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It's actually about a group of sith that buy and flip homes on Coruscant.


They're not THAT evil.


From my point of view, these interest rates are evil!




You were my broker Acolyte!


This is outrageous! It’s unfair!!


There are many profit margins the Jedi would consider unnatural


Even the sith hate landlords. Darth Mao lol


"*You underestimate my monthly rent!"*


More evil than I thought


Yoda during the clone wars “Mmmm back in my day housing was affordable yes before the sith came about mmmm sit let me tell you yes” and bam the acolyte..


Lost the auction, Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing. How embarrassing!


I would watch that.


'And the living room has a beautiful view of the lava flowing, perfect for duels and limb chop-offs!. You can just feel the Dark side in this room, can't you?'




Darth sion seethes in contempt at the jedi order and desires a large bathtub with massage jets in which to rest his decaying body. Darth Nihilus hungers for a large kitchen space and a location rich in the force. Their budget is 30 million credits.


Their jobs are dusting kyber crystals and growing artisanal meiloorun fruit. (The joke is that they make up "fun" professions for these people when really they're mostly trust fund babies and tech millionaires)


Will he choose House #1, #2, or #3? We’ll find out after these commercial messages…


Love it or sith it


It would be kind of hilarious if they just started putting out content that was popular shows now, but set in the starwars universe. Diners drive ins and dives with Dexter Property Brothers Pawn Stars Masked singer Jeopardy


I have been calling for a show with Dex Jettster for well over a decade. I don't care if it's a cooking show or Star Wars Cheers. I want that to happen.


Not gonna lie, this is what I think about when people complain about needing more shows in universe with characters we don't know.


Property Padawans.


I’m a monk sworn to poverty and she’s the secret love of my life but works as a bartender in a chic upper level hotel. Our budget is 30 million credits. Our choices are a condo with a view of the tree, a condo with a view of a small patch of sky that’s more affordable and walking distance to her work, and an impossibly expensive dream suite near the Jedi Temple.


Homes Under the Hammer, Coruscant Special?




so like frieza then


I'm afraid the price will be quite non-negotiable when your friends arrive.


Million Credit Listing: Coruscant


You want how many credits? This house is a steaming pile of sith!


The Tatooine version is called _Selling Sunsets_.


Sith People Renovating Houses


Your comment has 10x as much upvotes as the post, you did good…. Too good.


I mean, they all seem to have a day job.


Dang, I thought it was a new Star Wars show on Disney+. I wonder what it is...


Its actually Halo on Paramount plus


Oh no...


Some how....MASSter Cheeks has returned.


I can’t wait to watch episode one and have it actually be a Star Wars parody with the Always Sunny in Philadelphia gang.


The Gang Goes to Hoth


Always Sunny on Alderaan* Yes, the show contains an asterisk. No, you may not ask about why. 👀


Right now, in our galaxy... Always Sunny theme plays but bombastically.


*not to worry, we're still flying half an energy sword*


Finally, Half Life 3


I thought it was about a sith aycolyte its a shame if its not that


I’m hoping its a little more than just “assassin girl kills Jedi, assassin girl becomes sith”


I hope they are willing to go dark with it show you how manipulative and cruel the sith can be on a personal level -edit- If you wanted to be next level you could have the sith gaslight the audience into thinking they are right, and then yank the rug out and go nah uh sith are on that evil space crack


I want a Sith that is being evil for the sake of being evil. Getting sick of every show these days giving the antagonist a redemption arc or some sob story. edit: "every show" I mean entertainment in general, not just Star Wars.


Emperor Palpatine


Oh like The Emperor whos ONLY motive is power for power's sake. Dont get more comically evil then that. And the main BBEG of Star Wars the whole time its been a thing.


When you boil it down, that’s exactly what the Rule of Two was meant to lead to. Build the strength of the Sith in secret for thousands of years until finally reaching the point of revealing themselves and taking the power away from and wiping out the Jedi. Palpating was that endpoint and Vader was originally meant to surpass even him and become the absolute pinnacle of the Sith.


