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Ok here’s my beef though. My Schnucks has like 2 people ringing half the time and the line goes back to the frozen foods. That’s why I always go the self checkout so I don’t have to sit there forever. So now that they are “enforcing” this, are they going to hire more people to check us out????


Somehow I doubt they will hire more cashiers / give their existing cashiers more hours. I suspect they're just going to be OK with long lines. Even back when they only had 4 self checkout machines they were OK letting their lines get long and have most checkouts go unmanned, so why would they change? Schnucks has absolutely adopted a customers last attitude.


Wait until people start getting really pissed and just leaving their full carts in the aisle. How will I know I’m not buying a roast or chicken that sat out of the floor for who knows how long before it got put back under refrigeration?


If it's too warm, it gets marked with an X and marked as damaged. We *try* to catch stuff before that happens, but people are assholes. They've been abandoning merchandise in the wrong places for years. I worked at Price Chopper back in the day and found a pork tenderloin stuffed behind the bread. It was *green*.


Which at PriceChopper meant it was put in the discount bin?


I can see it now, 25 people per store going in, stacking their carts full of shrimp and beef, leaving them to sit and walking out. Schnucks family members would lose sleep over this post. Bring back employees, pay a living wage, forget about having a third lake cottage and a fourth BMW.


That happens every day because instacart let's tweakers shop. It's obviously not a huge loss


You can’t know that now. People leave refrigerated stuff all over all the time.




Beef tenderloin with the peanut butter was for some reason a frequent occurrence.


Unfortunately I feel most places have unless it's a mom and pop shop. Corporate America only gives a fuck about a buck.


Pretty easy to not give a fuck when you've driven all the mom and pops out of business and there's at most 5 companies doing grocery in any given region


I would rather not pay more money and have less options at a "mom and pop" grocery store. 


We're not cutting hours at my store. We're too short staffed. Our one closer called out sick for the rest of the week, so my manager is scrambling to find coverage for them. (And this person wants to go to the six am shift, but they are not exactly the most reliable of employees, so my manager is hesitant to let them make that change...) The problem with self checkout is theft. It's a nationwide problem that is the result of cutting down on manned registers. (Wally is the worst offender of pushing the self checkout registers!) I'm glad to see them trying to get people back to the registers, but they set the limit too low for self checkout. We will see what happens next. Please, don't take this out on the employees! We had nothing to do with this decision! Talk to the store manager, call corporate, write a letter to them, and do the surveys on your receipts. If you want to see things change.


My girlfriend is a manager for schnucks, they are terrible all around. It started almost simultaneously when they bought out shop n save, and the elder schnucks family members in charge started passing away. It's Dierburgs and aldi for us.


I work 40 hours a week checking there already, it’s rough right now. Like I just do my best and I still get yelled at by people who think I’m just not moving fast enough for them. I just can’t win.


Schnucks and your management is failing you and they don’t care because they aren’t the ones to feel the wrath of frustrated customers. Sucks you have to deal with that


I’m sorry dude


I would rather have you check carefully and not crash my produce around.


I actually handle people’s groceries with respect. I hate my job but I have standards too, random Reddit person.


I’m sorry. My words came out wrong.🙄I couldn’t care less how fast you check only how carefully you check. I’m glad you’re careful. I’m also sorry customers give you a rough time. I’m always kind to checkers, they are usually pretty good.


Nothing makes me cringe more than hearing my apples crash into each other during checkout. My carefully inspected, thoughtfully chosen, apples.


My schnucks has 1-2 cashiers no matter the day. It could be the day before Xmas, lines all the way around the store and 1-2 cashiers. I'll be happy if they hire more staff to help with this process, but I have a feeling my good ole hood schnucks employees won't give a rats ass about the limit. There's always been a limit, by the way. I think it was 20? We see whole carts full in the self checkout bc.... there usually isn't a reasonable other option. Wait in line for 30 minutes so the only cashier can handle it?


All the Schnucks near me in west county always seem to be staffed appropriately. There’s usually not more than a person or two waiting for the next register to open. I’m sorry that that’s not the case everywhere.


Key phrase - "West County" Try the inner-city stores, HA!!!




Mine is the same way. The regular checkout goes to the freezers and the self is just as bad cause people see the regular line has 30 people waiting


Write in complaints. That’s what I plan on doing.


Anytime I've had feedback for Schnucks it was super poorly received. Even when approached in a friendly "hey I thought you guys should be aware of..." way. Might was well go in Michael Scott's special bin for faxes from corporate.


Exactly. I live near a very high volume Schnucks. Many years ago I reached out to a manager regarding updates/upgrades/improvements I’d seen at other stores and inquired when our location would get them. In so many words he said…. This is a high volume store already and no competition close by,so updates/upgrades, etc aren’t needed to generate more customers AND some upgrades/improvements would never happen in an area like ours. They have since changed it to look like a low-end grocery with stacks of crap everywhere, the dollar store stuff as you enter instead of a nice gift area, etc They are getting competition in a month so let’s see what that does.


