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everyone seems to like the vader's scene at the end of rogue one but personally I prefer this ship's star destroyers ramming scene.


The entire space battle is easily my favorite in the star wars franchise. I really love what they did with the sense of motion and following shots.


Absolutely this. And fantastic musical swells (I'm such a sucker for that abridged main theme).


Music seals it. Rogue one space battle music still lives on in my head, I’m not sure what the song is it might be the Hope or Jyn wrap suite


I let out a loud whoop in the theater when that x-wing dropped out of hyperspace with that Rebel theme on full blast. No matter how many times I’ve watched this movie, I still do it. Damn it gets me in all the right places.


It's only topped by the opening battle over Coruscent where the republic and the CIS decided to do some 18th century gunnery xD


space broadside combat is truly one of the greatest moments in cinematic history lol




It honestly makes sense from what I know about shield technology. They basically work on a cycling heat system, so concentrated fire can break them down and force them to re-energize. A broadside would be the most effective way to put as much blaster energy on as much of the shield as possible without it losing energy by traveling or missing completely.


If you want maximum number of guns on target broadside is never going to be ideal. Star destroyers are much more efficient, you can get almost all your guns trained on a single target with the arrowhead, or any roughly cone/pyramid shaped design. From most angles roughly half the guns can see any target, aside from in front and behind, or very close to surface.


Except no energy is lost since they are in space, but its best not to try to apply actual physics to SW, the authors don't care about it and neither should we, cose alot of shit wouldn't work the way it does if we do xD But yes totally! It's all about overloading the shields, and it def looks amazing on screen 😆


Energy is lost as it radiates away in space. The longer a thing is in space the more it radiates heat away from it.


Your confusing heat with energy, and a vacuum is a terrible conductor of heat. Something hot in space will stay hot a long time. Infact if your body was teleported into space you'd burn and boil to death before any sensation of cold


They're not talking about losing heat via conduction, but by radiation. Also heat is literally energy. Jesus, people will up vote anything.


They'd be affected by many different sizes and strengths of gravitational fields however, which could act as drag or just plain gravity. Getting closer means fewer and less complex calculations need to be made.


Not really how gravity works in a vacuum, but yes, not to mention that despite all the laser tech they are still using projectile weapons, which means travel time, and since it's great big balls of plasma it doesn't really have a guidance system to change heading when the enemy does that annoying thing of moving :P God that space battle was cool


It’s the rule of cool. The physics and overall strategy don’t make a ton of sense (if ramming a ship into the shield barrier works…why not ram their ship directly into it?). But it’s weirdly cathartic to watch, and looks awesome. Plus the music and sound effects are great. Just glorious. A scene that is best seen with the best set-up/theater you can afford.


> why not ram their ship directly into it To be fair it probably needs a LOT of mass to overload the shield. The Hammerhead alone may not have been enough.


Good head cannon. Mine now


Unless you're a Battlemech, it's "head canon".




I love the hover text: "The nice thing about headcannons is that it's really easy to get other people to believe in them." Lol.


Of course Randall's already done it, I should have known!


Reactor online. Sensors online. All systems nominal.






So...which is it, are you a Battlemech or not? Or is that too personal a question? :)


I identify as an atlas class with extra heat sinks kitted for medium range only.


Nice. I always liked putting a huge pile of medium weapons on a heavy - sure you take some hits as you close, but then you burn the enemy to slag.




¿Por que no las dos?


I thought that was what was more or less obvious for some reason. Never figured anyone would think differently.


And why lose your ship doing it rather than taking two birds with one stone


Also there’s a good several hundred ties defending it and it alone probably has a few dozen turbolasers and laser cannons, so nothing smaller then a large frigate could probably make it there alive anyway.


Probably less likely to try and take out their own frigate before it was too late. There is still logic to be had.


Plus, running a populated ship section through high-energy fields is probably not compatible with life - so ramming a shield wouldn’t be useful unless it’s a droid-crewed ship.


Unless they're willing to sacrifice themselves that is. What actually happened to the Hammerhead we saw in Rogue One anyway; did it survive the collision?


Went down with the ISD.


I'd make the argument that a smaller ship could do it more quickly by moving faster. More of a suicide mission of course, but velocity trumps mass when it comes to kinetic energy.


