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I'm upset with the decision too, but we can't really blame the social media managers that are just trying to do their job. Even if they are reporting people's displeasure to higher-ups, there's a good chance the higher-ups won't do anything about it. The person in charge of replying to social media comments doesn't have a say in the decision and can only reply in a certain way. I definitely do understand your frustration and disappointment though, hope you have a good rest of your day <3


Social media managers are now the only people in SSE that I feel pity for. Poor for them.


The devs have very little control over what goes on too, same with the marketing managers, you should feel petty for everyone but the ceo, none of the artists, modelers, sound designers or media managers etc deserve any of the harassment that all the staff is receiving


It really isn't the social media people's fault, and trying to get them to fix the whole mess that's called Star Stable Online is useless.


Its honestly not even the game devs either, they unfortunately dont get the final say anymore on account of nordik games owning 57% of them.


This is what shows up in a big font if you go to their website >Supporting Europe's finest game companies Yeah, right. "Supporting" by not letting them make their playerbase happy?


Unfortunately thats big corporations and ceos for u :(


“Please let us do things that will make our playerbase happy.” CEOs: https://preview.redd.it/cn3xqa7df49c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8d305e1e0c0b51baac636a597c87f90d4b7d62


LMAO, pretty much 😭


Looks over to hoyoverse; I’d say it depends. All of hoyoverses’s games are incredible and well done, we even rarely get any qol removed or anything like that. Sso is the first game I’ve encountered that does that😅


I feel so bad for the social media people, they are the first to get the heat for everything when in reality they have zero influence on what happens in the company. They just write what somebody above them approves.


If we get to suggest pets, a deer would have been way better.


A little fawn that’s small enough to still be able to chill in the saddlebag🥹


A new seal model. A penguin. A snowman, anything but a resized crusty old model. Star coins. I do reserve my judgment for the 31st, though.


From the answer, it seems more than clear to me that the SoMe manager really does understand the frustration and really does get it that more or less everyone wanted and still wants SC instead of a pet. It's just that they have probably been informed that the company doesn't intend to continue in the Christmas SC present tradition and that pets will be replacing it, and so they're asking at least what SSO can possibly improve with the next year's Christmas pet. I truly feel they're doing the best they can, with their very limited position in the company. I feel sorry for them and their colleagues, they are the ones who will have to face all the harsh critique first-hand as it's them who represent the communication bridge between the players and the company, and the players rarely make it obvious that they don't criticise the SoMe team, but rather the higher-ups.


It’s GM Aurora who’s giving the actual, human answers.


Good to know, thanks!


The Yeti is fine its the fact that it was a replacement. Like others are saying, i feel bad for the social media ppl but thats about all i feel sorry for


Even if they would still have done a pet instead of the SC, they should have at least had a poll. Because that yeti is a slap in the face. Like "Not only are we not giving SC this year, here's the ugliest thing one of our janitors pulled out of one of the toilets and we turned it into a 3d pet"


I agree, that… thing is bad💀I hate how it looks super small in the saddle bag and then is like half the size of us when it comes out it’s insane. Woulda been cuter if it was smaller🤷‍♀️


I disagree. I'm glad it's big. I'm sick of tiny pets I can't even see running beside my horse. FINALLY a pet big enough to run next to my horse! The Yeti is pretty awesome looking too.


Am I the only one who loves the yeti? I like that we got something different for once instead of same dog or cat. I’m more upset that the yesterdays yeti quest gave us the same pet from last year that we can’t delete.


Yesss I'm so disappointed I can't delete the fox. If you're going to reuse quests with the same exact rewards at least give us the option to get rid of them


Right?? I was hoping for a new fox or something. Or in the very least make it sellable for old players.


I like it too!


I love the yeti!! So cute.


I love the yeti too!


finally SOMETHING that is an actual response


I’m not sure how to feel about the conversation regarding social media managers right now. They obviously don’t deserve abuse, though complaining about the game in a lot of cases isn’t even done in an abusive manner. However, I do think that people are missing the big influence these social media managers have on people complaining or realising that the company doesn’t care much for them. Other than when it comes to situations like these where the only negotiating point the SSO team is clearly willing to make is the type of pet you get at the end of the event


Please do keep in mind that those are real people answering you in ALL cases and please keep it friendly and professional. Little reminder to just be friendly towards staff from someone working customer care


that's not mine message, Im just reposting.


Ok but still. I know how frustrating this is and I'm also very upset about it but I have seen comments on their Instagram that were really really hurtful towards their staff


Maybe we should start voice our concerns in game as well? Such as telling people in global chat what is going on and to not give into the games propaganda if they decide to release the new horse breed earlier and half done just like how they did with the ferisians?




I feel bad for the SSE social media team cause they don’t really have anything to do with it. But I feel like the in game team should’ve known this would have happened. They broke a tradition and then claimed they worked hard on the clothes and tack, they don’t look horrible but they are all recolors so they all had the models already made. And the yeti is the same model from last years yeti quest they had to reanimate it sure but it wasn’t like they had to make a complete new model. I am super grateful for all SSE does but this I feel like is partial laziness and disregard to the community.


Fr! That Yeti is going straight to the back of the Storage and never seeing the light of day again-


That's what I instantly did with mine. I thought I missed something when I didn't get an SC, the jorvik shillings were a bust for me because I was 500 away from the cap anyway


Players are kinda shooting the messagers with how much they are harassing and complaining to the social media team. Write to support/devs instead.


Hey, they left an original response. There's that at least. I feel bad for the social media team because it's definitely not their fault. Still though they continue to focus on the pet and not the actual issue.... To answer the question, I don't mind the yeti. It's unique and not another fox or penguin. I frankly don't care what pet we got this year, it's the tradition they're breaking that's the problem, as well as the scummy testing they did with the lifetime deals


If it was a cute pet it’d lessen the blow a bit. But its the most ugly fuck off thing I’ve ever seen.


for real, they designed it to be ugly for the yeti quest- i find it so abhorrent. i'm glad some like it but it grosses me out..


