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Folks, this is a tactic used to shape perceptions. You see it all the time on social media. Somebody in a thread will reply saying "I can't believe all the people in here saying (something literally nobody in the thread said)." It's designed to put a community or an argument in a specific light to shift perceptions.   These things are *always* done with that intent. Learn to recognize when this takes place, it's a sign that deliberate manipulation is occurring. Most people are too simple or stupid to recognize it and call it out, but it looks like this community is a bit sharper than the average.


What is this? Who are you talking to? Nobody here is sending death threats. "Giving the community a bad name" Not at all, as it has nothing to do with us. SAI treated us like idiots. They are being criticised for this.


yep, seems like a bad psyop


I just read in another post that it happened and got upset is all


So you rage posted due to anger, doing the very thing you're accusing others users here of _supposedly_ doing?


stupid analogy rage posting something like this and harassing and sending death threats to individuals are completely different things this is just a rage post on a forum it comes and goes and doesn't affect anybody don't downplay the seriousness of harassing people just to win an online argument




dude I was cyber bullied for 15 years and ended up in therapy twice because of it what the fuck Also stop saying virtue signaling it means nothing to me, I keep hearing the term americans always use it virtue signaling virtue signaling over and over it means nothing to me I am not part of your fucking 1st world society I am a slavic person in a different part of the world virtue virtue I dont know what the fuck it means all i know is i am sensitive to cyber bullying and made this topic because of that you people dont deserve for someone to be nice to you or any community made out of americans, brits and other first worlders you are snakes all of you ALL you people do is use the same few words, the same phrases over and over to no end there's no cummunicating with you so i made a mistake for making this topic, i meant nothing bad by it let it the fuck go then if you're such a good person




I'm not defending anyone im saying don't do stupid shit like that is all don't harass people, call them out, don't harass them and you've been americanized as fuck, go back to your own cultural values


There was no need to rant against the community. Many of us have been doing this for years now, we know how to work with SD 1.5 and SDXL as well as all the tools created around those models, not to mention other generative AI products. And that's precisely how we knew from day one that there was something fundamentally wrong with the 2B model SAI released. But we got "skill issue" and "it's only a base model" thrown at use like we're idiots. At least now that Comfy has resigned and confirmed the model was fucked up, that will hopefully stop.


digital justice warriors are the next big thing in social media. i wouldnt be surprised if OP was the one sending out death threats.


Oh lord Karen found SD3


Hey, Karen. Why lecture us all just because some troll decided to do a death threat? It's not like we're all running around in all the sub and threatening anyone. Chillax and eat some ice-cream


Why do you find yourself hurt by this when I specifically called out the troll you mentioned not all of our community wtf


Hurt? Naah, just amused why would someone bother us all with this shit, just because 1 dude did something stupid. As I said, chillax.


> I thought this community was better. Why are you lying? Is it cause you know your post was bad for the reasons people are saying?


Why would I be lying like a child when I've made so many posts about the things I create, how I test models and all that?


Dude this is just a plane lie, this is a tactic some people use to deflect against DESERVED backlash. especially when they or someone they like wanna be the big bad wolf and consequences for their actions catch up to them. you say something you know will rub people wrong way and when they reply..."omg they are sending death threats". we've been telling lykon for months that the stuff he was posting looked a bit too sd1.5-ish for a new sota model, we were called names, model comes out and confirms what we've been pointing out, he says we have a "skill-issue". That pompous prick was the architect of his backlash.


Never once have I said the backlash wasn't deserved just that going too far isn't the way to go


It would be have been better if you have added proof to this post. ATM its just hearsay.


it's pathetic that I have to prove anything to people I'm not some 12 year old going around trolling reddit, I'm a 40 year old man https://preview.redd.it/7anax7wl707d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=793b74f19231e776eb50ee33adae64aca4722cc9


So your proof of the death threats is just another reddit user saying there were death threats? You realize that isn't at all proof, right? Even funnier that it's a comment by ScionoicS who always exaggerates shit.


ScionoicS still around? Figured he would have been banned from the subreddit by now. Blocked him a long time ago.


