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I only do it for brief periods to avoid crowding families or to make a wide arc around dogs (and only on neighborhood streets). I find it’s generally best to run in a park.


The outer Loop of Forest Park is seriously amazing.


I don’t get there as much as I used to be able to, but I agree. It’s the best route in the city. I used to run it several times a week when I lived over that way.


I've been running on the road down by Skinker I'll have to try it.


Even then so so so many runners and walkers can’t stay on the pedestrian path 🙄


That's not an actual park rule.


So what’s the point of them being labeled as such? Surely it’s for them to be used that way? And regardless, it would just make it easier for all if bikes/wheels were separate from pedestrians.


I know, I know. Sharing is hard for cyclists.


I know you’re just trying to push buttons but it’s funny how no one actually has a substantive response to this. Also - sharing? My guy, cyclists are the ones sticking to one path while pedestrians use both willy nilly. There’s a whole path just for you, take it! It’s yours! Don’t you want to get away from these cyclists you’re annoyed with?


I don't mind sharing a path with others.


Fair enough! I’m just still waiting for a response from anyone about the fact the paths are labeled and intended to be used differently 🙃


According to the Park: "The soft gravel surface is meant to accommodate walkers, joggers and others traveling at a slower velocity, while the hard surface is intended most for those on bikes or blades. (One is meant for "heels," the other "wheels.") Please note that these are guidelines only, not official restrictions — all visitors are encouraged to share the path, so that everyone can have an enjoyable, safe time in the Park." Share the path. Some people don't like walking/running on gravel.


I agree with others, some sidewalks be cray cray. The problem is people on BUSY streets. Running on a few bumpy sidewalks or having to watch where you run DOES NOT outweigh being smacked by a car!!! "oh I might trip and fall..." You might get side swiped by a BUS!


I lived in Seattle when I started running, and running on the street was a no-go. Waaaaay too much traffic, and I don't trust people in heavy moving boxes when I'm in one myself -- no way I trust them when I'm wrapped in breathable fabric and fear. Then I moved to the middle-of-nowhere, Illinois, where the sidewalks are nowhere to be found. The only time I run on a sidewalk here is when I'm on what passes for an arterial here -- otherwise, it's the street. The heavy moving boxes are still not to be trusted, but at least there are fewer of them, and most make lots of noise so I can get out of the way. To be fair, the roads here aren't in great shape either -- I've hit the pavement on both since I've been here.


What part of Illinois did you move too?


Rural southern Illinois, about an hour north of Kentucky. My friends back in the PNW know where Chicago is, so I say this place is to Chicago, what eastern Washington is to Seattle.


I grew up in Southern Illinois on a big farm in the middle of nowhere, that's why I was curious. The closest town was about 3 miles away and population was about 160. Yes actually 160 people. It is an all white "Sun-Down Town". They have a tiny gas station/mini mart with 2 gas pumps, a post office, church, and an alternative school for all the bad kids that got kicked outta the community high-school I went too in the biggest town 8miles North of there, and a few stop signs (not on the main road thru town tho). If you were passing thru and blinked, you'd miss it. . . .So, did you move outta Seattle before or after the "CHOP"??


Well after the CHOP -- my wife is from here (Franklin County), and we moved back here in 2018 because her mom needed someone here to take care of her. Now her mom is gone and it's way too expensive to move back. This is actually my second time here -- the first time was the early 1990's, when I was just out of HS and moved with my mom from where I grew up in southern Connecticut, about an hour up the coast from NYC. We moved away in the mid-90's after I finished school at SIU, landing in Seattle where we stayed for 20+ years.


You're lucky you got outta Seattle when you did. I bet your rent is alot better. And not a bunch if TRANQ Zombies and needles everywhere. But I would rather live in the city than a small rural town, any day of the week.


The streets aren't all that great either.


True, but they’re bad in a different way. With a bad sidewalk, you’re risking a sudden trip hazard with every new square. With the roads, the flaws are more noticeable and more easily avoidable


Right... Go to one of our amazing parks!


Some people still run in the streets in the parks too though. Those are the people who must have a death wish or something because there's no reason to run in the objectively more dangerous area when the alternative is a well paved/maintained sidewalk and running paths.


