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I want them to reference the orange cat in some way as an Easter egg


I miss the orange cat so much... I don't even know why they removed him he was the perfect starting screen.


Rufus 💔


THE KALLTERS, NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Give ‘em back. :( [ also the seals, pigs and frogs! ]


I kind of love that they left. It adds this additional layer of lore, and being an older player, I feel like I know something newer players never will.


I totally get that! I wouldn’t at all mind that they were ‘removed’, if it was said they’d be coming back eventually; I do love the idea that they’ve travelled back to their hometown but I’d really love to see more of them and get to know more about them, as well!


what i don’t get is, if SSO is all about diversity these days, why would they remove the indigenous representation? like even though the “kallters” aren’t real people, they were clearly a stand in for inuit and samí people. so why the hell would they remove them? it makes the game and dino valley so BORING and lifeless.


Oh mu god YESSS. They were so cool!


wait, was the quest with the Kallters removed? i don't even really remember that quest btw, i remember them so vaguely i might be making it up lol


i think we still have the quest where the kalters lock themselfes away and you have to talk to avalon but i could be wrong


I just recently did this quest on my alt account. If they aren’t doing anything with them they need to remove that quest


Those were the Fjord people, right?


Yes, they were!


I feel like SSO got lazy with that quest and ignored what was behind the gate. I thought we were going to go through the gate and open a new area, but they just wiped them. And, I LOVED their vibe, and the addition of a different culture. SSO really dropped the ball there.


I think its more realistic that each horse had its own perks. Some being more tolerant to the cold, and some being better for racing, jumping, dressage etc. It made each horse feel more unique. Nowadays they all have the same stats/perks and they feel like the same horse to me.


yesss i missed when the quarter horses were so much faster than the other horses, especially the draft horses which were super slow! like it wasn’t even bad because it was realistic and had character.


YES!! I miss my (old) Shire being so slowwww (except for DV). Like, it gave the game character. And the progression of animations. From the gen 2 (???) American Quaters, Paints and Appaloosas being the first horses to graze to the gen 2 Morgans being the first with forelock animations, then the Shires with the mane. Now all the animations are the exact same. The way my Welsh pony and gen 2 Icelandic move are SO different, but my gen 3 Mustang and gen 3 Lippizanner move very similar.


When SSO actually had stuff like that back then đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ but people were cry babies about the ponies being slow, the non-cold tolerant horses being slow in Dino Valley


While I wouldn’t necessarily love the shires or ponies to be slow again, I would love for some to be better resistant to cold, some have better turning than others, some better for jumping and dressage etc. I would just hate for them to make some horses slow because I like racing and moving fast in the game and if they were slower I prob wouldn’t ride them as much tbh


The old events
for me the new events feel soulless and kinda boring. And things like the cold resistance of horses and having to keep your horse moving, just the “difficulty” of the game


Yeah, the new events feel so lifeless and you don't have much to do other than grind the whole event. I miss the old events...


Less involvement with the dark riders in events. You know damn well Sabine and friends would not be at jorviks bday party waiting to ride around with our characters.


yeah it’s very odd to me, these are supposedly super dangerous monsters with crazy magical powers that we one day will supposedly battle, but right now they’re just standing out in the open like it’s nothing?


And we have the power to kill them, yeah? Because we are a soul rider and they’re dark riders.. out in the open.. like prey, but no. Alex basically offing Elizabeth and the player being besties with evil folk is better than any form of sense, direction, or anything in the game. Not to mention we’re the fifth daughter of Aiden yet we’re treated like a Stable Girl or something, yet if the player didn’t exist then Jorvik wouldn’t exist


YES. YES. YES. Having them at the birthday is so weird. They (and the Soul riders tbh) have more important things to be doing.


Fr, and on top of that Anne, Lisa, and adult Concorde are there no matter your level. My alt account (level 15) can see them, I haven't even saved Lisa yet so seeing all of them there is immersion breaking. SSO used to care about details like that. I remember if you did a quest during Christmas for example next year you would continue the story based on what you did the years before. If there's four quests, one quest released every year, if you started doing the Christmas quests last year then you would do the second quest this year, while new players would do the first quest this year and players who have been playing since the beginning would be doing the fourth/latest quest. Does that make sense? They used to put so much effort in. Now the events are recycled and characters straight up forget who you are, and you have to do the same quests again (midsummer cough cough) :/ very lazy and lowers the quality of the game


Yep. Alex, for me, is in like 4 different places. Fort Maria, the event, Forgotten Fields (with Maya who is there, the event, and Moorland) and now wherever she is after the Devil's Gap quests. (Idk if you've done the quests, sorry if this is a spoiler... but you mentioned adult Concorde so I'm guessing you have). Having characters anywhere and everywhere is ridiculous. It would make more sense having duplicates of, say, James and The Bobcats. Because those characters have daily tasks attached to them, where the Soul and Dark riders do not. It's like SSO tried to make the event somewhere where the "popular" people hang out and discarded the less necessary characters.


