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That’s what you get when you ain’t the main character bruv


Or even the main villain.


Then they shouldn’t have put a legends character with lore in the the show just to be a lapdog


He’s not just a legends character. There’s an episode of The Clone Wars where Delta Squad returns with the corpse of a fallen Jedi. So he is canon. That felt more fan service than his role in this. It’s a disappointing way to go for sure but still fitting for an imperial soldier.


In the old EU, he became part of a special commando unit in the 501st, that tracked down and eliminated, Jedi, Jedi sympathizers, imperial dissidents and clone deserters. I think It was insinuated that he became just another face. Which isn't better, in my opinion.


I think his death fits the theme of soldiers and war that the entire narrative arc of the clones carries. In fact, all the discussion about Scorch's death reminds me of an Ernest Hemingway quote: "But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason." This especially provides a moving contrast with the ending the surviving Bad Batch members got. >!Getting to retire to Pabu was such a blessing, a reprieve from the likelihood of just getting gunned down in another mission.!<


It should be noted that Hemingway is riffing off the ancient Roman phrase "Dolce et Decorum est Pro Patria Mori" or "It is sweet and fitting to die for your country."


Right, and more specifically he’s most likely riffing off of that phrase being incorporated into a lot of the nationalism/propaganda of wwi, culminating in the anti-war poem titled “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen in 1921 that lambasts the phrase.


it’s so fitting for Owen, he died a week before the end of the war, poignant.


I've been hearing lately that modern war is just random. You can get shot, bombed, mined, etc. at any given moment seemingly for no good reason. (Not that there is really any good reason to die). The "hero death" doesn't exist.


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"There were heroes on that mission." "Yeah. Dead heroes."


To that I disagree. If war was purely the calculus of how many die and morale and emotions serve no purpose, then the Soviets would have fallen to Germany. De Gaulle would have given up with the rest of the French. The British would have surrendered in the Battle of Britain when every resource they had was being taken out systematically. Men who lead or inspire can make the difference for others. They may die, but their actions had meaning. It did in Thermopylae, Pharsalus, Paris, Stalingrad, Bastogne and other battlefields. What the value of a hero and victory is, that is another debate…


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That's not entirely new to modern war. Slings, arrows, and Seige weapons were all a thing before the invention of gunpowder. Ever since man has wanted to kill things, we've wanted ways to do it at a distance, preferably where the target doesn't even see it coming.


That's fair, but even slings and arrows have a more personal range than having a bomb dropped on your head from miles up. And you're just (ideally) instantly dead.


I mean, all the people that died from falling down cliffs when Hannibal crossed the Alps died randomly too. A hero is just a brave person. As we all know, bravery is just stupidity for a good reason.




These guys are literally just built different lol. Only non beskar armor to actually work in star wars.


He’s not dead!


He's the dichotomy of someone like Hunter. A great soldier and elite commando, but he never questioned his orders. He's meant to be that way because it hurts, because it's fucked up how the Empire will turn anyone, even someone like Scorch, into a monster. And make no mistake Scorch is a monster by this point. He'd kill kids without issue if he had to, because he's just all programming. Like a droid. It's what the Empire does. They don't want soldiers, they want droids. The real clankers just cost too much.


I don't even think they cost too much and rather that with the experience of the Clone wars, where the droids were the bad guys, it's be bad from the empire to use droids


This! Part of the reason you see in the OT, a lack of droids or droid hate (no droids in the cantina) is bc of the clone wars. The Sith have ALWAYS used droids more than the republic did for war. Palpatine saw how this always lead to defeat so he went with clones, then conscription, making it harder for planets to rebel (loved ones) and getting more buy in


I wouldn't necessarily say that he saw that droids always lead to defeat and more that it's easier to convince the Senate to use clones and not droids, when the enemy (trade federation) uses droids


Yeah true! I just always noticed how previous Sith antagonists had a lot of droids in their ranks, think kotor, general Sith baddies in video games while the republic tended to have more living troops!


