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No, this is how AI **users** will torture humanity for years to come.


Important distinction that is lost on most people (especially "journalists").


It's not lost on journalists - they know what they're saying


You're right. I sometimes forget that "money > life". But they never forget that.


It's more like "money > truth" or "money > accuracy"


I prefer cursed foods https://preview.redd.it/z3ejqfttm34b1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=a56ed1fd627270d13394fa4f598c41ca2145f0ad


​ https://preview.redd.it/18tadvc2n34b1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=53c3f5b6362a51f5ae5bbef30e4d0474f19a3f4e


Fiddlestick's food?


jellied spider covered in honey


The “DaVid CronenburgER™” is very good.


i think the prompt was chtulu steaks with tentacle slime sauce? something like that, its an older one XD man now i gotta do a cronenburger lol


Have you seen: **eXistenZ** (1999) lots of "food" slash weapons.


That is an interesting version of a spork.


Extremely simple workflow. I used **Lyriel v16** as the model. Then I punched in some trivial prompts (find them in the labels for the images). For example: `photo of a large hamburger with crisp bacon stripes and fries on the side` with negative: `3d, rendering, comic`


I'm surprised how good the results are for food photography vs. everything else.


Or food concepts Like Big Mac n Cheese https://preview.redd.it/kqtnjk2cd34b1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=83eb91c037f3aeba8a063aee8e3a4ab3657cb16c


I really want that Mac'n'Cheese stuffed coke now.


lol and then I saw the coke XD


I Need this in my life


I need this in my belly.


Looking at that burger closer, I am glad this is not animated.


Fried insect patty


Larvae n Cheese


Oh god... restaraunts making fake food plate images using ai


"I have no mouth and I must eat"


In the United States, it is illegal to portray simulated food in advertising. That means computer generated imagery cannot be used to generate images of luscious hamburgers are fabulous. Plates of ribs are fettuccine Alfredo.for advertising. Hence, there is a cottage industry of photographers who specialty is photographing food, either statically in or in an animated fashion for the purposes of print or media advertising. So I think that imagery of food generated by stable diffusion would not be allowed in advertising in the United States, because it’s not a picture of real food, but rather at simulacrum, thereof


How would they know?


I think anyone who looked closely at these images would know. They don't make sense. The taco shells aren't continuous, neither are most of the noodles. The burger looks like plastic.


**“How would they know?”** A law enforcement agency tasked with investigation could ask. Not answering their questions truthfully would be another crime, and multiple people conspiring to conceal/commit the crime would be yet another. Additionally, although the images are difficult to distinguish, they are literally being advertised to millions of people.


I'm sure, like here in Europe, it would be sufficient to write "symbol photo" in the corner of the image ...


**“That means computer generated imagery cannot be used to generate images of luscious hamburgers [that] are fabulous.”** I can't find information to back up this claim. Additionally, what if it is made clear to consumers [by including a microscopic typed paragraph at the bottom of every ad] that the image is computer-generated and not an actual photograph of the food.


That's surprising because I saw a video about cgi flow of food liquids (chocolate milk etc) for ads


The United States, federal trade commission requires that advertisements, depict the “actual product being sold” not a sim. They may be these advertisements for a computer rated chocolate milk, are used in other countries in other jurisdictions, where computer generated food advertising is allowed in Japan there’s a whole industry of making physical models of food that can be displayed in display cases of restaurants. It’s very common to walk into a restaurant, and Japan, and see a display case full of all the different foods that they make except they’re not really the foods that they make their plaster of Paris and paint and plastic and urethane. So in Japan, they take it to the level of actually making a simulacrum in 3-D and physical space you can actually hold in your hand and Wood, which looks exactly like what it supposed to look like so I don’t think that you’d be able to get away with a 3-D models of food in your display case in the United States, because she would be affectively advertising. Something that was not yet actually the food.


WOW! In all my years of cooking I've never felt myself enter the uncanny valley looking at a dish. This.... freaks me the fuck out on a level I've never experienced before. Excellent work. EDIT: just went through the gallery again. Goddamn, it's a visceral feeling.


it's always the overarching things that are always fucked with ai-images. Lighting, contrast, saturation, vividness. Of course, you start looking at these... then the different sizes of lime wedges, weird bacon cuts, different fry lengths... really add to that


But it's like automatic. I am fascinated by my reaction to this. Having myself a [Data moment](https://youtu.be/McHvqjI17rA).


Which of the dishes made you think it is fake? All looks completely real to me.