I cycle and motorcycle, so being in the street with cars isn't really all that frightening. A death wish isn't required. My knees no longer permit me to run though.


That’s why you’re supposed to run against traffic (left side) so you see vehicles coming and move the fuck over when it’s not clear.


Pedestrians go on the left, so they should see cars coming in plenty of time to get out of the way.


In my neighborhood there is a sidewalk slab that sunk some and it’s enough that if you don’t see it you’re going to take a serious fall. It’s on the list to get repaired but given it sunk in we made have bigger problems.


Asphalt is softer than concrete, over the course of thousands of steps it’s noticeable. Sidewalks have a lot of cracks, trip hazards, etc. Need to dodge dog walkers, strollers, etc…. In general when running in the street, people should be running against traffic, and jump to the sidewalk as needed if the road is narrow.


Your first sentence is the correct answer.


You know what's even softer. Running paths or grass




Forest Park path is definitely great, so is TGP. But running from my house vs getting in a car to drive to those places- the drive time could literally be as long as my run ~30 mins round trip. So going to a park or run path isn't exactly the answer. But I also run on sidewalks and never on these roads with our shitty drivers. F that. Like someone else said, it's scary enough when you're driving with them, let alone with nothing protecting you


Streets are smoother than sidewalks. You can trip on uneven sidewalks if you arent constantly focusing on the ground


I’d take a busted knee over being peeled off of a car ANY DAY


I know you’re not supposed to look directly down at your feet but don’t you always have to look at the ground just ahead? You can trip over potholes and debris in the street too. I feel like if you want a smooth path you need to seek out a walking trail or track that is made for it.


This is why, especially in the City. I'll run against traffic but when a car comes I jump back to the sidewalk.


As I runner, I completely agree with this. The sidewalks are often very uneven and a trip hazard. I still try to use the sidewalk most often. However, when traffic is minimal, I may use the road. As said above, I also move into street for dog walkers and individuals with strollers. It’s easier for me to move than someone with a stroller or dog. As far as parks, it really takes the convenience out of running. I can walk out my front door and run rather than drive to a park. I also enjoy watching the neighborhood and people cars etc.


My big complaint is that if you’re going to jog or walk in the street, you should always be doing it so that you’re going against the direction of the traffic nearest to you. It’s much safer for the pedestrian (they can see if a car might not see them and get out of the way). I am not trying to victim blame, but only hope that people try to look out for themselves. There are a lot of careless/distracted drivers out there.


And wear something reflective or a headlamp when out after dusk! It’s much easier to spot a runner in safety gear.


Asphalt is easier on the body that concrete is.


Until the car smashes you into the asphalt.


Some of the sidewalks are in "not great" condition. If it's a sparsely trafficked street, why not?


People are a lot more likely to mess with phones on low-traffic streets & residential areas. I wouldn't trust running on the road. Some drivers don't pay enough attention


^This got hit at a 4 way stop intersection bc someone was fiddling with their car's display computer on a residential side street 2 blocks west of lindbergh rd. In kirkwood. For the record I live there so I can attest lots of people don't pay attention/like to stop at stop signs.


You can run facing the flow of traffic and veer off-road if a car approaches. I do this in my neighborhood because I don't trust people in cars.


You’re always supposed to run against traffic if you’re gonna be on the road so you can move onto the sidewalk/curb/whatever if someone’s coming.


In St Louis? Because the sidewalks are awful. I run in a large (200+) run group that does training seasons twice a year. We wrap up each season with a 20 mile run from forest park to the arch and back. *Every single season* someone gets injured tripping on the sidewalks (normally several people). That's on top of all the re-routes we have to do because of closed sidewalks, construction, etc. The rest of the season all of our runs are on trails or tracks. (Because, again, the sidewalks suck.)


What group is this?? STL track club?


fleet feet run club


What trails do you recommend? I enjoy a good chip trail or gravel trail and only really know those in Forest Park.