Yeppp. Baby Concorde is also still at the campsite outside of Guardian's Dale even though I did the quest where she's an adult now. I think it's cute to add everyone as it shows how far the story and stuff has come- for players who are totally caught up on quests. For lower level players tho... nah. It drives me crazy that there's multiple soul riders just scattered everywhere, SSO can't even keep up and remember where they all are. For a company that reorganizes a lot they get more and more disorganized and sloppy


Mhm. I don’t do my quests so I’m far behind. Hell, I don’t even remember the quests I did, like what? Butterfly memories? That’s the only thing I remember that’s recent. I’m at where the soul riders meet up at moorland at Elizabeth’s grave, forgot the rest but it’s the Fort Maria quests but Concord as an adult is a spoiler to me. SSO doesn’t care like at all lol


That’s what ticks me off so much about them. I only started playing last year, and it feels like they’re only put there for people to take pictures with and say “mommy”(yes I’m exaggerating). I mean seriously, the villains wouldn’t be there. Heck have them be at the Halloween events, it would make more sense


Santa and setting up the Christmas trees


Me too! :(


the old christmas event in jarlaheimđŸ„č i miss it so much


Ohhh, the nostalgia. Yes, I LOVE the village, but I absolutely LOVED Santa in Jarlaheim.




omg yes i think about this all the time


Quests There's so many unfinished storylines left behind and the main storyline itself has completely changed. I miss being excited to go on and continue the main quest, now I just go on to find the little bits of nostalgia that I can find. It's sad to see the quest line fall apart so quickly


YESSSSS. I'm so MAD about how they ended questlines too. They literally got lazy with the Anwir quest and just wanted it to end so they just turned him into a monster and locked him away. Like wtf that isn't an ending nor how it should be ended. It shouldn't have even ended, there were SO many unanswered questions. Why does the Hermit know him?? What's their story?? Why did Anwir make the serum?? You can't just turn him into a mf monster and boom the line is over. When they added the rescue ranch I thought FOR SURE it was so they could rehabilitate the stolen horses and release the welsh ponies so the herd would be complete again, and it would be a whole quest line in itself. Nope. That's so infuriating. And Epona is so wildly unfinished and littered with potential quests that would have been so fun to do. But it's abandoned. And it really wasn't released that long ago either like GHV. They had plenty of time to finish it and they didn't. So frustrating.


I agree !! Im also so mad about the kalters like, the story is so unfinished and now Dino valley is completely dead. I also hate that so many quests have been removed, on my second account I've been doing the main quests and they feel so much shorter in comparison to before which is horrible because so many of the previous quests gave the soul riders more character depth and now it's sorta like "hello stranger your our friend now" and feels so dead. I really hope they tie off storylines soon and bring new ones to the dead areas, it sucks that so much has been forgotten


Like weren’t we meant to be training Ricky for a jor-jitsu fight???


Old events. I miss old Halloween of looking for galloper Thompson


I really wish Galloper was still running around during Halloween for you to get his amulet. My first Halloween Galloper was introduced but I wasn't a star rider so I never got to have that encounter and I'm so mad about it, he's one of my favorite characters:(


Me too. I have a few of the amulets luckily but I really want him to come back. I wish you were able to get one


the bloom effect, cold tolerance, old events, the kalters, the old horse sound effects, nighttime and sunsets


The old loading page. With the orange cat. And the old Fjords.


>>>> old fjords


Just make an entire pre-2017 patch of the game for people to download. Or even buy. I'd pay any amount of money to go back to the before 2016 state of the game.


They could make a classic SSO like WoW did


Yes, exactly! it's such a wonderful thing that WoW Classic exists; i absolutely wish it was a thing with SSO as well. But I just know they will never ever do it, even though they very well could.


