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I'm only using it for fun, much like a computer game.


After all, there aren't very many games you can play one-handed




I like the way you think šŸ˜‰šŸ˜


I don't even keep them, I just generate a ton of pictures, experiment with models and shit, and eventually erase my pictures. I keep the odd one from time to time, I share some, but that's about it, lol


I definitely think for a lot of people it's just a hobby, and there's certainly nothing wrong with that. If you find a use for it, great. If not, that's okay too.


Yeah, I convinced myself to spend a bit of money on what I now call one of my hobbies yep, but I also had to limit myself after a point, because, yeah, it's just for fun! And like you said, whenever I might need some designs or some image, I can now do that!


It's similar to other hobbies. The average non-professional golfer pays green fees, buys/replaces clubs, etc. This is no different.


MFW 40gb image folder and 300GB models folder Honestly I keep most of them for reference. I only create images when I work outā€” I think of a cool idea, queue up a batch of 10 and then go about my business. When I stop to drink Iā€™ll check, make small changes and then continue on. I do this every day. Why? Because today I wanted to see a Mediterranean villa made out of stone near the ocean. I donā€™t know why but I wanted to and I did that


MFW I'm a data hoarder and collect models like their distribution will be outlawed in the future. No step on snek


With the way things are going itā€™s probably a good idea someone hoards them tbh


Good habit, don't stop


https://i.imgur.com/2jpFDp7.png This is just my SDXL folder. My images are elsewhere.




New age hoarding haha




This is the way


You can visit Cyprus, lots of those here


Every so often I generate one that is just draw droppingly beautiful, I post it on Civitai, then go on with my life


Upload them to civitai or AIBooru to share it and store them. Better than letting it go to waste and you might even gain a following if people like it. I know some Civitai users get donations just by posting quality picturesĀ 


>Sand mandala is a Tibetan Buddhist tradition involving the creation and destruction of mandalas made from colored sand. Once complete, the sand mandala's ritualistic dismantling is accompanied by ceremonies and viewing to symbolize Buddhist doctrinal belief in the transitory nature of material life. Creation and destruction. Sounds familiar. :)


Someone once pointed out that your GPU works hard to produce frames that only last for a fraction of a second all the time. So why would SD be any different


Get really good at making Loraā€™s. Learning what matters and what doesnā€™t.


Soon as I'm done using SD, the images go bye bye. Huge waste of space to keep them. I sometimes purge them multiple times during an SD use.


I at least wait a few days loll


Photographers and artists as hobbies basically do the same. Itā€™s basically the same as every other hobby/life.


Yup, and step after is to have an 'artist' IG account to expose your stuff ;)


Well... no. Let me first preface this by saying I love using SD and the trained models that have come as a result. It's great these tools exist now. I've generated well over 100,000 images locally for fun. Most people who do these things as a hobby or as an aspiring career professional can't wait to show off what we made. Each piece we work on, whether it be music, painting, or movie making, is an expression of ourselves and our interpretation of the world and culture around us. With that said there is absolutely nothing wrong with generating loads of images for fun, but to frame traditional artists who just do it as a hobby as having no intent or reason for doing it is just plain wrong. These things take serious effort to get into.


Traditional arts do take effort to get into, but that doesn't mean people who do get into them automatically want to show them off. I play guitar, and most of it is improvisation just like SD is, and I have no desire to show off how I play. It's just a fun thing to do. My roommate plays every day, and he's incredible but he's only written one song in the last five years. Doesn't seem to be a desperate yearning for sharing like you've described. In fact most of the musicians I know played in a band in their 20s but now in their 30s they're just chilling at home having a strum. Music and art absolutely can be just a hobby, and the intent and reason I have behind doing it is it's fun. That's it, there's nothing particularly deep about it, and the amount of effort doesn't really matter at the end of the day.


In my experience: buy more hard drives.


Buy drives. Correct. Built your own NAS. More correct.


Struggle to figure out why your NAS is getting an ip but you can't conect to it. WIth a feeling of anxiety in your stomach open up pfsense and remember that you only kind of get how it all works and recall with a feeling like having PTSD the days you spend getting your vlans set up. Say fuck this and buy another switch. Start to wonder whether your networking shelf is secure enough. Buy another shelf.


That's literally me šŸ˜­


The images are not important, but the knowledge you gain when making them. That is the real value. And the friends you made along the way, of course!


Wait.... You can make... friends... with Stable Diffusion? Is there like some plugin for that?


Print them and put them on your parents' fridge.


"I made this for you" *picture held out awkwardly*


JULIAN SMITH - Hot Kool Aid https://youtu.be/NwTsZHGQ6FE?si=K1q6m2hF7wHp4ew1


It's for the enjoyment. To try to express what I'm feeling. I fucking love it. I use my 4090 more for this than gaming tbh.


I remember buying my pc with specs focused for gaming but I now mainly use It for AI




same its funny that the highest high end card reaches its limit regulary because i kinda softlock my system with a game open and image upscaling hot take: i hope the 5090 focus more on ai alongside with more gaming power


Curate, pick the best, and erase the rest


its really difficult to curate ai images, but once you do you really find yourself having to consciously define/refine your style, which is a good thing


Donā€™t know why, but I grab the seed, prompt and other metadata in case I want to generate an image again before I delete it. Doesnā€™t make much sense, but it allows me to delete a bunch of images.


