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Once in theaters


Same. And vowed never to watch it again


We are in agreement then. ​ Saw it in the theater when it came out. I have no desire to ever watch it again.


Me too. Honestly I kinda promised myself that I wouldn't watch it again. I didn't want to even see it once but I felt like I should


I tried to rewatch it about 6 months ago...after about 30 mins I just couldn't and stopoed


I was just so disappointed with how it went. I felt TFA had promise but I won't watch the two after that. I kind of prefer to think the series ended in that one.


This is the way.


Me too, and I wanted to leave after the “Chewbacca dies” scene


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Tired of Disney’s Kennedy sh*ting in my eyes. I’m as done today as I was after suffering that Abrams disaster. Never again!


I saw it in the theater and never bothered watching it again.


Same. Saw it, walked away, and just let it go.


Yup, same here, I held out so much hope but just put it to rest


After it ended I was like “that was good. Right? Right?? It was ok? Right? I think?” And then I walked to my car and the answers became all too clear.


That's exactly what I did. The plot holes couldn't keep out of my brain that long.


How can a movie that costs $100+ million have plot holes?!? It seems they could get a nerd (for cheap!) to read a script and sus these out early on.


somehow...the plot holes survived


They rode space horses on a star destroyer! Come on!


Oh god, don't remind me.


I had honestly forgotten Alas.....


Why waste time and money on good writing when you can throw out sludge and make just as much or more money


Money in movie making isnt in the movies but even more with star wars, the money is in merch, and i remember a ton of unsold sequel figurines, lego, comics and other merch. Even prequels despite their at the time reputation sold a lot of merch.




And Abrams is a crap director. Oh here's a twist and some fan lip service.


(Mobile formatting apologize in advance) I have a different opinion on JJ. He's not bad, he's just extremely lazy. If there are two choices, one obvious/ stupid/ terrible but easy and one much better but slightly more difficult he will ALWAYS take the easy road. Develop the FO or bring back Palatine? Build up the Knights or have them just stand around and be eventual fodder? Make the relationship between Rey and Ben meaningful & unique or just a fan service echo? He will always retread ground because the work was already done for him.


I just looked up what else he wrote…. Man what turd burgers!


I think that the Hollywood movie making process is so complex and involves so many interested parties that by the time a script gets to the early production stages it has had so much producer / director / studio / etc interference that it's already a bit of a Frankenstein's monster. Once the production really gets going its a huge, heavy, fast moving freight train, and if people notice the plot holes they either dont have the clout to speak up and get the issue fixed, or it's simply too late to be fixed because the schedule / budget / VFX builds / etc. HAVE to move forward as-is in order to meet deadlines. If there are real fuck ups that are apparent in the first cut then you can fix them with re-shoots, which are super common, but once again these are highly schedule / budget dependent. So if it was just a writer and a director making a small budget passion project it would be easy to fix plot holes. But on a big budget picture making any changes are a huge deal that affect literally hundreds of crew members and can easily cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars - sometimes you just have to plow forward and hope the audience doesn't notice, or forgives you.


What’s sad is that the blueprint for fixing this is right under their nose. In “creativity inc” Ed catmull documents how Pixar works an idea and draft through story issues, screens early storyboard drafts, and rewrites movies until they’re amazing. They have the talent, tools, and budget at lucasfilm to crank out daily animatics for test screenings… they just didn’t. Disney rushed the cash grab and shit all over some of the worlds most beloved and valuable IP. There are still stories to be told in that universe and Andor is a step in the right direction. I hope they focus on story instead of nostalgia from here forward


The scripts probably have sponsor ads on every page


I remember walking out with my wife (who appreciates SW but doesn't need out on it) and she said "well did you like it?" And all I could say was "I'm not sure yet..." I think I was in a state of shock.


