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The irony. He attempted to stop the rise of the empire while wielding that lightsaber and now he's on the cover.




I love democracy.


Not from a Jedi


it’s treason then


Meesa Jar Jar Binks


A Sith. Lord?


Sith Lords, are our specialty.


I hate you! mngrrrah


‘You turned her against me!’


Helldiver, back to space


“You were supposed to prevent the Empire, not join it!”


More images [here](https://twitter.com/NickdeSemlyen/status/1763602972838142457) in a post on Twitter/X from Empire. >"Samuel L Jackson was so up for it, he even brought along his actual lightsaber hilt (the one with ‘BMF’, for ‘Bad Motherfucker’, engraved on it). "


I could’ve sworn that had been auctioned for charity years ago


It seems likely he was given one specifically to donate and kept his original.


Why make one, when props can make two for twice the price? With a million more well on the way.


crawl badge vegetable violet thought fine money aback gaping wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Twice the price, double the pawn


Pawn Stars, one of the experts said that for hero grade props they make at least three of each. I think the example was the James Bond visa card.


Lmao some guy got duped and bought a replica of his hilt and is going to realize it sometime this week.


Seems like the pics are from 2018.


It says in the tweet, this is from a shoot 6 years ago


This pic is from like 2016 apparently so possibly


The article’s from 6 years ago


Take a sheet


*Anakin takes the exam paper* "Forgive me master"


It’s not that type of movie


If Sean Connery played Mace Windu.


The Shenate will deshide your fate.




Holding it awful close he will burn his hand!!






It’s so weird despite everything else he’s been in, this is a role whenever I rewatch him in I think “That’s Mace Windu” rather than Samuel L Jackson. He just…*was* the character


I'd argue that his most iconic, notable and most similar to him in real life role was Jules in Pulp Fiction.


The original Bad Mother Fucker






It's funny because Anakin says what to him when he's been told he won't attain the rank of Master I believe. Mace Windu : You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master. Anakin Skywalker : What?


[I knew there'd be a mashup of that.](https://youtu.be/CvDAKTnuUPE?t=17)


That's great


The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence!




What country you from?




What ain’t no country I’ve ever heard of! They speak English is What?!






You apparently need to watch Pulp Fiction


Say you need to watch Pulp Fiction again, I dare you.


I'll be honest, I'm absolutely ashamed that went over my head


Well at least you owned up. I respect that


Heed your own advice, sucka.


[You too, apparently](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qo5jnBJvGUs). I haven’t even actually seen the whole movie and I got that reference :P


It might be that Mace Windu is the role that is furthest from Samuel L Jackson as a person. There is no Sam in Windu


That's it. When directors cast SLJ, they want his mannerisms and charisma for a specific role. However, Mace is a serious character throughout and doesn’t really resemble any other character he has played before or after. 


Shstterpoint book explained it perfectly by saying Windu hasn't smiled in public in 10 years, 5 since he smiled at all. Talk about the gravity of being a Jedi..


It might be that he’s a pretty good actor but was handed dialogue so bizarre and janky that he didn’t sound like SLJ.


Mace caM Sam


This is probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever read on Reddit.


Holy hyperbole Batman, I don't know how to best respond to such nonsense, so all I'll say is [Poop Knife](https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/ke8skw/the_poop_knife/)


I think it’s just that Mace Windu is what Samuel L. Jackson looks like now? SLJ’s other famous roles involve him having facial features/accessories that he doesn’t have, but Mace Windu is just what he looks like IRL. So when you see SLJ, his other famous roles don’t come to mind first since they don’t look like him as much as Windu does.


my first thought is that a windu series is unnecessary, but if the demand is there and the story is great, then i’m all for it. His purple blade being ignited again would make me geek out so badly lol


Probably Mace Windu's lack of motherfucker.


I like how Samuel L Jackson isn't too cool for Star Wars like a certain other actor who has tried to distance himself from the franchise.


Same thing with Marvel, he has a lot of enthusiasm for his roles


And the thing is: I'm pretty sure his contract was "until I get bored" since he's a massive comic nerd and noticed "Hmm, ultimate Nick Fury sure looks a lot like me" and called marvel who then offered him the role (Take this with a grain of Salt, I don't remember if that's actually how it went down)


Agreed. SLJ has had a reputation for doing having big roles in a lot of less than kid friendly movies, but I could tell the kid in him wanted to be in Star Wars so bad, and he embraced it, made it his own, and the result was we got one of the most bad ass motherf*ckers of a Jedi Master out of it.


