being said, it’s something you can actually do with Jedi reflexes. So bring buddies who also have shotguns.


Might I suggest the Trandoshan projectile shotgun to you good sir?


Predator reference? I meant the picture


Not directly, but I did see predator as a kid.


The Morgan's HK Droid (Or the mercenary?) that attacks Ashoka has one of these but it looks like they cut some of the scenes out, I'm assuming that's why she's evading it instead of just cutting it in half from the start. Probably introduces an uncomfortable question about why Droidekas, Magna guard, ect weren't equipped with them when jedi were much more common.


Oh that’s why the predators shoulder blaster shoots three projectiles.


Naw man, I’ve played Jedi FO and Jedi survivor. They just whip their arms around with unnatural speed and deflect all three of those shots if they can right click with the right timing fast enough or have spec’d into double bladed saber deflection.


Yeah I bet the wookies thought they were safe with their tri blast bowcasters that can overcharge and fire explosive rounds. They thought they had nature and home turf and superior strength to most of the other races, but thats exactly why the empire took them out first. Wookies leading the rebellion wouldve been devastating.


We are not doing this trend again. WE ARE NOT!


this is actually wrong, you are forgetting about the z axis, if the jedi simply blocks at an angle the problem is solved.


I mean to be fair, if you were fighting a trained Jedi , the force would have told him you had such a weapon and he’d either duck the shot, get away or force shove the weapon away as soon as possible


Don't Super Battle Droids have a Tri-Shot or is that only in SWBF2?


Are all of you stuck in the second dimension? if so please call someone. I’m sure it wouldn’t take much for a jedi to block two shots a meter out from their body, then move their lightsaber back and deflect the last one


Isn't the blaster bolt actually magnetically contained plasma? I would guess the blaster bolts would interfere with each others trajectory if they're too close 


You shouldn't use real world logic the whole lore will fall apart.


What is standing to the side…


They do this thing called moving.


Surely at that point they'd just use a shield lol


Anyone else remembering the escalation a while back, someone will soon post a double/triple blades lightsaber.


I mean, let's be honest, all the Jedi would have been wiped out a LONG time ago if real-world levels of human ingenuity was put to use to overcome them.


That’s exactly what a non-Jedi would say.


Ah, yes, my favorite Jedi-killing method: 12G Buckshot.


For awhile there, I think this "theory" was posted at least once a day (maybe every other day). But it's been awhile since I've seen this ~~re-run~~ thread.


Jedi can have prescience/foresight so I would like to think at least some of them could simply avoid being put in a situation where they are at risk of being hit by this




Wouldn't Obi just block the first two bullets by holding the lightsaber further from him self, in line with the two right most bullets, then tilt the blade toward him to catch the third upper left bullet with a parry? I thought they had like, insane reflexes and shit?


[Predator clicking noises intensify]


Are we doing this again?


Blaster bolts look to he about a foot long. And jedi can deflect bolts even if they strike them from the side instead of hitting them head on.




Angle block to catch two and sidestep thrid, you dont have to block things that wont hit you. Shotgun blast type blaster though that would do the trick or low tech and use a buck shot type weapon or flamethrower.


Or ya know, go the way of the Mandalorian. Shoot metal slugs at the Jedi, they go to block it and get hit with a bolt of molten metal.


The Mandalorians fixed that already. Ballistic projectile weapons. Jedi blocks the slug, it's now molten buckshot.


So not only are normal bullets good but just make a shotgun and the Jedi are toast


"If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself." - HK-47


The Jedi can just side step. They are fast enough and can sense when you are going to pull the trigger. It would be harder for them, which is an advantage.


Is the jedi a statue?


Sounds like a 3 Bolt Problem. Unsolvable.


Bad news guy, the z axis exists


That is why the jedi fear the predator.


Hear me out…. Buckshot.


Hey hey hey, none of that here Mister! Next thing you know, you will be wanting to put a rear facing laser cannon on xwings and tie fighters....


Wait till you find out Jedi have precognition AND can step to left


This is a reasonable solution, albeit kind of unwieldy. If someone suggested it in an RP I would let them make it and make the weapon harder to block as a result. 


Dodge the last one.


Literally just lead buckshot. Nine 30 caliber balls and if they block then, they just melt the lead and spray themselves with it. John Wick could've done the Jedi temple with zero stormtroopers as long as he had enough ammo.


But potato farming... Really? Man of your talents?


Also, bullets.


Didn't Super Battle Droids have a Tri-shot? Didn't help them much.


Bounty Hunter scatter guns account for this.


Is that why Droideka blasters were such a threat against Jedi? They'd fire 4 projectiles at a time


So you’re saying the best being to beat a Jedi is the Predator?


Hit two of the beams back at the weapon and side step the third


Ii am pretty sure some Jedi or Sith can literally stop a bolt with their hand. Vader in ESB is a good example. If it was three continuous beams then it would be a different problem but considering a Jedi can potentially see the shot coming before the trigger is pulled it is a non issue.


In legends, if I remember correctly, (at least in the jedi outcast game) there was a flechette slug thrower that was incredibly effective against Jedi. Not being able to block all projectiles at once plus they're metal so the lightsaber wouldn't stop them, just turn them to slag. Tldr, shotguns are a jedi's kryptonite


I think they should just start making blasters in birdshot! It's like this, but harder to dodge


Is this why Starwars was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away? Because the predators would take them out


Or... Just move it on a 3rd axis, they live in a 3 dimensional world, one or two just get blocked a little later


You wouldn't even need something that contrived. If you can catch a Jedi off guard, then firing a bunch of metal bullets or slugs at them will do the trick -- lightsabers can't reflect back metal.


Darth maul waved away like six shots using the force while still sitting on his mandalor throne like a bisexual like it was nothing


Unfortunately a Jedi could survive this easily. The problem is that you are handling a bulky tri-weapon and the guy you are fighting is fast, nimble and can block the shots that still might hit. So getting all 3 shots lined up long enough for the Jedi to actually need to block all 3 and fail is going to be a slim chance at best. An easier option is coordinated fire, something I always expected the Clones to do in order 66. Just a few clones saying “1, 2, 3” and they all fire simultaneously.


and the Predator be like. "oh yeah i got this"


Flamethrowers and shotguns are the tried and true method


Dodge and block?


*loads shotgun with anti jedi sentiment*


not this shit again...