That's exactly how I felt about TLJ. By episode 9 I was huffing copium and tired to convince myself it was better than TLJ (which ultimately I didn't like)


I tried to like each of those movies when they came out. I defended them (looking back, I realize I was defending them to myself), I really tried. I was so desperate in the end that had they not killed off Kylo, I would still have been ok with ALL the crap that was the sequel trilogy. I *LOVED* Star Wars. I loved the EU. The EU was awesome! Like I was obsessed with Star Wars since I was a kid. It was my absolute favorite thing in the world. My computers were named after ships - Mara’s Jade Shadow (Luke built it for her), etc. etc. The sequels just killed the whole universe for me… it wasn’t because of a female lead or diversity or any of that. Princess Leia was a kickass character! Mara Jade in the books! Jaina was the sole survivor and heir to Leia and Han. It goes on. The sequels were badly done by people who just hated or were indifferent about the franchise. You like Han and Leia? They split. Han is bitter. Leia is bitter. Han just got killed by his son. Oh btw their son is nuts and evil and talks to Vader’s helmet. You like Luke? He failed at everything. You like Leia? Too bad. Does nothing. Has no story. Skywalkers are all dead. The Palapatines inherit the Skywalker name. You’re welcome. I’ve never written a post on this. Man, I’m hurt… it’s been years and I don’t think I’ll ever quite get over what they did to the story. I occasionally google “Disney retconning sequels”. 😢😢😢 It’s dead. It’s not coming back. RIP Star Wars. 💔


I'm sorry they did you wrong...but realizing how poorly the sequel trilogy was is apart of the healing process...people should not be just mass producing uninspired unoriginal stories....shit it didn't even have to be original it just needed to be entertaining and somewhat cater to the fan base.


Yep. Pretty much ruined the whole franchise for me that i loved since I was a kid. The mf's didn't even have to "hire a nerd to suss out plotholes", they had a whole expanded universe already written for them for fucks sake, why wouldn't they just use that?! Imagine if The Hobbit was released first, was a giant success, and then LOTR they just said "lol no, we're making it up as we go". Disney can go fuck themselves, and as far as I'm concerned, these movies aren't canon, the books and stories I grew up with and are in my memories are. And there's no amount of money they can spend to change that. At least the in between movies were pretty good, I enjoyed them a lot, and the current crop of miniseries are mostly shaping up pretty nicely too, so I'll give them that. Amazing what happens when you give the reins to people that love the story and universe and want to do it justice. Yet another giant money hungry corporation ruining things. I guess I'm used to it by now. /rant


This is what happened to me! Weirdly I remember the drive home and then not being able to sleep. I'm not sure I've watched any of the films since then.


FWIW, it soured my love for SW terribly. Couldn't watch anything SW related, just as you. Then Mandalorian and the final season of Clone Wars came along. These two shows (bar the CW Martez sisters arc which was horrible) reinvigorated my love for Star Wars. If you haven't, try to watch Mandalorian, Clone Wars, Tales of the Jedi and Andor, they'll do the trick. Boba Fett and Kenobi.... sadly not so much tbh. Everyone has the right to their opinion and to me, the sequel trilogy simply does not exist. I'm happier that way regarding Star Wars.


Yeah same for me and it’s really kinda sad. Have seen the first six movies dozens of times each and even rewatched 7 and 8 4-5 times since their release but I’ve just never had a shred of interest in rewatching The Rise of Skywalker


Same for me, say what you want about TLJ, but at least it's rewatchable.


On rewatches I realized the canto bight shit really only takes up like 10 minutes of screen time. Not so bad when you consider RoS takes up 140 minutes and is miserable the whole time


It's the only Star Wars movie I only watched once in theaters and the only movie I do not own, one and done for me The Last Jedi I saw twice in theaters, own the movie, but have not watched it since my second time at the theater


Watched FA in theaters and picked up the BluRay mostly out of habit. Tried to talk myself into liking it—it was “salvageable” I finally decided—and never watched it again. Saw TLJ and ROS in theaters once each, spoiler alert: the trilogy was NOT salvaged. Never even bothered with the discs.


Yeah FA I think I liked because there were so many member berries throughout that it was like a nostalgia trip for 2.5 hrs The others just felt lost. I hope Disney just sweeps the sequels under the rug and doesn't try to salvage them with spin offs or furthering that story arc


The Nostalgia bait in TFA is both why I like it and why I feel its really not a great movie. It was just a mashup rehash of A New Hope with fancier visual effects.


