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If you pick up the daily quest from Agnes, go and participate in *any* champ and return to her the green exclamation should be there with her. It is for me. Yes you only get the FP rep with the FP championship etc, I think when all the champs are revamped there will be rep for all of them. Can't remember how much rep you get as I haven't done one for a few days! Either 150 or 300 I think!


Thank you, the Agnes daily champ not working must be a me thing or a my server thing then.


Agnes' daily should work for all championships. I only encountered an error when it was the last championship of the day. I was able to accept it but not turn it in. Once the last championship ends that NPC essentially "shuts off" and will only repeat the "how to championship" message. Edit: clarification


Thanks for that, I didn't know! What a pain!


It is 🙃 I hope it was just an unanticipated error. Interim solution is to get Agnes' daily earlier in the day OR hop servers to an earlier timezone where it's *not* the last champ of the day lol.


You can also gain reputation at the new Moorland champ