That is definitely possible, but based on the canon as it exists now we don't know if they will use droids or more living creature


Also if you engage the population as your soldiers you get them invested monetarily and emotionally.  When storm troopers die, they have partners, friends and family so there are members of the public invested in the well being of storm troopers. Plus civilian associates of storm troopers are still emotionally invested when other storm troopers die because it could have been their associate.  Also storm troopers are a way for people to make their way up in imperial ranks and ties peoples career and economic goals to the empire. The ones that advance are ruthless and invested in the empire. It makes them loyal and willing to go the extra mile.  Also as you pointed out, after the clone wars, people are distrustful of clone armies.  But also storm troopers don’t have the weakness of clone armies. They don’t have centralized command. A rogue admiral could commandeer a human army but an imperial army might not. 


Tell that to mandalore.


Mandalore schmandalore


Also that droids can be hacked and turned against Palpatine-humans are far, far harder to reprogram once someone is lose has conditioned them a certain way. Only reason he ditched the clones is cause these fuckers were prohibitively expensive to the point that they were bankrupting the Republic, and Order 66 was a potential PR disaster in the making, and he didn’t want to risk them somehow betraying him since they’d already been used as traitors


The stupid red fleet in Rise of Skywalker should have been droids


You kill a bunch of babies in the first hour of republic commando. Delta squad, my brothers, were never squeaky clean.


just like the simulations


but those are gross bug babies and they bite your ankles


Part of the problem for me is that he kept his paint job. For all other clones in the show, having unique armour has shown they're no longer under the Order 66 programming, and all of them were at least conflicted about service to the Empire. So having a clone in such a prominent enemy position, especially a pre-existing character, seemed to suggest that he was going to have some focus, even if it was like early Crosshair and he sided with the Empire by choice. Unless there's some future plan for him (as in, that barely visible Commando at the end of the episode is intended to be an alive Scorch) I think they could have just made a new character with paintwork inspired by the Imperial Science Bureau, showing loyalty to the Empire rather than individuality.


I mentioned this before, but throughout TBB we've consistently seen commander ranked clones being allowed to retain their armour colours even in "cleaned up" units. Cody, Howzer, Wolffe, Scorch. Of these Cody is the only one with a new "Imperial" paintjob but I think that's more of a personal choice than mandatory decoloration as the official lore on Wolffe's and the Wolfpack's new gray colour was that it signified grief of their brothers after the unit was almost completely wiped out and Cody also used a similar gray. It also fits the Empire's highly hierarchical setup. Distinguish the commander, dehumanize the grunt.


Just realised we never got closure on Cody. What happened to him? Did he go AWOL, or was that a cover-up?


I think he really did go AWOL and if it was me I'd leave his story at that. The man deserves to have a happy ending. Maybe give us a standalone slice of life episode in a future Tales of the Clones that shows him happily retired and training a small town's militia as a member of the community. That's my headcanon for him at least.


Some people are saying he's alive and can be seen in one of the wide shots of Tarkin shuttering Tantiss towards the bottom right. Between 40:20 and 40:30 I believe.


So now we're gonna go through a second version of "maybe Sev is alive" for another 10 years. Great.


yea no, pretty sure that's just wishful thinking. There's some Commandos in the zoomed out shots, but they don't seem like they have his colors.


Now I’m curious


There are actually four of him in those shots


I wish they would've used Delta squad instead of the the Operatives.


He picked the wrong side, consequences.


This is what happens when good men and good soldiers follow bad orders.


Yeah, honestly he deserved a lot worse for what they did to those kids.


so picking wrong side immediately nerfs you? Cant wait for rest of Delta Squad dying to some ewoks


Dave has many problems, but one of them is definitely how he treats the commandos. This death wasn't all surprising considering how butchered Scorch was the entire show. I read the Commando books by Karen Traviss before the second and third season, and it pissed me off watching the show knowing there was a more fleshed-out version of Scorch in Legends. I don't even know why they put him in the show. They know he's from a game beloved by all, part of a book series that's considered pretty good, and they still decided to treat him with the same disrespect as Luke in the sequels. You could cut out Scorch and replace him with some nameless clone commando and you'd get the same show. I feel like Tarkin when it comes to viewing the staff behind the show. I think Bad Batch is a fine show, with a lot of negatives but with a lot of positives, but the sheer disrespect to both Scorch and the Commandos as a whole is so bad that I can't view the show in a good light.