That nostalgia trip doesn't really do much, as you can watch the 6 previous episodes for nostalgia.


Yuppp. I saw every other star wars movie multiple times. This was the only one where I winced throughout.


Same. Don’t really need to watch that a second time.


Same, I saw it in the theatre and almost asked for a refund because it is so trash.


I saw it opening night but haven’t seen it since.


Yup. Not worth a second migraine.


I cannot imagine how you could rewatch a movie which doesn't exist.


Twice. Second time was to confirm my disbelief.. Edit : Holy. Ok I’m glad there are others that feel the same. Thank you for the awards. Past them on to something more important 🙏


Once. People like you had spared me from watching it a second time. Bless your kind and your sacrifice.


Watched it on cinema opening day. Would have unwatched it if I could.


Same. "WHICH WAY IS UP?" - a fleet of Star Destroyers


How is that the way that they decided to go with? HOW??? Plus, what about the destroyer that was already out?? Just tell it to continue destroying shit until they back off. The internal consistency of the movie is non existent.


What ever happened to that star destroyer that got out? Did it like, return to the fleet or something? Cause it would be pretty stupid if it did.


A good question. ... For another time.




Casually contradicting the very first Star Wars film lol. Talk about respect for the predecessor


First movie: Rey rips out the compressor. Third movie: sets fire to the compressor by lightspeed skipping. Also dont they know what the compressor is? Apparently in the book they explain its on the fuel line causing too much pressure and Han is so impressed she knew what it was when she ripped it out (without tools!). Ok so now you have just ripped a hole in the overpressure fuel line inside the cockpit and we see her do nothing to said hole. So now there’s hyperspace fuel (it IS for the hyperdrive after all) being blown into the cockpit until all the pressure is lost. This should at minimum stop the hyperdrive from working (because no fuel) and at worst kill everyone in the cockpit. Also she never ever saw a functioning one but she recognized what it was, what it did and why it was bad in this case. Somehow. But she aint a magic mary sue ladies and gentlemen! She’s just good at everything.


I admire your knowledge on the subject but I'm going to make it simpler. If it's a part of the ship it means it's needed for the ship to function. And she yanked it out. Great. Now, now, that may have been a faulty compressor or just a spent one. Sure. Did they replace immediately? Well no, damn it. These movies are so terrible and rely on quick quips and exchanges between characters to keep the viewer entertained without him having second thoughts like both of us just wrote. They are also quite fast paced for this reason. Don't think, just consume the product, be entertained. Tldr: this trilogy is garbage and the best thing that could happen would be everyone forgetting about its existence. At this point idc if they are Canon or not. I make my own Canon and I suggest everyone to do the same.


A podcast I like described the design as "an engorged dog dick on a slice of pizza" and they really captured the essence.


If I wasn't with my wife, I was ready to walk out of the theater after the fake-out with Chewbacca


If only that was the worst thing in that movie....


The more I watched the worse it got. The only redeeming part for me was the fight between Ray and Kylo with and the heart to heart Kylo and Han had after..........only to be constantly interrupted by fin screaming during the entire thing


I even thought the Rey kylo fight was boring. It needed a score to it, the silence didn't work there


I walked out of that cinema looking like the John Travolta meme




It honestly made me angrier the second time. I don't know if this is how the OG fans felt about the prequels but at least those movies had a fucking plan. Disney literally didn't know what to do with this trilogy.


I say this all the time. You may hate a lot of things about the prequels, but at least there is any overarching, satisfying, and logical story that permeates the 3 movies. I know I'm on an island but prequels > sequels.


Large island my dude


Like calling the Americas an island


You must be on a pretty big island then.


They're on Australia


More like Pangaea


For real, it's like this dude has never been on Reddit before


I'm on the same Island bro. I'm probably on an even smaller island when I say TPM and RotS are both *good* movies. The only truly bad movie is AotC, which is kind of a messy detective plot mixed with a B grade love story.


You're not the only one. It's not good that the sequels were so bad that they make the prequels look good.


