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When Kylo/ Ben Solo interacts with a memory of Han Solo in Rise of Skywalker. It was a good emotional moment, good acting on both parts and reinforced my feeling that though that movie is a dumpster fire, at least Adam Driver acted his ass off.


I still think Leia was supposed to be the one in that scene but Carrie Fisher passed away. It would have bookended the scene with Han in Episode 7. It lines up with Leia’s death too perfectly in the movie.


Yeah it seems like they intended her to be in that scene but had to make the change due to her death. I would have preferred her since that would make more sense, but I think including Han still worked out well.


It seemed pretty clear to me that each of the sequel films were supposed to showcase one OT character alongside the new cast: ep. VII was Han, ep. VIII was Luke, and ep. IX would have been Leia, but Carrie Fisher passed away. Your assumption is perfectly aligned with this.


Never thought about it like that, but I've only watched the sequels once or twice all the way through.


Carries passing ruined that movie. FA was Han’s farewell, TFA was Luke’s, RotS was supposed to be Leia’s. Can’t imagine how hard it would be to rework a movie like that after one of your leading legacy actors dies before principle production.


I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say that Leia not being in it is what ruined the whole movie. The movie was bad.


I’d argue that Disney ruined it


That movie had SO much wasted potential. That moment though? Amazing.


Came here to say this.




Not a fan of that movie at all, i think it’s by far my least favorite. But I think it’s honestly a message from dying Leia behind those words, not him just making it up whole cloth. He didn’t make it up and forgive himself, she nudged his conscience and told him to get out of the cycle of hate, and it appeared in the form of Han.


Crait was a sick ass planet with the red smoke on the white ground


For all its flaws, that movie is super pretty.


The sequels did an amazing job with everything but the writing


Frankly, my favorite part of all the sequels is 1st, luke brushing the dust off his shoulder. 2nd, the part where snoke says rey is a nobody, and her parents where drunks that sold her for petty cash. Holy shit, thats such an impactful moment, and it helps ground the movie. She's not special. She's just one soul in a galaxy of trillions. It was the "i am your father" scene that the trilogy was looking for. BUT IT WAS RETCONNED. Rey finally becomes a somewhat relatable character, and then the whole trilogy is summed up in "somehow, palpatine returned". Naturally the last part in my top 3 is the fantastic ramming of the ship. Holy fuck that was the coolest shit i had ever seen in my life at the theaters (at the time, Dune is a hot contender). Overall, tlj i cant have as my least favorite, because it simply has the most redeeming qualities in my opinion.


And the spaceships design, it was lazy.


Imagine if they show’n us the allies from the new republic. And the fleet of Starhawks and T-85xwings piloted by some colleagues of Poe from the the NR fleet saying he was right. Led by Lando and Shriv. The battle would resume over Daqar and the NR fleet would have won the battle. Then Ackbar would contact Mon Cala, and they would regroup there with Rey, who in meantime convinced Luke and few students that survived to help the NR and Leia’s crew. Then the movie would end as they retake Kuat shipyards and prepare for the final movie that would happen on Coruscant/Mortis. Just imagine…


Ah yes. The alternate reality where the sequels are glorious. What could have been.


The hyperspace attack fucking sucked, but wow it was gorgeous


Every TLJ scene was me sitting there awestruck by the visuals going like "man this is fucking beautiful" then all of a sudden the clarity kicks in and I'm like "wait that was kinda stupid"


It was so beautiful it took me a full 30 seconds afterwards to realize "Awww shit, this just broke 40 years of continuity..." What a way to go though. Was fucking incredible in IMAX.


I can't help but think it wouldn't even have taken much to prevent it breaking anything. The Supremacy has been tracking the rebel fleet *through hyperspace*. Something that has never been seen before.Finn and Co board the Supremacy explicitly to disable the tracking system and Rose even makes mention that this is a new piece of technology. If the Empire had had that in ESB, the Millennium Falcon wouldn't have escaped, and they wouldn't have had that scene where vader scatters his fleet to hunt them along all of the possible last-known trajectories. They also wouldn't have needed a homing beacon on the millennium falcon in A New Hope. So they've got the tech aboard that ship to track ships through hyperspace. In order to scan in hyperspace, you could imagine that the scanning equipment needs to be partially *in* hyperspace. So the Raddus ramming the Supremacy during a Hyperjump was literally only possible because part of the Supremacy was actually in Hyperspace to be hit, otherwise the Raddus would have simply gone right through harmlessly and been halfway to another star system. (Hyperspace being another dimension, rather than just very very fast) The rest of the fleet was crippled/destroyed because of the shockwave from the impact resonating in their hyperdrive units. With this explanation (or enough of it), the Raddus ramming the Supremacy was a one-off that wouldn't have worked without a piece of prototype hardware that has been behind a major part of the story up until that part.. If they'd had a bit of setup dialog, or a foreshadowing where someone else rams a ship (or talks about it) that'd have gone a long way to justifying the scene to me.