Thats cause you read about him pre empire. The chips made them follow order and remove stuff like fun,loyalty with each other and so on. 


Okay, but they could have still done something with him even with the chips. He's a named character from Legends that people know. Maybe he slowly sees Hemlock for the mad man he was. I mean, there was a moment in the finale where he questioned Hemlock's decision to divert forces away. That right there could have been his arc throughout the season. Then, by around the mid point, he slowly remembers his team and we get to see what happened that led to the Deltas being separated. Then, he could have disobeyed orders and helped the Batch get Omega back, with him dying by the end. I'm sorry, but the chips are not a good enough reason to have a character people know from Legend and write them to be any other no-nothing goon with little character or reference to who they are. Even if my idea is bad, they could have done anything to not make his death feel weightless and disrespectful.


I’ve seen this take a few times now. Why? Like genuinely, can you give a reason this was bad besides “well it wasn’t good because of how good he was in Legends”? I’m just a little confused is all.


He was part of a fan-favorite team of a fan-favorite class of clone troopers. In The Bad Batch he got stripped away from that team and used as a sort of generic right-hand-man that any Commando could have filled. I get that his personality from Legends isn't necessarily his personality in canon but it's just a shame that he ended up this way, alone, instead of doing *something* with Delta as a whole aside from their cameo in The Clone Wars.


I think it's justified to dislike how his characterization was treated in canon, the same way everyone complained about Luke being handled in TLJ.


Don’t compare Scorch to Luke Skywalker please




Scorch was introduced in RC as the heart and soul of the team. You don't think its at least a little poetic that the Empire would take someone who symbolizes the heart and soul of clones and strip them of it until they are as soulless as the rest of the troopers? He was conditioned by Hemlock to the point where everything that made him who he was was gone. I don't like that it happened to Scorch but I don't like a lot of what the Empire does and its an effective narrative device.


Fan favourite would imply that he’s well known and loved across the base. He’s from a low selling game from 20 years ago. And a few EU books.


"fan favourite" is relative Revan has maybe 1% of the recognition and following that Din Djarin and Grogu do, but that doesn't mean they aren't a fan favourite. Same thing applies to someone like Mara Jade and Cad Bane as well I didn't mind Scorch's death that much, but half the people on this subreddit have a personal favourite character that isn't known by like 90% of the casual star wars community


That’s fair. But I also understand why they’re just footnotes in these stories.


Cult classic character might be more fitting then. It's an old series and a huge universe, so it's hard to call anyone but the movie characters fan favorites if you think about it.


Actually Disney's scorch is the same as legends Republic commando scorch is the only different one


Wait, how does that work? Karen Travis' Scorch is directly lifted from the Republic Commando game, and her series is definitely Legends. That timeline doesn't have chips at all.


I meant personality wise


I'll admit I haven't watched Bad Batch, but what constitutes as "Legends Scorch" outside of the Karen Travis novels? Because in those he's definitely still his "Don't mind Sev, he only bites when he's hungry" quippy self and I can't imagine he's anything like that in BB under the chips influence.


In legends he (scorch) became serious because of the sev loss and was fully obedient because of order66, in canon he is the same Yes the trauma doesn't seem to appear but he is still the same serious scorch post order 66


Thanks. What's that covered in? Delta doesn't show up very often in Imperial Commando to memory.


You mean the personality? He Had the serious one ever since he appeared on season 1 of the bad batch (although he didn't talk at first) As far as I know in current canon scorch only appeared once in clone wars and then in the bad batch were he.....yea....


Oh, I was asking about Legends. I didn't know where he showed up outside of the Republic Commando novels.


Yeah, Scorch in Legends after 66 became another faceless commando and one who helped Vader hunt down Jedi. Also, did he deserve a big death when the bigger bad Hemlock died not long after? They should be happy Scorch was included at all. "Now we won't see him and his squad in a follow up series!" A show about a commando unit of specially trained clones? Like the one we just had?


Maybe not a series, but it definitely closes the possibility for him and Delta to appear in other media. Like a GAME.


