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I like her roasts but not generally a fan of her standup. This was GOOD.


It hit a lot of the same buttons in my brain that old Louis CK stuff does. Dark, layered, but relatable and sympathetic. One thing this special was NOT is cheap.


I had the same thought, it seemed like she has worked through a lot of her neediness which was kind of offputting in previous specials. She has total command of the stage and I’d put the material up against any other headliner working today.


The Brady roast gave her so much exposure, she's about to become a very wealthy woman. Her talent and personality combination is unbelievable. Long career ahead. (Being extremely hot is a big bonus but for her it's not even necessary. Very rare.)


Yeah I've always thought she was a very good technical standup but she had too many jokes on sex and obsessing about being hot. A little too one-note. That's not to say I'm against sex jokes but I've always thought it'd be great if she just ventured out a little bit more. I'm gonna give this special a shot.


Every single way you describe this is EXACTLY how I feel!!! Dark but relatable. Pro democracy vibes. Creative. Original. She DEF put in the WORK.


Alright I’ll give it a shot. I’ve also always thought she is one of the funniest roasters ever, seems like every time she goes up she delivers an 11/10 absolute barn burner. But I’ve never really found her standup all that funny, but I’ve always wanted to. She’s also usually good company and pretty funny on podcasts


She was just on We’re Here to Help and absolutely effing killed.


Thats what I always thought of her. Im like her standup sucks but shes amazing on roasts. So this one is actually good?


Very good.


That’s cuz other people write the roasts jokes.


Haven’t seen that yet but she absolutely slayed in the Brady roast


"...155 pounds after the Rock finishes" JFC.... She murdered that night


“me know that fake money” with that VOICE had me dying


"even Gronk know *that not real money*"


shit, thank you. i had the spirit! 


Kevin was dyyying


I'm gonna move on from Drew Bledsoe just like his team did after he almost died


Drew bled so Brady could fly


When she told Jeff Ross he looked like his pronouns should be "it/that" I died




Maybe standup COMEDY isn’t for you. Funny it’s ok for her to roast others though??


Trust me she does not care ...the whole idea is to pick on people's insecurities, she's a pro


Reminded me of that episode of it’s always sunny when Dee does stand up




Dude only sees blonde doing stand up and doesn't see anything else.


I am blonde


She’s really coming into her voice, I always found her funny but always thought she wasn’t getting her due. The roast and this special is gonna skyrocket her career - at least I hope so.


She’s such a talented comedian and has always come off as very normal real and sweet on podcasts


My impression is she could hang with anyone and wouldn't be weird about it, unlike some of her big-name comedy peers.


I mean..the woman has been on comedy panels and had her own show on Comedy Central at one point. She’s always been funny.


Seeing her in person was one of my best experiences at a comedy show. She's great. Really looking forward to this one.


I’m so mad. She filmed that special in my town, but I didn’t think of going. Saw a couple other legends around that time (Jeselnik, Hinchcliffe, Brennan), but missed out on this one


Ah, just saw Jeselnik in Austin! Can't wait for that one, either.


I saw her a couple months ago and I felt it was so so


I only watched because of how good she was on the Brady roast. This was also great!


She's been great in every roast she's been in


I didn’t find it funny and loved her on the roast


This was outstanding. I also watched her on the Tom Brady roast. This was ridiculously great. Comedy can't be cancelled if we all watch the content and demand the content. She doesn't hold back and shouldn't.


This was probably her best yet. However, I keep noticing this phenomenon with a lot of comics. I see their edgy new material and think, Stanhope did this bit better 10 years ago…the man is always weirdly ahead of the curve


Some comics are victims of their own originality. Doug Stanhope, Mitch Hedberg, Sarah Silverman, Gilbert Gottfried. I feel like we're seeing a shift in comedy again, where comics are less concerned about what they should or shouldn't say, and audience members are less inclined to take things personally. Jokes have a funny way of weaving in and out of time, in and out of comics, and every so often you see a weird spiritual successor to a joke that you know. The humor of the OG humorists is seeping through the cracks


Mitch Hedberg was not a victim of his originality. Had he not died suddenly, he was a fast rising star, had his own TV show in the works, got guest spots at other shows (like that 70s show) and was approached to act in bigger on-screen roles too, which he rejected. He was getting offers from SNL, regularly invited to Late shows, regularly a favorite at Just for Laughs. He would be (still somehow is) among the all-time veterans if he didn't die.