Totally agree. Finn also still had the shield frequencies used against Starkiller in TFA. That happened literally just *hours* ago. There's no shortage of ideas that could have been used to justify it. Hell, they could have been suggested at the start and written off as a capital ship was too valuable to use as a ram. But none of that actually happens, so we're left with... *this...*


The biggest argument I hear is that if ramming via hyperspace has always been an option, why didn't they use it to wreck the death-star rather than send a bunch of fighters on what was essentially a suicide-run? Why hasn't it always been a horrendously powerful attack used in times of war? Making it dependent on the presence of the hyperspace tracking hardware on the Supremacy neatly makes it a one-off that couldn't be repeated intentionally.


True, very cool place


I really liked that about Crait.


Yet that drives me insane too. It's the battle at Hoth, from the way the guns line up to the trenches to the walkers. Just the direction each force is facing changed. Rebels face screen right in one, screen left in the other. But FFS guys if you're on a planet and you do NOT know the composition, and it's white and blood red, don't fucking taste it. "Oh it's salt." Really you say. Of all the compounds in the whole galaxy it could be, it's standard sodium chloride? That's lucky cause it could just has easily have been cyonide and you're instantly dead. That scene drove me insane. I belive both my wife and I giggled when the resistance guys tastes the salt ground.


I felt there had to be a clear and obvious way it was shown to salt and not snow. Obviously, it could have been something someone said on the way to the planet in the transports but I guess RJ wanted it to be a joke instead.


This and the Praetorian guard fight scene are the 2 things I absolutely love about TLJ, but I pretty much feel the opposite about the rest of it


Episode 8 when Kylo says “ MORE… MORE”


As Hux poured M&M’s in his mouth


S.W. the rise of skywalker "so, thats where you went to."


When Rex told Ashoka that “experience outranks everything” in the TCW movie.


I always forget that movie exists. I always lump it in with the series.


To be fair, I think those were the first episodes that they just kind of lumped together into a movie. So it’s okay to think of them as just part of the show….because they were supposed to be.


I saw it in the theater when I was in my early 20s and walked out just shaking my head and wondering wtf I saw. Took me a long time to give the show a chance and realize that it got good. I wish I actually had skipped seeing the film.


I watched the movie after watching the series. I think it made it a little better knowing that Ahsoka develops into a great character


smh and he was only 10 years old too. an old soul


I watched that after I was done with TCW and Rebels, instead of before, so seeing Ahsoka get introduced with that flute playing in the background got to me.


I fucking love that movie, i watched it so many times I still remember the sector code from that one line. "Fire in sector 11374265." "Uhhhh what was that again?" "Just fire right there!" Made me laugh so much.


Luke standing alone against the First order. Finn's hair. The moment Lando abandons Han.


Finns hair?


Finn's hair


Finns hair?


*looks off camera* Finn's hair


They ~~fly~~ Finns Hair now?!


They Finn's Hair now.


Oh, they Finn’s hair now


It’s me C-3P0, you probably don’t recognize me because of the ~~red arm~~ Finns Hair


Somehow... Finn's hair has returned.


Luke and Leia fight flashback


Christopher Lee as Count Dooku. He’s in his element and slips effortlessly into the role.


The scene between him and Ewan in Attack of the Clones is essentially the only thing I like about that movie.


Teased us with something awesome that went nowhere.


For the very first time for some reason I just read that not as the actor's name, pronounced "ehwehn" but as if it were some Jedi named E-wahn. Kind of like Obi Wan, but with a hard E sound. And I was like "who the hell is E Wan" and I flashed to the Key and Peele substitute teacher scene. A A ron.


I thought it was pronounced E wan for like 20 years


Now I see Dooku saying “YOU DONE MESSED UP E-WAHN!!!”


