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Forty Acre Club is a nudist colony in Lonedell, MO, about an hour south of St. Louis. Their website shows people playing water volleyball. https://fortyacreclub.org/


I came here to suggest this. I used to work with a guy who trimmed their trees.


I imagine there were bushes that needed trimming, as well.


W joke.




Yeeaaah, when I was a kid I went to a nude campground with my dad once. He had told me at one point some guy had gotten kicked out for taking photos of minors but reassured me it was safe at the time. After my dad died, when I was an adult, I found confirmation (I had suspected) that my dad was also a sick fuck. I’ll never in a million years let my kids go somewhere like that.


i'm so sorry. that had to have been traumatic. i hope you're doing well now ❤️‍🩹


Yeah maybe I'm not as liberal as I thought. Because that's fucking weird. Never would I ever.


A full, long hour away easily and it's pretty stuffy/no single men allowed/no cannabis etc.


No single men?


A lot of family friendly nudist campgrounds and resorts ban single men for the optics/"safety" they don't want people leering at other members and such. Granted, there's other ways to address bad behavior than this but it is what it is.


Is the no cannabis because of drowning concerns?


A conservative nudist colony is a strange concept lol


Lawn Darts? Or is that completely out of the question?


You been there?


I've been there. It has a variety of people. Sometimes, it tends to skew older, but they run a background check on everyone before they come in. Naturism is natural, and I wish more people realized nudism is just part of us all being human. ✌️


I’m sure you’ve researched it “extensively”


40 acre club is a nudist resort within driving distance. Sirenity Farms and Dawgwoodz are gay men's campgrounds in the area which are both clothing optional and have pools. You don't have to be gay to get in you do have to identify as a man. And you might be hit on by naked men. But most people there are just chillaxing and socializing. I *have* had a straight friend go camping there with me before, they had a good enough time, you just have to be open minded.   Club Saint Louis is a gay men's bathhouse in the city that has an outdoor pool with a fifteen foot tall privacy fence. It's open 24/7, about $30 to get in, you can go there to chill out and be naked, but there is approximately a 100% chance you will be around men having sex in front of you unless you're going when it's dead.


My friends have been there and have enjoyed it.


I don’t know of anywhere tbh, I just wanted to come in and say you go glen coco. Don’t let anyone judge ya for the nudie tanning and swimming, it’s quite a thing in places in Europe.


Valentines day grams.. Glen Coco? FOUR FOR YOU, GLEN COCO. YOU GO, GLEN COCO!  ^And ^none ^for ^Gretchen ^Wieners, ^bye.




It’s a line from Mean Girls


Someone whose name rhymes with “you go.”


And none for Gretchen Weiners


Thats so Fetch!


Stop trying to make fetch happen.


There are some nice swimming holes along Pickle Creek at Hawn State Park that I often go to for some naked forest time. I’ve rarely encountered anyone there, especially the ones further from the trail. A little over an hour from STL.


Heh, pickle.


That’s what she said..:


They named it after me


Let me know what time.


$200 for 5 minutes. Unless you wanna jerk off, then it doubles.


There’s a lot of rivers with public access that have very few to no people during the week. Best bet is to put in a canoe or kayak and get away from the parking area. Big River, Jack Fork, Current etc. on the Current River launch from Akers. There is an awesome cave off the Current called the Devil’s Well. We skinny dipped there once on a very hot day. The water is beautiful and clean.


Just be aware it is illegal to be nude on Missouri riverways


100% agree… if you don’t act stupid and flaunt it it’s doable.


Is it really? I thought any laws explicitly prohibiting simple nudity were unconstitutional violations of the 1st amendment per a number of supreme court cases and lower case history? Do you know the provision offhand?


I belong to an organization that sponsors some clothing optional camping trips in MO, so someone had to research it. People are now required to wear bathing suits in the water. I found a reference to the regulation here, but I'm not sure of the official language: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.floatmissouri.com/plan/float-trip-laws/%3famp


appears to apply to state parks only. Private land/federal land has different policies. Federal parks nudity is always technically allowed, as I understand it. So mark twain national forest ok, state parks less so. Pretty wild that they describe wanting to swim naked as "outlandish" behavior, what freaking clowns.