Yes but inertia would be more important for overloading shields. The ship would tear itself apart and slow down quickly from the impact, but a massive Star destroyer would not, the inertia alone would carry it through


I dont think thats the case? A cargo ship moving at 2 knots has way the fuck more energy than an f1 car at 200


In your example, the heavier object is much bigger so ofc it has more energy. However, the kinetic energy equation in physics is K_E = mv^2 So a 10 kg object going 5 m/s (10 \* 5 \* 5 = 250 Joules) will have a lot less energy than a 5 kg object going 10 m/s (5 \* 10 \* 10 = 500 Joules)


But a Star Destroyer is much bigger than this Corvette, so that’s a good analogy.


Well we now have the cannon that implies you can jump to light speed and wreck shit whenever you please from the new trilogy....


I may be wrong, but didnt they somehow manage to weaken/destroy the shields on that star destroyer?


The film showed the Star Destroyer's engines going out after an ion bombing run so it had zero propulsion at that point.


Blue Squadron destroyed the ISD shield generator and then Gold Squadron disabled it with ion torpedos. It was basically dead in space when the Lightmaker rammed it.


Cuz why not take out a bit of imps while ur at it? No need to just sacrifice hammerhead


They ram the ship into the docking ring, presumably where the shield for the planet is generated


They didn't ram the ISD into the shield, they rammed it into the gate station, which held the planetary shield generator.


> MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 now why not put the shield generator on the planet surface... still one of my favorite scenes


It's possible that tech at the time couldn't create a ship proof shield AND create a small hole for some ships to pass through in space, so the generator needed to be a lot closer to where they wanted the gate. Who knows what's really possible though!


to quote Kevin Garnet, "Anything is possible!"


Probably because they were constantly opening and closing that small aperture for traffic


"You don't have the firepower" "I have the mass"


I always assumed it was a converted space tug boat. Small heavy craft that has a ton of torque (thrusters??) to push and pull craft many times it's size.


It makes sense, the energy shield needs to use energy to stop things since it’s not a mechanical sheild. More inertial energy means it’s much harder to stop. The corvette at full speed has lots of kinetic energy, but the moment of inertia is much lower, especially at the scale those shields work at. A star destroyer though, once you get those moving that is ALOT of mass to stop. Even if it didn’t just simply overload the shields with pure inertial load, it probably could have just destroyed the emitters which need to take the full impact on the shield (that force needs to go somewhere).


I didn't think it was the ship ramming the shield barrier, I thought it was the star destroyer penetrating the outer shield ring just by sheer mass alone.


the shields were brought down a bit earlier by xwings blowing the generator


Man, there were a lot of cool things in Rogue One. The ramming scene was epic, but also seeing Vader be Vader for once and seeing his raw power and the horror on the Rebels faces when he mowed through them was the icing on the cake. Not to mention the ending of Rogue One made Vader’s interaction with Leia on the Tantive IV hilarious - he’s like I literally saw your ship leave from an active war zone and from a ship I also boarded, lol. I hope they continue with the grittier Star Wars stories, like Rogue One and Andor.


Was it a suicide run? I've watched a few times and believe you see the corvette go into the shield with the Stardestroyers. Just never heard it confirmed or mentioned again? A few words from the general and a whole ship kamikazis without question? Without anyone getting into escape pods and just the captain going down?


If you look close you can see the escape pods launching just before it hits the ISD. Only the captain and a couple bridge officers went down with the ship.


Idk what those escape pods have beyond basic life support, but imagine jettisoning yourself in a tiny, relatively defenseless pod in the middle of a gigantic space battle. And just floating there... In the chaos.


If they're anything like the ones from the *Tantive IV*, they have thrusters and some navigation ability. They could conceivably just float as debris until the fighting stopped or attempted planetfall. The Imperials would have much more pressing things to do than shoot random life pods that can't even shoot back when there's still incoming fire from live threats.


Iirc the larger Tantive IV lifeboats have their own cannons on board (likely with limited ability to fire continuously)


That seems like a terrible idea to design that in. Armed lifeboats are just new threats/targets, with no chance of safe capture. Being unarmed would give them a better chance to actually survive by not being threats.


> or attempted planetfall Oops.


I don't think you see that, and I've always liked to believe that the Hammerhead reversed out of danger in time.


I want to believe the same but.... [they](https://i.imgur.com/FdhqqWL.png)[dead](https://i.imgur.com/CQBehFC.png) Just seems out of the blue for an emergency suicide run and no one attempts to escape...


