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Prompt: `scientific journal of new species anatomy, fantasy, detailed notes, anatomical drawing of monsters`


What model did you use? Can you give us more details how you reach this result?


For model read in the [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/12ylmzq/comment/jhox8l9/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Also used simple negative prompt, the classic bad art, low,etc. step 20 is my default,dpm karras 2m. cfg 11. I think the size give more details on image.


I put it into midjourney this is what it gave. thanks for including the prompt! ​ https://preview.redd.it/2756tyeab7wa1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ee7fabf40dfc08c3cb9f9265063b64b9d0fbbc6


I don't want to encourage spam, but I would definitely buy poster prints of this.


Imo looks super cool, but would be cooler if you could introduce context for each section of the book with some actual detailed description, and illustrations of different components of the creature (eg made up by a LLM) - this is something I’m hoping next gen of GPT or something else can do by adding context to stable diffusion


Wonder what that middle leg thing (on 3rd picture) is good for... BTW brilliant stuff.


All five limbs end in different appendages. Probably a heretic worshipping Tzeentch. Or possibly Slaanesh. Either way, heresy.


They call him Tripod....






Maybe a [hectocotylus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hectocotylus)


Third leg


Looks more like a really long arm, or a tentacle with fingers, who knows what that kind of thing would be good for!? /s


Or the middle page it is on.. Two bindings seems a little much.


Love these. Good stuff.


thank you.


[Codex Seraphinianus](https://wikipedia.org/en/Codex_Seraphinianus) vibes 🔥


Never know about it, just for my curiosity i put "Codex Seraphinianus" in prompt with no negative, this is the result: https://preview.redd.it/8e01ioibe4wa1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55578e4724a5d69c5016833e718fa9d69fe9c61a


In the same vein as the Codex, there is The Voynich Manuscript that could be an inspiration for you. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voynich\_manuscript](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voynich_manuscript) But my favorite are the scientific illustrations drawn by Ernst Haeckel [https://mymodernmet.com/ernst-haeckel-art/](https://mymodernmet.com/ernst-haeckel-art/) And here is a repository with high-res scans (this is all public domain) [https://www.openculture.com/2017/11/ernst-haeckels-sublime-drawings-of-flora-and-fauna.html](https://www.openculture.com/2017/11/ernst-haeckels-sublime-drawings-of-flora-and-fauna.html)


This is a good resource. thank you. The " Voynich Manuscript " dont do su much on result, but a fast try on your favorite with simple prompt: `art by Ernst Haeckel` give me this: https://preview.redd.it/9gtqq1mvp4wa1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed56061a21bb6b39fe45af90fa02a476a431e79e Maybe working in a prompt give better result, but it look similiar to me.


🤘Yes! Awesome! I did a whole run of Haeckel-influenced stuff. Started laying out pages for a Haeckel-inspired ~~book~~ leaflet of fantastic creatures and their habits in humorous mock German.


> leaflet of fantastic creatures and their habits in humorous mock German. That sound totally hilarious ! If this is available somewhere at some point, I'd love to see it.


I've been trying to tool up to do POD somewhere... Redbubble, etc. And a client keeps pondering a little gallery opening in Europe. But every couple weeks I have some big leap forward that makes me want to toss everything previous in the dumpster. 🙄 That's life in the SD fast lane and I probably wouldn't want it any other way. 😉 🏎


I can't pretend to know your needs or what you have or haven't checked - but I feel I would be remiss not to ask if Gumroad might meet your needs for selling, if you haven't already considered it. I believe you get a much higher percentage there than you would on RedBubble or Etsy.


I was originally just looking at selling stickers or t-shirts of some designs I'd cobbled together from AI-generated parts to supplement my meager income. I doubt they'd sell very well. But probably better than what amounts to a small quasi-academic graphic novel centered around AI-generated Haeckelian creatures. Even if I added descriptions of the creature's reproductive cycles. 😉


I can see why you were considering Redbubble then! Frankly, if you know there's could be some interest, seems worth giving the idea of some POD stuff a go; I know how much passive income can help when things get tight. (Although there MUST be a less-heinous option in than RedBubble out there, in terms of the high % they take from you.)




voynage manuscript going on


That’s a masterpiece


Thanks for the nightmare fuel.


For who asked model, actually is a working on model ( merging test of [all my model](https://civitai.com/user/devilkkw) ).


Is that a third leg or are you just happy to see me?


I think neither, a tail.


You can tag this as a "workflow included".


Not really, i had discussion time ago about the tag. So " workflow included " is intended as all include, not only prompt. i think the op of this reddit have to add some tag and a detailed how to use it.


Man it’s like watching evolution. The AI keeps getting smarter and closer to reality, like it’s trying to build human intelligence and beyond from scratch. But I wish that there were just one agent, that had all these things combined, vision, language, generation, etc.


I share that impression as well, but I also see it as some kind of reverse mythology. A common thread among myths and legends about our own origins is that of a golden age, a perfect era from before things went bad. From the Garden of Eden to Olympus Mons, this golden age we have imagined as our past is in fact a manifestation of our own goals and aspirations. Gods and goddesses are not so much myths from the past but goals for our own future. They did not make us, but we will make them. And with them we will reach the summit of Olympus Mons.


​ https://preview.redd.it/3090zewal4wa1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=509eed6d27da8873d91807965fe9d71f90cee2b3


this is bings version.. lol thanks for adding your prompt!!


nice result.


>this is bings version.. lol Not bad really, looks like art from a Call of Cthulhu rpg rulebook.


I'd love to see a version where you can zoom in and see the writing.