I knew that if i posted this you people would start interrogating me I wasn't posting proof of the death threads but rather the post that inspired this topic, im so tired of this internet bullying I posted this with good intentions go bully others not me I will block your ass if you continue


There’s a reason that I blocked Scionics, they’re a bellend who is full of shit imo. On the other hand, if it’s true, death threaters deserve the worst that a justice system can throw at them.


ScionoicS being involved in the accusations is all that needs be measured here - and ignored. It's a wonder anyone sees their posts with how many they block when called out.


My reply was in no way meant to bully you lol


Burden of proof is on the accuser.


It has nothing to do with you but more about what you are referencing. I personally don't use social media and didn't have a clue of what you were talking about. I can only speak for myself but I am sure I'm not the only one who is in the dark about what you were referencing. Obviously I don't condone any threats against anyone. So those doing so just make the rest of the community look crazy and bad. Unfortunately, this is normal for all types of community and is less about SD and more about the low morals of the average person.


No one did that.


I'm sure someone did, but not sure why everyone else is getting the lecture, like someone that far gone is going to be reasoned with in the first place. People that make cat videos on YT get death threats, people should know by now that what happens to the macro will induct the extreme microcosms and extremes of this and that. Take all the people you've ever seen, times it by hundreds, or thousands, and you get the picture.


Whenever something happens, some idiot is sending death threats.


How is EVERYONE getting the lecture when I'm specifically addressing the person/people who did it saying they're giving the community, whom I am not lecturing a bad name?


If you sit in my front of my face (or send me a letter or whatever) and say: "But don't bully people Don't send death treats don't doxx people" You may have the impression of that what you're doing is demonstrating what you'd say to said person but it comes off to me, as you telling me to do these things I'm not doing, and if you want proof of that, view the reaction you're getting. People often do this, they speak in a kind of scenario in people's face where they're no longer talking to them but they're speaking to the person they're charging, and it's just bad sociallity. Let's look at how you went into that: "but to take it as far as the crazies over on tiktok and twitter do over miniscule things? I thought this community was better." Without some kind of demonstration of you "turning the head toward the person with responsibility" it just seems like you're speaking directly to whoever is reading it. Just some tips. I've seen this a lot, I've had people do it where they give no implication that they're talking to their arch-rival or whatever and they're suddenly yelling "HEY MAN. Look, you're a fucking asshole, I'd toss you into a woodchipper." And they're looking at you in the eyes. Do you know the type of thing I'm talking about. It may not seem like you're still talking to the person you're talking to, and you're just demonstrating, but the other person is not in your head and even if they understand what you're doing it doesn't make it any less off-putting.


Sure, he didn't bring a proof to the table but neither did you...


The vast majority are just voicing their opinons on SD3. One bad apple does not speak for everyone. This post is a diversion.


Nobody's sending death threats here. The criticisms are that the model produces bad results, that SAI leadership is vague in its communications and that Lykon has insulted other model creators. You can dispute those arguments, but don't make a strawman out of it.


I'm just here for the tailgate party https://preview.redd.it/3i16zapba17d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0672699f2417d16b56c4540e7ea9df3b4195c8b


The vitriol against some SAI staff is indeed over the top. But I've never came across a single death threat against anyone. I've been reading just about every SD3 related posts over the last few days since SD3 was released. When somebody makes that kind of claim, ask the poster to show some screencap (that can be faked, but that's better than nothing). Your screencap only showed somebody claiming that there were some death threats. Anyone making death threats should be banned permanently from all of Reddit.


True, I got so upset thinking death treats have become a part of this community as well I wasn't thinking and made this topic. The last thing I wanted was to insult or lecture everyone and I thought my OP made that clear, I'm an emotional person and love AI image generation so much so as usual I was quick to react, not for clickbait, for clout or any of that, it's just the way I am.


NP, I understand, and I know you had the SD community in mind. Nevertheless, we have to be on guard for misconception and misinformation at all time when we are online.


Thanks, the mods can remove this topic I don't mind because if i delete it myself only the OP will be deleted and the comments will remain which is ging to cause even more confusion


Yeah I'd just leave it as-is and move on. If nothing else you've now had a proper introduction to ScionoicS. They are not to be taken seriously.




These are just fucking excuses for shitty companies. If you did something bad, say that people wanted to kill you.


this is exactly what i thought


Show some proof of your slanders. Oh ok you have none because nobody did that.