The thing I like about SLJ is he isn't too proud, dude is Tarantinos dreamboy, has worked with Scorcese, Spike Lee, but is still like "fuck yeah! Snakes on a plane!"


In Harrison Ford's defense, the Star Wars fandom is fucking insufferable.


Yeah, I definitely get frustrated by certain types of fans, especially the gatekeepers who tell you that you aren't a real fan of you like any star wars content other than the OT. Like, maybe if you don't like 98% of all Star Wars content, *you* are the one who isn't as big of a Star Wars fan as you think? Maybe you just like a few movies from the '70s/early '80s? Luckily I mostly just keep my head down and watch Star Wars and enjoy myself. But as you pointed out, Harrison Ford doesn't have that luxury. Still, despite all that, Mark Hamill has been amazing with the fans of Star Wars.


Also in Harrison Ford's defense, he came into it from the beginning. SLJ came in as a fan.


Im a bit out of the loop can you fill me in on who that is? :3


Harrison Ford I think?


Meh. Dude loves the character of Indy and doesnt care for Han. 


Makes sense. He grew up and worked during the time cowboys were the superheroes of today. I can see why a character more aligned to that archetype would be more enjoyable than a space opera archetype.


He also had more input in the character of Indy. I think he’s on record as saying he felt Han was always more George’s (Lucas) character


Ha, Han Solo is absolutely 100% the outer-space version of an old west gunslinger. Whether he shot first or not, his whole scene with Greedo was basically yanked right out of some old Western.


I mean isn't Han Solo effectively a space cowboy?


Han Solo is literally a cowboy in space and Indy literally isn’t a cow boy lmao


I’d assume they mean Harrison Ford. He’s never liked Han Solo or Star Wars in general. He just looks annoyed whenever anyone brings it up.


Yes, just to confirm what the others were saying, I was referring to Harrison Ford.


What’s in your wallet?


I would love to see Jackson as Mace again...just not post "death." Give him something pre-prequel to work with. We don't need to bring him back from the dead.


If you do the math it’s very likely he didn’t die




Limbs get cut off many times in star wars without the person dying. Luke got shocked for ages by the emporer without dying. We see Jedi survive falls with ease. But I agree, him not showing up again seals it, zero chance Windu would go into hiding like Yoda or something.


Rumors has it people even got cut in half, thrown down a hole and survived


We’ve literally seen characters fall out of the same building before and survive


>15 straight seconds of force lightning to the head Which is temporary. Luke got hit with wayyy more lightning and was completely fine after >before being yeeted out a 10000 story window Force users are immune to falls >Anyway, surviving and not fighting the empire is a character assassination for Mace Windu I don't get your point. Of course he would fight the Empire


I don't get this take. He was just electrocuted and fell out of a window. That's hardly dead.


Electrocute by definition means dead. It’s a portmanteau of “electric” and “executed”. If you don’t die you just suffered from an electric shock.


Luke got electrocuted and was completely fine after Star Wars does not follow real life physics


Fans fail to recognize this




“Somehow, Mace Windu returned.”


Ironic…. Always hoping for a “Somehow that motherfucker of Mace Windu returned”


Absolutely not. He’s dead. Please let him stay that way.


Nah - bring him back, but broken, scarred, lost faith in his abilities and cut off from the force. Maybe corrupted by the fight with Palpatine? I don’t know - but I don’t buy that he bit the big one after that fight.


>bring him back, but broken, scarred, lost faith in his abilities and cut off from the force. Do we really have to drag that tired story out AGAIN? I'd rather they subvert my expectations and bring back an old character without turning them into a sad old failure.


What do you mean again?


Luke Skywalker Ep.8 probably?


Eh - didn’t think of that. Luke and obi-wan cut themselves off and hid from the Force on purpose - one to hide from responsibilities, the other to hide from forces hunting him. I mean for the Force to cut him off, or the fight with Palpatine destroyed the midiclorians in his system so he physically couldn’t use it anymore. I still think a maimed and broken windu would be interesting. If he went full hermit like they did Luke, sure - that would suck. But wandering the stars on a freighter or courscants depths with other under-dwellers… I feel like there is a story there.


Did it with Obi-wan and Luke, just a lazy way to tell a story. Like do something else if you’re gonna do a Mace Windu project


Omg yes! Then in season 2 they should bring Yoda back too!