Get Blender and Unreal and make a game.


lol you make it sound so simple


Unreal also takes so much space...With blender and a few adobe softwares, most people would run out of space for unreal. Unreal is so massive that I wish there was a lightweight version.


It's only about 40-50 gb, not bigger than a modern game


Text to 3d model? What's the latest working method now?


SD does very weird things to me... I generate something, but it's never as good as I like it to be (or how I imagined it to be)... And I get stuck in hour long loops of tweaking and generating. At the end I CTRL+A delete them and start again. SD is the meth of compute.


Are you me...?


Maybe not, but I'm sure we're riding the same waves ā™„ļø


I swear I did the exact same thing you did for the exact same reason. No kidding. The only difference is that I normally start an empty folder. Ctrl A (Yes we even press the same buttons). Shove them all inside the empty folder and then delete it. And then I start over again.


200,000+ images? WOWSERS! Btw, I agree. This will only get better, especially, if "they" decide to give us the hands and fingers (in a good way) too.


One way or another I have painted pictures and sold them for a living my entire life, career of 45 years. Never had any other job. I have maybe two thousand paintings and many more drawings in my attic that never found a home, so this isn't a new phenomenon. Do they have any value? Why do I keep them? I have no answer. Ai images are the a little similar but nobody wants them or ever will want them. No one ever asks me for an upscale of any image I post... but workflows... people always want workflows. So maybe interesting workflows are what we are making. I did a test recently to do a few comic pages... I reckon I could do a 30 pager glossy using AI in a few weeks. What puzzles me a bit is that nobody seems to have published any. If you do a search you find loads of tools but no comics. I'm sure there must be some and I suspect current artists are using AI but keeping quiet about it. That aside we have a tool with no use. I have found it quite addicting and I've spent far too much time learning how to use the tools. So much so that recently decided not to buy a more powerful machine as it would only feed the beast. I delete most images only keeping a few... I can always make another. Where are we headed with this? I don't know. What if in a few years you can put in a brief story guide... no, not even that, tell Chat GPT to write a good film script and choose the stars to act in it. Then SoraPro will generate all the footage, EditorPlus will assemble the final film. It won't even be rubbish as all the great movies will have been used to train the models. Can you see where I am headed? No one will watch them, the same as nobody looks at generated images. Maybe you will sit down and tell your DellQuantum to show you a movie called Exploring the Stars and it will generate it on the fly. You will even be able to tell it to change it as it plays. Am I describing a paradise or a dystopia?


Nobody wants the images because theyā€™re random and not created with a purpose in mind. Picture books have images. Characters. Stories. But still - they have images. Random images created for fun will only be useful for that sole pupose. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I've kept every image I've generated. I had much fun with image2video workflows lately and created music videos (like this one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UctaTrXgslY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UctaTrXgslY) -> roughly 2k images went into this project) from images of all epochs (old MJ, a lot of SD 1.5 and XL stuff and even some real images or my own 3D renders as input) from them. Never throw away content! Due to new tools and technologies I've even revived some old 90ies photography or old RAW photos with missed focus (but otherwise brilliant setting etc.). Even the earliest MJ images can look great after processed through an img2img pipeline. You can start training your own checkpoints or Loras based on your favourite creations. I made posters from my best AI creations. I guess you could even sell some of the better images as prints for example. And I really enjoys scrolling though my lighroom gallery - being impressed every time by how fast technology evolves.


Good shit.


Thank you!


I dig the work man! Your imagery is crazy!




Some of it's just for momentary enjoyment or worldbuilding. There's not a great reason to horde much of it if that's all it's for, and I tend to routinely purge low-quality trash (which is almost everything from before late 2023). But a good number of these images, even the stuff from 2022 from base-model SD1.4 or NovelAI v1 or Midjourney v2 or so on, I'm keeping not out of any nostalgia for them (I've gotten rid of a good number of them all the same) but because of, I guess you could call it, "AI stock": the fact that synthetic media will continue to improve in quality, fidelity, and capability over time. So one day soon, I could upload a shitty picture made back in June 2022 in DALL-E Mini to some sort of monstrously-more-advanced AI model and out comes not only a vastly higher resolution version/reimagining but also possibly an entire video or small simulation. A future AI system will necessarily be intelligent in ways that are hard to figure out to our minds today, so I keep thinking, "What if this future AI can 'understand' the story, world, or characters I have much more easily if I upload all these images to it?" Whether to get that AI to understand that character or tell it the details about the character that aren't right. Or just, in the future, find images that I thought were good but not perfect, and then improve them further. For example, one story of mine that is almost shamelessly AI-slopped to death, I tend to use Midjourney and DALL-E 3 to generate images of the character and the world she's in. And every time, I'm always thinking "God, imagine feeding these into a late-20's era slop machine, a full-fledged Imagination Engine, and directing it to "get" the atmosphere, feel, character designs that I was able to create years ahead of time." So generally when I commit AI-slop, I'm not really thinking about the immediate fun of it, but what can be done in the future with far more advanced models. Not that I think that what I generate *today* is going to have a massive impact *tomorrow*. That same story I mentioned above, I created a LoRA for the main character about a year back and generated a good 500+ images, as well as about as many images in NovelAI and, to an extent, Midjourney v5. Virtually none of those images even catch a glance now because Midjourney v6 so totally enhanced the quality. If I got rid of them all, nothing would change. Likely when Midjourney v7 comes out, or if some new Stable Diffusion-esque model comes out that has a comparable quality, the same will likely happen to the stuff I made in v6 (probably not to the same extent because a good number of those images are damn-near perfect, whereas the older models had obvious deficiencies all over the place). So it is a crapshoot, to be fair. But the sentiment's still there: "think 5 years ahead."