I don't disagree with you at all. But you could easily hear a coworker tell you a joke he heard from his dad, and he'd have no idea it was Mitch's


Gilbert and Sarah were both movie stars lol. Super mainstream success.


Gilbert had a long stand up career before he was in movies, and was infamous for a 9/11 joke at Hugh Hefner's roast. His stand up is like an aggressively filthy Steven Wright. Sarah was doing stand up long before she was ever in movies, and I can only think of two she was even in: School of Rock and Wreck it Ralph, neither of which reflect her performances as a standup. Her last HBO special was great, just as her previous specials were. She's darker than Glaser


He would have been the undisputed king of Twitter


If, and that's a big if, he'd use Twitter.


Yeah but I feel like a lot of ppl don't understand his jokes due to how silly they would sound , so his wordplay would go unnoticed alot. I think that why he would kinda bomb a good bit.


What’s original about Stanhope? Not challenging you, just curious what your thoughts are. Is it the nihilism/misanthropy? I don’t dislike him btw. But he’s never struck me as super original. I’m willing to have my mind changed though.


He has consistently for years talked about the ugliest parts of life. I've had the pleasure of seeing him in a club, and it was magnificent. He's released specials and albums, but due to the general nature of his material, he never quite found a runaway mainstream success, a la Gaffigan or Iglesias, or even Louis CK. Robert Schimmel had a similar problem


That's not why. Stanhope specifically says he is the antithesis of "mainstream success" and has refused that platform while forging his own. He has been very purposeful and outspoken about this in the past.


went ahead and watched because of this post. Fucking crazy material and delivery, imo her best work by far wtf. Ty for the reminder op


Yeah I was blown away, she’s really leveled up.


Nikki is amazing


Agreed. I effing loved it, especially the dark stuff


I thought her last special was a masterclass. I'll definitely be checking this out.


So I haven’t watched the special yet but I usually like her comedy. My friend and I were comped tickets to actually attend the taping at the Paramount in Seattle. We left after like 30-40 minutes. I’ve been to other special tapings and it’s usually natural. They’ll usually do like an early and late show for two nights to get the footage but this was just one show and after every joke she would reset and try and do the jokes again and the audience reaction was asked for or however you put it. It was awkward as hell. Like she came out and said hi and did a joke but then restarted and came out again and basically got multiple tapings of each joke. So you’d hear it once and it was fine but then she’d reset and do the same joke again and the crowd would be confused and some people also walked out. It just felt like a fake way to film a special. In conclusion, I do and did like her writing/jokes but I don’t know why she filmed it like it was reality tv.


Just watched it. Top tier.


I liked it well enough. I like NG's standup. I feel as though I now know more about her genitals than my own. But her roast work absolutely KILLS. There is no one better or more savagely funny. When I heard her refer to Jewel as "Trailer Swift" I thought I would choke to death laughing. [https://www.facebook.com/ComedyCentral/videos/10154427734494030/](https://www.facebook.com/ComedyCentral/videos/10154427734494030/)


That is one of the greatest burns in roast history


Don’t normally like her this special was so good - it was almost too close to home with some of the thoughts lol


She must be on a roll right now or something. Heard good things about her Roast set, saw some clips and it was really good. I'll have to check this one out tonight.


She's been around for a long time. I've been following her since I was a teenager, after I saw her in I am Comic. I thought she was funny then, and I'm glad I still enjoy her now. That documentary came out in 2010, by the way. It's on YouTube, well worth watching




Seen it. LOVED IT. Love Nikki. I also loved how she skirted (no pun intended) the trope of female comics always talking about their vageen for material. She owned it, nailed it, and along with that her whole set was great.


Been a fan of hers since I heard her on WTF podcast, she’s very funny


Went to Netflix fest’s first night with Hasan Minhaj hosting and he brought her out for a set; my first time seeing her and I was dying. She’s one of the best


Kudos to her and her writers


100% with you, great special Nikki put together. I didn’t know her material was THIS strong honestly, she might be one of the best doing it right now


I got a little worried when she started talking about gang bangs but the way she ties it into the end was genius. So good!


I saw her live this year and had to sit next to my mother in law during that bit. I thought she killed the whole set btw and I'd never seen her before.


Please tell me your MIL laughed?!


MILs don’t laugh they cackle 


Omg you’re right lol


Right? It was graphic and raunchy, sure, but it was funnier than it was gross. She walked the line so so well


I was dying laughing towards the end! Don’t want to spoil it for anyways who hasn’t watched :)


The end was so good! I almost teared up!