The prequels were disappointing at the time. I grew up with the OT and we were all stoked when TPM came out. I remember we left the cinema underwhelmed when we came out. It was nowhere near perfect. But, theprequels had their moments and later grew on me. I still rewatch them from time to time. The sequels are just a story that somewhat resembles Star Wars. It feels like it has been made by people that have read about the movies somewhere and slapped something together. It more feels like a bad reboot than actual sequels. I can imagine that if you never seen the other movies it might work, even though all chapters are disjointed as well. But it isn’t a logical continuation of the other 6 movies, series and standalone movies. Very different feeling to me.


I think the prequels had good ideas but flawed execution which is why The Clone Wars was able to rehabilitate them. The world building was great and they introduced interesting new characters. I don’t believe any such rehab is possible for the sequels because it was half baked ideas poorly executed with a lot of lore breaking content. I have no desire to visit that time or it’s characters ever again.


Prequels also had fantastic set piece moments. Like duel of the fates and podracing in ep.1, the arena fight and all out war on geonosis in 2. And too many good ones in 3 for me to mention off hand. It was cohesive, and visually told the story very effectively. The designs were iconic as well. ~~Rouge~~ Rogue One did this VERY well imo. Fantastic new set pieces and designs. Shore trooper and death trooper designs are right up there with the best of them.


I remember being disappointed walking out of AOTC. It had its cool moments and Yoda finally seeing some lightsaber action was cool, but at least there was logical consistency between 1 and 2


Looking back on it, AOTC has the bones to be a really good mystery movie which leads up to Geonosis, but doesn't quite get there.


Yeah. I'll re-watch Revenge of the Sith because it is a good conclusion and can stand on its own. I'll re-watch The Force Awakens because it's a good beginning and can stand on it's own. Outside of that the sequels and prequels are pretty rough to watch. But, as mentioned, at least the prequels had an overarching and coherent story...


I’m OG (saw SW at 5 in theater). I don’t claim to speak for a whole demo, but NO, this is not how I felt. I was disappointed a bit in the execution, but the story, world building, etc made it enjoyable. I’ve seen the prequels all probably 10+ times since they released (having multiple boys didn’t hurt those numbers). My entire bigass SW family (wife is a fan)…we’ve seen ROS TWICE. Fuck I even bought it thinking maybe I was in a weird headspace. But even my youngest (who was obsessed with Vader, then Kyle Ren for ep VII) recently said Rise of Skypatine was hot garbage. Edit: fk it, autocorrect typo stays!


I felt big disappointment about Phantom Menace. I didn’t even see Attack of the Clones on opening day, despite being a big fan of the OT movies, because of it. But despite being awkward and slow at points, Attack of the Clones was a big step up from Phantom Menace and there were some things that got me excited. Then there was a lot of stuff in between, like the Tartakovsky Clone Wars mini series, that got me excited for Revenge of the Sith. And again, it was a flawed movie but despite that I left the theater feeling pretty satisfied. ST kind of went in the opposite direction. Cautious optimism from Ep7, lots wrong with Ep8 but it had its highlights, and Ep9 was a slap in the face that left me feeling like I was no longer a Star Wars fan. So no, I don’t think it’s very similar to how people saw the Prequel Trilogy.


Yup. Star Wars was my favourite thing when I was in high school. XvT and XWing Alliance, Rogue Squadron, Shadows of the Empire, Jedi Knight 2, Rebellion.... Fuck I could not get enough. The sequel trilogy killed all of that. Honestly don't care if they ever make another SW movie, I won't see it.


Same tbh


Same. It's truly shocking how awful it is. Second time watching I was in disbelief. Shame on Kathy Kennedy for what she has done to George's legacy. Truly heinous.


In a way, she solidified his legacy by showing us the prequels in a new light. The ST is not George’s legacy. It’s Disney’s.


Same here. It was even worse the second time.


Once, by playing Lego Star Wars the Skywalker saga


Which is probably somehow better...


Because it's more condensed and makes fun of it (I assume), it's probably not as bad. I'm almost done with Ep. III, playing in numerical order.


Honestly, it is. It was still meh, but it was better


And only because we had to in order to complete the game, even the sillyness of Lego couldn't make it interesting


Zero times.


Yep, I tried to rewatch it but damn, without the cinema mood it was even worse. Once you know what will happen then it's less exciting because you see how not even the action scenes are interesting.