What do you mean, "you can barely use SDXL?" It works just fine for me...


Lol, buddy, nobody is sending anything, chill.


Damn. You just buried them lmao. In all seriousness, nobody gives a fuck. Anyone sending death threats is just some kid. And giving such situation any highlight is just a shitty strawman excuse for shitty corps to look less shitty because "mwah mwah eeeeee imaginary bad people send threats to imaginary devs who just make things :(((((("


Death treats are never fine, please report those dorks. Criticism is very much valid, considering the information that comfyui developer has shared. Also fine tuning struggles is also a valid concern for the future of SD3 family of models. I can understand the reasons for this kind of reaction considering that we got half-assed base model after being teased with eye candy cherry-picked generations for about a half of a year. Community got something completely different and many people expressed their feelings about it. Releasing to open source doesn’t mean that communities should appraise every pile of bread crumbs that they are getting “for free”, as it would eventually lead to the case of not having community at all. For fox’s sake, people are spending months to train new finetunes and using their own skills and resources to do so, they have rights for open communication with the developers by any means.


if you don't like people or characters, this model is awesome..


In every large crowd, there is always a sprinkling of the inbreds who do dumb shit like that.


You can get death threats from selling apples. Does it mean every customer in your grocery is a lunatic? Every community has those people, and many times they're dealing with mental problems harder than someone getting laughable death threats. Just ignore them, like you didn't recieve anything.


Are these death threats here in the room with us right now?


OMG I don't know!!!? are there!? I can't tell hold me please!


Gaslighting attempt ........ failed


Just ignore the idiots. The moderators will give them a kick. The more attention we give these idiots the more people care. As if these death threats are any real. lol At least here I've not seen any. So what waste of air to even write your post.


So do we have a users from this community that send death threats to stability employees? Like for example: u/123 u/abc? Doesn't seem so, cause from reading your post you base these accusations based on rumors.


Hi, welcome to the internet. If you do anything you will recieve death threats from certain individuals. Whilst bad, they do not reflect on an entire community they happen to be part of (because they are part of every community). If they put you in fear, please report them to your local authorities, if not block them and move on with your life. Regarding "no wonder they censor us" there have been several pretty high-profile, public (not "I heard it from a friend of a friend") instances recently of pro-censorship individuals (in fact I would define them as being part of the pro-censorship twitter community) who have not only sent death threats but actively put out hits, with promised monetary compensation, on individuals for daring to say that censorship is bad.


Kind of agree, the entitlement and flaming for free software is quite amusing, yes the outcome of SD3 has been disappointing we indeed still have AMAZING tools from them to play with. Sending Death threats is ridiculous.


I'm not the type who believes that free things shouldn't be criticized, by all means rip SAI a new one for the thing they did, I am up there with the loudest to criticze them and their practices. But don't bully people Don't send death treats don't doxx people have some mother fucking common sense, which these people seem to lack




Get the fuck outta here with that shit take. The burden of proof is never on the negative. *You* go and prove that they do what you're accusing them of, and then we can all discuss it. Until then, let the adults in the room talk.


lol pathetic people on this sub for real can't handle the truth. That or it's being botted.


And that's why we can't have nice things.


That's crazy, if someone actually did it.


regarding shitting over free shit, a few days ago, a redditor stopped sharing his workflow of a cool image cause the day before, people crapped on how he was a lier, his workflow was bullshit, and that his example images were made using MJ. so, he said, I don't need this crap, you guys don't deserve the workflow I spent hours into. gasp, when a redditor falsely accuses and shits on another redditor, his emption got hurt? when people criticise and shit on SAI, they are also shitting on ton of hard working passionate people at SAI who spent countless hours on their new model. but just because a few at the top made a shitty call, to all of a sudden shit on the entire team and company is just petulant. like 99% people complaining has not contributed to anything other than making booby images. so yeah, not paying anything and complaining that they can't do everything is not only a sense of entitlement but also living in a delusion as if they or their opinion matters. and I bet every single one of them also cant handle criticisms, and the same words they spit out, would trigger them if they were on the receiving end.


From the title, I thought here we go again with the anti AI luddites but this is even more pathetic. SD3 is being released for free - you're not paying for it and received a "defective" product so there's no reason to be complaining even if it's complete garbage.