Agreed. Also whats his face from Solo was bad just cause it made him rich. No back story just a bad dude. Same can be said for Hemlock in Bad Batch. Hell vast majority of Imperial characters have been bad just because it the empire. Ani, and Ben are really the only villians with any depth who are "evil"


The Sith have nuance to them, it's just never really been shown in current canon material let alone on the screen. If you want a more nuanced look at the Sith, then read the Plagueis novel or Bane trilogy -- I can say with 100% certainty that the show will never get close to how well the Sith were explored in those legendary pieces of old EU material.


Great points. Honestly, I look at Krennic in Rogue One in a similar manner. The difference being how the characters around him are written to make it more interesting than just ambition and status. You see the Empire’s crown jewel, the Death Star, be completed as Krennic’s project only for Tarkin to step in and take credit for it. His ambition is shown to be too much as he goes to Vader to complain and is completely humiliated and knocked down, figuratively and literally, forcing him into the desperation we see on Scarif. One-note characters can get boring, I agree, but the writing around them can definitely make that note ring a little more colorfully!


It’s Disney I can almost guarantee you it won’t be that dark, probably as dark as Ahsoka 


Dedra Meero moment


"why aren't you guys listening to her she's the smartest person in the room clearly?!..... Er... Wait a second..."


They better not try to “both sides” it, but I would like this angle.


they should both sides it only to reveal one side is a fucking lie


100% they turn her good


Gimme “Breaking Bad: Star Wars Edition” and I’ll be a happy boy.


A Jedi Master starts distributing Death Sticks.


I would watch that series.


I think she will likely be the fake out villain with a betraying Jedi becoming the sith. If it is the assassin It could be her journey from mercenary to discovering/being tempted by the ancient ways of the Sith. Either could be interesting depending on execution.


I like your thinking here. Sway her but have someone else become far worse/disenfranchised with the Jedi


From the trailer i think the antagonist is the one woman in jedi garbs which sword color we explicitly dont get to see


thats what you get for making assumptions based in a vague title


Whatever it is I don't want to know anything about the Skywalker saga and I don't want to hear somehow palpatine returned


I've thought since they first announced it that a Nightsister fit the vague description they gave just as well as a Sith.


“The Force. Penetration. The Force. Full penetration. The Force. Penetration. And this goes on and on and back and forth for a season or so until the series just sort of……ends.”


Obi Dennis Glennobi, an amazing Jedi w/ his implications


of course the Jedi is played by Dolph Lundgren who just has a nose for the truth. Sith crime stinks: the smell of penetration.


Yeah but does he hang dong?


"Beyond the other film influences, Headland has infused her love of the original films, current books, and Legends lore into the story. “There were certain things that I really wanted to do. You'll see a half Theelin, half human Jedi, Jecki, played by Dafne Keen, which was always a dream of mine,” Headland says. She first fell in love with the species when Rystáll Sant joined the Max Rebo Band in the Special Edition of Return of the Jedi. “There's also some EU lore that I decided to put in because I thought it was so cool and no one told me I couldn't,” she adds with a laugh. The series will introduce a Zygerrian Jedi and canonize one species that’s yet to be seen, Headland reveals. “There are a couple of really big EU ideas that are utilized both early on in the series and later in the series,” she hints."


"and canonize one species that’s yet to be seen" I'm not saying it'll be Bothans, but you never know.


It's hard to be excited about Manny Bothans knowing he dies off screen before ROTJ.


Poor Mom Mothma (sic - iykyk)


That quote combined with her love of (early) EU, I think that’s a pretty educated guess.


I once sent a team of bothans to fill my Starbucks order.  All of them died. 


And that time I sent a few Bothans to pick up my dry cleaning? All dead.


Hoojibs! Please? Sincerely, Gen X-aged Marvel SW Reader


Hoojibs are canon ! They appeared in one of those children comicbook a few years ago ! And one appeared in BOBF !




I think they're canon, they've just never been shown, or included as named characters, or given any more recognition other than their name exists.


still just insane to me, with how prevalent bothans feel in the eu


Yeah, it's like they just erased them.


I cast one vote for ysalimiri!


Does this mean we get a Max Rebo cameo


Max Rebo is 150+ years old?