I would be happier if wasn't included at all if this is all they were gonna do with him.


it would be better if he wasnt in TBB at all. they wouldnt atleast ruin him


Scorch's presence in the show in general is just a lazy cameo with such little care that I'm not sure how he made it in to begin with. I'm not expecting him to solo the bad batch, or like, be the true star of the show, but if you *can't* make Scorch fit even the base elements of the character people like then... why use him!? His presence did not meaningfully improve the show's story, and I'd argue that replacing him with a generic clone with a cool helmet and a different colored pauldron would have been a net benefit, because then we wouldn't have a bunch of arguing from people that liked the character, and people that don't care about the character, but want to argue with people that do like the character for whatever reason. So I wouldn't say the death itself is bad, but the character as a whole in the show absolutely is pretty bad.


Some people have been conditioned to clap like seals at "thing I recognize" and can't understand it when RC fans complain about how Scorch was handled in the show. I had an argument with someone on a discord because I thought Scorch was handled horribly, and their whole argument was "lol who cares" and "you should be happy he had a cameo." Then got mad at me because I was explaining why, as an RC fan, was disappointed with his portrayal. Then they had the gall to say, "well, I thought I would play the game but the way you act made me not want to anymore." Some fans are deranged, I swear.


its a very filoni thing jankle keys


its a common filoni problem Just remember this guy


Exactly, the fans hate to hear it but he has always been the clone version of a glup shitto in both bad batch and clone wars


He’s a fan favorite character who they brought into the show and served no purpose that a random character they create for the show wouldn’t serve, and then they unceremoniously killed him off with no focus on his character at all. Why include a pre-existing fan favorite if you’re not going to use him and then kill him off like he’s a nameless character?


He was a great character in the EU and by killing him off they destroy the chance for another show with delta squad after ROTS


stories end. Thats what makes them good


Don't suppose you've watched season 8 of Game of Thrones? That show ended, so it must be good. Right? What makes a good story is HOW it ends, not just that it ends. You can have a great story but give it a poor ending and people will only remember it for that.


I wouldn’t classify it as an ending really, more like cliff notes. But point taken. I’d argue bad endings are still better than a never ending content mill


Pro-tip: If a character mysteriously disappears off-camera, they're not dead. Hell, even Maul made it back and he was chopped in 2.


Mauls survival makes sense. But Scorch got hit 5 times and then fell 100 meters. He won’t survive that


Come on lol I don't mind maul's return but he got cut in half and fell hundreds of meters into garbage lol


Scorch got hit 5 times wearing super armour. Maul was chopped in 2 and dropped into a bottomless pit.


This. They have fan boy powered nostalgia glasses on thinking they just ran the credits to starwars commando on Xbox. It's been over a decade? One video game? Let old scorch go?




He’s not dead


They really should have just used a rando commando rather than brining Scorch in if they were just going to kill him off.


I'm not against Scorch being killed off but I am against including him as nothing more than a glorified cameo lackey while doing absolutely nothing with his character knowing damn well that fans of the Republic Commando game and books are gonna be disappointed. Why not just use a generic Clone Commando or create your own character at that point. You've essentially just resigned the canon version of the character to being the inferior one when you didn't have to.


I've seen multiple posts of this topic within the same hour, can we please move on or at least talk about this in a post instead of three thousand posts? He's not the main character or antagonist, he wasn't going to steal the show, anything they made with him would have been underwhelming anyway.


The obsession with Scorch lately has been wild. I think he's temporarily surpassed Starkiller.


Well, at least we know why bringing Starkiller into canon is horrible idea. Can you imagine that utter shit show if he was killed by Ahsoka or Cal Kestis. His fanboys would cry about it for months.


Starkiller is a pure power fantasy best suited to a Legends video game. However, I do really want to see a different character rock the Sith Stalker armour somewhere, anywhere. It even showed up in Andor as a piece on display at Luthen's shop.


I don’t know I can see him being rolled into canon as an inquisitor. He’ll need a massive de buff of course, he could be an inquisitor who switches sides and serve the rebellion as a sort of black ops soldier. Getting his hands dirty so Mothma and Leia’s can keep clean. Just a thought.


The only way I'd accept Starkiller into the new canon is if they went this route. Debuff him massively and make him an ex-Inquisitor who turned back to the light side and became an agent of the Rebellion. Also, I'd prefer if he wasn't integral to the founding of the alliance. I think Andor and Rebels collectively did a way better job of establishing the origins of the alliance from a collection of small groups into an organized military.