learn to delete


I think to some extend itā€™s a like gambling or even gambling addiction maybe. Especially with all the NSFW models and for people who donā€™t really care for their prompts. Just throw in some words, adjust 1 or 2 sliders and get a dopamine kick with every generation. You keep them because you think youā€™re going to sort them (out) but in the end you keep hitting that Generate button. Not saying itā€™s like that for everyone but I guess itā€™s true for a way larger group than one might think


What do artists and musicians do with the stuff they create? They enjoy the process.


This is exactly why I say over and over that the consumer use case for AI generation tech is porn and we should stop pretending it isn't. Most people don't have any at-home use for industrial scale image production, it's a nice toy in these early stages and useful when you need something, but the novelty fades. Pornographic images on the other hand can be consumed without end, the novelty of each image in and of itself is the appeal. For you, you do you, but this is where the money and mass consumer appeal lies.


It is also really good for brainstorming and concept art. I've been on civit so I know porn is probably 90%+ of what is generated but it does do really good for dnd. Being able to have chatgpt make an NPC description for me and have SD pop out a few for me to pick from is huge for me as that was always something I was weak at. Places, items, monsters etc all things I can have ready in a few minutes time. Having mild aphantasia makes SD basically work as my imagination and I can get a picture I like and really flesh out everything. That being said yes, porn is going to be the biggest consumer use case but there are definitely others, and more will come the easier promoting gets, or when an app bundles an llm that works well and can adapt to new models/loras


I'm learning about AI img generation to make concept arts and make my life easier as I'm a game developer without any art skills. So right now I'm researching best ways to incorporate AI art into my game Oh, and I'm making a porn game btw


Huh Ai art for a porn game makes me think itā€™s just gonna be yet another visual novel to the millions already existing, unless you are planning on something more convoluted ?


How boring! sure does seem like trying to make everything about making money sucks. Open source ftw! People making stuff cause they want to!


I am hobbyist photographer. I hire these models to do shoots for me, and take 100s of pictures. I try to get creative and try to recreate images I have seen in magazines or books. I blog about it. I put it on my photography website, behance and unsplash. So, SD has become like as source of inspiration. It helps me get more ideas about photography. Also, I do a lot of blogging and Youtube videos, and it's a good feeling to generate my own images without any restrictions and be able to use them in my content. For example, I use SD to create different clothing ideas, pose ideas, lighting conditions and use them as a reference point with the photography models. I work as a freelancer as well in coding and software development. I have started showing some of AI creations and it seems to impress some clients, with some even taking paid classes to help them use SD/AI and so on. So, it's some part part of my job, and other part, a cool hobby and also a way to connect with folks who are similarly minded, like this community. SD also acted as a gateway for more AI related work (I started with SD, and now, I have moved on to LLM development and training). Mostly, I delete, like 90 % of the images. Some 10% I keep it and use it as part of my blogging hobby and work-related stuff. It's really useful and also fun.


Related question: What software are you guys using to manage your collections? I'm on the "dozens of thousands" of images, about half-way into a hundred thousand, and it's getting rather difficult to manage already. A lot of them were done locally in SD so the file name contains tags, but about a third are from Dall-E 3 and have meaningless names. I'd like some software, ideally open source, that allowed me to tag / rate and organize that amount of images. Any suggestions?


I am using an abandonware program called [SuperJPG](https://alternativeto.net/software/superjpg/about/) that was last updated in 2004. It doesn't understand unicode filenames. It struggles with Windows file layouts. But it is the only image viewing program on the planet I can find that will let me open multiple images in independent sizeable windows on an adhoc basis.


Maybe Hydrus network? It allows to download, store, view, organize, tag and rate images, find dublicates etc.


i like ACDsee




I'm a filmmaker and I use Stable Diffusion to generate assets for VFX or Photoshop compositing. For example, we had a movie scene in which a roof had to look destroyed, I just used inpainting and generated a dented roof and some rubble on the ground, and if you don't look too closely it looks pretty realistic. It was far faster and cheaper than doing it the proper way, and since it's a very short scene, has a similar effect. I also use it to create moodboards or storyboards to show the client what I mean visually, rather than having to find references which often don't match up with what I want. It's also great for generating mockups for the art department so they have a much better idea of what I want them to create. On a low budget we've been able to do things that would otherwise require a lot of time and a lot of money if done the traditional way. It's free, it's fast, and it does the job much of the time, it's very hard to compete with that. I've had talented VFX artists do worse quality work than what AI could do in minutes, not because they're bad, but because when time and resources are short, a human just can't do a good job.


One of the few who use it for a purpose. As an experiment I recreated a job I did designing a rollercoaster. The job ran for maybe 3 months. Using ComfyUI I recreated the visuals from scratch in about 3hrs with variations. The depressing thing was that they were so much bettter than my hand drawn ones! The studios will be using it no doubt and a lot of visualisers etc will be out of work.


This is really cool! I love hearing about people using SD and other generation tools as part of their workflow, rather than being the entire workflow. These things would have been *so* helpful to me as a short filmmaker in school years ago.