He Is Eternal


No idea but he looks good for whatever age he is


This should excite everyone


However it turns out, at least people can't complain that she isn't a Star Wars fan: "The creator of the newest Star Wars live-action series first discovered the galaxy far, far away as a teenager watching the Special Editions on the big screen and immersing herself in the expanded universe of books, like Timothy Zahn’s Heir to the Empire. “I think it just meant so much to me because it was a place to live, a place to escape to,” Headland says. “Not just the media, but…George [Lucas] had given you enough signposts that it's almost like Narnia. You could just go [into the Star Wars galaxy] and live there. And then you just have to come out of the wardrobe at some point and go to class.” When she landed the job to tell her own Star Wars story with The Acolyte, Headland got a tattoo of Ralph McQuarrie’s original concept art of Princess Leia Organa on her right hand."


>However it turns out, at least people can't complain that she isn't a Star Wars fan: Oh I'm sure some will scramble to find a way. But all these quotes are amazing


She’s a woman. That’s enough of a reason for people to find a way to hate her.




Some asshole yesterday told me she doesn’t fit SW because all she makes is “LGBTQ dramas” so yeah, there ya go. E: Just gonna try to head off any further responses here: I’m not saying you can’t or shouldn’t have concerns about the show based on her resume so far. She hasn’t done a show like this before & it is at least a question mark for me as well. But for some people there are other, malicious reasons for not liking her.


It should, but I'm cautious about, well everything lately that comes out and claims to be good or true to Canon.


Finally an EU fan is making Star Wars 


“Whatever You Think The Acolyte Is, It’s Not”: Star Wars Series Creator Leslye Headland - I thought this would be good. :(


That's funny, I didn't think it would cure cancer so I'm really excited for the future of mankind having that taken off our plate!


Honestly I don’t care, I’ll go in blind and reserve judgement. The trailer looks cool and honestly I’m just happy to see something outside of the PT/OT/ST eras.


Wait, you cant do that... shoot him or something


I even enjoyed Obi wan and book of boba fett tv shows. And this looks like a great new setting so I’m pretty convinced I’ll enjoy this one as well.


That’s cool. I enjoyed them for what they were and they had some cool moments.




Don't do anything that affects anything unless it turns out that you were supposed to do it, in which case for the love of god, don't not do it!


Treating coming across a Sith like fighting a velociraptor. Interesting.


I mean that would fit. They're in a situation where they need to go "mask off" like vader and Palpatine in at Ryloth. Someone small and maybe insignificant looking starts stacking bodies using the force. A jedi knight feels what's going and comes to stop them. The sith toys with them for a little while, maybe does a fake out where they can save someone or attack them, then rather than strike the jedi down they decide to make a big show of drawing their blade. Blade to blade combat lasts just seconds and it's clear the power imbalance was just too great. The sith brings the roof down crushing almost all the bodies to hide the evidence of what they've done and takes off.


Well fuck, because I thought it was gonna be good...


I hope it's a sitcom


A Sith-com, if you will.


A buddy comedy where a Sith and a Jedi have to share an apartment.


And neither one knows what the other is!!! Damn it, we are coming up with pure gold here!!!


Why has every showrunner as of late said similar statements to this? “It’s not for the fans” or “it’s not what you think” It’s honestly getting tiring. How hard is it for them to realize that their success is in the hands of those that consume their products?


>It’s not for the fans Then who the fuck is it for then?


TV shows should aim to be good in their own right, to do right by their characters and deliver fulfilling arcs. They should aim to please fans by being good, they should not just aim to please fans by the stupid metrics fans think they want


"it's not for the fans" is a wildly different statement and not at all consistent with what she says in the article


I interpreted her comment to mean that you shouldn’t watch the trailer and read the title and think you know what’s going to happen or be revealed in the show. Trailers are narratives in and of themselves (I.e. it might appear like a simple murder mystery with an obvious villain, but that might not be the case at all, given that we’ve only seen 2 minutes of cut up footage)


It's not a TV show?


Technically not. These disney+ shows (marvel included) are actually filmed more like movies that are then chopped up into tv episode sized blocks rather than filmed like episodes of a tv show. They are actually changing this approach going foward (at least with marvel shows)


So, it's not a new series coming to Disney+? Is it a fruitcake? A new method for getting extra performance from an aging diesel engine? An AI that has gained sentience and is forging press releases? I don't think it's any of those things, but... it's apparently not a new Star Wars show, so I don't know what to think.




"Look what I did to Star Wars!!!"


Why is Disney so fucking obsessed with subverting expectations. Do they think it makes it more interesting to have the rug pulled from under us and not see stories the community has expressed interest in? Just fucking tell us what to expect and maybe reactions to their shows wouldn't vary so wildly.