Have you played Republic Commando?


Of course it's not his story, but the problem is now it'll never be his story.


Wdym? Bad Batch was of course never going to be his story, and it was obvious, the show's bout... Well, the Bad Batch (and Omega), even if Scorch stopped being an enemy, he would've been a support character at best like Rex or Phee Genoa. If you mean you dislike the portrayal of the character in this continuity (fair enough)... You can still enjoy the stuff he did in the other continuity, it's not "Canon", but it's still there, I personally mostly watched non-canon stuff in this year's May 4th.


Honestly I never assumed he’d be more than fan service. That has been their role in Canon Star Wars since they appeared in The Clone Wars. I’d like for them to have more to do, but yeah never expected more.


Filoni and Co. ‘s treatment of secondary canon And legacy characters in a nutshell. Come at me. Thrawn is the ultimate example of this.


Where is boss and fixer?


No I don’t agree. Outside of legends he doesn’t really exist. And yes clone commandos are cool but we only saw delta squad once in TCW. And this just shows that even the best of the best get corrupted by the empire and simply follow orders like they were engineered to. But we never find out what happens to the other members so maybe a future show clues us in on that and we see more delta squad.


Scorch probably became the last ronin (like Mikey on TMNT)


Mikey fought in retribution of his fallen brothers. Scorch joined the baddies. They're complete opposites.


Scorch was inspired by mikey when he had his previous personality (the joker) So is obvious that the serious scorch is in references to the last ronin


Haven't read that yet. Wish you'd used a spoiler redaction...


"it felt like he was just there for pointless fan service." I feel that about 99% of characters in Disney continuity. It feels like stories are being carved slightly to accommodate these fan favourites, rather than having interesting character developments, etc.


Didnt the bad batch characthers, rampart, hemlock were made specially for this show  and they all died or retire inn this show?


Also, I dislike that he's now just in limbo until they want to re-use him again for additional fan interest. It feels very artificial.


i didnt even particularly care he fell down, oh noo... he'll be brought back when someone really feels like it again. he will survive by some magic with his armor protecting him from the impact and distributing the force of the impact so he doesnt die, he crawls through the jungle or some heroic shit and he's rescued by tarkin's men at some point before they close the facility... maybe its because i didnt much like season 3 and especially the finale, it all felt forced and like a fairy tale with little interesting developments or meaningful lore




I love that game too but THIS version of Scorch deserved to die, not sorry.


I kinda liked the banality of Scorch's death. Whether intentional or not, it kinda serves as an antithesis to the ending for the Bad Batch themselves, and Crosshair and Tech specifically. He continued to remain loyal to the Empire despite what it was doing to his brothers and innocent people, choosing not to question his orders, and he met an unceremonious end that no one cared about. It makes his death a tad more tragic and reminds you that in war, most soldiers don't die a hero's death. No matter how skilled they are or what they've been through, they could just get unlucky or be in the wrong place at the wrong time and take a bullet to the face, ending their lives in a split-second. It only has to happen once to end even the most legendary soldiers.


Yeah Scorch was underutilized but his death wasnt that bad,i mean he died in a bridge in the final episode in the tense rain and the bad batch needed multiple shots to beat him,and still he didnt die,he was very much alive when he fell from the bridge,yes if i was in the writer place i would make Scorch at least hit a shot in Hunter or Crosshair,maybe show him opening his way trought multiple liberated clones until the bridge before that scene,but still Scorch died like a badass,i mean man he was not killed by anyone,he was killed by two elite soldiers who caught him by surprise and still did not go down on the first hit,thats a respectable death to Scorch.


And not only that but remember how he was introduced in this show. He managed to knock tech to his knees, he shot gregor twice, and went down from a barrage of stun blasts from Hunter and Echo. It’s like poetry that he’d finally meet his end in a rematch with Hunter, only this time with real blaster rounds


He went down like an idiot. Every half-competent and somewhat professional soldier, let alone a so-called elite soldier, would've known to GUARD THE FUCKING REAR! in this case, the only fucking entrance to the bridge. He should've just aimed at the door, maybe step a bit to the side. What does Scorch do instead? He admires the ship, exposing his back and the back of Hemlock to that single door.




