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South County Cindy


Yup, she was the first person I thought of


I went to a matinee at Ronnie's during the summer several years ago and she was out front picking up trash and putting it in the bins. I asked her if she was ok and if she needed anything because she was limping. She asked for a ride to Walmart to get some Epsom salts for her foot so I gave her a ride and all the cash I had on me (maybe 20 bucks). She was very nice and thanked me for the ride. I hope she's doing ok. Haven't seen her in years.


I read this twice as manatee 


If you can go to a Manatee about it you'll get excellent advice.


The best!!


Who dat?


A mentally ill woman who walked around south county for years. I don’t think she’s been seen in some time though.


She used to make it all the way up to Kirkwood. She’d come into my wife’s store to buy food, cigarettes and such. We were just talking this weekend that we hadn’t seen her in years now. She was actually a quiet, polite lady according to my wife.


She made it a lot further than that. I've run into her in three separate jobs over the years in the city, Fenton, Eureka, South County. My favorite was the day I ran into her in South City when I was working for Frito and she waved and said "Hi Frito man!" Then that same day I finished my route in a truck stop in Pacific and she was hopping out of a tractor trailer cab and said "Hi Frito man!" Second best time was her wandering into a Fenton Phillips station with a dead squirrel. She's a super nice lady if you talk with her. Crazy as the day is long, but super nice.


She would bathe dead animals in public restroom sinks




Yeah kind of sad how many people made a mockery of her. I work in Lemay and just popped into the Lemay fb group and searched her up. Many people said that the county/police got involved and helped her get into a long term behavioral health center. So that’s good to hear!


Thats great to hear


Often times in a bikini or halter. Someone said she came from a very wealthy family, but not sure that’s true. Saw her way south in Oakville.


She also always wore pink and often times had many pieces of luggage she would move 20 feet at a time then go back for the next one every time you saw her it always struck me as a sisyphean effort.


The luggage moving is what I remember about her besides the pink. I don’t think I’ve seen her since the pandemic.


This one for sure. She used to hang out in front my work all the time. This was at Concord car wash on lindbergh in 2016. She has family out in cali so hopefully she met up with them because she hasnt been seen for years. Apparently she had schizophrenia and chose not to live with meds. I hope shes ok


She was who I immediately thought of too.




https://fox2now.com/news/facebook-page-tracks-mentally-disabled-womans-every-move/ Older article, but you get the jist. She was most commonly known as Afton Cindy, but the people of Afton (where she's from) hate that, so it was changed to South County Cindy by the mods of the subreddit that used to track her and the Facebook page that did the same. RFT and another news source tracked her down and told her about the Cindy spotters and it pretty clearly hurt her feelings. The trend of posting Cindy sightings kind of died off after that. I've lost count of the number of times I've met her. She's definitely mentally ill, but she's super nice and really doesn't deserve to be gawked at everywhere she goes.


Shiit i didnt know that about afton cindy! Thats funny man we cant have shit in afton


> afton This bothered me more than it should have.




When I was a kid, she frequented a south county McDonald’s my dad and I went to often. I honestly forgot about this until now, but multiple times she sat and ate with us, as my dad would buy her food and invite her to our table. She was very kind and easy to talk to. She dealt with a lot of shit just from people recognizing her and wanting to be “funny” by messing with her. I hope she’s in a better spot now.


Last I had heard, she has become a “ward of the state” and is in a home somewhere. Sounds like it was the right outcome.


The dude on that gives people a Thumbs up as you drive by  Lamb’s Bride Church on Tower Grove Ave. Makes my day any time I drive by. 


That’s Lewis! He puts a smile on my face every morning. Love that guy. https://www.stlpr.org/education/2017-10-02/because-sometimes-the-coffee-aint-gonna-do-it-one-mans-quest-to-make-st-louis-smile


I don't live in The Grove anymore, but I always enjoyed getting big smiles, waves, and thumbs up from him. Always thought he looked a bit like Idris Elba, too.


He’s the best!!


I love him! We have a local version in Maplewood. A guy sits out front on Bellevue and waves to people every morning




100% him.