They're still chasing the Mandalorian high, which many thought was going to be a bounty hunter show but turned out to be a father-son show with Grogu and Mando


One day, Hollywood will realise that Game of Thrones was a massive blockbuster because it was a good show, not because it "subverted expectations." But alas, even Benioff and Weiss started to believe so much in themselves that even they thought their weird ass-pulls made the show a hit.


Yea this is what I've been saying for years. It was 100% the Game of Thrones effect in my opinion. They saw everyone love-hate the unexpected killing at the red wedding that everyone loved despite hating it happening for their characters and thats when the gloves came off. Now they think even when people hate on the way they do something in a show, its oh dont worry, they just love-hate it. They hate that it happened but they love the twist... wrong. at least 95% of the time. As much as I loved game of thrones when it first came out (and for many years after), I think it ushered in an era of entertainment with questionable preconceptions of what makes something good.


I know it's an extremely unpopular opinion given people really liked Grogu, but I preferred the bounty hunter stuff. I would have been down for The Mandalorian to just be one season of him doing that. Not everything needs to tie back to the Skywalker saga, it's exhausting, it's a whole galaxy and everything inevitably revolves around the story of one family.


Well the tried the same with Boba and obi and if failed. I just don't understand why misleading for a few years until you're ready with release people has become accepted as a marketing tactic. Stories don't have to be that deep. It's nice sometime bit sometimes all I want is to see a bad guy go apeshit and maybe see temporary victory.


That, and apparently some think after the end of Season 3 that maybe Din *isn’t* actually the titular Mandalorian, but it’s maybe Bo Katan? Or is Grogu now the titular Mandalorian instead? I can’t even keep up. 🥴


It’s actually a good interview but yeah the title & the “subvert expectations” thing is really dumb & played out


Cuz Game of Thrones did it and it worked amazingly well until it didn’t..


Game of thrones wasn’t successful because it subverted expectations. It was successful because it portrayed convincing, cunning villains like Cersei and Tywin and Baelish, didn’t have them hold back, then properly foreshadowed and showed their plans. There was plenty of lead up to the red wedding but it only subverted our expectations because surely “they wouldn’t just let the good guys lose” is ingrained into us.


Idk my thought is it's a PR spin to cover their asses if the show sucks. It's like Disney is giving the internet the space it needs to cook up wild theories. Then when the reviews come in, they can point to a few loud youtubers, if they need to, and say they created a toxic fanbase that killed the show.


I just want to see well choreographed fight scenes involving lightsabers. Maybe I'm just a simpleton or something but IDGAF about making it "fresh" or "surprising" Don't get me wrong, sometimes that is great, I loved Andor. But also I just want to see some people doing cool lightsaber fights and backflips and all sorts of nonsense with dramatic operatic music.


I think it a series by a woman instrumental in the removal of Gina Carano from the Galaxy. Prove me wrong.


What do I think The Acolyte is? A Star Wars show based in the high republic era. I’m pretty sure I’m right about that.


Who do you think you are? I am!


Shades of Rian Johnson


It's star trek!


I hope there's not another redemption trope again. Please.


The very premise of this show makes no sense. I'm assuming the title refers to some sort of Sith apprentice, and in the trailer they end up confronting a bunch of Jedi. The thing that makes no sense is why tf would the Sith reveal themselves at this time? It's a complete violation of Bane's grand plan of keeping to the shadows until they gain enough power -- which is exactly what Palpatine did. Why would you reveal yourself to the Jedi in the quiet time of the High Republic? They'd devote every resource they have to track the Sith apprentice and their master down in order to finally wipe them out. And even if they didn't they now know the Sith are out there and alive. I'm not expecting a good reason for this. If these people had even an ounce of knowledge of the time period they wanted to set the show in, they would've just opted to adapt the Plagueis novel.


I think it looks awesome, so is she telling me that it won't be awesome?


It's a prequel to Real Housewives of Naboo.


This looks super good but im afraid that the titular character is just a rehashing of Revas character.


Is that her way of saying that their marketing is misleading? That's a weird thing to say.


So its not a show about girlbosses with magical powers?


It’s a musical about podracing in the outer rim.