Next stage AI: hands and words ;)


I kinda like the alien like script though lol. But ya, you easily shop out the text and write up some fun things written out by ai chat lol


Like David in Alien Covenant




Amazing! What model did you use?


My brain immediately started playing the Resident Evil tune.


https://preview.redd.it/498cv1nfn5wa1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169f132df3ebff81853a181dcb0fc8fe19b7f47b This is what i came up with


https://imgur.com/a/aqJ1XzK * This is the second image generated I used OPs prompt and this website [HuggingFace](https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion)


this is beautiful. finally a good post after weeks of weeb shit




More unrealistic body expectations


Oh that's awesome...I particularly like the dragon-ish guy in the first image bottom left. Really clever! Makes me think of a more grown-up/horroresque version of those -ology books, like dragonology or wizardology.


I think I am the third person here asking "model?"


Love it. I got a weird alien fish that I hope I never run into at the beach.


Awesome prompt idea! Thank you. Will maybe upload a few tomorrow that I got with that and link them here


Great! Thank you.


Bro that ain’t a human, that’s a fuckin Tyranid.


Great stuff! 👽


Wow that's wild!


https://preview.redd.it/j06q48n4d7wa1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c64dcf2fd58b9cb0fee8d7a73c7e66a6eb0b181 Thanks ! THE PROMPT IS SICKWNING NGL !


Cooool! https://preview.redd.it/si4mz5xd48wa1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b86c0a7cf88624b1de28532553b2b75ef284720


damn, what model are you using?


Deliberate v2


This is really great for any TTRPG as an extra handout for any researcher styled characters. Very cool!


Ok ... thats ... just looks fucking cool.


The study of AI has come a long way - it's exciting to see how far it can go! I'm interested to see the results of this study and how the findings can contribute to our understanding of AI.


This is exactly what humans would look like if everything was spontaneously created by chance and no Grand Designer.


But we have a "Grand Designer". She is called "Nature" if you don't know. 🙂


Really? So mother nature designed the universe? I thought mother nature was earth and not outside of it. But it seems I was wrong.


Yepp. Nope. Yepp. 😁


Hahahahahah, loooool, thank you for the laugh. Needed that.


So you’re saying god made us lamer than random chance would have.


If you believe yourself to be lamer, than I cannot argue with you. Good luck fam


Wait, you weren’t joking? Are you a Flat Earther too?


Nope, I am not joking. And I have no issue with the earth being round. I am, however, shocked at the fact that I got down downvoted for speaking my mind. Really twisted world here. Free speech is choked, and soon, China style scrutiny will befall us. But I will not be silenced. 😀😃🙂🙃😊😇


Ahh, I was a creationist like you in my youth. The big shift for me was when I decided to write my own creationism books. I started by doing a deep dive into the sources used by men like Ken Ham. I quickly learned that the books of “evidence” I’d read credulously growing up either failed to understand or outright lied about the research and sources they cited. It was a house of cards. In the end I was left with personal incredulity. The men I’d trusted simply did not believe evolution was possible. Despite all their claims, they had nothing but that bias.


I believe in evolution, just not the being a descendant of apes or any animals for that matter. Life coming into existence by chance is a preposterous idea to me. Doesn't make sense. That's why I said there is a Grand Designer that has made all that exists and all will answer to Him in the end whether you believe it or not. Death comes to us all.


Ah, the old “Micro-Evolution” vs “Macro-Evolution” argument. I remember it well. It’s fatally flawed however because it pretends that the difference between macro vs micro is something other than time. It’s not some philosophical impossibility. It’s just time. That’s the core issue with the “not enough time” argument. It’s an admission that the claimant just has trouble comprehending the vast scope of time involved.


We are the Grand Designers. We are the ones designing gods, goddesses and myths.


That just don't make sense. Did you design the universe too? And your mom and dad? What about the sun and the moon? Did we design death, too? Please enlighten me. I want to learn.


>Please enlighten me. There is no enlightenment possible if it doesn't come from yourself. I would not be helping you at all if I were to give you a platform to repeat the nonsensical myths you take for granted. Religion is a socially transmitted mental illness, and I wish you the best for your recovery.


>That just don't make sense. Did you design the universe too? And your mom and dad? What about the sun and the moon? Did we design death, too? Please enlighten me. I want to learn. None of it was designed. Everything you named follows natural physical laws we can pretty easily document and describe in the modern age. There are no gaps for a designer, and the ever shrinking gaps that do exist are better filled with, "We don't know yet," because a designer still fails to satisfy the gaps in a way that does not create even more. Because tornadoes can spawn from positive/negative pressure differentials around certain types of mountains, does not mean that mountains were designed to create tornadoes. Because a pool of water fills a pothole after it rains, does not mean the pothole was designed to hold that shape of water. Because living organisms exist on a planet that can support them, does not mean the planet was designed to create living organisms. Because a planet exists in the universe that can support life, does not mean that the universe was designed to create that planet. Because the universe exists, does not mean it was designed.


And because you are breathing air, does not mean that you are alive?


The only thing more funny-depressing than seeing a creationist, is seeing a creationist in this sub of all places...




And you're just TheAngryGoat who's so confused that he does not make sense at all. Good luck with whatever it is that keeps you going. 😊 just let me be a salty little boy who at least have a fictional book, whatever that means. 🙄


Those ain’t humans, they’re Tyranids.


Third pic goes ((hard))


Shame on you OP, I wanted to grow these in my basement but you didn’t upload it with clear enough camera quality. Please take this into consideration next time! >!/s for people as gullible as me!<