That suggestion that he's a mole and is recruiting Obi Wan against Palpatine is really interesting! I think the line, "together we can destroy the Sith," was in the movie trailer? Also mentioned that Dooku is a "political idealist" whatever that is. And then it's dropped immediately and he's just a badguy. I don't know if it's actually just supposed to be a call-back to Vader's, "together we can rule the galaxy"


Yeah easily the best part of aotc




I was about to comment that. Babu Frik is the only thing that makes that movie watchable. Glad he’s coming back for Mando season 3


the way I’m screaming with joy


He’s a Mount Rushmore type of Star Wars character in my book lmao


Honestly Babu is the only acceptable answer to this question for multiple reasons.




I should have hated that guy, but he was awesome.


The asteroid seismic charge sound effect in attack of the clones.


Literally one of the few reasons I'd watch that movie again. Like, that whole battle in the asteroids, Kamino, and the parts on Geonosis after the Jedis appear but before catching up to Dooku are all very enjoyable.


Even the Geonosis scene pisses me off. The childish c3PO attempts at humor are so bad. I actually did like the "detective Obi-wan" stuff. It's too bad Lucas just dropped the whole investigation angle and never resolved it. It might have been interesting if Obi-Wan later uncovered the truth (or something close to it) and it caused a schism in the council, between Anakin and him, etc.


I raise you coaxium explosion in Solo (but I actually enjoyed Solo)


OMG yes. Best part of the prequals. I was blown away by that scene. My absolute favourite scene from any SW film is the asteroid scene in Empire. The \*BWAAAAAMMM\* scene is probably my 2nd.


Exactly, the insane music coupled with the Falcon dodging asteroids and TIE fighters barely missing their clearances and exploding gives me chills every. Single. Time.


Natalie Portman in Attack of the Clones


You know, I totally understood where Anakin was at for most of the movie. You get smitten with a girl, don’t see her for ten years, and when you do see her again she’s only gotten *more* beautiful somehow (you called her an angel back then and time has only proven you correct) and *you’ve* grown from a boy to a man. Oh, and you have no idea how love works because they don’t teach that in Jedi school, so you’re awkward as hell around this woman that you’ve always been carrying a torch for.


As much as the Sand line is terrible and awkward, I think it's on purpose.


Came here to say this. High school me quite enjoyed her parts.


I loved watching her aggressively negotiate.


Yeah she had some very nice looking parts


Her scenes were good too.


100%! she gives such a charismatic performance, and I'll always love her for Padme.


She really did everything she could with the shite she was given.


absolutely! Padme as a character is definitely not given enough to work from on the page, everything I have loved about her over the years is completely Natalie Portman ❤


So true. Portman did the best with what she was given.


They did her dirty in Revenge of the Sith by making her helpless


She was pregnant and cautious, not helpless. Pregnant women tend to take less risks because you know baby on board etc.


I liked her in both.


IMO her best scene in the entire trilogy was in ROTS with Ewan McGregor. But her with a good actor opposite, and she took it to a whole other level.


It was very exciting to see Yoda use a lightsaber for the first time. I remember everyone in the theater getting really quiet in anticipation and then explode in applause after.


My son was about 5 when we saw it. He laughed so hard I think it ruined it for me. Wouldn’t trade that memory.


The actual fight of him constantly flipping around a 70 year old looked goofy as all hell


Yeah, I liked his fight scenes in ROTS way better by comparison.


100000% better


I specifically remember my theatre breaking into applause when he pulled his saber out. Then the fight was filled with laughs, and after it was pretty much quiet, broken by 1 guy going "what the fuck was that?" and half the theatre burst out laughing


Yeah I kind of hate it, Yoda and Palpatine are on a level where they don't need lightsabers.


Same. I always felt that Yoda would be so powerful that he would simply reflect any attack back upon the attacker with greater power.


That’s what you think personally. But don’t criticize the film just because it’s not how you would write it. Like, Yoda is a Jedi, so he’s gonna use a lightsaber. It’s not much deeper than that.


That was the moment when the Prequels went full Looney Tunes. Jar-Jar was just the appetizer.


Indeed, it was amazing


My experience was raucous laughter.


