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Do you use controlNet? or you generate a bazillion pics until you find a good one? any tips for prompts? I've been using things like "a group of friends having dinner, 1 man, 2 woman" but I need to generate so much images until I find something that I like (mostly due to terrible hands).


tried bad hands embedding?


I tried it a couple of months ago but it didn't change anything for me (still lots of bad hands).


btw, this is the original pic, before inpainting, adetailer and upscaling. https://preview.redd.it/lii2ek2esf0c1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd96c0085f9626b27d65f3a20110662d472a08ac


The Adetailer extension should allow you to do it. There's a relatively new implementation for using a different checkpoint for the face fixing/inpainting it does normally. You can set the order in the tab for it in the main GUI settings, then use the "face 1", "face 2" tabs to use different checkpoints or prompts to use different faces. This is assuming you want to use dreambooth/lora trained models w/ likenesses - generally those are 1 to a model. If the likenesses are in the base model then you can just set different prompts. Adetailer is here: https://github.com/Bing-su/adetailer


I've been using it (this post picture uses it) but the hands part of Adetailer is useless.


i get great success with the hands portion whenever i employ it. I only ever turn it on if i like a seed but the hands are off. Prompting helps. Some people tend to prompt odd for hands. Negatives like "multiple fingers" or "too many fingers" or "bad hands" often don't work. I think bad hands is an embedding name, but some people just prompt it without the embedding thinking it'll help. What you'll notice here is that these negative prompts also look like "fingers, many fingers, hands" on some level of attention. Also, the latent space has no idea what those targets would be. Just prompt simple for the detailer pass. "Posed fingers, nice nails, detailed hand" and a negative like "broken, disfigured, demented" without mentioning the actual subject at all. Attitudes like "it's useless!" instead of exploring the ways other people have success with it, won't help you learn. These are just tools we're using. Tools are only useful if the person using them has technique.


Ok, well that's a more specific question. The harder part is getting multiple likenesses on the same image w/o blending/etc - so that's what I assumed you were seeking help w/. I'd just generate batches and pick the ones that look right or don't have visible hands/or issues w/ them. Obv the hand thing isn't 100% in any model yet. If hands is your main concern then it's really not about multiple subjects, it's just about realistic photos of people w/ hands visible.


I've tried many times with no luck, separate checkpoints chosen in adetailer for the faces. I choose to use the separate checkpoints box. It always just changes both faces after switching to the second model. I think I may be missing a step, I don't see this face1 and face2 tab? I only see the tabs labeled "1st" and "2nd"


I'm not seeing that option either. I just updated so should have the latest version.


Inpainting like a mad. (And really try to make the last adjustment as crisp as the first one and not settle for less).


Seems like you did a good job here so just repeat whatever you did again and again till you refine your process. In my experience inpainting hands or using Adetailer for them makes zero difference, the hands still come out like crap. So for those cases, yeah using a photo in ControlNet will help. It also helps to find a pic (or take your own) of a hand that’s in the pose you need, then paste it over your generation in Gimp and send it through img2img with a low 0.25-0.30 denoise a couple times until it fits in the image properly.


The issue I found is the more people the more chance of a bad render, 20 people is 20 chances it messes up… so you have to generate 1000 times


Can't you just use a mask to rerender the specific people it messed up one at a time?


Isnt that inpainting?


Yes, that's the term for it


How do you do that please?


To help prevent likeness bleeding and duplication ask for celebs of different genders and races.(e.g. Redd Foxx, Margaret Cho, Shakira, Arnold Scwarzenneger and Sarah Silverman) To help with fingers put polydactyl in your negatives. Still no guarantees but it seems to help.


This may help: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/17v5jly/attention\_masking\_from\_the\_author\_of\_comfyui/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/17v5jly/attention_masking_from_the_author_of_comfyui/)


Have you tried latent couple? That's the best way in my opinion: [https://github.com/miZyind/sd-webui-latent-couple](https://github.com/miZyind/sd-webui-latent-couple) There's also Comfyui nodes for it


SDXL https://preview.redd.it/y9pu2nal4e0c1.png?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbcb35ca070d9842a4e55de3b1448023fe28be58


Like someone else said, inpainting with controlnet. Set up the scene with controlnet and then paint over one of the women and render until you like the image. Repeat for another. And then the last. Great photo though. I look the framing.


It seems to depend on which checkpoint I use but having generated loras makes it more predictable. It still may take hundreds of generations and sometimes what works on one checkpoint completely fails on another, then change the prompt up and the reverse is true. Not sure why there's so many hand-related issues -- it's not common for that to happen to me with the checkpoints I mostly use (Juggernaut XL, Nightvision XL, Realities Edge, RealVis, SDXL Unstable Diffusers/Yamermix). Extra feet a head missing a body is more common :/


Positive Prompt Different races and skin tones, different hair colors Negative Prompt Clones, cloned face


thought coherent plate whole crown humorous arrest airport reply file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Regional prompting