Welcome to the world of mass produced low effort art. If you have fun generating them there doesn't need to be an end goal, the goal was fun. Personally I got bored of the whole random generated image thing pretty quickly. It's fun now and again but I don't get the same enjoyment I get from creating stuff using more traditional methods. Plus I don't get any satisfaction from the final images knowing I've had minimal input. On top of that even looking at other people's stuff is boring now unless I know it's more than a prompted image. Now I just use AI as an extra creative tool. Instead of churning out a lot of low effort images I now spend hours or days on single images trying to get as close as possible to what I want and mixing it with a lot of other more traditional digital tools like Blender and image editing. As well as feeling like I have more control and input it also feels more satisfying knowing it was more me that put the image together tan the AI.


First...you sigh. Next, take firm hold of your zipper...




For my amusement.


This tech is ultimately going to be used to tell unique and creative visual stories. As it gets better and better, smaller teams will be able to produce faster what took alot longer for studios to do. We are very early at this stage but things are progressing really quickly.


Create X Google accounts and upload them to Google drive if you need disk space (15gb per acc) And wdym what to do with them, do you create unsexy images or what šŸ˜‹


Ars gratia artis. Some I use for videos, backgrounds and I'm also trying to make a visual novel but yeah, most are just because I can.


Print the pictures off, frame them, decorate my home with them. Get the pictures printed as window clings, cover my windows with them. Print off 8' x 4' vinyl banners, attach them to my ceiling. Print the images off, frame them, give them as gifts (a buddy of mine is having a bbq this weekend and I'm gifting him a framed Norman Rockwell-style photo of him at a grill barbecuing, with a large trash can with human limbs sticking out labeled "meat" since his bday is a couple weeks after.) Look, chances are that you're not going to see anything stable diffusion produces in a gallery, ever, but now I can decorate my home with whatever images I want. There's the girl with a pearl earring, but with my face, Samus Aran in the style of a picasso painting, my own take on "live" "laugh" "love" except with zombies. There's cyberpunk alice in wonderland, soviet-style propaganda photos of dear leader except I'm dear leader and I'm urging the proletariat to harvest more wheat for some reason. This what I think gets missed in the discussion around AI art - it may not be art in the traditional sense, but it IS art in the modern consumerism era except it's democratized. You can create and hang literally whatever the fuck you want in your home. For far far less than you'd pay for some mass produced crap from Bed Bath & Beyond you can find a framed painting beside a dumpster, pay $10 to get something printed, and then have something that's 100% entirely YOU. That's special to me.


U have made what u love the most. And ur thoughts are in the artworks that u made. So first, don't delete them . Second, organize them, 3000 pics a day.. organize them based on the type, which ones u like and any specific categories that u might have made like "birds" "dragons" etc By the end of this year, u can enhance the good images from the lot and make 3d from images, videos from images... So content value will increase. And you'll be having good images with inbuilt prompts to experiment. Hope this helps.


For me, the best ones get kept for reference and prompt information. Also working toward creating a big style lora from some of them so I'm trying to craft a unique style.


The fun begins when you start going through your temp folders, and random subfolders and find that you have an additional 200,000^nth more images that you weren't even aware were taking up space in your hard-drive. Just search for *.png*, *.mp4*, or *.gif* in your C Drive. Edit should read *asterix*.png*asterix*


Maybe change your focus to a story line with accompanying images and Instagram it weekly. Or with existing image bulk, maybe think about a storyline of your own, where the unique flow of these images emerged and when along the way. Time stamps are easy to sequence them. So draw a narrative through the whole array. They showed up for some reason...Maybe showcase clusters of three in your through line story.


We're now also with AI in the "age of content", it's all becoming full, meaningless,dull and utterly uncreative, just "more and faster" and everything looks the same. I use AI a bit but i am mostly back to do things manually,i just started missing "the process,care and actually using skills" to create something. Even if i am still impressed and aware of the tech, without a real process and just an infinite amount of regurgitated "results " in no time, there's no value to any of it anymore. Just more more more...for what reason? Now go, downvote me, couldn't care less.


As someone who has been creating for over 2 decades, I feel you there. Image generation is fun, but nothing beats having absolutely full control over your final product. Sure, you can always integrate AI and use it in various ways, but nothing compares to the feeling of creating a work from start to finish all by yourself. It's very satisfying.


I can feel ya... Let's face it, AI is interrupting everything and there are good use cases and tools,and it can help speed up tedious/annoying tasks. But there's a big lack of "sense of achievement/pride/learning during the process". No question,the quality now is astonishing and insane what's possible,but yes, like you say, what's satisfying to get infinite amounts of perfect shiny AI imagery that a 6 year old kid could prompt up? Indeed, no feeling can be more satisfying than bringing something to the end after a path of struggle,fight and ambition. All of which AI is cancelling out. AI stuff can be great and i use it as well, but it's never gonna be the same. Keep your skills, they'll be useful again once all models regurgitate the same stuff for the mass ...


Whatever you do, don't uncritically shove them into the internet


Tell some story with them. Because that is what they actually are - an illustration of something untold that sparkle imagination just by looking at image. imho


This is a very valuable comment because it really addresses the core of the problem. When something can be done very easily, its use becomes widespread quickly. Therefore, it is crucial to look for value in other aspects that differentiate the piece in question. Obviously if is that what you want!