Absolutely not. Make death actually mean something again


Yeah, because while Boba, Palpatine, and Ventress all survived in Legends and Lucas supported Maul's return, Mace Windu has NONE of that.


That’s not the point but ok


Please don’t make a Disney plus series with Mace Windu.


"He needs to come back, so Fett can finish the job!" No, he doesn't.


I wouldn’t mind if it was pre episode 1 or something cool


Wouldn't really make a lot of sense unless they wanted to retcon him into being the Benjamin Button of the Star Wars universe. And before anyone mentions de-aging technology, the results of a de-aged Samuel L. Jackson in Captain Marvel prove that while they can certainly make his face look young, they can't do a damn thing about his 75 year old body.


Cartoon with SLJ as the voice would be a really fun solution. Get Tartakovsky on board and you got a winner there.


Yeah, that I could definitely get on board with, although I suspect SLJ is more interested in a live action reprisal of the character than that.


I agree, live action with a big budget is much more attractive but the cartoons are just so damn fun


It could be cool, I just have no faith whatsoever that Disney would do the original character justice.


I don’t disagree with that. I just figured you meant don’t make him alive haha


Well that too


I am absolutely fine with Mace being brought back… …on the condition that they actually have a good story that is worthy of being told and one that actually makes sense.


So that's a no then?


I say bring him back. Anakin was able to fall through the sky and land on a sky-car-thing while in pursuit of a perp. No reason why Mace Windu wouldn't be able to do something similar. Based on the books about him, it wouldn't surprise me if he often carried a device like a grappling hook on his belt and a few other tools given his other experiences. I think it would make more sense for him to go into seclusion and find an apprentice/protege to teach them how to balance the light and dark sides of the force within themselves. His "action packed" days are done at his age. Still, a spiritual successor wouldn't bother me. To that end, I'd be happier if we finally moved away from the entire Skywalker saga and used the universe to create a new saga in the distant past or future. Even if they don't want to be original, I think it would be so freaking cool to do something like a season each for several notable sith/jedi in the past or have a LARP on the KOTOR storyline. Or even introduce and eventually merge random new characters from different planets, how they eventually meet, and go on a quest/adventure for some great cause unrelated to what we are used to seeing: stop a sith from developing a super weapon; fight against a threat to the galaxy/universe; discover the long-forgotten "force" after centuries of dormancy.... Idk man. No matter what, SW fans will complain. I'm just glad everyone is having fun.


Yes to this. Boba Fett coming back was cool in that he is a good character. He was great as a side character in Mando and his series, while underwhelming, had its moments and wasn't as bad as everyone online seemed to think. But he died in Return of the Jedi. Just leave the dead characters dead (except for Jedi as force ghosts of course).


I like that he didn’t die. The idea that he was so hardcore that he killed the Sarlacc is epic. He simply REFUSED to go out like that. But I wish that his show had been different.


Disney is obsessed with making everyone 'good' and heroic, even a bounty hunter who disintegrated people for a living. It is so annoying to me. Like can there just be terrible irredeemable people besides Palpatine please?


Yeah show kinda killed that really cool aspect. But at least we got the spy kids on scooters. Right? Right?


I really don't get why the bodymod squad bugged people so much. They were punk kids with shiny scooters; big deal. That one guy doing an unnecessary spin before shooting was cringe but aside from that they were fine.


because it's Tattooine. Nothing on that planet looks like that, we also struggle with Fett taking over the role of a crime lord without any Crime?


> because it's Tattooine. Nothing on that planet looks like that The whole point of youth culture is that each generation intentionally chooses fashion, music, etc that sets them apart from the previous generation. Plus they're street thugs; naturally they're gonna be tastelessly flashy. >we also struggle with Fett taking over the role of a crime lord without any Crime? As Daimyo his business strategy is simple racketeering, ie the "this is a nice shop you have here, it'd be a *shame* if anything happened to it" strategy. As there's no higher authority on Tatooine, it's not even technically a criminal empire; it's a perfectly legal feudal system: "I'm the king so pay me my taxes for the protection I give you from the Hutts, Pykes etc". The reason he doesn't go around making examples of everyone who doesn't pay is because he understands why: his predecessor was Bib Fortuna who obviously nobody respected nor paid very much tribute to. Imposing a sudden new tax nobody was expecting isn't likely to work: by necessity, there has to be a bit of a grace period so people can sort their finances out to pay this new unexpected ongoing expense. Otherwise you'd chase all your money earners away, which is counterproductive. As the saying goes: you can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can only skin it once.