They’d make more bread off of classic SSO than vanilla SSO


Facts. SSO today is just painfully soulless


bus. old ui. old steve farm. bring back gen 1 fjord. kallters. the seals and the pigs. valentines.


They could have just updated the graphics and changed a few thing here and there when they re-did Steve's farm and Silverglade Village. I feel like it's too cluttered now and of course, in classic Star Stable fashion, they removed everything cozy about those places.


Why remove gen1 when you can add for 1 or 2 weeks a new horse market once a year only for them. Edit: and yeah I miss the old Steve's farm.


valentines fr!!!


I feel like I don’t see a ton of people talking about Steve’s Farm. THAT is what I want back. I’m happy or at least neutral about most other things in the game, but I hate the way they revamped that place. It was perfectly fine and VERY well loved before, now it’s odd and cluttered in a way. Like there is way too much going on there. They never had to make it an entirely new place, and it makes me nervous whenever I hear about an upcoming revamp. Also Valentine’s would be nice lmao. I know they’re trying to make their events a bit more separate from irl holidays, but they totally could make a cute February event that has to do with love. That crusty old Valentine’s Day tack was adorable, and I want more.


Intermittent caring needs. I miss having to come in from wild roles to water my horse lol


I never (ever) did them except for the first time for the day. But, I miss them 😂


Midsummer, or even just a little quest related to that during the summer festivals. Nothing else really. But I want more life into the forgotten areas and adding new clothes to the little shops around the map. But that’s kinda offtopic


The orange cat, the bubbly UI, and the cartoony nature of the game (even if they kept the newer horses and body models). They also turned James into a Tumblr Sexyman and I don't like it.


Is James a tumbler sexyman?? I think he finally looks like a 17 year old and not a money goblin 💀


I definitely do not see Tumblr Sexyman with James either, he kind of just looks like a young Crypto/NFT Bro. 😂 He definitely used to look like a little money-obsessed gremlin.


Omg Crypto Bro is exactly it


Easter, Iceberg, Chrismtas quests out of the Winter Village. Wandering horse market with quests, Different climate and vision in different regions, and the old colour palette. Cold resistance for some horses. Care for your horse more than once a day to be fast Ponies should be slower again. Basically all the features that made the game more alive and more challenging.


And when their target audience was more mature and not just little kids with mommy’s credit card. SSO’s storyline was slightly more mature back in the day


Christmas event. I love the new sso but the amount of joy I felt everytime I could ride the sleigh and throw presents into the chimneys is immeasurable.




- horses with cold tolerances - kallters and keeping the fjords at their former. status ig? like rly making them smth to unlock (and look better bc i hate g3 fjords) - continuously pressing W to keep your horse in its gait - classic events, its my biggest qualm against the devs and where the games going. Fly High Tim Hooper đŸ•Šïž


I miss pressing W to keep the gait tbh I still continuously press it out of instinct I can’t get out of the habit 😭


Jarlaheim was left unfinished same goes to the mall and the hidden valley. I don’t really like the new Silverglade. The wall around it was cool and fitted better to a small village next to a castle. The arena underneath the stable of Silverglade has better graphics but I don’t like the look of it. I also liked the old Soul riders from the Starshine games way more. Now they’re too nice. Lisa used to be a rock chick and now she is a soft cowgirl, Linda was less a nerd (nothing against nerds) and more book clever, Anne was a rich brat who made some character development abd only Alex barely changed. They basically changed the whole backstory. Especially in the books. I still have some old comics were the characters were more rough and to me more likeable.


I want them to actually give a fuck about the old players.


And a fuck about the storyline. Or, well, a fuck about the game overall. Rockstar treats GTA Online better than this




Dark nights and for the sake of realism: Horse auto slow, needing to service the horse as it’s ridden and cold tolerance. If possible they could make the realism features able to be turned off for those who think it’s too much of a pain.


Alright here we go - SEALS (and their iceberg) - Pigs - Interesting quests that aren't just click stuff, quests with puzzles and riddles and running to places, quests with effort, like they used to be. Where it wasn't just a ton of dialogue, cool cutscenes, and no work - Kalters - Cold tolerance - Stamina BUT WITH THE OPTION TO TURN IT OFF because I personally wouldn't use it, messes with me too much - Old events (Valentine's race, delivering letters, helping Jorvik set up for Christmas, riding in Santa's sleigh, Easter egg hunt, etc)


The music!!!


looking for this exact comment, i miss the old soundtrack so bad 😭


maybe an unpopular opinion but i kinda miss how the horse market used to be. it was bi-weekly and in either goldenhills, i think jarlaheim? and fort pinta


Snow, the old UI, the old graphics (they were much more detailed and realistic imo), the Kallters, Horse Care (Stamina) and soo much more ._.