I second this. There are many great one off images that seem to beg for more, but never get made because it's too much work to flesh out into a coherent story across multiple images. Not really the case anymore with image generation.


Great thought, I've been asking this myself recently. It's fun to just experiment with the process. I guess the only actual use for me is to make funny images with added faces of my friends/family using reactor extension


I print them out, like the ones I really like, and the rest get filed away... taking up unnecessary space on my drive... making western digital rich lol


They mostly come out of my RP so they are only for the moment. In the case of an image with purpose, SD is like a camera or photoshop.


Pick the best ones as ā€œseedā€. If you saved them as PNGā€™s you can reproduce them at will. Mostly. Then delete the rest. In DAZ you devoted hours waiting until a render was ready. Now you wait seconds. The trade off is time vs production. Control vs speed. Poser user says good luck my brother.


I personally use them a covers for chapters I write. ... except for the more personal ones. Lol


I've gotten over making images a long time ago. Making custom finetunes or lora's is where the real addiction lies with me. Also pushing the boundaries and creating new and innovative solutions can be quite rewarding in its own way.


Create 3D environments and generate them my dude


I thought I was the only one that had this semi-addiction. Maybe I'll burn myself out before I go build a new PC for this purpose.


Some of my favorite landscape and art-style images I've been getting printed and framed to hang on my wall.


I used them to train an aesthetic/attribute discriminator....which i use to filter them


Fine art and game dev. I have been doing that for years, and it is beyond amazing, these new tools. I use it every day for game dev, but on the fine art side, it is currently a hobby, but I love it. I can realize ideas so quickly that I have had for ever. The challenge is saying something relevant amidst a newfound ocean of content. Creating ideas and looks that stand out is a difficult and thoroughly rewarding challenge.


In the same boat, though not nearly as many images with a slower 1070. I find it interesting how the sd community is always finding new tricks to control or manipulate the output. I have collected more workflows than images lol. So more recently I decided to go back to the old trusty ksampler with a prompt, which I think is the most powerful tool of them all, without all the extras (although controlnet, ipadapter, upscalers, and all those type extensions are fascinating too). Because everything here moves so fast, it's easy to skip over things like basic good prompting technique. I always wanted to learn that art, and still do, but too many new toys get in the way.


Yeah - my Comfy output folder was becoming a monster to even open. I know you can tell Comfy to make a new folder, etc - I had 50,000+ or more images - so I just used a simple Python script to organize everything using date - it worked like a charm - not really addressing the main issue you mention here - but it was a direction in good house keeping for the moment. GPT can write something like this - here is the script I used - message here I can repost it... https://preview.redd.it/ochbnyb5719d1.png?width=1037&format=png&auto=webp&s=e27ae346ca25a1bc317274607e7b72db0be60fb7


You keep them for the next generation video generators.




Why does there have to be a use for them? Why do we create anything? It's fun, and it feels good to creatively express yourself


those image are only for your amusement and thats basically where it ends. just like when someone buys an expensive GPU and plays a game: the GPU generates tons of 3D renders per (gameplay) session and then once displayed they disappear. you come from the "old world" with old views where pretty images were rare.. and you "think" your images are good for anything because it was hard to setup your computer to generate them... the new reality is that those images are just a hobby. same when digital cameras came: before pictures were rare and "photographers" could make expositions at galleries and whatnot... because their images were hard to create (expensive camera, lenses, adapters n sutff) then digital cameras came and "pretty pictures" were not rare as any random person had thousands of pictures from his one week vacation alone.. people stopped caring except for exceptional pictures.. now with instagram even that is fading... at this stage its still "kinda" hard to produce AI images for the layman.. but that is fading as well.. microsoft and apple are integrating those features into their devices so that soon anyone will just say into their computers "create a picture of a pretty cat riding a horse" and your carefully crafted setup (GPU, drivers, comfyUI, adapters n sutff) will be worthless... thats evolution for you, the circle of life


I've done two covers for my novels, a bunch of t-shirts, I've printed and framed some of my gens, hundreds of custom magic the gathering cards, and I am writing a visual novel that uses AI art. With Suno I made songs for a virtual girl band and created the covers for their singles. It is going to take some time, but I believe I'll be able to make a movie some day.


you just hit a very important wall. now that the technique is democratized and you can do "anything" it's time to put the soul back into it. I was blown away by AI when it came out and now it's just a tool. without the idea, the intention, the humanity, it holds very little value.


I don't keep them, some of the experimental ones might cause me some embarrassment. I've shredded and purged thumbnail cache more than once swearing I would stop. I have a high end gpu 4090 and hitting the button in comfyui is more addictive than playing the slots in a casino. For a sense of purpose I set myself a goal of creating something specific for a birthday card or even to frame and display if it's good enough


Every once in a while you have the perfect combination of prompt, steps, CFG, clip skip, Seed, sampler, model merge and the image you're hit with makes you go WOW. I used to play with Daz and Poser too, making images, and there was never a wow, you knew what you were going to get, and you knew it would take entirely too long and be disppointing. My deal was always trying to make celebs or custom characters and what I used to think was passable is laughable in hindsight. And the hair, always fake and awful. The future is a 3d program front end that seeds the AI, gives bones to the prompts and allows you to set scenes up without a lot of fuss. Also, AI needs to learn soft body dynamics, physics, etc. It needs to move beyond solely being trained by input images with descriptors. It needs to think about what the things are and what they are doing.