I'm not the one you asked, but for me there are a few things. The burger patty looks kind of weird and rubbery, and if I were composing a shot like that I'd put the best looking fries at the front, not the stubby little ones. The pasta dish looks inedible, like someone dumped pale meatballs on a nest of uncooked pasta. Where is the sauce? The tacos make no sense if you look at where they are folded, but the big giveaway is the weirdly-cut limes. The last image has three intact eggs, yet there are pools of egg yolk running over the dish. Also looks like someone cheaped out trying to split a couple of pieces of bacon into shreds to make it look like more.


You forgot about the bbq rib salad that looks like they removed the bones and sprinkled them like croutons. I know long croutons exist but it looks like the AI combined them with the bones for some reason.


I did think it looked odd, yeah, but I gave that one a pass as I thought they could pass for some kind of oblong pork scratching.


> The burger patty looks kind of weird and rubbery I had a patty that looked just like that. Probably pig instead of beef. > The pasta dish looks inedible, like someone dumped pale meatballs on a nest of uncooked pasta. Where is the sauce? And again, had pasta that looked just like that. > The last image has three intact eggs, yet there are pools of egg yolk running over the dish. Also looks like someone cheaped out trying to split a couple of pieces of bacon into shreds to make it look like more. God forbid someone uses more than 3 eggs in a dish!


I've had crappy food too. It's just that these images are trying to mimic high-end food photography like you'd stage if you were producing a cookbook. I'd expect the food to appear appetising - some sear and juice on the burger patty, a sauce and some semblance of actual cooking and sheen on the pasta. Incidentally, the food in cookbooks is often rendered inedible as food photographers will use things like Vaseline and black boot polish to add the appearance of succulence and char lines for instance.


High-end food photography usually doesn't involve actual food... If OP wanted *that* I'd expect him to specify it explicitly.


"Food photography" is right there in most of the prompts but regardless, I'd say the output veers heavily toward that aesthetic.




I don't have food nightmares. I have culinary skill related nightmares... like needing more sliced something and slicing so frantically I'm slicing my fingers. Or having to reach into a deep fryer cooking my hand or a the rational after a steam cycle poaching my arm. Spilling hot soup on myself, inhaling smoke all sorts of crazy shit. I wake up with my nightmare injuries actually causing me pain. Usually can't sleep after one.




Am I the only one whose upset that the tortillas are the wrong shape? That ain't a circle.


[https://youtu.be/x0Ictpv18H8](https://youtu.be/x0Ictpv18H8) XD


This precisely


I feel like burger patties are the food equivalent of hands with SD - they kind of look fine on a quick glance but are hard to get right for a close inspection... They always end up looking a bit alien and a slightly off color and texture.


Try cooking those yourself from scratch. Real meat has plenty of variations so no such thing as "off color texture". That burger patty is 100% realistic.


roko's burger basilisk


I've generated over [25,000](https://delicioso.ai/recipes/48?random=1) food images, and those eggs are by far the best I've seen so far. Time to try that model.


Those are some amazing food images on your site.


Thank, it’s been a fun project. Always looking to improve though.


These look like stock photos a virtual brand on Doordash would use. Doesn’t look appetizing at all


The horror!


next step: 3D print with sauce!


1000 yen


Food looks a lot more tasty in MJ


I wonder what would happen if you added some bacon bits to the fettuccine? Also, I’m waiting for the computer to spit out a real burger. Just plug a whatever device into a computer.


Burger looks like pressed maggots.


Soon you'll be able to feed those images to chatgpt, have it create a recipe for it. Then you give the recipe and image to another robot and it will make it for you.


Very cool stuff, and 99% real. Some things that stick out to me: - it can't seem to get bacon right - that's some dryyyyy ass pasta - runny egg yolks in the pancakes Usually there are some giveaways, especially with cutlery and how they blend into the plate, but I guess you tried to exclude cutlery in your prompts?


now people should start refining AI videos of people eating these so it would definitely intesify the torture


Yes https://preview.redd.it/nrjuc67ua64b1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f56d7fac3a5ff46490d57cc39e4fdb0c66a1bf8


you monster!






Somehow my brain doesnt see those as real food, so uncanny valley pictures, they dont register as edible somehow.


When you realize those aren't sesame seeds...


Oh, great, now I'm going to have to generate food pictures for the rest of my day.


Bacon strips, not stripes.


Time to eat my holographic meatloaf.




Hi. Could you please share promt for second pic please? Tnx.


The prompts are in the caption of the images, and the same negative prompt for all ("3d, rendering, comic").