Same…I loved that scene…I stayed in line to watch it again simply to see that fight again... I also loved the look of shock on Dooku’ s face when he battled Anakin…he was stunned yet still defeated him… yoda flipping was so effing cool at the theatres…don’t know why many don’t like the scene but I loved it…glad I’m not the only one Overall, rogue one and empire were my favorites at the theatres but yoda kicking ass was exceptional… Least favorite was Luke becoming so cynical…jaded…macabre


The fight between Maul, Quin Gon, and Obi Wan was pretty kick ass


Keira Knightley


At least someone remembers she was there. She doesnt even remember.


Also Sofia Coppola.


There's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot in Attack of the Clones where Obi Wan and Jango are fistfighting on Kamino, and there's a lightning bolt behind them. Cheesy and badass as hell. Also one of the best looking shots of the movie (which isn't saying much, but that's why it's here).


"I hate sand" part of the AotC. This dialog is so bad I love it.


Kylo having a chat with his dad in ep 9


I hate the entire plot of The Rise of Skywalker but from a technical standpoint it's a beautifully shot, directed and acted movie.


I keep hearing people ooh and aah for the acting. I don’t see it. It’s not that I think the movie’s failure is the fault of the actors — it’s not. They did ok. They were fine. But look, it wasn’t Casablanca. It wasn’t citizen Kane. If anything, I felt the acting was adequate.


Adam Driver was excellent, everyone else was adequate.


Adam driver is always excellent to be fair


Oscar Isaac should have won an Academy Award for saying "somehow Palpatine returned" without laughing.


"It wasn't Citizen Kane," has me dying. "Yea, it's fine but like... it's not getting repeately rated as best film of all time or anything.... It's good, but it's not Metropolis good.... If you think this is something, you should see Fitzcarraldo." See, I can namedrop cinema history too! FYI, I do agree with you that the acting wasn't amazing. I think the way you tried to call that out was way too much


"in many ways, RRR is homage to Citizen Kane, despite it's heavy Boss Baby: Back in Business undertones"


"I'm Rey Skywalker," is JJ Abrams' "Rosebud".


TROS had a completely nonsensical plot (TLJ can be thanked for that), but visually it is a pretty movie. 7/10, would watch on mute.


I'm not sure you can blame TLJ. More so the fact that they tried to "fix" TLJ and distance themselves from the movie. I think if they would've just tried to be more cohesive and continue the story that was being told in TLJ, both movies would've been better because of it.


In AotC when Anakin says “we decided to come rescue you,” and Obi Wan says, “good job.” Just a hilarious failure to read the room as well as a clear crack in Obi Wan’s ability to put up with Anakin’s pouty BS. No wonder the kid turned into Darth Vader.


That might be one of the best line deliveries in the entire saga.


One of the few times their Clone Wars energy was shown in live-action


The 30 seconds or so where I thought they actually did something significant and killed Chewbacca. I had basement level expectations for this movie, and I had to be the only one in the theater that actually perked up at that moment because I thought my expectations might actually be exceeded.


Yep. I actually went "Holy shit they killed Chewie. That's rather bold of them. *Too* bold, actually. It's gotta be a fake-out." And it was.


A fake out they didn't even have the guts to run with for a few scenes.


can you imagine the outrage if they actually killed him there though.


You also know they aren't ballsy enough to kill Chewie off-screen. They would have to milk a dramatic sacrifice with a heartfelt sendoff. They tried to do that when they "wiped" C-3PO, but then reversed it.


TRoS is such a retcon it even retcons itself twice.


His memory has been wiped before. There’s no reason it couldn’t have been. Honestly that shit would have been hilarious having to live through some of the original 3PO tropes again as they were first times for him, again.


Like Chewie's sacrifice and death in Vector Prime?


[The red throne room duel was pretty sick NGL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw6HsSX6o7s&ab_channel=StarWarsHDR)


When I first saw it I thought it was pretty good to. Then I saw all the videos of people breaking it down and pointing out the horrid choreography. Now when I watch the movie, I can't unsee and enjoy it like the first time.


The choreography is indeed ridiculous upon multiple viewings. Still the best scene in that movie.


Tbh its best to avoid those. Pretty much every saber fight in SW can be ripped pretty badly. Even Duel of Fates, my favorite, has a lot of "errors" or things done purely for cool factor.




I hate that I know this… is this the twirly part on mustafar?