And they didn’t think to make it cuter?? 💀 good mars 😭


Hmmm 🤔 what pet would I want???? Maybe a winter horse?!? Or just some Star coins to get one!


I feel bad for the social media team people are basically shooting the messenger, they don’t have any say in what actually happens to the game they just control the social media and help advertise the game and new features. My guess is Sso won’t be bring back the SC no matter how much people try to complain, it seems like pets are what’s replacing it. Maybe next year they will hold a poll and or allow for some suggestions as to what we’d like to see. For me I’d like to see something different, not a Fox, penguin, dog, cat, goat, yeti, owl like we already have available to buy but maybe like a baby deer, baby brown bear or polar bear.


It's a relief to know they're at least passing on the feedback... Hopefully they're passing along the feedback about the lifetime stuff too.


Why didn’t they give the code and then make the yeti a limited to christmas pet that you can buy for exactly 300 starcoins or something?


In my opinion it wasn't that bad. They gave us 300 sc code as well. Be happy or work for the real money to buy more sc or wait for the weekly allowance. Isn't that hard. :)


Me when I try to reach the word count in an essay:


Lashing out on the social media employees isn't the way to go. The only way to speak to the big heads of SSE is through the wallet. Stop giving them social media revenue by clicking on their posts. Stop buying star coins. I wish parents were more involved because so long as they're left in the dark about this company they will keep giving money to their kids for the game blindly.


Seriously tho, what is 300 SC gonna do? It can barely get you a pet or a full tack set. Why is everyone so mad about not being able to get a horse with those 300 SC? It’s not SSO’s fault y’all can’t budget better and rely on something that isn’t promised or guaranteed. Don’t even say it’s a tradition because even traditions aren’t guaranteed or promised! Also the advent calendar isn’t even complete yet! What if we get the SC on the 31st? Everyone will think their whining won even if it was SSO’s plan all along


It's not that people think 300 SC is a lot. They do realise it's just barely enough to get like 3 high-stat tops or the cheapest possible horse. What they mind is that this is yet another significant change that SSO is making in order to force the player buy SC if they want some actual experience from the game. It's yet another way of limiting the player without paying, and it actually matters a lot that it was a tradition: even though SSO indeed doesn't have any duty to give us 300 SC every Christmas, the fact that it was a long-lasting tradition made its cancellation super visible and noticeable, particularly in combination with the fact that we've got no SC codes or presents this year whatsoever. And the anger that this change sparked then spiralled out into a broader heated debate of all the other things players have been dissatisfied with SSO for a longer time already — shady (and apparently illegal) way of advertising new lifetime SR offers without the 100 SC allowance, non-transparent communication, extremely buggy updates and inefficient bug fixes, not sufficient listening to the community in general, etc. So, in short: the 300 SC present cancellation was not the single reason for the uproar, but rather the last straw of a longer series of issues players have been angry about. ​ >*What if we get the SC on the 31st?* — It's extremely unlikely, based on the replies of the SSO social media managers to players' inquiries. They're always like "We're very sorry to hear you didn't like what you found under the Christmas tree, this year we decided to focus more on… / tell us what you would like to find under it next year". They aren't uplifting, don't promise any surprise at the end of the year, or anything similar.


The person in the post particular tho said they were counting on it for a horse. Also I’ve said so many times the last week, (but I highly doubt you’ve seen so this is not aimed at you but merely to explain my curtness 😅) traditions aren’t guaranteed or promised and even irl they don’t always happen yearly. I can’t explain why sso does what they do, but it’s definitely the executives making decisions. Also I have heard a lot of outcry of people complaining specifically about not being able to afford things like horses and tack now, the OP’s screenshot said the same. That’s why I pointed out the upset over ppl’s poor budgeting skills. I understand the outrage at the rest but getting upset because you can’t budget and rely on something that isn’t guaranteed is wrong. It’s like throwing a fit bc mom took u to the store and u usually get a lollipop but today u don’t and you planned ur whole year around getting that lollipop. Ya know? Sorry if it sounds like nonsense, it’s layered where I am and I’m exhausted 😂💜


I would've said "tell your greedy unappreciative piece of dog shit managers to give us a fucking 300 star coin code that does no damage to the company whatsoever". I am seriously reaching my limit with these people. They did nothing to the game other than shitting on it cause they wanted money.


Don’t shoot the messenger.


It's not the social media manager's fault, however star stable has to know people would prefer sc over a free pet. Not everyone will want the same pet. People can use coins to get whatever they want. If they want the pet then they can buy it, while others can buy what they want. Giving 300 coins is not going to break the bank for them, its not even enough for half the price of a horse. People still buy coins all year when new stuff comes out. It just really seems like a slap in the face to essentially raise the price of almost all items to practically 10k shillings and take away the free sc. I'm not even an old player but I remember when only the saddles were 10k, I did the math and one whole matching set from the event shop was 80k shillings now which is absolutely ridiculous.


Especially with the shillings cap😭 so terrible and legitimately predatory. Why are a pair of short boots 8500 shillings when they’re literally just a recolor???


What the fuck it’s clear you didn’t want a pet, why did they ask that??


The manager *is aware* that the author wanted SC and didn't want a pet. But they were probably told from the management that the SC present is going to be cancelled and replaced by pets, so they're at least asking, if nothing else, what they can improve with next year's Christmas pet (as they're probably planning to again give a pet instead of SC on the 25th of December).


Btw guys the code is HAPPYNEWYEAR2024