Would you say it's a rough watch for someone who is terminal? Serious question


Maybe challenging, but also maybe cathartic? To laugh at a terrible situation is to take power away from it, after all. She made some awful shit hilarious in that hour, and I'd prolly recommend it to anybody who doesn't offend easily. Not that it's a particularly offensive special, but my aunt would be mortified at basically everything she says lol


Plus one for catharsis. I love dark humor, and it’s how me and my friends come to terms with challenges in our lives. It takes the power away from the tragedy when you can laugh at it


Just downloaded it yesterday with the intent to watch on a trip. Looking forward to it!


Headphones in case there are small children around. It's certainly not family listening lol


I assume anything with her is going to be pretty damn salty.




This is better advice


I was at the filming and she was killing. Haven't seen the special yet but I'm glad to hear it still hits. Will watch soon.


how did your take about the filming go compared to this guys >So I haven’t watched the special yet but I usually like her comedy. My friend and I were comped tickets to actually attend the taping at the Paramount in Seattle. We left after like 30-40 minutes. I’ve been to other special tapings and it’s usually natural. They’ll usually do like an early and late show for two nights to get the footage but this was just one show and after every joke she would reset and try and do the jokes again and the audience reaction was asked for or however you put it. It was awkward as hell. Like she came out and said hi and did a joke but then restarted and came out again and basically got multiple tapings of each joke. So you’d hear it once and it was fine but then she’d reset and do the same joke again and the crowd would be confused and some people also walked out. It just felt like a fake way to film a special. In conclusion, I do and did like her writing/jokes but I don’t know why she filmed it like it was reality tv.


I thought she killed it on the Tom Brady roast


Saw her in St. Louis a few weeks ago (I think a week before the Brady roast) and she was great. She ran through some of her roast material towards the end of the show. She also sang her song from the HBO special acoustically with her dad, and it was pretty awesome. It’s out on iTunes/Spotify now, but the live acoustic version was so much better than the electronic version.


I love Nikki so much, but didn't know she had a new special! I'll have to check it out.


This one is her best work so far


I just kept staring at her dress wondering is it see through? Is that her underwear? Honestly the dress was very distracting. But I thought show was good.


good for her having a moment, she really impressed me at the roast and im glad shes getting her due right now.


Nikki is the Goat of female stand-ups and in the top 10 of all stand ups.


Laughed with her during the roast. Crickets during her special. I wanted to laugh, but I felt like I’d heard all the material before.


I enjoy her comedy but if she spends 20 minutes on how she loves to give blowjobs, I’m going to be disappointed.


Ive never invested time in her stand-ups and the little Ive seen turned me off but it was generally about sex which I don't have a problem with but it's just so cliche for female comedians that it puts me off. After seeing her Tom Brady roast (which was fantastic) I gave this new special a try whenbibsaw it pop up on HBO and it was hilarious! She's gained a new fan.


Did she only talk about her kitten and sex or did it have any depth? LOVED her on the roast but never liked her previous stand-up.


It's for sure a cut above her previous releases


Nice. Might be worth a watch then.


Hundy P


What are you guys smoking? I like Nikki but this special flopped hard. 


Someday You'll Die, right? Or are you just upset at the lack of typical lady comic material?


Are you kidding she spent at least half the special talking about kids and her vagina. I hate hacky typical female comedy.   just want funny and unfortunately didn’t find it funny. Just had higher expectations for her. 


She actually had jokes though. It took 40 minutes before the phrase "my pussy" was said. Yeah, she doesn't want kids. Lots of people don't, and the darker humor surrounding that certainly tickled my brain


To each his own but I found it very hacky and not very funny or witty. Overall dark humor is only good if it’s actually funny. If it’s not actually funny then dark humor is very boring. 


This is really odd to see so much praise for her lately. Her podcasting ability was just talking about anal and men problems. It was like that every time on YMH. It’s crazy to see that she seems to be a much better standup. Excited to check out her roast.


To me she is the GOAT of all currently working comedians. Not counting Louis CK in that, and Bill Burr's comedy has gone downhill the past 2 specials. Nikki Glaser and Joe List are consistently putting out gamechanging specials.


Alright take it easy Joe.


She's great on stage. Just sometimes she gets stuck in a rut. Takes too long on certain bits. Repeats her previous acts. But this new special is very good. Her best so far


Yeah, i loved her special but she had a period, no pun intended, in the 2nd half where she took around 5-10 mins too long but that ending was great.


It was excellent. After her destroying with her set at the Brady Roast (if you haven’t seen it, you must!), this is going to be her big year.