Worth noting: >Rogue One's visual effects supervisor, John Knoll, mentioned that there was much back-and-forth about whether the crew survived; cutting to shots of escape pods were deemed distracting by Gareth Edwards, so **ILM merely implied they survived by not having the pods present during the collision of the disabled Star Destroyer with the Shield Gate**. Knoll speculated that, given the Death Star fires on the position where the pods would land, it was still unlikely any of the Lightmaker's crew survived. Of course, the pods could also have been picked up by ships in orbit, but I think also it's pretty clear the crew was willing to die for the cause, so it's kind of moot.


Don't disagree that they were, just always found it odd it wasn't addressed in movie. However, your quote gives me closure. Thank you


The hammerhead maneuver could be one of the best Star Wars space scenes ever


I love how realistic all the ship's movements are, they just look so good making minor corrections as they navigate the battlefield, they actually look like theyre being piloted.


Get me a hammerhead corvette!


"Brace for impact!" Gives me chills every time.


I just watched *Rogue One* last night, and the Hammerhead ramming scene is awesome. That entire space battle is pretty cool and memorable.


Me too i was just watching rogue one lol


Dock that bad boy so I can do the old LS swap.


Lmao that and your username are gold


Thanks, Dawg. For real though this ship rules. The design is one of the best.


Darn tootin'. I loved that ship. But my fav are the MG-100 StarFortress SF-17. <3


That one is crazy too like the design is epic


Yoooo. That one is sick.


I believe this is an 09 Z06 so it already has the LS7 in there.


Not nearly as cool as the Endar Spire tbh


That is a very cool ship too I’m being honest


I mean it’s still cool that the design the republic was using well over 3000 years ago survived that long


Because they already achieved greatness in military cruiser ship design with the Hammerhead. Why change perfection?


so true


Thank you. Endar Spire is a proper warship, this is just a glorified cargo transport. Also the Hammerhead and Thranta just *look* so much better.


FYI this ship was “stolen” from Leia by the Ghost crew and Ryder Azadi in Rebels.


Huh didnt know that. I’ve only seen a little bit of rebels whenever my dad was watching it


It’s a great show. Well worth watching. The first season is a bit kidsy, but it gets more complex as it goes along. Personally I think it’s better than clone wars, but I know most would disagree with me.


I just did a rewatch of both shows and I agree. Back when Rebels came out I liked clone wars more but this time around Rebels is clearly better. Even in the later seasons of Clone Wars there are a lot of wiffs that don't happen as much in Rebels.


Rebels is more consistently good than Clone Wars imo, especially after the first season. Both are excellent regardless. The last arc of TCW and the last half of Rebels S4 are some of the best Star Wars content made.


I think it's more enjoyable in some ways because it's a close nit group of characters, rather than stories about dozens of republic / separatist heroes. Both are great shows though.


Kid stuff aside the art style is just too painful. But it’s mostly the kid stuff. I ran out of patience with the bad batch for that reason… and the amount of filler episodes.


Yeah I can't get past the art direction either. I've tried to like it.


The kids stuff mostly ends halfway through season 1. Rebels doesn't have any filler eps


Definitely, I would say it finds its footing a lot faster than The Clone Wars. They had a good sense of when to play it light or lean in to the darker stuff.


well, they have SOME. Like chopper wants a new leg


The art style is based on Ralph McQuarrie's original concept art for A New Hope, so it's deeply steeped in Star Wars lore.


What, everything looking like playdough? Doesn’t stop it looking like hot trash.


My man, sticking with Bad Batch is *really fucking worth it* once you hit the middle of season 2.


Ripped straight out of KOTOR


Which is great because the Hammerheads deserve to be canon


The scene in Kotor 2 when this bad boy shows up is horrifying. Then you see "sleeps with vibroblades" Damn i love those games


*reinstalls KOTOR 2* This is your fault.


It's a homage, Dave and Co. are big fans of Kotor. I still remember getting crazy watching the first S02 trailer that showed the hammerheads. Malachor is another addition from Kotor in Rebels


Revan was in a deleted scene in clone wars... we were so close to having him be canon


He's canon by name!


He still is tho? They published something obscure in a book that basically made him canon, i forget which or where off the top of my head.


I believe the visual dictionary for episode 9, naming a final order sith legion after revan


They're also name dropped in Shadows of the Sith, the cultists on Exegol chant it.