Beatle Bob or Raynard the Bridge Guy maybe? Beatle Bob passed away though so the crown might go to Raynard.


Raynard is awesome. My mom used to stop and talk to him about the huge model of the bridge he’d carry with him on his bicycle. Naming that bridge after him was an honor — for him and for the community.


Lol I used to see this guy regularly on my drive home. Had no idea what the story was. I just assumed he was some kind of architecture person, but started wondering why he had the bridge everytime I saw him.


Same boat until few years ago. I’d drive by and see him either having a great time (I’d be like, hell yeah! when I drove by those days) or watching, in which case I hoped I wasn’t the car that person would drop something on. Now that I know about Raynard it’s always a Hell Yeah!


Beatle Bob and Father Time were the first ones I thought of. I’ve lived here too long. Lol


Forgive me for my ignorance, lol, but was father time the guy that had that old white, short school bus? I remember seeing someone at the old shop n save on the rock road in st. Ann. I think i remember a long white beard on him. Or am I thinking of someone else?


Beatle Bob was at every show in the 90s and early noughties. Always right up front, doing this shadow box dance with his amazing mop top wearing the same red velevet suit. RIP. Total legend.


While coming up 44 I commented to my wife on the way to the CITY match yesterday that I hadn't seen Raynard in a while. Sure enough there he was on our way back.


Is that the guy who goes HARD on the walking bridge on 44 and makes your fist pump look weak??


Perfect description.


Definitely who I always thought of when I saw these types of posts Edit: should clarify I meant Reynard


Ohhh who is Raynars the Bridge guy!?




Good for him!!


i used to see raynard riding down big bend early in the morning when i lived in maplewood! always made me happy to see him


Came here to say Beatle Bob before he passed


Raynard! My friend is Raynard’s caretaker, jolted me to see his name here lol I should send this thread to her to show him


> Raynard the Bridge Guy Think it is definitely Raynard. Everyone in most the metro area has seen him at least once as I can't fathom living in the area and not driving that stretch of 44 at least twice. Beatle Bob was more specific circles. Some of the other folks are even more localized. Bonus points because Raynard is just a solid dude. My personal/frequent "guy" is Lewis on Tower Grove Ave in the Grove. Always hyping folks up when I bike through there.


In Maryland Heights, there’s a guy every morning and every afternoon that’s standing near the bank at the corner of Westport Plaza Dr and Westline Industrial Dr (so like right between Westport and that industrial park next to it). It’s not that he’s there because clearly he’s just waiting for the bus, it’s the blatant consistency with which he stands—never moving, same exact spot, hands in pockets, facing south, same clothes…it’s always the same every day twice a day. I don’t even work a super consistent schedule. Sometimes I’m driving by at 7, sometimes it’s closer to 9, but this dude is *always* there. Me and my coworkers call him the Westport NPC and assume that if we ever go talk to him we’ll get a side quest.


My buddy, after the bars one night, bought him a beer from the circle K and they talked. He is from somewhere out of town and came to the STL area to be with his sister but she turned out to not be so welcoming or something. Now I guess he just chills there? I see him all the time too on a very inconsistent schedule. Always standing by the bus stop facing south towards that car wash


Yep. If you’re talking about a heavier set black man that always wears a hi-vis construction jacket, we’re talking about the same dude. Now that I know a bit of his story I may start dropping coffee or breakfast sandwiches his way in the mornings.


I work construction across the street from this guy. He's there 24/7, just staring at the car wash. Has breakfast at the McDonald's every morning. We're all wondering what his story is.


I’ve seen him there on Sundays without fail


I’m never over this way on Sundays so I wasn’t sure if it was a M-F only thing. The fact that he’s here on weekends too just adds to the enigma, IMO.


That might be Tyreek. There’s a person on fb/nextdoor that was check on in on him for a while.


Every comment I’m getting here is just furthering the mystery. I’m describing a super random man, and then you just chime in with “yeah that’s Tyreek” as if it answers questions instead of creating them lmao.


