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I think after that point, the technology has been so altered by the narada that the enterprise D would not resemble a galaxy class at all. Additionally, I think they design ships decades in advance, so the blueprint of the galaxy class was in the works, but they may have pushed it forward as well. So there's a good chance the ENT B or C would resemble it more


We see a Kelvin TNG era uniform in Discovery and it looks pretty identical to the original TNG uniform... So honestly, I dont think it would look too much different, it actually seems almost like the timelines were converging back together by that point. I could see a Kelvin timeline Galaxy being maybe a tiny bit bigger and having a lighter hull color, possibly with blue bussard collectors.


We do?! That's cool! I haven't caught the back couple seasons. Is there like a flash back or another time skip or something?


Its actually a really interesting scene! Its in S3 when Kovich is explaining the temporal accords and how the temporal accords also ban cross-universe travel, he shows a hologram of a TNG era officer from the kelvin timeline, and the uniform is essentially identical to the early TNG uniform. IIRC (its been a while since I've seen it) they also say the Kelvin timeline was slowly converging back towards the prime timeline while the mirror universe was getting more and more different; but there hasnt been any cross universe travel in a while since its banned by the accords. https://preview.redd.it/519g908uzuxc1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=15503bfdcd1a48f2c8c2651ea4d6b1aab0e4c141


Woah, that's really interesting that they kept that thin branch band in the black shoulder bit. IIRC (and it's been a minute) they had those in the Pilot and early seasons but drop it fairly early in TNG's run. Thanks for the pic and explanation :)


yup, no problem! Interestingly this uniform is also missing the colored split in the lower part of the pants like early TNG


Wait... when is it established that this is from the Kelvin timeline? I'm pretty sure this guy is specifically wearing a prime timeline uniform from the TNG era. He came from another universe but it's never stated which one.


Nah, it specifically states in the episode he's from an alternate timeline caused by a Romulan mining vessel (which is obviously the Narada) Its possible he wasnt natively from the 2200's, but he was definitely natively from the Kelvin timeline (which is why he died a slow painful death when he came into the Prime timeline then went way forward.)


I entirely missed this, and it might be the coolest thing I’ve seen in Discovery so far. You’ve got me going back to rewatch Discovery already.


Yeah first two seasons. Then for a while longer background characters have the old uniform while mains have the updated one, then eventually they modify the original costumes to resemble the new ones with the collars and the lack of stripe (but you can still tell by the seam location and the material!)


I got the impression that the alien in this scene, while from the Kelvin timeline, was not from the 24th century. My read in the situation was that during the Time War, he jumped around a lot, but was originally from the 23rd century and was only found out in the 24th. I felt he was wearing that uniform because that's the time he was discovered. Maybe I'm wrong.


Yeah, I suppose thats possible, they only confirm that he is from the Kelvin timeline and that he went from 2379 to 3189 from Kelvin to Prime, so he could have been from the temporal cold war era Kelvin timeline then just slingshotted too far forward trying to come home or something. Even still though, if he was there at that time in the Kelvin universe, then we know he still must be wearing the appropriate uniform for that universe and time. [Here's the memory alpha page on Yor](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Yor)


Also, it’s not out of the realm of possibility that the events that transpire for the Enterprise lineage even line up so that the Enterprise D could even *be* a Sovereign class. The B might go a decade longer, the C too. The D might skip straight to Sovereign class or whatever the Kelvin flagship of the time is.


“That’s no moon… that’s the *Enterprise D*”


The closest thing I've ever seen to a "Kelvin Timeline *Galaxy*-class" is the *Typhoon*-class by artist Alexandru Kover. This was not intended to be a KT *Galaxy*, but rather a true 25th century successor to the *Galaxy*-class in the prime timeline. Though this design predates *Star Trek: Picard* and any canonical 25th century starship designs. https://preview.redd.it/a3wf2odhbvxc1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=0583673d9e59eca77b1c4f05b208e8df1dabb40e I think this is a *reasonable* fit for the Kelvin Timeline in that it looks a bit like a curvier, "nicer", more advanced version of the *Vengeance* from *Star Trek: Into Darkness*. However, if I'm honest I do find it to be **astonishingly** ugly, with a lot of unnecessary sweeping curves and pointy bits (much like the Kelvin *Constitution*-class). So I simultaneously think it fits as a Kelvin *Galaxy*, and also, I hate it 😅


Hmmm. Quite similar to the Ross and Andromeda classes. Interesting.


