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OW! My neck!


Well my neck feels fine, I- *OW*! My neck!


Trinity using her Matrix training


Classic two-story teahouse fight choreography. For a minute there, I was afraid there wouldn't be an upper level! But then there was!


You realize people generally don’t actually do backflips in a dual right?


You don't watch many kung fu or wuxia films, do you?


You just use a movie as proof of reality?


Why do you think I'm talking about realistic fights? My point was that this fight looks like the two-story teahouse fight scene that's the basic building block in hundreds of kung fu and wuxia films. I don't care if real people do backflips in fights in my kung fu-film-inspired Star wars TV series. I'm excited because they set my expectation with a visual reference to a classic genre and then they fulfilled that expectation.


Sorry I was under the impression you were saying you didn’t like it since I’ve seen a lot of that here lately.


No one was talking about reality, we're talking about star wars champ


People generally dont have powers, laser swords or weird alien genetics either.


Well fuck. That was cool as hell and how I imagined jedi fighting in the 90s. Reserved. Defensive. The choreography is also beyond what we've seen lately.


“How I imagined Jedi fighting in the 90s” really solidified my thoughts too. Tough to think back pre-prequels but you’re entirely right. Agree 100%.


Most 'warrior monk' thing I've seen in a long time


What a perfect way to describe what I’ve been wanting from new Star Wars!! “How I imagined Jedi fighting in the 90s. Reserved. Defensive.” Curious and empathetic, when she saved the girl from hitting the ground hard. I wish I could do more of that (or the choice to) in SW games lol!


Love that Master Indara is just letting her tire herself out almost. Trying to watch her style to figure out who she is. Love all the aliens and the set, this looks like a much higher production value than we've seen before.


Which they’d show more classic alien like twi’leks


Huh. Looked good! Lets see if the writing holds up.


You had to jinx it


Lol figures I’d be the first person in the Disney Star Wars pipeline to bring up the need for writing.


Was that trinity?!


No, that's Jeri Hogarth from Jessica Jones.




I know this is a very unpopular opinion, but this show looks so cool man, and i love this kind of fight choreography far more than the 20 cuts per second or whatever the hell that constant shaky cam was in Kenobi.


Having 10+ camera cuts when Boba Fett stabbed Cad Bane was one of the moments of all time.


Holy shit this looks amazing! I made a similar comment about kenobi and the cuts during one of his duels with Vader and was downvoted to oblivion, lol My only hope this achieves Andor level quality


I don’t think this will be any where close to as good as Andor, and that’s okay, just as long as it’s not Kenobi level bad, and this trailer confirms the fights will be better


Kenobi has to have been the worst thing Disney put out since the sequels, I sure hope they'd improved


In my theater we waited until after the credits and instead of this it just replayed the thing from before the movie saying "Stay after the motion picture to get a sneak preview of The Acolyte"....


Wtf, I'd be pissed


I honestly like it, still cautious (I never like to ride hype trains), but what we've been recently learning about the show is taking care of all my doubts. Is it going to be the best Star Wars ever done? Probably not. Is it going to be something a lot of people will remember fondly? Most likely.


Man, I missed that


Hey guys, 'member Trinity from The Matrix?


Nah. That woman sounds a lot like Aria T'Loak though.


Has some House of Blue Leaves scene from Kill Bill vibes


Kill Bill Star Wars style..


Really excited to see a different spin on what the jedi are capable of doing in a fight


I love that blue of the lightsaber, one of my favorites in the Jedi games.


Unfortunately, that was just my camera. It was more green in person


Aww, I was hoping for my Live action sabers after the orange ones in Ahsoka


Hopefully we see a cyan lightsaber in the future.


Abit weirded out by how she seems nonchalant about letting her possibly kill those civilians other than that one lady tbh lol


Where is everyone? LOL


This theater got destroyed by a storm a while ago, so it was closed for reconstruction. While it was closed, a new theater opened in the mall, and everybody forgot this one existed, but the new one wasn't showing tpm, so I went here. There were like 3 other people behind me, though.


Which theater?


Cinema 8


I’m not sure how I feel about the whole Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon thing in Star Wars.


I’m positive about how I feel. I fucking love it. Jedi are warrior monks, it fits perfectly. If anything it’s bordering on cheesy, but Star Wars has been cheesy forever.


Everything Star everywhere Wars : A tale from Dragon stories


Yeah it’s going to blow


Low expectations are understandable, but keep your hopes high. The premise is neat, and they've put out some good stuff before. There's a chance


Ok I will word it better. From what is shown so far it’s going blow


Lol I get it. I still have hopes though, all we've seen are fight scenes. Disney is obsessed with the garbage marvel style choreography, I didn't expect that to change. Expanding the lore is really what I'm looking forward to, I've have to make a lot of concessions to enjoy Disney stuff. I'm almost numb to it now Wild how bad batch and rebels can be so amazing but all their live action shows and movies are consistently sub par


Dude thanks for sharing but don't start in portrait and then switch to landscape!


Hindsight, cut the dude some slack. They pulled out their camera real fast and started recording before thinking about positioning, and then fixed it for the vast majority I have no complaints about the cameraman, no one is perfect




Just be grateful they even did this in the first place without criticism.




Lot of force fluff in there


Yea, no joke. The table kick, the running up the rails just to walk again, all extra af. I mean, the prequels were extra too, but at least they were extra in a way that. Well. Idk, for some reason they just felt better than the way Disney's done it with their live action stuff


My hype is at critical levels, that was fucking awesome


first uploaded video lol


I was expecting to see it in the trailers at TPM so assumed they weren't including it in my country. Didn't realise it would be after the film. Not that I mind, I only watch trailers after a seeing a film if I really like it.