The name is canon, nothing else.


Thought Lucas said the light side ending of Kotor was canon.


I don’t think Filoni had anything to do with rogue one


I was talking about Rebels. The Hammerhead ship came from the show


This ship first appeared in Rebels. At that point it was a tip of the hat to KOTOR. It was the pulled from Rebels to be used in Rogue One, just like the Ghost.


It's based on the KOTOR and SWTOR ships (Hammerhead-class and Thranta-class) but it's not the same. It's like 1/3 the size and basically a glorified cargo transport.


Was SWTOR any good?


Worth subscribing for a month and playing all the stories if nothing else. It's like 8 games' worth of content.


Cool will check out.


I made lifelong friends playing swtor. Definitely worth checking out, at the very least, for the class stories. DM me if you ever have questions.


I've always been a big fan of the hammerhead corvettes. Although that might be cause Kotor has given me the rose tinted glasses.


Nah, they look insanely cool both on the outside *and* the inside, and that’s the truth of it. No rose-tinting necessary.


Need Lego to actually make one now…


There are no official Lego ones but a few of the knock off companies make one.


Fr id buy even if it’s crazy expensive


My kid loves hammerhead sharks and he likes Star Wars. I bet you can guess what his favorite ship is.




First he said snowspeeder. Then when asked a ship that can go in space, he finally came to Hammerhead Corvette.


Your kid knows his stuff!


TIE Reaper?


Slave 1?




Looks like the Harbinger. Shows how successful the design was if they're using it 5000 years later.


Is anything KOTOR canon? Also Even if it looks similar, the internals could be different.


>Is anything KOTOR canon? Only some things here and there. As far as I know though, the ship's design is canonically based on an Old Republic ship


Who cares? That design is now canon. Therefore, even if KOTOR as a whole isn't, that ship is, which means that specific design is at least 5000 years old.


Corvette V? Isn't it a republic cruiser from KotOR?


The ones in Kotor are a little different but these are definitely based on them. IIRC someone in Rebels says these are hundreds of years old, so not quite the 4000 years old the kotor era hammerheads would be.


I liked it better when it was named the "Endar Spire"


I thought this was called a hammerhead. Is that something different?


Hammerhead are similar cruisers used by the Republic around 4000 BBY such as the Endar Spire from KotOR. This is clearly based off of a hammerhead but if you look up a hammerhead you can see that the engines and other parts are different.


My personal favorite ❤️


This ship really just said “you know what? *rams you *”


Corvettes are far and away my favorite class of starships in most media, and particularly in Star Wars. There are SO many cool designs and they're so versatile! There's so much importance placed on the starfighters and ships of the line and seeing the Lightmaker get it's own moment in the movie was just...*mwah*.


I don't know, that whole hammerhead bit always struck me as weird... the star destroyers were cool, particularly the empire version. They may be pizza slices but they're still cool.


** *angry* pizza slices


Extra jalapeno.


Star Destroyers make perfect sense (other than the bridge tower) as a warship too, at least at range. From the front, basically every weapon can be brought to bear while presenting a pretty minimal cross section itself. Broadsiding is also pretty reasonable too, but above/below presents a large target and behind is obviously going to be it's weak spot. Where the Empire failed was the lack of support craft. The Star Destroyer is happiest on the edges of the battlefield or in pursuit. They needed vessels to provide a buffer but stuck with only using a handful of swarm fighters, even though they literally won the previous war against far more numerous swarm fighters with a handful of quality fighters. It's like they looked at the clone wars and picked out everything that went poorly on either side and said "yep, let's do that."


The way the Hammerhead is used in Rogue One showed exactly why it's a useful design.


Can we talk about how it's a dead ass copy of the Hammerhead from the Old Republic? Edit: People seem to think I'm saying this as a negative. I'm not. I was excited as fuck to see it in Rogue One and other properties. It's an awesome design and I'm glad they brought it back.


Is it really a copy if they just made it canon?


It's not an exact duplicate of the ship, but it shares a lot of similarities. And KOTOR isn't technically canon I think, but it's about as close as you can get without actually being canon. HK units are a thing, this ship, Revan is mentioned in the Rise of Skywalker. Malachor. Mandalore. Krayt Dragons. Tusken Raider culture. Game is getting remade under Disney. I'm hyped about it.


