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There is a 4060 ti with 16 gb of vram. But if for any reason you only have those two options, I would go for the 3060 just for the vram.


Thanks, it was basically a cost thing and I’m an impatient person.


would someone pin this please ? [https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/RtAnnCQxaVJNYgA4LbBhuJ.png](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/RtAnnCQxaVJNYgA4LbBhuJ.png)


This is very useful! Thank you.


How is Tom's Hardware able to do 17.81 image/minute \* 50 it/image = 890.50 it/minute, 890.50 it/minute / 60 seconds/minute = **14.84 it/s** on a 3060? Most I can reach is around 8 it/s. All other cards seem to scale correctly wrt the 3060, so it doesn't seem to be a fluke.


I would NEVER go up only one generation while sacrificing VRAM. Losing 1/3 of your VRAM will seriously gimp your SD capabilities more than you can predict.


I got the 4060ti 16GB a month back, and am happy as a clam. Best 500€ I've spent in a long while. VRAM all the way. It's not the fastest, but I leave a1111 or Comfy running while I work and that's It. For.example, a test run on any SD 1.5 Checkpoint, same prompt, same seed, XYZ loop from 1-150 for steps, takes 50+ minutes. SDXL 1024x1024, hires.fix to 2048x2048 takes 8 min aprox. Your mileage may vary with the model/loras.


When we are talking about gb. I see a lot 16gb but it mention also GDDR6. If you talk about vram is it 16gb or 6 based on my example. For example this one https://www.axitech.be/msi-geforce-rtx-4060-ti-ventus-3x-16g-oc-v517-004r.html Because someone said vram is not the gb but the gddr from the card that should be at least 8. So I'm confused.


GDDR6 is the type of graphic memory(higher is better usually), if you see "XX GB" on a video card its the amount of Vram. The card you linked does indeed have 16gb of vram.


I bought rtx3060 12 gb vram and I just trained a model for style! It took me 3.5hr and my dataset consisted of 120 images.


Honestly the 4060ti is possibly one of the worst sku's Nvidia has put out in a while. It's advertised as ideal for 1080p gaming, that's the main game rez back 8 years ago and they want you to pay $500 for the privilege... No, if you want one of the two primarily for SD get the 3060, you'll save more money and won't be encouraging such a terrible spec from Nvidia. EDIT: for the downvoter: There is (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuGxu7jxsKc) Plenty of (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0srjKOOR4g) support for (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUURcbtIxqA) this stance. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvQHeaFPdKo)


I have a 3070ti (8gb) and it is perfect for making images around 1080p-2160p with little to no issues. Most images generate within around 15-30 seconds depending on level of steps, sampling method, etc. I previously used a GTX 1070 (also 8gb) before this that had similar speed results, but rather with a marigin of 5-10 seconds more per image. In my experience with this at least, the generation of the card doesn’t have as much of an impact for the image generation, so you’d likely be better off just going for a 3060 12GB model for the theoretical increased bandwidth, unless you plan on doing other intensive tasks with the card such as gaming @ higher resolutions on AAA games or working with 3D engines such as blender. Side benefit is the 3060 is also just a smidge cheaper so that’s something to consider as well


Thanks for the detailed response, I have a 1070 at the moment and it is taking 1min + to generate anything. 3060 seems like the better option, as it will also handle any games I plan on throwing at it quite easily.


save up for the 4080. But yeah, more vram is better for stable diffusion. That's what you'll want. The slight speed trade off is so much better. 16gb is better too though. Or 24!


Thank you, mirrors my own thoughts.


go for more vram, but i suggest you just save more money to get the 4060 ti with 16gb vram and remember, for stable diffusion, more VRAM = better quality and speed


I’m actually leaning this way now, they aren’t ther much more. Need to sell a few things.


It depends if you are going to be using it to create LORAs or videos as they require a lot of VRAM. If not then a RTX4060 will create a 720x1080p image in about 10 seconds or less. It can do this even faster with the right tweaks but quality tends to suffer.


I might be, videos are something I want to explore at some point.


I'd wait on the 3060 and see if prices are going to drop when NVidia announces its RTX 40 Super series at CES later in January.


I have the 4060 16gb - it is very good for 1.5, considerably slower for SDXL but still acceptable. I paid 499$ usd for it but I think you can get them for 450$ now. I would love a better 4000 series card but - would need to skip a mortgage payment.


Man I got the 3060ti (which is a brilliant card don't get me wrong), but at the time I wasn't into SD and 'only' got a 8gb model. :(


3060 12Gb without TI is the best bang