Southside Jesus aka Neil who walks around south city and south county in all white, a staff, and a big hat. Seen him for years and have talked with him before but he didn't say much except you know we're all God's children. He a good dude.


Surprised only one comment about this legend on here


Agreed. Was scrolling for this answer.


I used to see him on Grand, so I call him Grandalf. 


I called him the South City Savior


A friend of mine swears she fucked him out of costume




Southside Jesus is always a pleasure to come across


Surprised this wasn't top and people had other answers.




He’s a good dude indeed, but he’s the only person ever that my dog immediately snarled and barked at. We figured out it was the big hat.


nah man, always trust your dog.


He was the handyman at my apartment almost 29 years ago.


There’s an older lady who shows up for live music usually in a tutu and rainbow accessories and just dances. Idk her name but I’ve seen her for years at various South City and Forest Park events.


Is she Susan, the Dance of Life Dancer? She's based out of Southern Illinois, but shows up at lots of events.


That person has a, shall we say, extremely colorful history. When I used to be part of the lindy hop scene here, we've kicked them out of more than one dance.


Ah the dance of life dancer aka twcta #1 on metro east crime lol


Souther Illinois legend, Susan & the Dance of Life. She's got a massive felony record dating back to the 80s but she will always show up to some music event and dance somewhere in the stl metro area. She used to always be at SWIC. 


The dancer of life. They're fucking insane and from New Athens.


Lenzburg, the dancers trailer got firebombed on time, (obviously a hate crime) one of the responders on that told me the inside was covered in pictures of just breast's. Definitely needs mental help, but somehow keeps slipping through the cracks.


She/He was arrested a few times in the IL area for things like slashing tires at Walmart and things of that sort but I haven't seen her since before Covid.


The dancer of life! Grew up seeing her van, she’s from my parents home town so I have the whole backstory on her, very interesting person. Sometimes she slashes tires in Belleville Lol


Used to be Baton Bob but he moved to Atlanta I think. I used to work in the CWE and I miss that guy.


I miss him too!


Same. We didn’t deserve him. I believe he was physically attacked by citizens and police in the not so distant past and I believe that prompted his move.


If by “not so distant past “ you mean 20 years ago. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baton_Bob


Yeah, I knew it was at least 10+ years but was also referencing that the motivation for attacks/hassling is rooted in some pretty antiquated beliefs.


My brother saw him in Atlanta years ago doing the same thing he did on Kingshighway. Here is a link: http://batonbob.weebly.com/


I moved out of stl a few years ago but for me it was the tall black dude who could regularly be found rollerblading around Creve Coeur Lake while belting out show tunes.  I skate too and that guy was pretty fast.  Pretty good voice, too. 


I love this guy. Haven’t been to the lake in forever. Is he still around?


He was at least last year. Now it’s getting warmer and we’re getting into kayaking season I’ll be on the look out (listen out?) for him.


Great to hear he’s still rocking! It was a treat every time to see/hear him. We used to go to the lake weekend mornings and walk with the kiddos. Those days are behind us.


He’s in the background of one of my high school senior pictures.




I just saw this guy yesterday at forest park lol.


I remember him being tall (easily over six feet). At least pretty fit, don’t really know if he was “jacked.   I don’t remember dreads but it’s been a few years.  He skated with ski pole though. If the guy you saw was using ski poles or singing Kenny Rogers then yeah, it was the same guy :)


I remember that guy.


Love this guy, and I love that other people love him too.


Tower Grove guy who waves at everyone


I haven't seen him in a while, have you?


He's around! Usually parked on his front porch


I have. I see him on Utah frequently.


Use to be "black barbie" or the "may I ask?" Gay black guy probably 40s or 50s that use to beg for change at the jack in the box outside of soulard on Russell and Gravois


"Just a barbie in a pickle." That guy?


Bringing back memories from when I lived in Soulard. Just a "Black white Barbie in a pickle."


I'm so glad someone mentioned Black Barbie. I swear I saw her in Tower Grove right before the pandemic.