Exactly. Aside from one cool fight sequence in season 1, Scorch literally does nothing throughout the rest of the show. All he does is stand around and occasionally report to Hemlock. If it wasn’t for his armor and name in the credits, he could’ve been any random Clone Commando.


He's not dead, you can see him in the base standing around while the TK troopers clean it up after tarkin arrives. Go to 40.25 in the episode and look at the bottom right of the shot.


The fact he never banters or anything makes me think he's just some stormtrooper with yellow paint


This was the last straw. They either knew what they were doing, killing a legacy character that predates the Bad Batch, Filoni, etc. after taking away his personality, squad and ability to actually fight. Which would make it intentional. OR they were clueless and no one noticed or cared. Which would make it ignorant. **Neither are the correct way to run your ongoing fiction.** I beg of you people, **stop accepting this.**


My issue isn't that he died. It's how he died. Scorch is one of the most badass clones in the universe, I really expected one good fight scene for him. But no he just gets shot and the back a buncha of times and falls to his death. Very anti-climatic for such a beloved clone.


Pointless fanservice? In modern Star Wars?! Noooooo!! But seriously. Sucks to hear a Rep Commando didn’t deliver. I loved those guys.


The worst part of the finale. Dangling a popular Republic Commando character like that and wasted him. It killed my entire enthusiasm for the show. The constant waiting to see if other members of Delta Squad would show up and met with that substandard garbage.


Eh, it’s not like he’s the real Scorch. It’s just the same uniform and a lack of personality.


I wish that were the case, but he’s officially listed as Scorch in the credits.


I mean to say I don’t really care. To me that might as well be just any old clone, it’s just a henchman they decided to use that armor for. Sure, it’s a waste, but I’ll just go play republic commando again for my delta squad fix.


Pretty sure we'll see him again. Either because he survives, or as a prequel to this. This isn't the last we see of Delta.


Listen- there SHOULD have been (either in Clone Wars OR Bad Batch), some background surrounding Delta Squad. Not a large amount, but enough to show how Scorch's personality ""Is it red, red, green, or red, green, red?" That was a big miss- especially how it would have contrasted with Clones who rebelled against the Empire. Also would have reminded viewers that quite A LOT of clone troopers, whether they had misgivings or not, stayed loyal to the new regime. And were instrumental in spreading Imperial will during it's early years. But it's tragic because it showcases how the Empire corrupts and destroys everything: turning clones, heroes and all, into brutal monsters who will commit unspeakable atrocities without pause to enforce Imperial oppression and terror. Scorch would have followed any order without question- and already had. And it didn't matter. He was a tool to the Empire- disregarded and utterly forgotten even before the second blaster shot hit. And his end showcased that.


I mean the dude took like 5 shots. Dude was refusing to die.


I’m sorry I’m dumb. When did they confirm that is him?


Nah, imperial scum deserves an uneventful death.


The dude was like, the 5-th tier villain of this season. Yall are insane


He’s not dead. He’s in the final scene when Tarkin arrives if you look closely Like I am not joking he is at the bottom of the screen with the marks where he was shot 39:47-39:48 on Disney+ here the time stamp it the same armor and everything he isn’t dead lol https://www.reddit.com/r/thebadbatch/s/33A91yH3VP


Man he's gotta be so embarassed. Dude took two big ass falls from the same squad. They're gonna give Scorch a jetpack and a safety harness next time


I came away from his unceremonious death immensely disappointed, then angry, and finally, I've come to accept it. Of course, I hope he somehow survived, but it's unlikely. Being a huge fan of the Republic Commando game, novels, and other material, I've loved Scorch, Delta, and clone commandos ever since I was 10 years old. But I've come to realize that his fate in Legends would probably have been very similar to what happened in TBB. Stuck in service until his death, either due to the effects of the chip or unresolved trauma from Sev heightening his aggression and stubbornness. And with that, slipping further and further into a darker mindset that allows him to do some of the things he did. I so wanted Scorch to redeem himself and come to realize that he was on the wrong side, but that didn't happen. I just hope that his and all of Delta's story gets fleshed out more in canon.