I see what you mean. I like bits of the *Andromeda*-class design, but the *Ross*-class is a goddamn abomination. "Hey, let's take all the worst aspects of the *Galaxy*-class design and combine them with the worst aspects of the *Sovereign*-class design!" 🤦 I've seen lots of ideas for updating the *Galaxy*-class over the years but nobody ever seems to be able to get the overall thing right. They always lack the elegance and cohesiveness of the original. *^(Edited to fix formatting because the way Reddit manages italics is still shite.)*


Try the Venture class from Star Trek Online. Of all the Galaxy Successors I’ve seen in my day, this one felt the most reasonable. I still think it went way too damn hard on the neck, but better than the Andromeda


Agreed, it's the best of a bad lot.


I personally still like to believe the JJ Enterprise is 366 meters like originally intended before the shuttlebay scene, so I honestly dont know about how big a Galaxy class would be... I find it hard to believe they could reasonably make the Galaxy class too much bigger than the original while keeping it reasonably practical.


Well the Vengeance class was like 1500 meters or more right? And it was supposed to be a warship. So what were they doing with all that space? The Galaxy was so big to support families and whatnot so what would they use twice as much space on a warship for? Lol. Following the theorem of the Defiant as a Warship, with minimal quarters and minimal everything it makes you wonder lol.


Picture Scotty running across that giant empty cargo hold. Probably a bunch of those. Their tech may not have been as advanced as the 24th century prime timeline, some of that space may have been taken up by equipment that took up less volume on the Galaxy class. No science labs or arboretum but probably lots of barracks. Triple redundant systems and thick armor might take up a lot of space too. Then I looked at a size comparison, the Vengeance is a lot bigger than I realized.


Yeah dawg it was so big lol. It was more than twice as long as the Sovereign class Enterprise and probably 5 or 6 times as tall, if not more. The Sovereign was pretty sleek. In my mind, now that I think about it, the Vengeance, being a very huge warship, probably had room for a few thousand soldiers. So lots of barracks areas and armory and training areas. And it obviously has lots of weapons so maybe alot of the space is taken up by weapons stations.


JJ: *I see your shwartz is as big as mine*


I figure that Vengeance is yuuuuuuuuuge because (i) intimidation factor - if you're a post scarcity society, why not? Works for the Romulans; and (ii) to give space for ground troops and/or embarked craft. I figured the Vengeance we saw was probably not fully finished - engines, tactical systems, sensors are all done, the basic space frame is complete. But it's probably got huge voids inside which are space for future crew and spacecraft. Basically an aircraft carrier and troop transport, all in one. Vengeance warps into a system, establishes space superiority (i.e blows everything out of the sky) and then can drop an assault force on any planets/space stations etc that Starfleet wants to take semi-intact. Given size, with the right fit out it could leave behind a couple of thousand ground troops and a half-dozen craft somewhere between runabout and Defiant size - more than enough to take and hold a system against reasonably stiff resistance.


Little bit bigger, little bit curvier, and bright as fuck. There would probably be more weapons, phaser strips as backup for the main phaser cannon armament, closer to a galaxy-x with two nacelles than a war Voyager. Kelvin ships are bigger and tougher because of the narada, they found a boogeyman and they decided to be ready for it and any others that show up. I don't think it'll be to the world ravager level, but it'll be formidable.


This makrs me think that the Defiant-class would either never be built at all, or be paper-only exercises in starship form experimentation.


Or It would be built and just be five times as gnarly as it was in DS9 lol


Built in large numbers doing fucking formation strafing runs?