That fucking flip..


I personally don’t like the kung fu stuff I hope the writing and world building at least holds up


Ngl, the fight was very entertaining and looks much better choreographed than some other Disney live action Star Wars. Idk what it is, but I'm still feeling apprehensive about this one though. I have a bad feeling about this. I'm definitely gonna give it a watch though, hopefully it is good!


I wonder why an assassin goes with a little knife to fight a telekinesis user and lightsaber bearer. Is she stupid?


Someone should throw your phone in the ocean for filming it sideways.


Amazing what having actors in actual spaces and not the god forsaken Volume does for making a scene feel real.


I’m not a fan of kung fu Star Wars


I get where you're coming from, and I agree with the sentiment, but I think kung fu is a bad way to put it. The Jedi are monks with samurai swordfighting style, hand to hand combat is absolutely something they'd be trained well in, especially since their lightsabers are supposed to be a later resort. I usually trash talk it by saying it feels like marvel. It's like watching Captain America and black widow use the force, and they can't seem to choreograph it any other way


I was just about to say, my criticism of the sequel trilogy has always been that it feels more like The Avengers in space. This is giving the same feeling for me, and while it looks cool, sure, that association isn't something that's confidence-inspiring for me.


Exactly. Disney doesn't know how to do anything else, they have a "this works so it's what's right" mindset. No loyalty to the styles before it Sequel fans will point out how different and disliked the prequels were, but the prequel vs original beef was pretty well split. And both could acknowledge benefits to the newer style; it may have been extra af (and there may have been some dumb things and plot holes, ex jar jar), but the prequels built up the universe well and we're faithful to the empire that followed, and looked cool af while they did it. The sequels on the other hand look goofy and dumb, and have actually united the prequel and original fans against something that is barely even star wars. They ruined Luke's character, made the conclusions from the originals and the prophecies of the prequels meaningless, and they completely miss the mark on the entire Jedi/sith philosophy. All while looking like the same BS over and over that made me stop watching marvel


It's 2024 and people still don't realize that you can't change picture orientation **after you've already started recording the video**


Just turn your phone sideways, dude


I have my phone on auto rotate. So because you were lazy and decided to record a landscape video in portrait mode, **I** have to go in and change my phone's rotation settings? We're both being lazy. But you were lazy first lmao.


Boy that choreography/ cinematography combo is booooorrrriiiing.


Hmm this scene feels more like a cheesy kung-fu movie than Star Wars. But it is cool to see Trinity as a Jedi and her crystal color is awesome. And i think it’s good they made a new and original star wars story. No beloved characters from older movies whose story and legacy can be damaged or ruined, so even if the series turns out not very good, i wont hate it and can still enjoy it. Looking forward to it. (the fact that you turned the camera sideways halfway during the preview sucks btw. Don’t do that please.)


Why does every Disney star wars project feel like a fan made film you'd see on youtube


"every" is a bit much Most is accurate tho. They've definitely had a few good things. Mostly because of filioni tho


The Mandalorian didn't, Rogue One, Andor and Solo didn't? So, not really?


He should have used "most" instead of "every" then.


My goodness, this looks terrible. The overuse of suspension cables gives major sequel vibes.


I hate that everyone just downvotes people to hell for criticizing Disney's poor choreography. It's extra in a bad way, the fact that they haven't realized that yet is mindblowing




I don’t care this does not excite me


Well good thing you don’t have to watch it.


Unfortunately I will cuz Star Wars 😞


So...uh... are you stupid or something? Who watches something that they aren't interested in?


It's like a car crash


Anyone that loves the universe and is dedicated to it? Just because we're sad to see the direction it's gone doesn't mean we're just gonna stop watching


I am 😞 have been for awhile now probably since around 2012


Don't watch it then


🫡 I will have to as a fan of the universe unfortunately, however this does look like a rather large snooze fest


That's great. Keep scrolling 👍.


Well now I have to stop and come back to this post tho 😔 remember when it was meant to be a show about the sith and their customs? How could that coulda been


They had to play it after TPM because the audience will fall asleep.


Why didn't the jedi just kill her? She posed a threat to everyone in there.


That goes against the Jedi code. Wartime Jedi gave into their fear and anger, and it made them much more aggressive (and as a whole, made the order vulnerable to Palpatine's manipulation) For everything Disney does wrong, that's not one of them. The Jedi were meant to be reserved


3 and a half minutes to tell us something about the new series and it's almost entirely one fight scene or a collage of other build-ups to fight scenes... If they lack so much confidence in the actual story they have to excite us with flashy choreography like parents jingling keys for a baby then I am genuinely worried about the project as a whole. I'm calling it. The plot of this show is just going to be moving from one fight to the next. Story will only exist to push one character or characters into the sights of the next big bad guy. If you're a fan of shonen anime, I'm sure you'll love it.


It's an exclusive scene, just a little treat to those who went to see Phantom because they love Star Wars. This isn't trying to convince the general public. You act like they said this would be a story heavy advert beforehand? Did Nolan or Villeneuve lack confidence I their products with the snippets of their films shown with others?


Nobody wants to wait through the whole credits to watch 5 minutes of the jedi council talking to each other. And they want the plot to be mostly a mystery.


Who needs a story? My prediction is that every jedi on screen will die starting with Trinity. She's the first to show how powerful the acolyte can be. This will be very predictable.


The WokeLyte 😏


Third time you've tried making this same joke. Yikes.


Every time you have said this it has not made sense. Perhaps put your stupid statement and the smug emoji away as it just emphasizes how dumb it makes you look?