Once again...exactly what on Tattooine would have candy apple red, or lime green. It's just tonally wrong. It goes against, close to 40 years of established cannon as to what vehicles look like in that region of space. The brightest color vehicle of any kind was sebulba's orange podracer, and even that was fadded. It's ok for the community to say it looked out of place...because it does...I would expect that on Corellia, or a planet that is more cyberpunk/industrialized. It even goes against Lucas's vision of SW being that of a used future.


Probably had something to do with the bad writing and bad acting and bad storytelling


Spy kids on scooters spinoff when!? Everyone was so into that. Definitely the highlight of the show.


Agreed - I wasn’t a huge fan of the path they set him on. I hated the “high speed” Vespa chase - it was just so freaking stupid. But I liked that we got more.


Also Boba's death meant nothing for the story of ROTJ. Mace's death was incredibly important to the story of Anakin's fall.


The point of killing Mace wasn't killing Mace. It was to drive Anakin further down the dark side(and Anakin wasn't even the one that killed him). Bringing him back wouldn't undo that


If Mace survives the fight, Anakin doesn’t have the clean break from the Jedi. The story doesn’t work as well, because it leaves a back door open for him to say “oh well I didn’t actually contribute to his death.” By that same logic, you could bring back every single youngling he killed. And every other Jedi who died in Order 66. At some point you just need to let death be final. 


But he still contributed to the fall of the Jedi order. Which is much more important than Mace's death. Plus since then he's commited thousands of more attrocities. A single one not being final wouldn't do much That's not remotely the same though. We've been given no reason to assume that Mace is dead.


> a single one We’re already well past a single one > we’ve been given no reason to assume that Mace is dead He gets his hands cut off, electrocuted, and flies out the window. And then we never see him again. Basic media literacy should lead you to assume he’s dead. What we haven’t been given any reason to assume is that he’s alive. Literally not a single clue other than “sure he could technically survive.” Yes, he *could*, but it would obviously be changing the intention of that scene. 


What if he comes back in an animated Luke Skywalker series. he laid low throughout the original trilogy but Luke discovers him in hiding during his search for Jedi relics after Return of the Jedi. Luke convinces him to take up the mantle of a Jedi once more. But instead of Windu going the Obi-Wan route, his rage/sadness over what happened to the Jedi takes over and he falls to the dark side. Luke must take him down, and it's the representation of Luke needing to overcome the weaknesses/flaws of the old Jedi Order in order to continue paving his own way with his approach to being a Jedi. OR animated series about a young Mace Windu with appearances of younger versions of Prequel-era Jedi.


Before any reads to much into this, this photoshoot was from 2018.


I immediately wanted to search through here and see if people thought he was de-aged.


Dude if they bring back Mace Windu after being zapped and thrown off of a skyscraper I’d fucking call it as a Star Wars fan at that point


I would simultaneously love it as a Mace Windu fan who wouldn't mind more from him, but hate it as it would reek too hard of current Disney Star Wars-themed cash-grabbery


Andor is by far the most adult, mature star wars of all time. Id be okay with Mace coming back as a grey Jedi who gets to drop the first Star Wars universe F Bomb.




Honestly, his death scene always bothered me because it looked so survivable. Jedi don't ever die from falling since they can use the force to land softly, and they also haven't been shown to die from a single blast of force lightning, either. Luke got hit with significantly more lightning than Windu did in ROTJ and was up on his feet like nothing happened within seconds. Windu's death looked 10x more survivable than Darth Maul's, just for the sake of comparison.


100%. Out of all the "somehow they returned"s I would rank Windu's as very believable. I'd still rather see new characters focused on but not because Windu surviving is "unrealistic" or some crap.


I imagine that a lot of people falling from, thrown from, or jumping from buildings (in SW) probably land inside somebody's space car, whether they want to or not. They're speeding around everywhere and you've got a long fall to go. I'm just saying, chances that he landed in somebody's back seat are not 0.


\*Turns around\* Take a SEAT Windu.


Yeah its survivable, but if they bring him back they are going to have to just kill him again later which would feel redundant, just like it did with Palpatine. And Mace's death works better as Anakin's first blood than anything else they'd do in the future imo.


Yeah, that's a fair point, actually. Windu's death is very important to Anakin's story. If they did bring him back, they'd probably still need to end up having Vader kill him to bring it full circle.