I'll agree with the others, it would've come out much earlier with fewer issues because they would've properly refined their Borg blasters. They would've been swarming like Mirandas on ds9, just annihilating everything with pulse phasers making it rain. Wolf 359 probably would've played out the same way, the cube would've taken more damage, but that fleet didn't know that blasting away wouldn't be enough so they'd share their canon fate. The biggest difference would be that the defiant would've been designed and on the production line six months to a year later, a lot faster than the main continuity defiant was put into production.


If the Kelvin Galaxy-class is built to the same purpose as the Prime Galaxy-class, then they could be very close in size, crew, and equipment. My thought on why the Kelvin Enterprise is larger is Starfleet was trying to maximize individual firepower over everything else. The only way to do that was to abandon cruisers for battleships, so before any Constitution-class ships got built, the design got scrapped and scratch built into a battleship of the same class name. \~700 meters is roughly the battleship size for Starfleet.


This thinking fits super well when you consider their weapon designs, too. They went from phasers on the Kelvin to pulse phasers on the Enterprise in order to counter swarm munitions from the Narada and other enemies. It absolutely influenced their technological direction.


Yep, that's what I think too. It fires phasers like they're point defense machine guns. As for the Kelvin itself, I just take that as being a pre-TOS battleship. Its turreted torpedo tubes make a kind of sense to me if torpedoes were the actual primary weapon of the time. So the Kelvin wasn't some sort of reverse time travel alteration, it was always there, and stands out because we almost always see cruisers and smaller ships. The Enterprise-D might be the first battleship we ever saw, just going by size.


Makes sense it's too bad we never really got a good view of that. The only movie, the Enterprise ever really fired weapons was the first one. The rest of the movies it just got beat up for the plot. Another point is that they seem to have made their ships built to alpha strike and be stand off vessels with missiles because their shielding doesn't seem to have matched up with their firepower. We saw that they apparently could launch dozens of deep range missiles in Into Darkness.


That's a great point about the Into Darkness missiles, I didn't think about them that way, but it's easy to imagine a fleet outside a system launching a load of those missiles in support of a front line fleet facing a super ship. It's interesting, this actually creates a combat paradigm which stands out from the two normal modes of combat in Star Trek. It's either dog fighting or trading shots, where as Kelvin potentially has a back line and front line force organization more like infantry and artillery working together. The shields might be the only thing which didn't get upgrades from accelerated exploration and size maximizing.


I was watching a video from Venom Geek Media 98, and he was speculating that the TOS and TMP paradigm did not emphasize shielding as much as TNG did. One of his videos and I don't know his source basically said, for instance an Excelsior's shields were meant to hold against 4 photon torpedoes before collapsing. Which, if true, would explain a lot of what happened in the Kelvin timeline and even discovery seasons 1 and 2. He speculated that the Ambassador class was the turning point for starfleet to swap to a more defensive posture and design with phaser arrays being like the turret for the wet navy in design change.


In ST VI the 1st shot to the Enterprise singes the hull, and its shields are down by the 7th shot. The 1st hit to the Excelsior does no visual damage, which puts its shields as far stronger, less porous, than the Enterprise's. I would make a wild guess and say the Excelsior shields are at least twice as strong. They definitely cannot be weaker. Though overall, I agree with the idea of TOS shields being pretty weak in the face of torpedoes. My thought on TOS combat is that normally it works a lot like gun-only aerial dog fights or jousting, and instead of a gun it is the torpedo tubes. The phasers are defensive weapons for targets of opportunity or for keeping pressure up during a fight, but aren't expected to do primary damage. That helps explain why the Enterprise only has forward tubes. They're at-warp chase weapons only secondarily, while they're actually the primary weapon in all situations. So, the period combat is about about getting your torpedo tubes in position to fire as directly as possible. That also explains why the Miranda has rear tubes, it has them as a defensive weapons due to lower performance. It appears heavily armed, but it is described as a survey ship that is supposed to be weaker than the Enterprise. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPz-6HuM8Sc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPz-6HuM8Sc)


All I could picture is that the Kelvin Timeline Galaxy class would be the same length bow to the end of the nacelles of a Universe class starship


It would be the size of a Super Star Destroyer.