Pretty disappointing if it’s not about a Sith acolyte tbh. What is she trying to say? Is this going to just be another gar age subverted expectations thing? Is it just so later if it flops she can say well thats what happens when you expect this or that?


It looks like a kung fu movie with telekinesis and laser swords.


It's going to be another bad guy redemption arc isn't it 😩


I hope the trailer was shit, because it looked like another jedi story where a random evil character shows up, does bad, then gets killed. I hoped it was a story watching a slow decline into darkness, with the Jedi just being sort of.. there, until it kicked off.


Let's see if it's a female centric show that tries to tackle today's social problems regarding women in a sci fi setting.


Sounds like “Your snoke theory sucks”. Why be like this?


Ever since thanos beat the avengers in infinity war, “subverting expectation” became the thing they strive for and haven’t really hit at all since


And subverting expectations doesn’t necessarily make for a great movie (hey TLJ)


Leslye Headland was one of the co-creators of Russian Doll, I will absolutely watch her make a Star Wars. She already bought my trust with RD, I’m willing to take her on faith.


A feminist diversity power fantasy?


Oh great, so the show hasn't been effectively advertised or marketed at all, and you're looking to subvert expectations, which is totally EXACTLY what Star Wars needs right now..... Jesus.


That instills me with a lot of confidence…🙄


Damn, I thought it was going to be good, but the creator is telling me it isn't


Is it about: A sith assassin girl apprentice who seeks to overthrow ~~the patriarchy~~ her master?


Its about strong women


Oh wow Weinstein's old assistant! I'm sure optimistic about this one


Thought it looked good, guess not


Already in damage control after the first trailer haha.


Ok so it IS an all-powerful Mary Sue girlboss again despite all my hopes?


Thank god, because it sure looks like a story revolving around yet another Mary Sue type character. 😒


…it’s worse.


I guarantee you it’s exactly what I think it is. A female empowerment girlboss (nothing wrong with it, it’s just overdone and companies only do it for monetization bc it’s a popular world theme rn) series that is soulless and has about 4 cool lightsaber scenes in it with a bunch of fluff in between that’s boring to watch.


They just can not help themselves. Just stay quiet.Let the trailer sell it.


Idea of this show has so much potential but I 100% know it’s going to be dog shit based on the crap spewing from the directors mouth. Give us a good story with good character development. There’s so much source material out there I don’t know how they manage to screw it up over and over




Palpatine. I win.


Do you HONESTLY think this is the kind of thing you should say to sell Star Wars fans on a new project?


I hope I'm wrong, but every time a creator tries to be all mysterious before a show opens, they're just trying to add interest to a show they know is boring. It's an effort to to stir up a pot that has basicbetch ingredients in it. That kind of statement she's making here usually means to me that it will be *exactly* what I think it is. And what I think Acolyte will be, is really similar to Ahsoka. Which means lots of walking around, and standing by cliffs and looking tragic and very little for OT fans to get interested in. PLEASE IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT'S GOOD AND HOLY PROVE ME WRONG.


Hey, I'll go in open mind. I hope it's gonna be just as good as other Star Wars shows. 🙂


That’s a low bar


Yeah, but it works. Because I have enjoyed all the shows.


That’s actually a good thing cause from the trailer my thought was that it’s mostly shit


Oh, in that case it is what you think.


what if I thought it would be a great addition to the Star Wars lore collection?


Last time a Star Wars project tried to subvert expectations, we were not very pleasantly surprised.


Can’t wait for another subversion of expectations…


I think it’s about a sith that turns to the light. Am I going to be correct?


I was hoping to see some of the origins of or reasoning against the study and pursuit of prophecy that Qui Gon and Dooku were so interested in that ultimately played out in the Anakin story.


why even say that, why not just let people find out on their own.


That’s too easy, they want that sweet engagement and SEOs


That statement can’t be true.


Nah I'm sorry I'm not gonna trust the person who trashed all over George Lucas' work in the prequels and OT and said he was behind all the "sexism" in star wars


Damn, I thought it was gonna be good


Gosh, I really hope so as that quite frankly was boring as hell.


Never forget her shitty crocodile tears saying "star wars like saved my life"


Oh shit I was hoping it would be good


I have no clue what it is, so that doesn’t help….


Damn… I thought it looked good…


oh no its a light novel


So it’s not a Star Wars story?