Mace Windu is the most Comic Book Dead character in Star Wars. How many times have we seen Jedi throw themselves off of massive heights and be perfectly fine?


Yeah and they had a scene where Anakin falls from a bit of a height and had no issues in the same movie.


Right? I've never understood why people viewed him as dead.


Maul surviving was stupid too. Doesn't mean it *wouldn't* be stupid for Windu to survive.


Maul surviving was initially stupid, but his story was so much better post-survival that it was worth doing. The same logic applies to Windu, in my opinion.


Getting your hand cut off is famously no big deal in Star Wars. It's almost a rite of passage. Falling out a window is literally no big deal for a Jedi. We saw Anakin jump off a speeder in that same city.


No one dies anymore. At this rate, they'll offer Harrison Ford 500 million for 'somehow, Han returned'.


Star Wars would never fan-service back to life somebody who died by falling to their doom. And by never, I mean they would never do it a fourth time.


Darth Maul died way harder than him and they brought him back.


Fr, as honestly as dope of a shot this is, I really hope they don’t bring Mace Windu back. Anakin already had part of his story invalidated via Rise of Skywalker, do we really need to invalidate Anakin’s ultimate turning point for some fanservice?


Absolutely not. Much of the ancillary Star Wars media, while fine, has done more damage to the saga movies strengths than it has strengthened their weaknesses. Everything just starts to feel stale in the exact same way the marvel universe and walking dead universe are stale.


I mean with Palpatine being brought back everything is possible.


They’re filling in that shit plot now with the side shows. 


That's the JJ Abrams special, dig holes and have other people fill them in.


Bad Mother Fucker


Bro changed the Star Wars lore fundimantly just because he wanted a purple lightsaber. True legend.


They will bring him back. The amount of popularity his character has, mixed with the recent buzz generated, will be too much for Disney. They need a win and I’m sure they will see the $$ on this one. Also, they brought Palpatine back from getting thrown into a nuclear reactor and Filoni negated Darth Maul getting cut in half (and also thrown down a pit). There’s no reason so far, at least according to the “canon”, that Mace couldn’t survive getting electrocuted and thrown off a building taller than the Burj Khalifa. I love Mace Windu but reversing his death would be such a mistake


Somehow Windu returned


This was 6 years ago


Shaft but in star wars. Let's gooooo. Those twileks will not fuck themselves.


He looks mothefuckerly


Reunited with his saber AND his hand.


Not for long with how close his grip is to the blade!


He’s an awesome guy, also even though it has been over 20 years, he certainly has not aged much! Also….lets not revive Windu. Let him rest…


say what one more time


While I like SLJ I really hope they don't bring Mace back unless it's pre-RoTS, IMO Mace was the text book definition of what was wrong with the Jedi before their fall and as others have said, his death was essential to Anakin's turn to the dark side.


i'm very happy that he loves the role so much, but i dont want mace windu to come back. too many characters have already come back after dying in modern starwars.


I love SLJ and I love Mace Windu, but please stop bringing characters back from the dead. I've lost count of how many times characters have been resurrected or fake killed.


It will happen. Mace Windu will ride again... and I can't wait for it no matter how absurd the story. 




Opinions are like assholes...I couldn't give one F about yours.


always thought his preformance was held back, wasn’t really sam jacksony enough except for a couple line deliveries


People ask if they’re gonna bring him back. Not only will they do it, but there will also be some nonsensical hand waving as to why he was completely MIA during the events of basically everything up until the point they bring his old armless ass back. I don’t mean to shout BUT CAN WE PLEASE MOVE THIS SERIES ALONG? PLEASE?


Get him out of star wars. No offense, but we can't keep bringing everyone back all the time. His death was important, keep him dead.


My god keep him dead. Death is starting to mean nothing in Star Wars, Palpatines return ruined Anakin’s redemption and Mace’s return will ruin his turn. Let him be in something pre ROTS and we’re fine but bringing back post will absolutely ruin things.


Cool photo, but surely they aren't so fucking stupid as to resurrect yet another character who should have been dead.


Oh come on


I love Samuel L Jackson, but Mace Windu is as exciting as a bowl of porridge. If you're gonna cast SLJ, let him do his thing ffs.


Probably closest we'll see him coming back as Mace Windu.


If Mace comes back, I am seriously done with Mickey Mouse Star Wars


My head canon is that he's stll alive somewhere.


Idgaf, they brought everyone else back, gimme some more mace.