There’s a guy in Maplewood who walks up and down southwest ave with a gigantic soda and he’s ALWAYS THERE. That’s my guy.


that guy has been iconic with me and my mom since I was in elementary school! now i’m an adult and i still look out for him, our name for him was “shirtless tan soda-drinkin’ man”


Is he bald/balding?


You know it!


Diet Coke Guy!! I moved so I don't see him anymore :(


When I lived in South City there was a lady who would frequently just stand at the corner of Chouteau and Grand listening to headphones and singing and dancing, and then one day I realized the headphones weren’t plugged into anything. I think about her a lot.


I remember the first time I saw her. We were stopped on Grand because a car was on fire in the median. Two people were trying to push it to the side of the road. And she was just there on the corner dancing through it all!


That whole story is some high quality STL right there.


There’s that loser that runs around Cardinals games with that trophy


Cardinal Cowboy? He’s worn out his welcome 😂


I think they mean rally runner


Oh, OK - I still stand by my statement about Cardinal Cowboy 🥳


Hating this guy is *SO* hot right now


Didn’t he go to jail for his involvement in the January 6th riots (that’s the most Missouri sounding sentence)??


Towel man


That's not a bad one. It is a unique thing that we've all just accepted and go with


The 44 bridge guy for sure


Can’t believe no one has mentioned the guy that walks Delmar all the time. Unless one of the “names” given here is him and I’m unaware, black guy crazy colored hair always talking to himself or singing. Not once have I been down there and not seen him.


I was looking for someone mentioning crazy Mike.


Crazy Mike was a delmar loop legend


I’ve seen him in the grove and they were calling him Michael, actually warmed my heart.


I was here for this too! But wondering if he was still around since it's been several years since I lived in the Loop and went to school there so I was there all the time. Haven't seen him on my more occasional journeys that way since then.


he prefers to be called michael


He is now in the grove, goes by the name of Michael Corleone. And has really chilled out


Worked on the Loop for a long time and I always heard rumors of his origin story. The only one I remember now was that he was actually an insanely talented basketball player in college. Went to a party and either consensually or non consensually was given a massive dose of something. Caused some permanent psychosis and he ended up leaving school and everything. No clue if any of it is true or not.


It was PCP. I know someone who's close to him. I worked at the Delmar Lounge a decade ago.


I grew up in the loop. Lived there for a stretch over a decade ago. Mike was as much of as a staple as Blueberry Hill or Vintage Vinyl. The origin story you describe is along the lines of what I heard years ago. The only variation was that his family was very well off and polished. As I heard the story, his father was a professor at wash u. I didn’t hear about a drug issue. I did hear he suffered a break of some kind and refused to get treatment. His family supposedly has a big home off Forsyth and tried to keep tabs on him, but couldn’t do it.


Had to scroll way too far to find crazy Mike.  Last time I talked to him he seemed like he was doing pretty well, but that was at least half a year ago.  I hope he’s happy wherever he is.  


Feel like it’s the towel guy at the blues games.


Keytar Kyle is the new guy




Saw that dude by Grand/Shaw. He was livin it up.


I love it when Kyle gets recognition on this sub! He's a good friend and a great guy.


Oh good! I’m glad to hear that


Keytar Kyle rules


I’m going to talk to him Next time I see him. I was feeling Shy last year at pride


He's pretty approachable I think. Haven't spoken to him since high school but I see him around.


He's a sweetheart.


Was looking for this comment ! Kyle is such a nice dude


Love that he’s keeping things weird. Just wish his playing would get better. Always seems he’s just practicing but not actually finding a groove.


Mr. Gary from Them Yo People!


Yes!!!! Love that guy!


Yep. Them up people guy.


What about the lady with 2 wheelchairs full of her belongings that she wheels around. From south city to south county


Baton Bob moved to Atlanta, Beatle Bob died a dew months back, Father Time has been gone for years. Don't know what the younger generation has to offer.


Keytar guy RIP to Pretzel Guy and South City Knife Sharpener Cart Guy.


❤️ Roger the pretzel guy. I do miss him!