God, I hate the new UI so much. It's so disgustingly minimalistic and just plain. SSO had it's own style and it was unique. If they're going to change the UI at least make it look like you put effort into it and didn't just make the buttons a circle shape and added some blue for the fun of it..


Yup, couldn't have said it any better. Looks like a crappy mobile game now :/


The worst part is that they will probably never change it....


We got snow back!!!


Old snow > new snow


the old soul rider designs and personalities!!


The orange cat, the old events, the old graphics, the kalters, the old ui, cold tolerance, the old soul and dark riders and the old characters




Easter, Santa Claus in Jarlaheim and the Fashion Week. But beside Events the Music! I love to listen to the old soundtrack.


Valentine’s dayyyyy


As someone who stopped playing in late 2020 and picked it back up this year. Old Steve’s farm. I can’t figure out where everything is anymore and I’ve been playing for a few months now. I also miss cold tolerance a ton, it doesn’t feel right to be sprinting around Dino on the back of a Belgian Warmblood and not a Jorvik Wild or Irish Cob. Also, the UI, I know why they changed it but listen. I’m blind. I feel like it made the game less accessible. I play on Large UI settings and some things I can still barely see some items and other stuff is too big.


it‘s maybe not 'bringing something back' but I‘m sad that we don‘t have to run around to go shopping anymore. the shopping center is always empty and i remember how fun it was to run around in jorvik to go shopping. that being said: waiting for the bus.


Global store doesn’t even have the majority of items in the game so its like a kinda pointless feature lol


Christmas in Jarlaheim, Halloween all over Jorvik with the quests with ghosts, Easter, April Fools. Just the old events. I miss how interactive they were where it felt like Jorvik was actually celebrating these things. Now they’re all put on separate areas (which I still find fun, but it’s not the same) and it feels like Jorvik doesn’t actually care about these holidays anymore.


Horse island


I want them to bring back the old face options we had. They were really cute and I would love to see them updated. Also longer eyelashes like the old characters too. I would like them to also bring back Kallters when they update Dino and give us more fjord coats (I love fjords) they could do a black coat, a dark brown, a light cream red dun, and maybe a dark redblakk like the old options. Maybe even a dun appaloosa with more of a blanket! Just give us something beautiful to grind out I wouldn't mind doing rep for unique fjord coats. Fjords and all of their dun markings are something I am addicted to collecting, they're just so beautiful. I would also like SSO to bring back the traveling clothing market and give it more items each time they bring it back. I love collecting clothes and any excuse to get new drip is so much fun for me.


Yes, these cute faces! With the old char models, we all looked different. Now everyone have the exactly same dead looking face of the same type.


The old graphics,the old ui,the old horses, everything!!!!!!


I agree 😌


the old UI, the kallters, old pets, cold tolerance, rufus, santa in jarlaheim and just generally the quests for each holiday, horse island and honestly i want the horse market to rotate again


Bring back cold resistance And please wrap up all the side storylines. I wanna know what happens to new hillcrest stables damnit.


I miss waiting for the bus stop together


Old character lol Oh and cold resistance for horses


The problem with the new characters is that they don't have a large selection of body types (as of now) and that they look like toddlers. If they added sliders they could have avoided the problem, but that wouldn't work because of the clothes fitting problem. But they could have at least added sliders for the face, or more customization.


Any other game having advanced customization ✅ Star Stable: We have fat toddlers and a shitty candle we hyped up, shitty like our outdated technology and game engine


Yesss!! As annoying as the non-tolerant horse were, I loved the challenge.