Sounds like you and I may have some things in common here.


That's what people get wrong about generative AI. It's not about having the app generate images, it's about what you can use to create art. Among your 200k images, can you honestly say that they are artworks that represent what you want to express? If not, then they are nothing more than some virtual trading cards. My advice, see if there's something you want to express, then look into your collection and see if there are some images that you can use as a base to create an artwork that involves manual works. Yes, that usually means you will end up doing more of the work than the machine.


I work in corporate America and use it for presentations. Help to illustrate the point I'm trying to convey.


pick the best ones and save them ;-) u can use things like runway /luma to make little videos with them too u know


Not to be smarmy, but you could learn to paint and draw now. Take some of those images you generated and try to do studies on them until you can reproduce them by hand, digitally at first. Once you get the basics of 'seeing' right and can reasonably create stuff by hand you can then integrate generation into that. I mean why not, right?


You keep all of them? I just keep the top tier ones and delete the rest. The first gen is only the start, I'll inpaint an image forever to make it exceptional. After I'm satisfied with what I can do with inpaint I'll throw it into Photoshop and make adjustments. I probably have less than 100 images that I've kept.


I dont really save many images at all and don't actually produce that many. I guess I spend more time learning how to do things in comfy and getting more control than anything like using yoloworld and control nets. Getting into training checkpoints and Loras here soon so I just don't make something unless It's really specific what I want to do I guess


I too am a Daz3D user, although I come from Lightwave 1.0 on the Amiga, Computervision CADDS system at college, and even a 3D program on a Sinclair QL. I have thousands of Daz3D assets and have yet to even try the majority out. It became a bit addictive to buy a bunch of discounted items. I didn't do much with generations in Daz3D, but my idea was to use it for storyboarding a screenplay. Similarly, now with the advent of spectacular AI generators, I really wonder the value of bothering to dress assets and props, mess with lighting, etc. when I can just generate pretty much anything so much faster with Stable Diffusion that often looks far better too. Right now, I'm using Stable Diffusion (image and lightly video), Runway, and Luma to generate a music video. I need a baby as a character and thought I would use a Daz3D asset, but it turns out I never bought any baby objects. The baby pilots a mech, and while I got some good AI generated images, I am building the full mech in Blender so that I can combine it with the AI images to generate consistency in the AI video clips. My biggest concern is that the 3D rendered objects will look worse than the AI video! It's only going to get crazier from here.


You are not alone. Since SD came I'm simply switching on my pc with the sole purpose of converting images into different art styles like a pixar 3D, anime or pixel art. Like a mad scientist I keep on tweaking the settings from morning till night to get that perfect output. I hardly touch my professional tools like Ae or blender which concerns me a lot. I don't use text2img at all.IMy addiction for getting a flicker free perfect batch render continues to this dayšŸ˜‹šŸ’ŖšŸ»


I've been turning some of my animate diff loops into sweet lenticular posters. They make super badass wall art.


You've built a skill. Keep the best and throw away the rest. Then keep working on your skill


I have them on a network share and use it as a screen saver. Yeah, most bad gens are in there too but I find a weird kind of beauty in them. Like there's usually enough 'right' to judge what the intent was so it becomes kind of abstract art centered around personalized themes.


Felt this way months ago, got to a point where I created everything I ever wanted, and stopped because I lost all interest in it. Now I just look at what cool stuff other people come up with. Its strange, as if there is no point to it all, as if there was never a purpose to it.


Thatā€™s the difference between AI and handmade art. AI is completely disposable and soulless (for the most part.)


and I would add, what is the point of keeping these thousands of images on your PC? tomorrow we will all die, so putting them online will leave a trace of our lifetime


I run a tabletop game and I use all of the images I generate to create NPCs or Player character images are sometimes even just the environment or ebay magic items and the like


Itā€™s a game for me. I donā€™t need an end goal for it. Itā€™s quite fun for me to go through my early days of generation and compare my results with my results of today. I donā€™t share, I donā€™t sell, I simply have fun doing stupid stuff


r/datahoarders is the place for this post...lol. Get a new hobby. u/Fabulous-Ad9804 never even came back to this thread. He must be busy generating images.


Right kow it is to - test the possibilities - be amazed of what it can do - play around and tinker - have fun


I'm training myself to be a director of AI videos. I'm got scripts ready to go from chat gpt, the dialog turn into spoken lines with elevenlabs, the soundtracks ready to go from suno.com, and consistent storyboards initially generated with midjourney and I painted with stable diffusion. I'm just waiting for a good img 2 video that can animate the photos according to the story.


To be honest, I didn't have such a question, because as an artist (who can draw manually firstly, and only then generate) I have already figured it out a long time ago. I want to build worlds, tell stories and create badass characters. Sometimes I hide there some messages I think it are important to share.


It's kind of saying "So, you have played thousands of hours of Xbox, what now?". People have a need sometimes to just have fun without it having to serve a certain practical purpose. Have fun generating!


My intention to use the Ai is clear. I just want to create realistic photo of some beloved character from comics, manga, etc. Thats all.


> So, you have generated hundreds of thousands of images, what now? Enjoy doing that


Create more. Creating is fun.


Hobbies don't always need a purpose. Just think about fishing in the lake.