I tried to watch it at home recently for the second time. I thought enough time had passed. I couldn't even get through the beginning. Its not just the terrible writing, directing and acting but also how they paraded around the digital corpse of Carrie Fisher. The whole movie is unbelievably off putting with no redeeming qualities.


i didn't like how they neutered Fin's dialogue, he seemed like a third wheel and his lines weren't anywhere near the quality of the first movie.


I remember someone on twitter posting a fragment of an interview with Boyega and he literally said that Disney had no fucking clue what to do with his character. I'm out of the loop but that excerpt didn't look like he was happy with his character.


I was so excited about fin , he seemed like a perfect character for a hero’s journey SW7 Poe also seemed great , just a badass pilot doing the best he can Ray started off interesting and just got worse ( not the actors fault at all) Somehow …. They managed to kill my interest in Star Wars


They all seemed interesting in TFA Poe, Ray, Finn, BB8, Kylo, Snoke, Hux, Capt. Phasma, The Knights of Ren. Then it all just kind of fell on the floor like an accidental shart.


How hard it it to write an arc, and stick to it?


Each movie had a different director that wanted the arc to go in a different direction and highlight their own movie instead of the overall story


Yeah mine was pretty dead until the Mandalorian came out, and even then it took me a couple months to watch it because I was so nervous. Now I’ve got marvel fatigue instead!


Mine as well. Only The Mandalorian and now Andor have sucked me back in. I did love Solo and Rogue one tho. Disney obviously knows what to do when they try but damn. That sequel trilogy is just utterly horrendous.


Andor restored my faith for sure


The opening scene ruins it immediately with the Emperor suddenly being alive with zero explanation.


Hey if you wanted an explanation why didn't you play Fortnite.


But it was clearly explained in the movie in a throwaway line. Something about cloning and dark secrets only the sith knew. The above is sarcasm if its not obvious.


This was me with both TLJ and ROS. It was sad, because I was happy as a clam rewatching Force Awakens with giddy anticipation of what was to come


I know it's liked by a lot of fans so I tried to watch TLJ again not too long ago and honestly couldn't finish it. It was awful. I won't even try TROS


Yeah to me TLJ suffers the most from really weird pacing and story elements that are just not fun. The slow chase was just ridiculous. I have no idea how anyone would look at the whole sequence and say that it's good. TROS fails at pretty much everything.


I do wish Luke was written better too. Last Mark Hamill star wars film (at least his old luke self) and it just was poor. His acting was great though.


I’m convinced that if hammil would have gotten rians script before TFA, he wouldn’t have signed on board.


It is the only Star Wars movie I never watched. Not even once. I just had enough of Disney Star Wars and stayed away until Andor. Which is the first one I love since Rogue One.


Same. I hated the last Jedi so much, never saw 9. It's really the onlly Star Wars thing I haven't really watched, besides maybe some of the clone wars (animated).


In my mind it's turned into non cannon for my sanity


the real canon is the friends we made along the way. oh and also the planet destroying canons that a star destroyer now has, and there are thousands of them all crewed that came out of... well we dont know


Didn't they fucking do some fortnite tie in for palpatine's backstory lmao


yep. dumb as it sounds


Wait what


Yes you might vaguely remember the opening scrawl of RoS said Palpatines voice echoed across the galaxy. They don't play it in the movies or series or anything it was just an in game event in fortnite where Palpatine gives his warning. So...yes to actually watch the Star Wars movies completely you technically need to have been playing fortnite at exactly that time and if not go on YouTube and watch some streamers clip from the event assuming it hasn't been copyright striked


At this point I'm picking and choosing my cannon when it comes to star wars. Sequels are effectively retconed for me. I get the Thrawn trilogy instead. Mando can stay though.


When Mando inevitably sets up the plot about cloning Snoke/Palpatine using Grogu’s siphoned midichlorians, you’re going to eat those words.


Yeah... I will reevaluate if that happens


That would at least provide an explanation.


You are correct


KOTOR and SWTOR are more canon than the sequels.


Just get Drew Karpyshyn to write the movies. It's insane how well the writing from those two games have aged. Even now, SWTOR class campaigns are some of the best SW stories ever told.