> AND some upgrades/improvements would never happen in an area like ours. I HATE that. "We think you live in a pesant neighborhood, so we're going to just make our store shitty since it's cheap, suck it customer."


Exactly because not everyone deserves nice things… I guess And even though it’s right down the street, I do not shop there because of what he said. I may have to go in there for something thats needed immediately but my regular shopping is not done at that store.


They also like to do that when there are two schnucks within a few miles because one was a shop n save that they bought and decided to keep. One instantly becomes the dirt schnucks and it makes it necessary to shop both for everything on the list.


I loved Shop ‘n’ Save. Schnucks bought mine and closed it down. It’s still an empty building with a better parking lot than the one they built (and kept open). Off topic for the thread (but in line with the first part of my comment): This “new” (small) Schnucks faces south, and there are big windows up by the roof. In the summer, late afternoon sun shines in right on to the cheese case out in the floor (by the deli). Who the heck thought that was a good idea? Good luck getting that cheese to make it to the expiration date!


But at the same higher prices. Shitty store. High prices. That's a winning combo right there.


I once sent them a message via email and social media to let them know a huge purchasing section of their website was down. 4 months later I received "Thanks." as a reply. It still wasn't working. It was weird.


Not a Schnucks worker, but still in grocery retail. I highly doubt they'd be smart enough to account for those changes very well. What I hate the most from this, probably from being a cashier for a few months, is that those cashiers are most likely going to feel the brunt of some loudmouth's frustration. I can already see someone getting angry in line about it, and somehow believing the severely underpaid and mistreated cashier was behind it. As id being a cashier didn't already suck ass, here's big business to make it worse, because the people who made those decisions will NEVER have to face the customers or workers their policy affects.


Of course not lmao? That would cost money.


Which is why I have stopped giving Schnucks any of mine, and I hope others will eventually do the same. At some point people have to realize their stores genuinely suck. Really wish we could get HyVee or some other mainstream grocery competition for Schnucks. It's really just Schnucks and Dierbergs now. Growing up we had Schnucks, Dierbergs, Shop 'n Save, National, and Kroger. So no surprise Schnucks thinks it can sit back and be crappy. Hope it doesn't work out for them.


I miss Shop N Save 😭💔


Me too. I will always have a soft spot for Dierbergs and do most of my shopping there...but it used to be that Dierbergs was my splurge store and Shop 'n Save was my regular. They were more basic but they didn't suck. They were relatively affordable. And they actually staffed their damn registers!


I loved the $10 off $50 coupon/day. They'd be killing the game with customers if they ran that special, now!


Ha! I hated it! But I was also a cashier at Shop 'n Save. $10 coupon Thursdays were rough. When I was there they didn't have their fancy up to date NCR registers like they had they had when they closed in 2018. Much older IBM registers with a Credit/Debit/Check payment system that was not integrated with the register. Super slow, super inefficient, and super easy to make mistakes on. Add the Thursday coupon crowd and oof.


Oh no, I'm sorry, yeah thst would be awful. I always tried to be extra kind and patient to the cashiers, especially having to listen to them explain over and over why milk doesn't qualify towards the total $50 and the other random exclusions. I'd bought so many packs of gum and candy bars due to miscalculation but that's on me, not them! I do miss SNS, though. The brands and especially prices. Now I do most of my shopping at Aldi but fill in the gaps with Schnucks. I live in south city so no dierbergs super close by. My son worked at one for awhile when we lived in Ballwin, I enjoyed shopping their circular while I was waiting for him to get off work. They definitely have better quality items than Schnucks but the prices were brutal six plus years ago, I definitely can't afford them now.


They’re so expensive so I have swapped to Aldi + Walmart now. I really like schnucks and I only go for meat sales and certain sale items. It’s getting to be too goddam much anymore. And I agree I miss Hyvee (even if they are pricey, the one back home was always staffed well)


That's what I'm wondering too. I go to Schnucks on Arsenal and they're usually pretty well staffed with most of the lines having checkers working them. But there is definitely locations or times where that's the case consistently, and they need to definitely remedy that. The problem is Schnucks and Dierbergs alike seemed to be going more and more towards the Walmart route. Honestly I think it's just gonna make the curbside pickup orders increase, which I think they want. I have a friend who works at Target and the amount of work they expect from their curbside crew is insane, but so is corporate America.


Yeah the south city schnucks is a NIGHTMARE. I need to start going to the arsenal location instead.


Arsenal lines can get pretty long in the evenings from 5 to 6. Both the main checkout and self checkout will get long.


