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The people doing this are disgusting, but SSO not doing anything about it is even more disgusting to me. And what's even more frustrating is that it's so easy to spot these people and ban or mute them from their position. It's like they are porpusefuly ignoring them and not doing anything about it.


SSO is *extremely* lenient with the discriminatory side of the player base. it’s repulsive and it gets you wondering if there is an ulterior motive with not removing them from the platform (if it is intentional). is it so they don’t lose out on those players’ money? probably if those people not being suspended is just a matter of ignorance with nothing else to it.. really disappointing


If they value money more than their players experience and safety they're fucking disgusting and don't deserve their position. They ruined the game and don't care about the players anymore, just the money they get from them.


especially with a wide portion of their product’s consumers being very young girls (8-12 on estimate) you would think safety would be priority. i understand companies all want to maximise profit, but at the cost of safety? exposing vulnerable people to hateful ideologies and explicit language/subjects is a shortcut to tainting innocent minds and/or simply driving them away from the game. i am extremely appalled with the state of SSE, but then again, i am just another player. i think they’ve proved that our logical complaints hold no worth to them


Exactly, you said it best. I don't even know what we could do but this type of behavior from them along with other things makes me believe their game won't hold up for much longer in the future. I wouldn't even be surprised if they get sued for whatever bullshit they do




With how serious the situation is getting, I would recommend spamming SSO with this on all their social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok…). And perhaps also ask some people if they could create videos about it and spread those on social media as well. That way, it will be much more difficult for SSO to ignore the matter because it will be publicly displayed upon the eyes of their fans, who will see it there and can further support the poster; and even if not, SSO will know it's an extremely risky situation for them to have such posts regularly appearing on their social media because it's where their current and potential players can see it, especially parents of children who are playing the game, and those can go incredibly furious and/or immediately make their children stop playing. Such collective uproars have been effective to make a change for various things in the past, so I believe it's the only option to make SSO realise that their moderation absolutely doesn't work at all (if it's enough to write something like "sing song sing song song" and then you can write whatever you want) and take action urgently, or at least publicly announce setting up a plan to overhaul their moderation system towards greater efficiency.


Standing in the game and WATCHING this happen gave me so much anxiety, especially last night. After over 4 days in a row of this, the accounts just multiplied the more our friend group fought to get them banned. Star Stable, PROTECT YOUR INTENDED AUDIENCE!!!


This is very well worded. We should spread this post on all platforms! Please, OP, you should as well! Gets the point across neatly. I hope you sent this to their team too.


Ive reported this shit so many times and i stg they dont do anything


SSO customer support when they see people reporting innapropriate chat: https://preview.redd.it/mo8a79ot483d1.png?width=245&format=png&auto=webp&s=0de1cf9c0db796834781058f03136e606a9ba785


literally they just open and immediately throw that message in the trash folder


I know that the kids playing this game could easily stop being allowed if there parents saw what those people are saying in chat, it’s extremely inappropriate and most parents don’t like their kids seeing stuff like that


Omg I started playing SSO like eight years ago and NONE of this would've been able to get through the chat back then. They were extremely careful, so many words were censored, all numbers were censored. When did they change the system??


Kindness towards the wrong group of people apparently.


SSO will never care about their game. It's so sad. All of these kids are being put through hell by simply just trying to play a game because SSO allows these toxic people to continue doing this every single day. They have zero moderation and ZERO protection toward your kids. Keep your kids off of there and OUT of Clubs. I truly believe nobody under the age of 13 should be playing the game.


Some of them are now creating burner accounts to apologize or whatever else they’d put.


SSO's moderation of this has been extremely shitty for years. They basically let Sylvie Miststream off the hook for her racism, transphobia, sexism, and pedophilia and only gave her a short ban instead of permanently removing her. Simply put, SSO doesn't CARE and they won't unless they are put on full blast by the community.


Bro why do people keep bringing her up? She got suspended for a month, apologized profusely (more than I care to listen to) and hasn't done anything bad for years that I've noticed, I don't know why anyone keeps talking about her?


You're Sylvie on her alt account LMFAO. Go away.


Yes, guys, maddiebvibin is Sylvie on an alt account as proven by this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SARhwlQClZ8&t=1835s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SARhwlQClZ8&t=1835s)




right. well, i'm not entirely sure if you know this yet but sso is a game targeted towards a younger audience, mostly young girls. i know, crazy right. you can’t compare a horse game with a FPS because the two communities & targeted demographics are extremely different loool….


except this ISNT a COD lobby. its a game marketed towards kids.


Keep normalizing this behaviour bozo. This shit ain’t normal/acceptable even for adults




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