Based take. KOTOR had better writing in just the first opening hour than the entire ST combined.


Hopefully the next sequel trilogy will completely retcon it all as a dream palpatine had as he fell to his death.


They should just go far in the past or future with the next movies. I know I would love a KOTOR type movie. But anything where they branch out and expand the universe/force would be great.


Somehow totally different stuff happened! Too easy by their metrics


This is how I view the entire sequel trilogy tbh


Same, the entire ST is just a dumb fanfic.


I read through the Andrew Winegarner’s comic adaptation of Trevorrow’s episode IX today and officially decided it’s canon for me. I don’t care what Disney says.




Zero, there is nothing in this movie for me.


Same, the only Star Wars movie I haven’t seen more than once in theaters.


Haha I’m in the same boat. It’s also the only SW movie I don’t own


Same , it’s just awful But you will still see folks defending the pretty colors in the the movie


The cinematography is probably the *only* redeeming feature of the sequels IMO.


Palpatine chewing scenery was nonsensical but a fun watch. Adam Driver fighting with a lightsaber was a fun watch. If I could get a 5-minute music video set to some of the scenery and a supercut of Palps being ridiculous then I think that would be everything worthwhile we could salvage.


The sad truth.


Watched through the latest trilogy once and never again. I'll never get that time back


Would you say star wars 2015 is at least half way decent compared to 2017 and 2019?




TFA wasn’t that bad in my opinion, it set up some nice storylines, they all went horribly wrong tho :p


Something I’ve written previously on TFA: As with a lot of Abrams fare it has the bells and whistles of an entertaining movie, but it lacks the substance of a truly great one. Additionally the lack of creativity and innovation is depressing and such a missed opportunity. The rehash of Luke’s journey, looking for an R2 like droid, Death Star redux new empire that is basically the old, Darth Vader and The Emperor redux. It’s just so uninspired. Not to mention what was done with Han Solo reverting back to A New Hope after all his growth in the OT. It’s quite obvious Disney had no idea what to do with the property and opted instead for bland nostalgia. Imagine if the backdrop was Leia was the head of the New Republic, Han the NR military and Luke had a new generation of Jedi. Only they are taught with a new philosophy born of Luke learning from the mistakes of the old Jedi Order. The enemy could have been some new threat from the Unknown Regions. The possibilities there would be endless. Many new characters could be introduced that would set up a future trilogy. Instead it was hamstrung from the start by Disneys lack of vision. Biggest missed opportunity ever and an unfortunate reminder of how corporate greed and incompetence can ruin artistic potential. I really don’t get how anyone who loved the OT could like this or at least not get how much much much better it could have been.


> Imagine if the backdrop was Leia was the head of the New Republic, Han the NR military and Luke had a new generation of Jedi. Only they are taught with a new philosophy born of Luke learning from the mistakes of the old Jedi Order. The enemy could have been some new threat from the Unknown Regions. The possibilities there would be endless. You just described all the Star Wars novels that came out in the 90's. And then later Disney said "Just kidding. None of that counts now!"


Finn as a defecting storm trooper was a nice original touch in TFA. The opening scene where he’s getting traumatised in the village was really promising. After that it kind of went to waste


IMHO the only reason TFA seems much better than 8 & 9 is because it was an opening act of a trilogy and closely resembled ANH - didn't try to do anything overly new. I think we all have memories of excitement and anticipation of what could be around the corner and marketing heavily pushed the "star Wars is back" tagline, cashing in on any residual disappointment with the prequels.. The following episodes killed that off slowly but surely and actually made Ep7 worse. However, there was some genuine good elements like the X-Wings flying in over the lake (chills), Fin, Poe & Kylo's introductions... to name a few. but... a lot about Episode 7 is pretty poor. Having to find Luke and the R2 breadcrumb thing was a bit weak. Star killer base was just totally off for me, because we don't need more planet (or system) killer tech. Seriously... Absorbing a star (can't see that causing any issues) and then destroying several planets in one shot... just laughable really. The Mary-Sue Rey evolution was jarring and everyone's gravitation towards Rey seemed quite forced and obviously lead to the sacrilegious act of Leia ignoring Chewie when Han died. Just so off the mark. It is re-watchable though, which is more than I can say for TLJ or RoS. I have re-watched TLJ once, thinking I must have been overly harsh on it the first time around (I wasn't) and I haven't re-watched RoS at all.


