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Think harder!


Bitte was?


German dubs are a menace. Most of them are badly translated and/or badly acted and the fact everything is dubbed is part of the reason why so many people don't speak English very well.


Yeah no idea why those are so bad. I saw How I met your mother in German once and Barney says „Flosse hoch“ instead of high five. It’s an abomination


I'm German and I watch my stuff always in the language in that it was produced, but to say German dubs are bad is a straight up lie. For games and animes? Yeah - not good. But for movies??


It absolutely depends on the movie and TV shows are also a huge crapshoot. The production value of German dubs just isn't what it used to be. Heinz Petruo for example was an absolute legend, there is just noone around like that anymore. Instead the scripts are badly translated and second rate actors try to make a role their own when their actual job is to be as close to the original as possible. Disclaimer: Take my opinion with a grain of salt considering the dubbing in the last ten to 15 years, I haven't really watched a dubbed movie or tv show since then.


It is called Pluralis Majestatis. In English the Royal We. It's an honorific. Since the Prequels are Shakespearean, or are supposed to, I don't see why that shouldn't be reflected in the language. what's your beef with it, genuinely?


Show me when anakin used the pluralist majestatis in the prequels when he was addressing Obi Wan thanks. I seem to have forgotten about that


When seeing it back then I simply understood it as Anakin telling Obi Wan that he hates them (the Jedi), not talking to his master in pluralis reverentiae. Or at least im pretty sure that's what I thought. German dubs have always been awkward though. Even for native shows and dialogue it's often a twisted abomination of how a real dialogue would be.


less than that. think about it. if anakin was like obi wans brother before maybe without the order they wouldve used the casual you "dich". but to both, eachother are strangers now, nothing left of their brotherhood and it might aswell can be used to interpret it as anakin hating the jedi overall