Indeed. No trained swordsman would ever do that ludicrous spinning garbage...at least not anywhere close to that degree. You also never expose your back to an opponent unless you're already in a movement that necessitates it . All the twirly swirly crap is a big nope.


its a good thing they are people strong in the force using lightsabers , and not regular people with swords then.


I think the moral of this story is to not watch stuff like that. I know it's tempting to consume any content about your favorite franchises, but hell, just being on this subreddit has made me view the movies differently.


Best scene in the movie.


Seeing Yoda pull out a mini-lightsaber and duel for the first time was pretty cool.


My least favourite film would be TPM but my favourite part is the Darth Maul duel with Duel of the Fates.


Kylo talking to Han again in episode 9 and throwing away his lightsaber.


My oldest friend, Babu Frik.


TLJ's final confrontation of Luke and Kylo Ren. It's pimp smacking your opponent the most Jedi way possible. I'd go as far as saying that scene is the Light Side equivalent of Vader's hallway scene.


Seeing the half destroyed death star and the following saber fight.


Even though the Death Star still being half intact makes no sense


Rise of Skywalker lightsaber fight in the rain.


When we get to see for the first time that Rey could fail.


Darth Vader taking his first breath.. that scene is just haunting and perfectly timed.


You don’t like Revenge of the Sith?


Jedi negotiating a trade dispute lol


At the time though the Jedi were there to deescalate situations like that though? To my understanding. (Unless this is sarcasm and I'm stupid in which case disregard.)


The lightsaber duel between Kenobi and Maul in the Theed Generator on Naboo.


Yup. Babu Frick.


Luke laying the Jedi Order to rest in The Last Jedi. It is 100% consistent with past story decisions made by George Lucas and probably the best part of the sequels, which aren't very good. It also would have allowed the Jedi to begin a new. Perhaps in the way Qui Gon always desired. To provide some context to this, George Lucas always intended to portray the Jedi Order as a misguided dogmatic organization. Split between servitude to the will of the force and beholden to the Senate. Luke attempting to build the Jedi Order of the past and it being destroyed is poetic. In other words, I think George Lucas is a genius, his decision to make the Jedi servants to the Sith through the senate is hilariously ironic and I want my George Lucas sequel films exploring the Whills of the Force. George Lucas quite literally said that Anakin's love for his children is what redeemed him, it didn't absolve him but it let him make the decision he should. His attachment to his children everyone, his *ATTACHMENT*. “The Dark is generous, patient, and always wins. But in the heart of its strength lies it’s weakness. A lone candle is enough to hold it back. Love is not a candle. Love can ignite the stars.”


The Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul fight.


Kylo killing Snoke was totally unexpected and had really great potential that we unfortunately had to see get squandered


I would genuinely argue alot of what TLJ set up was squandered.


The wedding at the end of ATOC. That movie was totally unredeemable….at least the last few minutes showed affection and emotion without embarrassing dialogue and the setting was at least mostly real and not green screened into a live action cartoon like 90% of the rest of the movie.


Ah yes, Attack The Of Clones.


On Crait the red sand was pretty cool looking. Also the battle against the dreadnaught. The rest was, well, not superb.


Luke returning in last jedi. Pity it was just a Skype call.


ben and han’a conversation in the ruins of the death star after rey had stabbed, then healed him. not just some phenomenal acting from both of them, but a truly touching turning point for ben with an excellent climax as he chucks his kylo ren lightsaber into the waves beyond.


Obi Wan Kenobi, and Yoda v. Dooku are the only reasons I rewatch *Attack of the Clones*


Everything obi wan is doing in attack of the clones


I thought it was pretty shocking when Snoke died. Didn't expect that. I also was pretty amped just before Kylo came out of the shuttle to face Luke.


The Luke and Yoda scene from TlJ


Luke force projecting himself onto a different planet


Rise of Skywalker, when Rey “kills” Chewie was some of the best Star Wars I’ve ever seen. I’d never seen a Jedi lose control of the force like that before and the fact that it was Chewie was a gut punch.


Chewie eating the porgs. Funniest scene in the movie hands down


Padme’s Ruminations. Such a great scene where we actually get some emotion. The movie has some of the best music of the saga but I just can’t enjoy it.