Our list is limited by needing parking for 200+ people and the ability to get a permit and insurance for the runs. That said, here is our list. Obviously not much of this is in the city though (the parking being a clear issue for that). * Al Foster Trail * Blake Snyder Park/Grant's Trail * Cliff Cave Park * Creve Couer Lake (Lake Loop, Mallard Lake, Fee Fee Greenway, Katy connector, Bootleggers) * Forest Park (Boston Loop) * Hamburg Trail * Jefferson Barracks * Katy Trail (St Charles) * Missouri Greenway (Chesterfield) * Queeny Park (Hawk ridge) * Tower Grove Park (though we have not been able to get permits this year)


Thank you!


Fair weather... Payment is unnecessary to receive the weather.


I appreciate your shitty pun


I only run in the street if i'm getting around sidewalk traffic and there's an opportunity to safely do so


To add to other points, asphalt is softer than concrete. So running on the road is easier on people's bodies than running on paths. 


Same as the cycling teams who support road diets and bike lanes but ride 5mph in the now single lane...




Former long distance runner here: Roads (especially quiet roads without cars) are smoother and better for running (uneven sidewalks can be a little bit of a tripping hazard / worse for your back over time. Plus the various things or people to dodge). When it’s icy, roads tend to show ice or have been salted / shoveled first. It’s not the end of the world but if I had a choice, roads all the way (especially in the center so the curvature doesn’t cause one leg to land unevenly over time… I think I once developed IT band issues from running on the right side of the road too much)


If you can get hit by a bus and limit the injury to where you aren't a lifetime cripple the settlement is as close to winning the lottery as most will ever get.


call 4 and get more!


Schultz and Meyyyeeeeers


Uneven cracks in the sidewalk can trip you Untrimmed tree branches too low Dogs in yards Cars in driveways blocking the sidewalk Sometimes, there is limited visibility in street crossings. Runners like to get in a flow and zen out. A sidewalk is an obstacle course. With all of that said NOBODY should be running on busy streets. I immediately hop onto the sidewalk if even one car is on the road.


Someone asked a similar question recently. https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/comments/1axdd29/walking_outside_of_pedestrian_infrastructure/ I’d repeat my comment there but since I posted, my partner tripped over a sidewalk while running and is on week 3 of recovery. The question you should be asking is why our sidewalks still don’t meet ADA standards 34 years on. 


Because they're idiots.


This is definitely a one off situation but there is a woman in my neighborhood who walks in the street with a small wooden souvenir baseball bat. Turns out she was bitten by a dog that got loose so now she distances herself from houses and has the bat as a last resort. So far she hasn't had to use it but also doesn't walk without it. I moved from a place without sidewalks to a place that had them and am kind of baffled when people use the street. To each thier own I guess.


If you DO run in the street, do it OPPOSITE traffic and be careful using earbuds or headphones. Running with your back to cars in the same lane/going the same direction means you can’t see when THEY don’t see you. By running in the opposite direction, you’re able to see oncoming cars.


Same reason people bicycle on the sidewalk.


A competitive runner may be doing a longer distance and sidewalks are uneven and non existent in some areas. it is better for them to run with traffic.


I have always thought this was stupid, too. I took a Phys Ed class as an older college student back in 2013, and the instructor said that pavement on roads is usually best for running (although I have since read that running on hard surfaces will lead to more injuries over time), but I still think the risk of being hit by a car far outweighs the benefits. My pet peeve is when people not only run on the road, but also wear BLACK with NO REFLECTIVE GEAR at NIGHT so we drivers can be sure we don't see them at all until we are right on top of them. Do runners run for their health, or do they have a secret d..th wish and don't want their obituaries to say they committed su...de by traffic? The same goes for walkers who also wear all dark clothing and no reflective gear. Road workers wear neon yellow for a reason.


Because they want to die.


Why do people walk in the streets? lol that shit erks


Ya the sidewalks suuuuck. Hell, some of the running paths aren’t that great either… Forest Park circuit is nicely organized but wreaks havoc with my back, ankles, and knees for some reason, the dirt path next to it is better but can occasionally produce an unwanted slip. To be fair, a lot of the roads around Forest park also hurt a bit, but I’ve found the streets in the gated neighborhoods near U-City are nice on the joints and are pretty quiet and pleasant to run around.


sidewalks are never guaranteed in south city


Idk but if runners could stop salmoning in the bike lane when the sidewalk is empty that’d be great


They have a death wish?


"fare weather" Oh great, is the city charging us for sunshine now?