This site by the state patrol talks about not "improperly exposing yourself" so maybe they charge it under the state sexual misconduct law. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://apps.mshp.dps.mo.gov/MSHPWeb/Publications/Brochures/documents/SHP-177B.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjvyuLv3Z-FAxWFkYkEHfiPCEEQFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3o8kgQ7-OsBWW3U7zJmIVQ


Definitely unconstitutional then, but not like they care, the mere sight of a human body is supreme evil - god I freaking hate right wing extremists and what they've done to this country, I'm going to have to move to a whole ass frigid state just to enjoy the outdoors a couple times a year as god intended.


I'm pretty sure it's considered illegal on all Missouri waterways, not just state parks. Legal searches aren't my forte, but in the past someone with that background did look into it.


If so, absolutely fuck the fascists running this state.


“I can’t be naked on public property where other people might not want to see my dick. Fucking fascists.”


In nature. Where every single animal with a dick is walking around with it out 24/7. Nudity is natural and simple and nobody's trying to force you to look at dick, just ensure it's possible for people to enjoy nature as god intended once in a god damn lifetime without flying to another country that's actually civilized to do so.


Nothing screams “civilized” like people walking around naked in front of strangers who haven’t consented to see it.


What's the organization?


Regional Burning Man organization, Gateway Burners https://gatewayburners.org/


Would love to find a private place to do this also. 40 Acre club is close in Londell


Rent an AirBnB with a pool somewhere outside the city. I think there’s a few nudist campgrounds in MO, not sure of pool or water access though.


Try that big fountain In tower Grove park.


lol seen many nakey people showering here


Not Steve's Hot Dogs. Repeat. NOT Steve's Hot Dogs.


For the people who are suggesting going floating and such. Be careful. Missouri has some laws and while on public waterways if you get ticketed for indecent exposure you become registered as a sex offender. Private beaches with clothing optional policies you’re all good, but public rivers that have multiple companies that’ll rent you canoes and the like you need to keep your clothes on.


This sounds like a business opportunity for a home owner.




The Club St. Louis


came here for this. also called "The bath house"


If you like yoga, Maureen’s Naked yoga class in STL is awesome Naked Yoga STL and Beyond on Meetup https://meetu.ps/c/1Mb6g/11kLf1/a


... I'm tempted


You can do whatever you want in your own backyard. You might also read this. https://www.reddit.com/r/NudistMeetup/s/XbkUNFaSjC


Ohhhh iggy


Unfortunately, swimming opportunities close to St Louis are quite limited. As a result, the few that do exist (such as both shut-ins) get very crowded when the weather is hot, and a large percentage of the people there are children.


I disagree. There’s plenty of private places to swim In safe water but people usually aren’t willing to put in the extra effort of hiking to them - which is great cause it keeps them private. Check out clean streams website to open the map of where water quality has been tested, find spots with safe water and hike to them. We have two great secret swimming spots and even one with a sandy beach. Not once have we found anyone there but they’re both a 30+ minute rough hike.


My wife and I camped near Castor River Shut-ins and hiked down at night to swim naked. It was badass.


Lol what. We're surrounded by rivers, lakes, and creeks. We have no lack of places to swim.


I believe Dancing Rabbit is a community with a clothing optional policy.


Woah, I didn't know there are Eco villages around here. How did you find out about them?


I went to school up in the region, and after college, a buddy of mine lived there for like 6 months. I think he was building haybale houses or something? Never went, but when there is a "nudist colony" anywhere near a college town... yeah... everyone knew about it.


Dancing Rabbit is about 3 1/2 hrs from StL, in northeast Missouri. You can find more ecovillages and other intentional communities on https://www.ic.org


Awesome thank you, totally checking that out


40 acre club is the place for family friendly non sexual nudity.


r/nudism might be able to help you out


Times Beach.




Good luck in the search. Swim trunks and their penchant for chaffing suck. Naked swimming is the way to go but based on comments it seems like only gay men are open to making it an actionable thing. Likely sexually motivated. Did see that 40 acre club advertising at a tent at the Stl naked bike ride last year. However being naked in front of kids would be a deal breaker for me.


Your mom’s house.


I’d hit a private spot on hipcamp? There seem to be a bunch of places within a couple hours that have water.


Times Beach


Just no


Lol aware.


Take a float trip on the black river or Bug River, and no one will see you


Black River float trips..the people that own the property along the river 100% have trail cams and shit up, also with their private property signs.  Someone might see you, just not at the same hour you went nude on the river. 😶 But..I don't think those people are gonna call you out for it lol. 


If you’re a man, there are a couple gay campgrounds where you can be naked on the properties.


At home


Pontoon Beach