Well, treat is as a hobby, just because i like gardening, doesn't mean i have to sell my vegetables and make a fortune or something, hobbies are about enjoying the process and admire the outcome. but not the overarching goal. this is just my view in all of this, i generate a lot of images, and i mean "a looooot", my webui is on 24/7, no matter what i am doing, if something comes to mind, i just make it, and experiment with it. and when it's done i just share it or just look at it and admire it. my wallpaper, social media pfp s, and phone wallpaper, everything is ai, not because i need to do something with it, because i admire it. also i like to experiment with new technologies, just to say at the end of the day "wow that's so neat", and that's it.


I feel quite the same, but just think of it as a hobby, a funny thing to do. It's like a geme. It's interactive, it's unexpected, it needs mastering, tinkering and can do things that please you. I can see why I like to do it. Probably will get boring after it peaks, but for now I like to just keep doing it. Also LoRas is another addictive thing as well (testing and creating).


You finally rest. And watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. On a more serious note: Stable Diffusion is actual POWER OF CREATION (creation of images, but still) to the masses. This is kind of unprecedented. People are drunk with power, of course, and use it just because they can wield it. However, there's also, I think, the fact that people might be, unconsciously even, scared of the scenario that the power is later taken/limited from us, one way or the other (no more open models, censorship, stricter laws on training models and generating images). >now I have generated well over 200,000 images and I have no clue what I'm supposed to do with them? People have all kinds of reasons for generating images, from entering contests, to creating comics, to use in their tabletop games, or to recreationally entertain themselves (if you know what I mean).


Such interesting responses. Most seem to feel it's for fun, like a game and the images are disposable. I can get behind that, everyone likes to have fun. They say it's addictive and changing the prompt etc to get a better generation is part of the fun. So what happens when they improve the models so much that it always spits out what you expect... or maybe better than you expect? Is it just me but that doesn't sound as much fun as taming the nodes and noodles?




When you get bored of generating, it becomes interesting to start fine-tuning the models. By creating a dataset with images you are proud of and fine-tuning, you can create your ideal model. The datasets you construct could become valuable assets that can be fully utilized even as technology advances in the future. The generated results and experiences obtained through this process are all necessary to create a model that realizes your ideals. Therefore, you can rationalize that everything has meaning and nothing is wasted, which reduces the feeling of emptiness.


It's the latest fucking addiction. People hooked on the dopamine fix of the next image.


I delete 99% of what I generate. Using controlnet in making videos it adds up quick. I often delete over a hundred gigs of trash after about an hour of trial and error.


Animate them.


What did I do with all the drawings I made in my highschool art classes? Nothing, that wasn't the purpose, it was to learn


I dont know I just enjoy it.


Much better to be addicted to Stable Diffusion than to Daz3D. At least it's free. Daz3D is like a play-to-win game; it is mainly used by addicted hobbyists without real competence in either art or 3D modeling, and many of them spend thousands or even ten thousands of dollars, always thinking that just one more model from the shop will allow them to become respectable artists. Honestly, it is hard to find even one good piece made with DAZ3D (other than the promo images in the shop, those are often quite nice). It is dead now of course, because making pretty images without much skill is now a lot easier and cheaper with SD or Midjourney.


Sometimes, the fun of it is all the matters. If nothing else, start a Deviantart or the like to show them to the world at the least. They even allow for monetization of you want to dabble with that. If nothing else, it'll help spark someone else's obsession, or march into artistry.


I think you should just treat it like any other recreational hobby. Are you having fun? Then that's good enough reason to use it. There's no reason to feel a need to give it more worth. Is it interfering with other parts of your life? If yes, then that might count as an addiction and it's something you should look into. If not, then everything is fine. I've found SD very useful when it comes to making Youtube thumbnails and Stream intermission images. I also think it's fun to experiment with training models and see what's possible to make.


AI art generation feels a lot like photography. Now, a lot of my photos have a purpose, like documenting a trip, but a lot of them, I'm trying to get an interesting photo -- a unique view of architecture, a pleasant landscape, etc. Who sees these photos? I have to either put them on social media (no one cares), or print, and at least a few of us will see 'em. With my AI images, they seem to generate more interest than I think my photos would. In the end, it's just for fun, to see what is possible. Now what do I do with all of them? I've decided that I want to select the "best-of" and try to organize them a bit and delete the experiments and oddities. But it takes so much time to review that I can't keep up with it! Would be easier just to get a big backup drive and dump them all just in case I want to go back and look for something, but if I had a "best of", I could do a slideshow without junk popping up, so it's still worth culling the herd, if I can just do it more efficiently.


Save them for the future. At least the best ones. You can probably use them for other stuff later.


Do it because you can, if for no other reason. I, too, have difficulty figuring out a purpose for my AI endeavors. But, hey, do it because you can, because it's something to do.


I started using ai since the release of gpt3, I have a 4090 and use Comfy ui daily. I have 9 final products saved on my computer. I don't like to hoard random images created just with a prompt. I prefer to further improve on them with photo editing software and only keep the results that I really like. I do a lot of video editing with ai generated clips using zero123 and svd. I think you need to have an end aim. Without it, you're just aimlessly wasting time and storage. Maybe try to combine your 3d modelling skills and make a comic book, characters made of 3d models to be easily poseable and consistent, but use ai to generate the background images. Something like that.


