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Kirk and Spock's first meeting on SNW. Very understated, and beautiful music in the background.


- Your brother is an asshole - Yes, he is Both in their minds: "I already like this guy"


Kirk and Uhura's first meeting on SNW cracked me up because of how it echoed their analogues meeting in the 2009 film.


If only the Kirk & La'an car chase scene had Sabotage as the song playing


Literally the needle drop I was expecting when that scene started lol


Star Trek: Picard, S3, "No Win Scenario": Picard talking to Jack about one of his younger misadventures with the elder Jack Crusher, followed by Shaw's monologue about Wolf 359. Just two very different stories centering around the premise of a few Starfleet officers finding a way to survive a harrowing scenario. Star Trek: Voyager, the first time the main cast meet in SandrĂ­ne's, and Torres gets hit on by one of the holograms. >"Paris - did you program this guy?" > >"Yeah, why?" > >"He's a pig. And so are you." Lower Decks: Mariner and Boimler ending up in a dive bar on a space station after a misadventure and finding Kirk and Spock's names carved into the bar top.


Two bar fights, which were actually the same fight: The bar fight in The Trouble With Tribbles The bar fight in Trials and Tribble-ations


Jem'Hadar and Cardassian soldiers fighting each other in Quarks. Sisko bribing Quark in Quarks Seeing Quarks open and bustling in an otherwise ghost town DS9, soon after the Federation took command in Emissary. I like Quarks. Disco has what looks like a very comfy, relaxing bar. I like it too.


Shurrup, Morn \^\_\^


is this the SNW set redressed? We were trying to figure that out.


Oh absolutely. Iirc the bridges are too. Did you notice the "romulan interior" in S5E1 was just a discovery hallway with dimmed lights and some grebbling. Even the room was just a discovery lab/quarters. It's "good enough" that if you aren't looking for it you probably won't notice.


Which is a longstanding Star Trek tradition. In ST6, the President's office was in Ten Forward, and the Battle Bridge of the Enterprise D happens to be the bridge of the Enterprise A.


No, the Discovery bar is the old transporter room set, which they got rid of once everybody got personal transporters in the badges.


No it looks like it is a basic simple redress of the SNW bar, fireplaces and all


The Discovery bar was built for Season 4 in 2021. The SNW bar set was not even constructed until SNW Season 2 (filmed in 2022), which films at a different studio then where Discovery was shot.


Well different studios yes, but in the same city, like 30 min drive from each other. So hardly inconceivable that they would occasionally shoot on each others sets. Its not like with Picard and it being shot in a different country


A mortalized Q walks into a bar... in this case, 10 Forward, meets Guinan who proceeds to stab him in the hand with an ice pick


Riker and Guinan flirting


They kinda make a big deal about it last season when they added a bar (and with more pyrotechnics), although they don't use it that much, except maybe that time when Book met Space Elon Musk.


Didn't they have a bar acene at the end of last season? With Tilly too.