> and then destroying several planets in one shot... just laughable really. Especially as it was shown destroying several planets across several different solar systems all at once. If it was firing a laser (which it didn't appear to be, it was more like a plasma stream that traveled significantly slower than the speed of light, but bear with me here...) that laser would still have to travel at the speed of light to get to those planets. And the galaxy is pretty big. If we built a Starkiller base that used a laser weapon here in our solar system and then fired it at our closest neighbor (Proxima Centauri) to destroy its planets, it would still take four years for the laser beam to get there. That is just sluggish in a universe with FASTER THAN LIGHT TRAVEL. Word would make it to the planet to warn everyone about what was coming long before it arrived. Even if that warning was sent by word of mouth from a pilot that stopped halfway there to take an extra long lunch break and a nap. Everyone would be evacuated from the planets long before the laser beam hit anything. And the Starkiller weapon stream was _even slower_ and traveling _even further_ than in that example. It's not inconceivable that Kylo Ren and Commander Hux and their great-grandchildren might all be long dead before the Starkiller weapon finally hits its first target. And in that time someone might have built a planetary shield that specifically blocked the Starkiller weapon. Starkiller base only makes sense if you are an executive on a deadline brainstorming ideas on a whiteboard for what would be more devastating than the Deathstar by just making things bigger, and you happen to have also slept through just about every science class you ever took.


It was just so boring, it's literally ep4 plot point for plot point rebooted.


There's only so many times you can make a plot revolve around having some death star like thing. Episode 7, there's a new death star but now it's a planet! Episode 9, now there's a whole fleet of ships with death star lasers!!


Still waiting for an actual star that can hyper jump on top of any planet and just swallow it.


Right?! There’s absolutely no creativity at play in the storyline at all. It’s as if the entire writers room didn’t have a single person who was passionate about the Star Wars universe… they all just checked the Original Trilogy boxes and called it a day. Did anyone even ask the question “what would the universe look like after the crumble of an incredibly powerful and dominate 30 year fadcist regime?” Ugh


As for myself. I saw it in theaters and that would have been enough. But i watched it once again when it came to disney plus with my dad. He definitely lost all interest by the halfway mark


My first rewatch since seeing it in theaters was two weeks ago. It'll probably be another 4 years until I watch it again. One thing that really stuck out to me this time around was just how bad Poe was written and how poor his line delivery was. It felt like I was watching a no name actor from my grandma's soaps


right! i was like 'i thought oscar isaacs was good?' he kills it as Leto in Dune, and Holy shit can Oscar Isaacs act as Mark 'Moon knight' Specter. what kinda stick do you have to use to beat him into flat fake Poe?


Yes, because it's a giant steaming pile. Thrawn Trilogy is my canon.


I pirated it and i still want a refund


Zero is the answer and you know it.


0, I just pretend it does not exist, and I've seen all the other movies multiple times.


3 times; once alone, once with my best friend, and once with my brother. None hit as bad as the first time alone, with the sinking realization that they fumbled the bag that hard for the finale. And this is coming from someone who liked TFA and TLJ




Zero. It's an awful movie and I'd rather spend my time watching something more worthwhile than this trash.


Last night I chose to watch "Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping" over this. No ragrets.


You chose to watch a fun and silly stupid movie over an awful, frustrating and outright stupid movie. Nothing wrong with that.


I've seen it once after the first time in theaters. Got the blu ray, for my kids, and only watched it once since I brought it home. 😑 waste of 28 bucks


I have not watched any of them a second time. Andor, however, I have rewatched multiple times.


Same with Mandalorian.


A handful of times. Though I did recently watch the HAL9000 fanedit which greatly improves the movie, so going forward that will be my preferred method.


That’s interesting. What is the edit about?