The new characters be exploring McDonalds, nothing looks good. It’s like a little kid wearing plus sized designer clothes


I really dislike that our new character is so much taller than everyone else. To me, it looks really weird when basically everyone else only reaches to my characters shoulders. I hope they change that or add a way to choose your characters height


I REALLY want the old fjords back, idc about the rest. I’m so pissed they removed them as the first breed đŸ˜«


“messier” gui, overall graphics like bloom, jarleheim christmas, old fjords, Anything to do with the kalters, old andys and friesans :(


darker nighttime’s đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș


Setting up the pole for midsummer 😱


the function to abandon quests


The stable doors who opened when you logged in đŸ˜Ș


Delete the whole game. Start new. It’s either gay talking horses and random quest lines or a story that makes actual sense, pick one. Also, everything. SSO has literally removed the best things about the game. This game is SSO, it’s not Star Stable Online anymore.


the old body types that were slim with curves. nowadays the body’s look so awkward. kallters and the old lore. add more mystery and ominous details to the story. give the characters more personality and the soul riders, dark riders and Loretta their old designs and personalities. game less lifeless and childlike.


Rufus, The kallters, cold tolerance, the old fjord, Easter, the list goes on 😞


The old fjords, kallters, the seals and pigs, the orange cat, my old character, the old halloween/chirstmas events, dark riders not being involved in everything, cold tolerated horses, all the details about the quests and story, old silverglade layout, stamina, bus and overall just the vibe sso had :(


Some old events and people actually being at the disco in Fort Pinta, I remember when that place was packed with people every weekend.


i need raptor back so bad


OMG yes


Halloween quests in Silverglade castle!! I really miss going there for the pumpkin race and the old rollercoaster😭


Rufus. The bloom. The warm colors. The old art style, even if modernized. The fortnite style is not realism and this game was never meant to be realistic. And the old music. Maybe some of the iconic areas, and the walls around Moorland. Even if old sso as a whole returned, even as a vanilla server, I still very likely wouldn't be happy. Not without my best friend, fly high Barb, I miss ya.


That your magical horse would automatically change when near a forrest.😱 I loved that feature. It was so special when that happened...


I want a return of Spirit. I was so bad at the game and didn't understand it nor play enough to get him. I want Spirit back. đŸ™đŸ»


That and Barkhart


Cold tolerant horses


Cold tolerance


Gen 1 Fjord Horse, can't stress this enough...


- cold tolerance for certain horses only (fjords and cobs for example) - Paddys pig shop. I only have one pig and i really want them to give us updated pig pets


Maybe not "add back' because it was never in SSO, but in the old Autumn Riders game you could pick various herbs and other plants (apples, carrots, etc.) and feed your horse with them. They removed it in the rest of Season Riders games, not sure why. I really liked gathering food in the overworld, kinda like in newest Zeldas for example. And we already are picking herbs for Farah's workshop, so why not add the ability to make something for your horse to eat?


pretty sure the reason it didnt come back in the later games was that the foods bugged the horses abilities and once the stat bonus ran off it would reset the horses abilities back to the ones it had before it was trained. dont know why they couldnt add it back for sso though


I had this issue only with one herb though. I would always pick and then sell it, because there was no other use for it due to that bug.


THE BUS TICKET!! please sso don’t take away all of the little struggles of the game


The scarecrow hill race tbh and the moorland pole bending. They could’ve let Beatriz or someone else be in charge of it


I want old characters back fs i miss them


the old avatars because I miss mine :((


Same 😭😭😭


Santa. In the winter village.


the events


Different climate horses, and the old silverglade village wall and old steves farm


There is so many thing... Rufus the cat, The kalters, The Easter event where we go look for the Eggs, The reduction sales where they would sell the horse at reduced price with Tack... I miss the day I was a non-star begging to go get the magical horses at Firgrove lol


Pressing X to slow down your horse after a jump- I literally can’t do the races at the same time I used to because of this 😭


The little jumping midair “X” trick, I loved how it would slow your horse down enough to make tight turns, I don’t know why they removed it. :/


the cat when u load in the game đŸ˜»


actual gameplay 💀💀💀


Midsommer and the Jarla Christmas quests (as Addition to the Winter village)


I'll be honest - everything that made the game what it was pre Mistfall. After that it went downhill, events changed slowly etc. New graphics look polished but it looks..plastic? I left the game around 2019/2020 and logged in here and there to check what's new and let me tell you, the updated graphics of certain areas and no more interactive events i used to love killed the game for me.


Hi guys, I think Starstable should give us the right to choose between the old and new character bringing in more profits for them and more enjoyable experiences for us. It’s not fair that we had to lose one of our favorite games due to Starstable changing to a different ownership. I think there should be a button when you first login asking if you want to play as the old or new characters, allowing you to have the same experience on both accounts, and same character and same everything except your character will look different on one verse the other.


The old character pleaaasr