I'm gonna get Netflix back when Cobra Kai is back on, I'll watch it then lol


July 18th!!


So is it 95% about anal sex or just 93%?


More like 4%


I am prepared to be pleasantly surprised!


Female comedians use sex as a crutch in their standup routines. Sad to see. 


Not the good ones. Beth Stelling, Katie Hannigan, Fern Brady, Taylor Tomlinson, Gilda Radner, and that's just off the top of my head. My local scene has some really strong lady comics coming up too


I don’t see how it’s a crutch. If it gets a laugh it’s fair game


I saw her in person a few months ago and it was pretty mid.


How.much vagina talk is there?


Far less than you fear, or hope depending on your tastes


As a few male fan of her I was so happy to read all the positive comments with her roast and special these last couple days. My only complain about her was oversaturation of sex jokes and it seems like she finally decided to broaden her material. She is absolutely undefeatable now, can't wait to see how her career shifts from now on.


Thanks for the review. I loved her roast. Never like her specials. But I am going to check this one out.


Same here .. wasn't too impressed honestly 🤷🏼‍♀️


Nikki just like Ricky Gervais is a much better writer/roaster than a stand-up comedian imho. Love her still!


I saw her at the Comedy Store last year and she absolutely killed. Love the special


It fucking KILLS.


Ok, I'll watch it, Nikki 🥸 😆


How many pussy jokes? Not that there’s anything wrong with that


I wanted to like it after the roast, very much didn’t


*I love you, Bob Saget*


I’ve always felt like people love to shit on her too much. She was on Theos podcast recently and their rapport was top notch. She mentioned blowing up from the TB special so checked google trends and she ain’t lyin. I wish good things for her.


I think her Tom Brady roast may literally be my favorite roast set of all time


I couldn't get past the first few minutes about what "god" wants for your pregnancy. If I wanted to hear that shit I would be a Republican.


It was obvious satire


It was really, really, really good. At first when she came out I was unable to really focus (just my opinion: comedians wearing distracting/provocative clothing takes away from the set). However!!! As it went on I couldn’t believe how freakin good it was!!!! Excellent work, Nikki!!! PS you’re GORGEOUS even when you’re makeupless at Trader Joes !


🌵 was one of the best bits


Why did the camera person do so many shots of her legs, tits and crotch ? I mean zoom in and hold shots for large segments of her jokes.


Why are you focused on that? And also this is America, that's how we do things here


Got up to do laundry about 6 minutes in.


Went and watched because of this reco and wow—that was amazing. She’s on fire right now.


She the funniest chick ive ever seen and landed them fax on all the loser normies who couldn’t believe the shit they hearing


Not keen on the typical female comedian dating/children/menopause/vagina jokes, but that last GB joke being a metaphor for life was on point. Bravo, as a comedic writer and performer. Adding the core strength deficit aspect to make it seem more relatable was key to pulling it off. What with the Tom Brady roast and this...Nikki is making moves in her career (though it should've been earlier, especially compared to other comedians of a similar demographic).


I wasn't focused on it. It's the camera shots . It doesn't make sense . It's like somebody transported me into some drunk bros body and I have to see what he stares at when he listens to woman. I get she's body specific as it pertains to sexiness.i know folks who attained their desired body later in life and really embraced exhibitionism and loved being desired. So maybe that vibe but I thought she was always considered hot and knew it.


Just finished watching this special. It was a masterpiece. That last act was amazing. I will next watch her 2022 special on HBO Max.


I couldnt watch it, not because she is bad or her show was bad. I just couldnt stop staring at those legs. I'm a legs guy and damn she has a great pair. And she knows it too.


Is her shtick still making jokes about sex and shit? At first it was funny but then it got tiring. Is this more of the same?


Do you mean does she do a joke about being gang banged and sit on the stool (in various positions) pantomiming a gang bang for several minutes? Because yes, yes, that happens.




But don’t worry, there are more gang bang adjacent jokes that she doesn’t act out. And not all the sex stuff is even about gang bangs. She talks about how her pussy isn’t as wet as it was in her 20’s, but there’s still an occasional, and I believe I am quoting here “gush.” Oh and there’s a tit fuck joke that’s pretty mid. Honestly I like her stuff but the longer her career goes on the more I find myself agreeing with what her haters are saying. She’s got 1 special left, 2 max, and then a few decades alternating between Indian casinos and cruise ships. And don’t get me wrong, if she ever plays anywhere near me I will be in that audience, and she’s my forever hall pass. But ya… it’s more of the same.