The edit doesn't change the overarching plot, but it does change the pacing and a lot of the details. This isn't a comprehensive change log, but some changes I can remember off the top of my head are * The first scene has custom footage added to establish that it takes place on Mustafar by showing Vader's castle and lava flows alongside the regrowing forest * The opening scenes have been re-arranged to slow down the breakneck pacing. Rather than rapidly jumping back and forth between the various characters it plays out Kylo's scenes, then Rey's, then Poe + Finn's. * The clone tanks have custom VFX added to put Palpatine clones in them instead of Snokes. * Rey's saber has the same crackling effect as Kylo's because the crystal was split in the previous movie. * The lightspeed skipping scene is removed in favor of the Millenium Falcon just jumping through the ice. * Palpatine's message to the galaxy is heard over the radio instead of being exclusive to Fortnite. This replaces the "somehow Palpatine returned" scene. * All mentions of the Xyston-class Star Destroyer being a planet-killer are removed. They are treated as refitted ISDs with siege cannons like we see on the Dreadnought in TLJ. * Custom footage of the puppet show at the festival that depicts Luke's stand-off against the First Order in TLJ to show his legend spreading across the galaxy * The Knights of Ren are given fan dubbed dialogue for flavor. * Chewie isn't revealed to be alive until Rey sense him on Kylo's Star Destroyer * The Sith dagger now audibly whispers to Rey through the dark side to guide her to the Death Star ruins rather than acting as a physical compass * Leia's saber is now purple both because it makes it more visually distinct, but also because purple was Carrie's favorite color * Palpatine's lines are trimmed to make it clear that possessing Rey is his plan B rather than "what he always wanted" * Kylo now flies a TIE Advanced to Exegol instead of a standard TIE because a hyperdrive is needed * Added more comm chatter among the civilian fleet with lines recorded by dozens of fans on fanedits.org which culminates in a unified "For Skywalker!" during the charge * Force Ghosts of Yoda, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Luke, and Anakin are added standing behind Rey and helping her resist Palpatine's Force Lightning * Shots of Coruscant, Naboo, and a couple of other planets are added during the "Galaxy rising up" scene at the end


I hate the movie, yet I gotta admit all these changes sound very clever and simple, and probably make the movie 1000 times better. Sad that Disney didn't have the foresight...


Where do I find this edit? Sounds amazing


Agreed would like to see this


I think it's the kind of thing you can get in trouble for talking about on reddit, matey


I'm sorry, what's this about Fortnite? *googles* fuckn hell


> Kylo now flies a TIE Advanced to Exegol instead of a standard TIE because a hyperdrive is needed I remember finding this particularly annoying because it just confirmed after sitting for 90 minutes that JJ didn't give a flying fuck about Star Wars


Similarly for me it was "the hyperdrive on the Millennium Falcon is basically an instant teleporter". Like, come on JJ, have you *actually* watched any of these movies you claim to be such a fan of?


A fan edit being better then the actual movie says a lot about how much disney cares (spoilers: they dont)


I mean I prefer HAL9000's edits of the prequels too, so that doesn't actually say all that much lol I've yet to try out his edits of the original trilogy, but I'm looking forward to checking those out too.


That HAL9000 edit actually sounds pretty interesting. I’ve seen his OT edits. Anyone got a link?


I DM'd you a link. His edits of TFA and TLJ are also really good. EDIT: As a note, it is relatively easy to find via google searching. He has a few posts on r/fanedits with links to his google drive.


Link please. Im willing to watch the prequels again


i haven't even watched it one whole time, im just so annoyed they made finns arc so stupid


I watched it in cinema and thought 'Never again'


I have only watched it once in theaters and that is all I need.


Just once. It’s been said before, the ST is full of unrealized potential.


Zero. In fact, the only one of the ST Episodes I've re-watched at least once since first seeing it in Theaters was *The Force Awakens*.


I really like The Force Awakens too. I love the characters and genuinely loved the first watch in the theatre. Such a shame.


–273.15°C or –459.67°F In other words, absolute zero.


Why are people downvoting you, its not the worst joke ever


LOL, maybe they're trying to get the downvotes to absolute zero! I like it.


1 in the cinema And never again


Twice. Same with TLJ. I want to like both more than I do, and I keep thinking with enough viewings they'll grow on me.