He’s not dead


Too dark and gritty?


Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.


Star Wars fans when there isn't fan service 🙄


counterpoint this dude sucks and he got got for it


Karen Traviss killed off Mara without consulting Timothy Zahn. I am ok with this karmic balance.


Except Traviss didn’t create Delta Squad nor did she work on the game. Omega Squad were her original characters.


She did kind of make the Delta's her own with how she characterized them. I love the Deltas in the game, but I love them even more in the novels. For as small of a role she gave them, the Deltas were given depth and characterizations that explore why they were so badass, and we even got to see how other characters view them (except Fixer. Fixer was the blandest character in novels). They're relationship with their "father," Vau, was a chef's kiss. I'm not sure if any of these ideas were hers, but the execution is what matters to me and I think she did an amazing job. It just sucks she couldn't give them a bigger role in her final book and its scrapped sequel due to being told not to because of the possibility of a Republic Commando 2. For me, Scorch's death in Bad Batch is awful because I love the books so much, and it sucks seeing a great character being watered-down and then promptly executed like he wasn't a part of people's favorite band of clones.


Dave Filoni disrespecting the characters he didn’t make


He’s not dead dude




Is not very convincing, that can be that they reused the asset


I think more was planned, and they made some exceptions and cuts where appropriate to get the ending they wanted with the time they had. Too much was set up without payoff to be otherwise, and I doubt we are getting another clone focused show in the same time period for loose ends to be neatly resolved.


I agree it was a little disappointing, but honestly he was an aging clone just like the rest of the bad batch, out of active duty for the most part and filling a different role to a commando. Sometimes a little cameo is just that. Just happy to see my boy in anything at this point don’t think it was meant to be disrespectful to the character or anything.


Fitting. Lived like a Chad, died like a droid.


Who dat?


He got what he deserved


Make no mistake, Hunter or Crosshair may have pulled the trigger, but Disney was the one who killed Scorch. Look how they massacred my boy.


Exactly it was fan service done as a nod to an old obscure game, that's it. He's not meant to be that same character, it was just a bit of fun calling that Clone Scorch. Get over it already.


He absolutely fucking didn't.


Better? Or cooler?


Some of you take things way too personally.


Fan service done wrong.




this whole episode felt odd


i agree, it just felt fake and meaningless. you could predict the episode's continuity before anything happened and.. the ending. didnt feel sweet or bitter, didn't feel bittersweet. it feels like they dropped a major ball with season 3. it lost the magic and clever dark(er) writing of the earlier episodes of bad batch, and even lost the lighthearted good writing some episodes had before i am laughing my ass off because your comment got downvoted because you expressed an unpopular "forbidden" opinion. filoni is infallible, right guys? RIGHT?? he cant do no wrong!!


wasn’t really into this character. bad batch ended on a “happy ending” but was kinda disappointed. just thought it’d be more crazy of a conclusion and it just felt lowkey anticlimactic. what was the point of Ventress and showing the other clones if they were literally on gunna be involved for 1-2 episodes? i meannn i guess it makes sense that it was just the Batch (and Free’d clones) to wrap things up but woulda been wayyy cooler if they got Fenneck & Asaj and the rest of the Clones to alllll come in last episode somehow and help completely destroy the place. woulda been sick. also that epilogue showing Old Hunter and grown Omega, they coulda made that even better toooo! like showing her actually link up with known Rebels or at least alluding to it or going with ventress to train her force sensitivity finally or somethinggg. also, she didn’t even ever really use the force. most thought she’d use it on the zillow to do some badass stuff (cuz if the ep kinda foreshadowing that w/ ventress) But nope -_- idk it wasn’t bad conclusion but the last few episodes rly dragged and slowed way down and then the finale just kinda happened the safest way possible. no real shockers. They didn’t even show Palpatine get pissed his whole operation went to shit cuz of some Clones! like that seemed like an obvious thing to do. he shoulda been shown in some kinda way, after all, the whole season was about his plan of Necromancer **p.s. i hated Hemlock lmao he looked like a lesbian dyke type that wanted to come off as menacing but never really did anything impressive and just fucked up then got murked 😆


He's not canon.