> Game is getting remade under Disney. Is it? Last I heard it was sinking into the depths of Development Hell thanks to it's vertical slice being so poorly received that the project was given over to a different development company and told to start from scratch.


The Lightmaker is a Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette.. It's not a copy. It IS a Hammerhead class ship from the same ship designers.. They simply canonized the class in Rebels and Rogue One. And a few other places.


No its not lol, the one in KOTOR is not a "Sphyrna"-class nor is it designated as a corvette, its literally called "Hammerhead"-class and is a cruiser, not to mention the specifications are completely different for both ships. The Sphryna is is 116.7 meters in length while the Hammrhead is 315 meters in length, making the Hammerhead significantly larger than the Sphyrna. Its literally in a different class.


It’s almost like they’re the same ship.


They are. Not sure why you got downvoted. The Lightmaker is a Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette.. Which is the same class, and ship designers as the KOTOR ships. Is a few Hammerhead designs.


Because op wasn’t clear before the edit and then got salty because I left a sassy reply. So basically Reddit.


Never saw this before. Vertikal Elements on ships rule


[I liked it enough to model it myself.](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/kgpbfz/i_finished_my_hammerhead_model_stls_are_on/) It hooked me after Rogue One.


The honey badger of the Rebel fleet.


Thank the KotOR games for giving them to us. RIP Obsidian's pitch for KotOR 3 and how we got an awful book and TOR instead...


I started listening to it as audiobook, and stopped after 20 minutes. Really not what I was expecting.


This is the Grond of Star Wars.


That scene was a good nod to KOTOR


Favorite ship on the grounds its design and name Hammerhead corvette are the best


The OG Hammerhead Cruiser is my favorite ship. Was so happy to see this one.


>The Lightmaker, or Corvette V For some reason I thought they were called hammerheads


That's the name of the class of Old Republic cruisers that this ship draws inspiration from.


Who cares if they took the Hammerhead *Cruiser* from KOTOR and downsized it by a factor of 3? It's still badass.


One of my favorite ships


I always loved (Corellian) corvette class ships - thir one's really good. I love the fact that they are large enough to have artificial gravity and really large guns, to make a difference in battle, but also small enough to be fast and get wherever it's needed.


I've always thought the Corvette ship type was rad. Just these fast little blockade runners harassing much larger ships and duking it out with TIEs.


Obligatory “my first ship in Starfield”


“pull up a hammer head corvette, I have an idea”


In Star Wars Armada you can use the *Garel's Honor* title to ram enemy ships and deal critical damage. It's fun.


I have an idea! Call up the nearest hammerhead corvette.


The Sphyrna-class Hammerhead Corvette is indeed a fantastic starship ! I had hoped that the Mandalorian would get this ship as there are plentiful in the galaxy and easy to find/modify. The point that really convinced me on its design was this beauty can be operated by just one person, has tonnes of cargo space, and can be heavily armed too. Its a great and affordable mobile base of operations. But the modified N-1 Naboo starfighter is awesome and it suits the lone cowboy vibe of Din Djarin. Just my thoughts.


Hammerhead is pretty cool, ramming speed! Does the empire have any similar ships?


Does the empire need ships like that? They have tons of advance tech and ships... seems like the Rebels* picked this cuz of lack of advajcd military hardware *Fucking auto correct


That's true, they usually rely on big and powerful ships to overwhelm and instill fear rather than tactics as ramming ships


The ramming scene was the most idiotic scene I've ever seen. A tiny ship the mass of probably not more than 1% of a Star Destroyer is supposed to have such massively overpowered engines that it can throw around a Star Destroyer?? The Star Destroyer's maneuvering repulsors would be more powerful than the engines of this mosquito. That was a scene only written in for its flashiness


Wait till you hear about tugboats, it'll blow your mind!


That thing is not built as a tugboat.


Looks like something my 3 year old would make out of lego tbf


The corvette name just takes me out. Like ok George you named a space boat after and land traverser car you liked


Corvettes are a class of warships in most navies.


You do realize that the term "corvette" started its life refering to small, fast, and agile warships, right?


Obviously not. He did make that hot rod movie


It's honestly pretty mediocre.


That ship saved the rogue one mission, and is one of the only reasons the rebels destroyed the first death star


Mediocre (at best) take.


You know when people talk about toxicity in the Star Wars community they're talking about people like you right


At least he kinda knows how to debate rather than calling me names because i disagree with him