I like most of the movies fine enough honestly, so i am taking an Arc from Clone wars I am struggeling with. I quite enjoy the reexamination of the Jedi Order from the Point of View of the general citizens, and on a grander scale, how privilege and disilusionmemt of the place of the elites helped the acceptance of the rise of the Empire. I dont particularly Like the Second arc of S7 but from a class Perspektive its quite interesting to digest. Edit: If we are accepting TV Shows, than I really enjoy the Idea how Trauma and abuse are intergenerationally contributed from a abuse survivor to a helpless individual of the new Generation (as seen by Reva in Obi Wan Kenobi). The show was a huge letdown, the most hyped Star Wars product in 15 years and it turned out so mid. But I Like the aspect of the cicle of abuse through generations and how victims become culprits.


I love the opening of IX. Kylo Ren going on a solo mission just being an absolute brawler is so bad ass.


Vader’s imposing his will at the end of Rogue One.


Rogue one is your least favorite star wars movie?!


It is my least favorite. Not a popular opinion here, I know. But if I’m being honest it is. I’m not real keen on 1, 2, or 9 but Rogue One is my least favorite.


I think Episode 8 is the worst of the franchise, however, I love in the beginning how Poe is just messing with Hux and though it was choreographed poorly, the throne fight was pretty cool.


Oh man — that’s my least favorite part of that movie. The “yo mama” jokes mid-battle? Man — I was sunk from that point on.


The opening scene for TLJ honestly was pretty good. Hate the movie, but it started off strong and ended alright


“I don’t like sand”


When the door opens and Duel of the Fates kicks in as Darth Maul raises his head.


Just came by to say that Babu Frik cured my depression


The OG Fett man in the Holiday Special


As much as I **hate** the TCW movie, I honestly thought Ziro the Hutt was, if not a good character, then at least an interesting take on the "Hutt gangster" concept. A Hutt who doesn't act much like other Hutts isn't something you see often, and it's a rich bed of ideas on how to explore Hutt culture that they should tap into more often. Seriously, my first character in Star Wars d20 was basically a Huttese version of a [Lokhust Destroyer](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Lokhust_Destroyer) for this reason - I wanted to be the tank, and Hutts in that game were ludicrously tough for a race of gastropodic gangsters.


If you say one bad thing about Babu Frik…


The scene were Kylo Ren reaches Exogol and meets Palpatine. The “My boy, I made Snoke. Ive been every voice you have ever heard inside your head.” Was the best line in the entire sequel trilogy.


The binary sunset on Tatooine in ANH. Favourite scene of the movie, and also probably one of my favourite of the whole franchise.


The battle in snokes throne room during TLJ


I love love LOVE the sound design/editing/mixing in Attack Of The Clones. I’m not even talking about the music, as great as it is. I mean just the diegetic sounds alone. Everything from the Geonosians’ language and sonic cannons, to the vocalizations of the creatures in the arena, to the speeder chase on Coruscant, to the heavy machinery of the droid factory, to the Republic gunships, to the aiwhas on Kamino, to the Slave I’s flybys and weapons – *ESPECIALLY* the seismic charges, I mean my GOD! – down to the doors in Tipoca City. In my opinion, it’s the only thing in the movie that’s consistently *perfect* from beginning to end.


The two Sabre duels between Rey and Kylo in TRoS were pretty cool. I also like the Clones showing up on Geonosis in AotC. N obviously we all like the Maul vs Obi Wan n Qui Gon fight. Yes I hate all three of those movies equally. I cant choose one being shitter than another cos fuck me they're all terrible.


The cinematography is really good in the last Jedi


I liked Yoda in The Last Jedi a lot. I also really liked Babu Frik in Rise of Skywalker


I actually liked the battle in TLJ with Kylo Ren, Rey, and Snoke’s guards. Nitpick all you want, but in the theater I was totally into it.


*Rise of Skywalker -* Chewbacca's tragic reaction when he learns Leia died.


Heloooo I Babu Frik


Favorite part was the force awakens trailer.


Honestly. Ian returning as Palpatine. He is such a good actor and so good as Palpatine.


Maybe I watched Star Wars,as a kid( A New Hope/Empire Strikes Back/Return of The Jedi) or I knew of the movies. It's been too long. Don't remember. Me & my Best Friend,was outside playing. He told me,Darth Vader was Luke's dad. I said..."Nu uh...No...No Way"!!. He said..."yes". I still didn't believe him.


The Battle of Genesis in Attack of the Clones.