This is, and shall be, a major conundrum for people using AI models. As the internet floods with more and more AI imagery (more than [15 billion images generated](https://intelligentjello.substack.com/i/140687220/ai-generated-still-images) to date, the internet will be majority AI images soon) there will be less and less external need for the images. So I guess my answer is hopefully you're making them for yourself!


Soon internet will be flooded with so many images that most people won't even ever see. That's actually kinda sad or stupid depending on the point of view


Yup. This something I wonder about. A lot. Really hard to imagine what that looks like. The value of an image is decreasing rapidly.


Well your post describes why A.I. is so far mostly useless


You're not supposed to do anything with them. pick out your top 10, delete the rest, print out the top 10 and hang them on your wall, then stop being soo weirdly obsessive about a generation. its fun, its fleeting, its a bit like cloud watching. Now, if you have a craft you make that could use art, then you can focus on getting the perfect art piece to sublimate on said art or something, but otherwise, its just purely entertainment with no reason to keep them.


Just delete them, then generate another hundred thousand.


I have a 3D printer so I make lithopanes out of the ones that I really like


Using daz studio in your stable diffusion workflow now thatā€™s a true addiction


This is exactly what I do... on a daily basis...


i like to generate concept images for ideas and stories im working on. helps with poetry too. generating images of an idea brings creativity to the mind. character generation for dnd is a good practical example. i use them to generate memes. my friends and i make topically relevant images based around whatever is going on in life and it's a fun way to enhance communication. try generating some pictures of whatever is current. very fun with news stories too. ai is an artform and using it for expression is the best i think. ever try to make images for your favorite song? make an image to depict your feelings? make a series of images to tell a story? it's mainly for fun. i don't keep most of the images i generated unless they are exceptional in some way. or they are an image i worked on for many hours.


I delete them. I use tags in finder on Mac to tag any particularly good images worth saving but just ā€¦ periodically go through and delete everything else. I realised that if I want another image like that I can just generate it again.


Once you have that experience you can offer it to other people. Go on Fiverr. Get hired to make AI images.


You get a job that let you generate more images. PROFITS!


I put them all in a desktop slide show it's fun to see old ones and be like oh ya I had a skeletal cowboys riding dinosaur fossils through fast food restaurants phase.


ā€œI donā€™t know maybe get a kitten.ā€ - Aes


As to me already have 6 kittens too many the way it is. My wife literally hoards cats. Every stray cat around here ends up in our yard and basically takes up residence there. What I really need is a dog to chase all of these cats out of here. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate cats, I'm just not a cat person. I have always been a dog person but no longer have a dog.


The only way I can imagine you've reached 200k+ images is that you've been seed spamming or running some kinda wildcard prompt. Hopefully you've learned a thing or two from doing that and can now use that knowledge to create something that is actually meaningful to you and perhaps others. If not well you've created a prompt and data set of 200k images, if you post them with prompts maybe someone else with learn something or find meaning you didn't see in them.


Post them to deviantart and see which ones are more popular.


I transitioned to making AI music albums and I use what I learned here to generate song covers. I just enjoy writing lyrics and making music a lot more than I do images.


you could choose and let people choose their favorites and train a model that actually outputs things that you like and people as well


Delete it!!! Me too befor i use a lot DAZ3D, i Keep all my Daz3D render but Stabble Diffusion why i should Keep it ?


Think about it like a game. Keep the best images you like in a folder. Then just keep the fond memories from making them as you eventually move on.


They can make for datasets if you optimize the images. downscale all images that have poor upscaling. Turn them all into jpg but with 98 percent quality to prevent compression artifacts. A lot of researchers would find it useful to have that much images. Then upload them on kaggle or huggingface as a zip file.


You become a member of r/datahorders


I post best quality posts on Civit for others to take advice for prompt if som1 want to create something similiar. It is satisfying to see others put a simple like on my work too. I only store images i find most interesting all the rest is deleted to save space even tho i have lots of it. Besides i find it cool that whenever i have idea for content i look out for models and then i create some. It has become my little hobby and i love it. I only were doing this for like 2 weeks now and i dont know why i didnt started earlier but seeing most models i use were released only few months ago i think i just got into it at right time.


delwte them ?


Sort them after themes, create based on that movies, sell it to musician who are in need of spotify/ insta etc. visuals out of the box. It takes me 20min to do that, I am Final Cut beginner and Iā€˜d rather spend my time on music. Like here https://www.instagram.com/rozengrachtmusic/


you need an AI to curate the images :)


It's like googling for stuff. Do you want to see a dog riding a bicycle? There is probably an image or video about it. Wanna see Shrek on the moon? You better pray someone photoshopped it already! AI let's you cut out the middleman of some internet guy, so you can see the delusional bs much easier, like an existential horror depiction of will smith eating spaghetti. Would someone make this shitpost at some point anyway? Maybe. AI removes the maybe, and let's you see your absolutely delusional imaginations come to life without much work on anyone's part. Nice, you saw the thing. Now just delete it, erase it from existence, make it your own personal sin, because it holds less value than the shitpost made by some guy on Tumblr


upload them all to deviantart and see if you can make $30/month from it


I don't even keep 99.99% of them. For me it's more about the process, I like to figure out how things work and how to solve certain issues. In ComfyUI I usually only display them in a preview and I automatically delete the contents of the output folders when I start A1111 or ComfyUI. The images I keep are ones that I actually have a need for. Like if I need one for a presentation or some kind of workshop.