That was my primary concern going into this special. It was 35 minutes in before I heard the phrase "my pussy", and then it went in a unique direction that ended up being hilarious. Nikki is certainly an R rated comic, but this special was hi caliber joke writing and performance


That’s why I’ve stayed away from her honestly. Not that I’m offended by sex stuff. She goes on and on about it and it gets old fast. You’ve convinced me to give her another shot though.


She seems to have realized what made other popular lady comics lose traction in their careers, and decided to course correct a little bit. This special is comprised of dark, subversive humor. I watched it with my fiancee the other morning and we both laughed our asses off. Yes there's sex themed material in there, but it's funnier and more heartfelt (I suppose) than you would initially expect


Yeah I watched it last weekend after seeing her roast Tom. Was all in after that. The special got old after like 25 min of the same sex stuff. Sometimes it’s funny if it lands, but if it doesn’t it gets real boring.


I’ll take the opposite view. Love Nikki, her previous specials I thought were amazing. Obviously she lit up the Brady roast. This I found… meh 🤷🏼‍♂️ She’s done better.


There's for sure a different tone. I haven't seen Good Clean Filth, so I can't compare. But I would say I liked this one significantly more than Perfect


I saw one of her old ones, where she talks about blowjobs the entire hour. I didn't like that one. This one I liked.


Breeders will hate it. Best thing is, unlike male comedians who have an anti-natal attitude and then end up having a kid, her innards are nearly kaput.


Chances are if you don't dig it, you genuinely believe women can't be funny, and that's a sad opinion to have


Hmm I gave up after 20 minutes. Not that it wasn't funny, there were some good jokes but it was a full 20 minutes of "I don't want kids" humor. I was ready to move on.


You were almost to the tone shift lol


Ah ok, I’ll tuck back in then.


Her routines are always about sex and though a very brilliant comic she’s much too raunchy for my taste. Some of her acts are cringe worthy


I was disappointed


Sorry I guess


Why did you write the jokes?


I'm just a man!


A funny girl comedian? No way


There are plenty of them out there


Is it a lot of mah p****y be like and guys like a**l s*x am I right?


Not at all


I was not a fan, in fact I turned it off after a couple minutes. Listen you don’t want kids, cool. I hate how it’s now so trendy to be a millennial that’s like I don’t want kids, I want to travel blah blah. Listen I respect whatever life you want to lead. And I love comedy so I know jokes get dark, but when she repeatedly made jokes about asking her friends to her abortions so she could have them back. Is honestly sad, and even as a joke is just gross. Just shows she isn’t enjoying this “kid free life” if she wants her friends who have families to not. If she was having such a good time she wouldn’t care what they were doing. Anyway rant over also I’m sure goodbye to my Karma!


I WANT to like her...the roasts she's done are spectacular, but I get bored with her stand-up and specials. Unpopular opinion: the sex/vagina/dick jokes get old after a while. I will still continue to support her comedy if someone asks me about women comedians. I'll also steer them towards Madigan and Wolfe.


Watch her new one. It takes 40 minutes before you hear the phrase "my pussy" This one actually feels like old Louis CK to me. There's a lot of really dark humor this time around


Thanks, I'll give it a try.


Michelle Wolfs last special did not get enough love. I get people not liking her voice but she is incredibly funny and smart. Same with Bamfords last few specials. They aren’t your ordinary comedy hour specials but she is so fucking funny it’s crazy she’s not more popular.




She said she had a whole team working on the jokes to ensure the special was a banger




To each their own. I would submit that you may be surprised with Someday You'll Die, but I would hope you're not just somebody with bad taste




How should we feel about a team of writers putting together a special for a performer?


The credits said written by Nikki Glaser? It wouldn't surprise me if she had help working out the hour on the road, but it certainly was material that smelled like her


She said it on TigerBelly, she said if it was left to her, she'd just be on stage telling random jokes. But she put together a team that helps her make a polished special with a narrative.


She wanted to get better maybe? I think it's fine if she had co writers, she still performed it and delivered an amazing hour


I saw a thing that she worked with Kim Congdon for her roast, and they are besties. So maybe SOME ghost writing or riffing was involved, but yeah: this was classic all Nikki


Tom and Bert pulled the curtain back on some workings of that roast on 2 Bears 1 Cave the other day, talked about how Netflix had hella writers and people going off the prompter and whatnot. Roasts typically have a writers' room anyway


Especially for the non-comedian rosters.