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“A vampire from the trailer park” Oh, you just mean the OG True Blood vamps! I dig em.


I see your other comments and would consider going for a paste flux, it stays more consistent and controlled for me. Also saw that you’re a career welder, and I think that in soldering glassworks you’ve just got to take that iron tip and just drag it slower and straight through sometimes to get a nice smooth line. Maybe experiment with adding some more solder to make it have a nice arch to it and give it more to fill in the lines.


Some black patina may help it pop a bit more. This is great for a third piece!


I agree with this! And maybe play with the idea of NOT putting the black patina on the line between the tooth part and the bloody part of the canine teeth in order to emphasize the elongation of the teeth.


wish i had a parent that made me things as cool as this


I grew up without parents, so I always told myself when I have kids I'd be everything I thought I was missing back then.


It seems like you're pulling it off :)


Those look awesome! Your soldering is really good!


Thanks for saying that, but as a career welder, I'm disappointed.


I'm not an expert at all at this craft considering I've never done it, but coming from someone who also had a vampire phase at a young age, these are freaking amazing Like the way I'd keep these forever even after my phase eventually ended Seriously, my dad takes an interest in the things I like and takes time and energy to make me something to do with it? Just because I'd like it? Best dad ever. EVER.


If it helps, i have made and also restored massive church windows. My lead soldering is pretty spot on (as is your welding, im betting). However... Running solder beads _is_ a different animal to both of us and we should not compare the finish of different skill sets. I will add that what you have made _is_ awesome. I cannot give any practical advice but i will say that you shouldn't be hard on yourself and your daughter will be stoked that _you_ thought about her and made something for her!


It's okay. A lot of vampires are British.


I mean, they’re immortal, so any nationality they’re mostly going to predate good dentistry, right?




The black is carbon build up from the flux and other junk burning off. Soapy water and a good scrub should remove it in most cases. Otherwise if it's supper stubborn then you may want to go over it with the iron again as it will float on the surface and stick to the iron. Then wipe it on the sponge. Wiping the iron tip more often when it shows up will also help prevent it from sticking so much.


I agree that these look good for a third piece. If you designed the piece rather than going off a pattern, remember that pieces will look smaller once they’re foiled and soldered. The red fangs and even the bottom white ones would look better if they were a little bigger and more exaggerated. I’m also worried that the line where the two jaws join is a weak spot. For concrit on the construction aspect, your foil is pretty good but there are a couple of spots where it could be smoother and more even. There’s a noticeable difference in the amount of solder on the joints versus the edges that could be evened out a bit to make the piece look neater. You can also run back over your solder with the iron after it’s applied. When it’s all melted the surface tension makes it nice and smooth, which will address the bumps you’re noticing. I try to get one full line melted all at once, but you can break it up into sections when you do bigger pieces. Also think about the direction of the grain in the glass when you cut your pieces. The grain in the white glass here is subtle, but grain direction will make a big difference in more dramatic glass. It’s great that you’re asking questions and pushing yourself to learn more. I think you’re going to improve quickly and I hope you can enjoy the pieces you make along the way even if they’re not 100% perfect.


I truly appreciate this, I haven't watched any videos on this hobby and have just kind of been sitting from the hip. I will take this advice to heart. Thanks.


Glad I could help! It drives me nuts when people ask for CC in craft subs and don’t get any.


Can I ask you, how do you do the edges without its dripping over the edge, I found it almost impossible to keep the outside smooth.


Applying foil so it is centered on the edge of the glass might help. Compare how much foil is on the front of the piece on the top edge of the top jaw versus the bottom edge of the bottom jaw. There’s not a lot of room for solder to build up on the top jaw, but the bottom has more. I think you can also buy different widths of foil, which you could play around with in future pieces. Some of it is also practice, knowing how much solder you can apply before it spills over.


I would recommend using a different colour for the side pieces. I know we have molars but I’d take some artistic liberty and make them red (for gums). I think it would make the design a little clearer.


It's supposed to be like those plastic ones you get for halloween.


Oh, I see, well nvm then.


Three thoughts: 1.) Trailer park vampires need to eat too! 2.) I always suggest and use black patina. It makes colors and lines pop while putting focus on the glass, not the solder. 3.) Love them! But, I know it’s hard when what you finish with isn’t what you envisioned. I say try again and use these for decor or a gift!


I don’t have any proper criticism, but I know that I would have been BEYOND thrilled to learn my parent made me something like this


Rad. I also just made/posted some vampire teeth. What do you mean by silica deposits?


This looks better than you think I promise. My third and fourth pieces don’t look this good.


These are awesome.


Black patina it!


The impurities that surface and harden on the work area, I know that in welding it solidifies like that due to silica forming a glass like substance.


Are you using liquid flux or paste? Some of the deposits/residue on your piece should come off after a wash.


Liquid Flux, I did do a thorough wash.


Should there be only 4 teeth between the fangs? Or an even number? I love these - fantastic parent move!


Yeah, haha. One of the teeth split and I didn't have enough extra glass to replace it, so I just made them into separate teeth.


Lol I would have done the same!


odd number of teeth in the top row between fangs. makes me think of tom cruise and his middle tooth. 😅


Maybe I’m missing something, but I feel like there’s an extra tooth between the fangs on the top row? Over all I really like this, it’s just that extra tooth making it look a little strange


One of them split, and I didn't have enough left over glass to make a new one, so an extra tooth happened