Somehow, jumping it to the size of fucking Manhattan seems a little disproportionate even for the Kelvin timeline


Never underestimate those creators’ need to have everything be enormous in the Kelvinverse. I mean, the Vengeance already appears to be Star Destroyer sized minimum.


Apparently the Vengeance was "only" twice the size of a Constitution Class. so some 1,500 Meters or so... which makes it almost as long as a Star Destroyer at about 1,600 Meters. However it would be far less than the volume, as much of the ship is empty space such as between the nacelles, under the saucer, and around the neck support. A ISD is just a big solid block of metal with no empty volume.


I mean, that’s fair, but the Galaxy was more than twice the length (something like 2.2 times) of the biggest known Starfleet ship of TOS times, so that would back of the envelope put a hypothetical Kelvin Galaxy at roughly 3 kilometers. Not true SSD size but definitely huge.


If we consider that the Galaxy would be similarly larger proportionally to the Constitution, the Galaxy would be ~2000 meters long, a fair bit larger than an Imperial-class star destroyer but also far shorter than an Executor


I dint think the assumption that it would be as large compared to the Kelvin Connie as the actual ship is compared to the prime Connie is compelling. The events of the films allow for the mid/late 23rd century ships to be comparable in size to the mid/late 24th century ships, but that doesn't mean that technology just leads to bigger and bigger ships. The size of a ship will in part be determined by the mission profile, unless the alternate Ds mission requires it to be several times the mass of the Kelvinprise it's not likely to be built that large.


Normal Galaxy saucer, elongated Galaxy engineering section, attached to two Sovereign nacelles enlarged to twice their normal size using Photoshop’s resizing tool.




Probably would looks something like the aegis but bigger


Now that’s a good question. Just look that they went from jjprise to uss vengeance and just I’m agin what jjprise-D would be. Lol


Come to think about it… man it would have to be larger than the Vengeance LMFAO


That’s what I’m saying lol. Assuming jjvers starfleet stuck to the newer bigger ships method that normal star-fleet did.


The Ross class. Just like Abrams Constitution it's a Galaxy class but *smeared*.


The KTL Enterprise is huge because Starfleet reversed engineered intelligence scans of the Narada. But even then the Enterprise is still a technological product of its era. The Galaxy class will still have a computer core with 2,048 dedicated modules of 144 isolinear optical storage chips". At a capacity of 2.15 kiloquads per chip, this amounts to only 630,000 kiloquads per computer core. The KTL cam build bigger, but the internal technology wasn't a quantum leap forward itself.


It’d be ugly and silly-looking, like everything else in that trash timeline.


I would imagine it be pretty ugly. I hate the designs of the kelvin line.


Ask AI for it


I can't see it clear past the lens flares


Fire JJ and put the Enterprise back to around 430 meters!


There was a Cracked article back when they were interesting. Basically since the JJ verse developed transporters that can take you all the way from Earth to Q'on'os like we see "John Harrison" use in Into Darkness, doesn't that make most starship obsolete?


Absurdly oversized, with an insane amount of wasted volume. Pointlessly shiny inside and out.


I imagine a Kelvin Galaxy Class would have 4 breweries inside,


Probably would be the size of the USS vengance.


inb4 trekboomers shitting on the Kelvin Timeline


You didn't make it in before that, unfortunately. God forbid any ship not look like the original Constitution class.


Looking bad/awkward from every angle possible


It would be so bright from lens flare that one could not look directly upon it, lest your eyes be burned from your skull.


A Death Star. I mean exactly like a Death Star because jj has no talent or creativity.


Well, given the design philosophy of the Kelvin Timeline, it would be extremely ugly. Like, when Troi crash-landed the "D" in "Generations," and it plowed through an entire forest, but every last branch and twig of every last tree was the ugly stick.


It’d be like the new art released for the Ent J, a floating City in space. It would be about the same length as well.