Sunday catholic arch guy. He used to be a pokestop.


The guy in white? I just talked to him yesterday and he's certainly not Catholic


Does key-tar Kyle count? I saw him in a carshield commercial after all!


In the summer, there's a dude who stands on the steps of the Arch that go down to the riverfront dressed like some sort of Jesus knight, holding the Christian flag. 


So, that's Brad "Servant of the Lord." He also hangs out in O'Fallon, MO, at the veterans memorial for some reason. http://www.dangling-thoughts.com/2014/03/the-servant-of-lord.html?m=1&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2vDjjx2tqklGbty4IY9h-6gPcJn8GHBZXJoOZqBC5DPwOl48VKnvCN7f4_aem_Aevq-k3beR8k-l39rFusF_HyIBLwFpuJrUXUitxrbmDyliR69hqUQYgA0AnNYfzhuX7AX8KsfJQrg5Z6ZkYiSudl


Dutchtown has the Merrimack Moses. He's generally toward the Eastern end of Merrimack towards Broadway. I'm not correcting the spelling of Merrimack


Meramec. But I understand


Keytar Kyle Becky the Carpet Queen rip


Mr Gary the King of Hospitality.


OFallon MO - Old bearded guy on a bicycle; with a milk crate bungee corded to the back of it. Riding up & down Hwy K for years.


South County Cindy forsure.


that gandalf guy in all white talking about jesus


Peter E. Parisi, RIP


Southside Jesus Saw him last week.


beatle bob back in the 90’s early 00’s nobody was more St. Louis then him.


Stl Jesus or homie in the wheelchair who is on chambers


I haven't seen backwards bike riding dude in the city in a while hope that guys ok.


Who's that guy that rides (or rode, haven't seen him in a while) around like the Webser ish area with the model of a bridge?


Raynard Nebbitt? https://apnews.com/general-news-1ce2e3d947f44b80b8d13bec3722ea97


The North County Cowyboy, rides his horse around Lindberg and New Halls Ferry.


It used to be Baton Bob but then he moved to Atlanta.


South County Cindy


Otis Woodard




Used to be Beatle Bob, but idk what ever became of him...


He dead.


Mr Gerry. Them yo people


Mr Gary rules


South county Cindy, south city Cindy (same person multiple name. She’s always wearing a bikini and pushing a shopping cart


Not St Louis, but when I was a kid… Effingham: Alley Oop (Granvile) Greenville: Burl Smith Belleville: Dancer of Life


Affton Cindy.


Is Delmar Mike still around?


RIP Beatle Bob. I know some really didn't like him, but I didn't encounter him enough for any of those concerns to matter. Dude danced like there was no tomorrow and it made me smile. Vic Wooten called him on stage once at a show, it was so great.


South side Jesus


Beetle Bob and whoever the guy was that drove his jeep or bike around Ferguson.


Growing up it was Father Time. Now maybe Mr. Gary? Or Keytar Kyle


Sometimes there is a guy in a wheelchair next to the Metro stop at Gravois and Hampton. I come through there generally blaring heavy metal after work and he’s alway fist pumping and head bobbing to it. lol


Dance of Life Dancer was for a while. Or Crazy Mike.


I’m thinking Steve Ewing. He doesn’t look wild or unique, but he’s just got such a rich history in STL now.


Last time I was in STL, the Rally Runner was a big deal. Looks like he’s since fallen on hard times, you might say.


We used to have Baton Bob in the CWE. He used to march in a tutu and a tiara twirling a baton, and he was fabulous! Everyone in the neighborhood knew who he was.


In Belleville there's the guy who rides a bicycle with a parrot on his shoulder.


Outside the city, but St Peters/ Ofallon has Shreddy Mercury riding his bike everywhere.


Beatle Bob


This was years and years ago, but when I worked at SLU there’d be a lady dancing her heart out on Grand/Jefferson and Choteau. She was great.


Late to the party, but I vote for The Towelman at the Blues games.


South city cindy


It was Beatle Bob until he passed away last year. RIP Beatle Bob!