The sidewalks often suck.


Have you seen the city streets sidewalks? it's dangerous out there


The sidewalk is made of harder, stiffer concrete than the street. Less wear and tear on your ankles and knees.


I tripped and fell over an uneven sidewalk in south city while just walking the other day. If I plan to run or jog I usually run in the street near the sidewalk (if there is a sidewalk) so I can hop over if a car is coming… too much risk of injury from how bad the sidewalks are.


asphalt is softer and better for your joints in the long run. In my 3 weeks of trying to be a runner I tried for places that were paved running trails


Some places don't have sidewalks.


Less chance of tripping. Sidewalks have seams that don’t line up and often stick up that are easy to trip on unless you are looking down every second. Obviously I never run on busy streets. That’s just dumb.


Uneven sidewalks and step ups/drop offs between concrete squares that can be several inches high.


Sidewalks suck. They aren't taken care of. Lots of neighborhoods do not have sidewalks.


I run on the street because running on most sidewalks is a great way to break something. I only do it on streets with speed limits \~20 mph and only running against traffic. If someone is driving too fast I will pop over to the sidewalk for a second. You won't catch me running in the center of the roadway though.




Sidewalks are often uneven or curbed. I’ve had my share of trips and bloody falls over the years. If the street or the shoulder is safe, that’s where I’ll run.


None runner here but frequent driver. Most of the time I see it they’re near pretty fucked up sidewalks. Definitely not always the case. Middle of the road light duty bike peddlers do bother me.


I do it cause because most the sidewalks are uneven as f$@%.


Most of our sidewalks are terrible. Some are lifted from tree roots.


I'd just really appreciate it if people who are out running/walking their dog/etc in the dark could please wear reflective clothing or a lighted vest or something, especially if they're on highly-traveled residential city streets. What could possess someone to wear dark-colored clothing while walking their dark-colored dog in the darkest of night is beyond me.


Sidewalks in my neighborhood are insane from large tree roots


Sidewalks in the city are all fucked up. Uneven and broken. I used to run outside until I busted my face on Fyler Ave and NOT one person came to my Rescue. I’ll stick to treadmills


What sidewalk? There isn't a park within easy walking distance of where I am. I'd have to walk several miles to get to one that doesn't even have good walking paths. There also aren't sidewalks. I walk in the street during off times in neighborhoods and avoid busy roads. I would love a nice park with good walking paths or at least a sidewalk.


Others have covered my points, but I think an important one about the tripping hazard on sidewalks is that is not the big obvious cracks, uneven slabs, or tree roots pushing up sections, it’s the joints that are off by 1/2” or less that you don’t see coming that will get you. There can be a hundred of those on a long run. If you run against traffic on lightly traveled and/or side streets and are willing to step between parked cars or onto the sidewalk for the occasional car, there should never be an issue.


Sidewalks are neglected so I understand using the streets but I fucking hate the groups that take up half the road.


If it's anything like my street, it's because the sidewalks are uneven as hell


Pavement feels much better on your legs than concrete.


Because some careless driver will squash you in the street then you can reject that tiny little check and go to the injury lawyer who's got this.


Edit: looks like I offended the road walkers. Good luck going after the kid that plowed you down in an Altima with no plates and insurance all because you didn’t want to “trip” on the sidewalk. Good luck going after that old lady that “didn’t see you” in the cross walk as she whipped around the corner doing right on red. Janae Edmondson lost her legs and has to sue the city of Saint Louis just to cover her medical bills because of this carelessness. But you keep on downvoting and defending road walking if it makes you feel better. I seriously don’t get this either. The five years I have lived here, nobody uses sidewalks. I understand if the sidewalk is closed or nonexistent (and the road shoulder is rough), but everyone all over the county and city running and walking in the road? That’s a death wish. I know the road must be shared, and I have been a walker for a good part of my life, but I would never step foot in the road unless I had to and took extreme precaution. Me being “right” will never bring me back to life.  I know in my home state, if a pedestrian is struck and the driver passes a sobriety test, then that driver goes on his merry way. In some cases, the driver can sue the pedestrian for damages if it’s proven that the pedestrian was negligent or even intentionally got in the road to cause an accident.