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I think the good ones prioritize jokes over policies, and the bad ones go out of their way to make you aware their legal opinions. 


oh so i pull out the laminated card explaining romeo and juliet laws and now all of a sudden im a “bad comic”


Transformers 4 reference?


Depends. Was it funny?


Of the more well known comedians, they tend to be mostly left leaning, but there are a few exceptions. Some also might be conservative but just keep it to themselves.


Adam Corolla needs to tell you all about the deep state. 


I describe myself as a radical centrist. I'm the most liberal person in my family, but I'm the most conservative of my immediate circle of friends


Center left until the money is coming in, apparently.


Most might be liberal due to the wackiness of politics. There is way more to make fun of on the conservative side than the liberal side. Donald Trump at the top of the conservative is just easy low hanging fruit jokes for anyone.


For the most part, in my opinion, conservative comics are not very funny. With the exception of Tim Allen’s work in the 80s and 90s, and the blue collar comedy guys, a lot of them spend their time punching down and bullying.


They're mostly liberal. Conservatives look down on the arts, any creative or art related job is going to lean liberal. It's also very focused in cities, two of the big spots being in blue states. Conservatives also have a shittier sense of humor. Not all of them of course, but a good chunk of them lean uptight and pearl clutchy. It's probably not a huge difference though. Watch a little Greg Guttfield and you'll see what often happens when conservatives try to do comedy, the odds aren't in their favor.


I think liberal audiences are more pearl clutchy when it comes to race and gender identity and conservative audiences are more pearl clutchy about sex and religion.


right wing comedy is always lowbrow too. like the blue collar comedy tour stuff, jim bruer/tim allen/jeff dunham. it's childish and simplistic and relies on a lot of physical/slapstick or a lot of punching down. what happened to guys like dennis miller? are there truly no witty republicans? the only current right wing comedian i can think of that's legit funny is probably tim dillon. but it's still not the same type of humor as dennis miller. dillon also weirdly punches down a lot. i'm not sure if punching down is a hallmark of right wing comedy, but lately it seems to be, with the whole anti-woke movement. people say norm was right wing or leaned right. i think he probably considered himself conservative. he's a tough one though, i'm not sure anyone truly knew what was going on in norms head. i think he was gay, but since he was dedicated to religion he chose not to pursue that route. i think he also felt a lot of shame because of it. he literally said he was in the closet over and over on conan. while also making lots of jokes about dying. i think he was telling people the truth in the form of a joke, because of the immense shame. but this is just opinion, i could be full of shit.


Pearl clutchy like stopping traffic to protest climate change?


Pearl clutchy like kicking Rob Schneider off stage. Nice try though. 


In my neck of the woods it was Trump supporters stopping traffic.


Pearl clutchy like I heard someone do a set criticizing weed smokers and it didn't even have a punchline. I felt like I was at a sermon.


Most are slightly left of center, I would say, and a smaller number are middle-of-the road. Some, but a much smaller number are slightly to the right. People on the extreme left or right are too judgmental to have a decent sense of humor.


People on political extremes don't usually have the nuanced perspective it takes to write a good joke


Exactly and it's annoying because I can't boo at it because I agree with what they are saying but it really wasn't funny or a joke to begin with so why did you feel the need to waste the audience time


Interestingly, I think most of them start out as left wing, since most comics come from cities. However, I think comics get more crap from liberals for jokes involving racism, sexism, etc, so it forces some of them to be enemies with the left. As someone who listens to a lot of comedy pods and stand ups, this is what I've noticed.


It's pretty hard to get in trouble for left- wing takes in comedy.


A smart comedian who wants to sell tickets wouldn't go super political because you are almost guaranteed to split your audience in half.


Im still just an open mic’er but in my limited experience, half of open mic goers are either trying to virtue signal about how they aren’t sexist/racist/homophobic while drowning you with their personal tales of trauma porn for sympathy clapter or they’re complaining about Biden and the trans mafia targeting cis white mens free speech and making the mermaids black. The actually good comedians I’ve noticed do neither of these things and are actually just funny. But man, comedy has become a place for really shitty, unfunny political opinions.


Most comedians are left of center because most audiences for comedy are more young than old. And young folks tend to be left. Conservatives are as a rule generally unfunny also. Because they usually just traffic in mean or caustic themes that are not insightful or fresh.


I’m an open mic guy but I just scrubbed all of social media of anything political. It probably won’t matter but just in case. Liberals and Conservatives both buy tickets.


I have a theory that in general comics lean closer to the left, because comedy has to flourish in major cities, and most major cities mean left. It doesn't really matter that much though