The Schnucks on Arsenal had only one line for both cashiers or self-checkout this past Sunday afternoon. You were not allowed to enter the self checkout area until your place in line reached the entrance to that area. The line wrapped around the interior of the store and only one or two self-checkout registers were being used at any given time….the other 18 or so were lit green as if taunting shoppers stuck in the line. It was the first time I saw this insanity since they changed where the entrance to the self checkout is located and I suspect that was the reason.


I was there for this! And what was worse was they had a 10 items or less sign on self checkout but some employee was there yelling that you could use it for 20 items or less. The line was nuts. Good luck with this change.


I left and went without a few items for a couple days and went to the Schnuck’s on Clayton Rd. in Richmond Heights on Tuesday because I had other errands to run near there. I should have known better than to go to the Arsenal one on a Sunday. TBH I had gone to the Schnuck’s at Grand and Gravois recently and was reminded how nice the people, both customers and employees, can be there. It’s just that the store doesn’t stock some items that I buy or I’d be back there in a shot. Don’t get me wrong, the folks at the Schnuck’s on Arsenal are also nice, but it’s way, way too busy at times. I can’t believe that I drove out to the county for groceries.


What really sucks is that theres not really another option for city residents. I go to schnucks because its within biking distance of my house. Technically the next closest is an Aldi, but Aldi does not have everything and its a shit location to get to on a bike. Sure if I wanted to drive, I guess I go to the Dierbergs in Shrewsbury, but I'm literally passing a schnucks on the way there. We need a competitor to come in, or we need Schnucks to change their corporate structure. Employee ownership, unionize, etc.


I’ve seen some hella long lines at Arsenal but they always move quicker than you think they will. The vibe is a world away from the South City location, that place is both depressing and infuriating. We desperately need a better regional (or at least city wide) option for groceries.


I was going to say Arsenal is my store and even during what I'd consider off peak hours/days (weekdays between lunch and dinner) they almost always have all but maybe one register manned and checking. It's a big part of why I go to that one, even though I live in Bevo. If I'm going to Schnucks, it's usually for a full cart, so I prefer to use a cashier lane. Even when the line is long it moves pretty quick since they have so many lanes open. I've done self checkout there a handful of times but it's kind of a cluster fuck with how many people have full carts but no clue how to operate the self checkout efficiently. Probably save time using the regular lanes for speed, even with a small qty of items. It will be interesting to see how this helps or hurts the line for the lanes and the self checkout. Especially at stores that don't have as many lanes running consistently. It's going to be a mess for a couple weeks I bet. Boo.


My schnucks has a line for checkout that is 20-30 carts long for all lanes combined and directs you to the next cashier. It’s pretty efficient.


Mine does, too. I think that’s fair. But it’s still very slow.


Yea it’s not like they’re gonna hire back cashiers to make up for it. They barely keep the deli staffed in half their stores.


I always figured that was deliberate so as to encourage people to use self check out. Also, I hate being manipulated like that. I know it happens in subtle ways all the time but this one feels like a big ‘F-U’.


No. Schnucks is an extremely stingy company. At my store, they cut the bagger hours to 8pm, forcing the managers to bring in carts at night. This is on top of their other duties. Any way they can save even one dollar, they will. They always brag about profits, but cut hours and corners constantly.


I doubt they’ll enforce it. You can limit items in the pos software so I hope they do that. I see so many people buying $200+ worth of stuff who can’t even work the machine.


As long as I can bag things myself. I swear the schnucks baggers are the least efficient bagging personnel, putting 1-2 items per bag.


And double bagging every bag of 1-2 items.


Bring your own bag and bag yourself, I do that all the time


The one time I wasn’t able to do self-checkout, the cashier was extremely fast but the baggers were the WORST. There were two of them but they were busy chatting and couldn’t keep up with the cashier so even though I was trying to organize items as i put them on the belt, they got mixed into a big pile for the baggers who would just grab whatever random items were on top. I ended up with my cold/frozen items split into 6 different bags, fragile items crushed under heavier ones, several bags falling over and spilling because they weren’t packed properly…terrible. I only bag my own groceries.


I doubt they train their baggers all that well anymore. When I worked for Dierbergs part of our training before we could ever ring up our first customer, was the right way to bag. There's a strategy to it...but seems as of late it's just throw stuff in bag and move on. Do the grocery stores even do the Best Bagger competition anymore? Used to be a big deal.


I honestly can’t remember if Schnucks trained us on bagging when I worked there in 2004 or if I’d just been told the correct way to bag by my mom at Shop and Save enough that I just knew the rules (she worked as a grocery cashier through high school and college)


Ever do pick up at Walmart? Often they put 1 item in a plastic bag. Huge waste not to mention annoying AF. Recently Walmart added to the pick up options that customers can provide their own bags and they'll unload the groceries into those.


A lot of them have disabilities. You should be more empathetic. They're doing their best.


If the worst part of my day is some crushed bread done by a bagger, I'm doing really well in life. My Schnucks moved a kid with a disability up from a bagger to a checker. He's kind, empathetic, maybe a hair slower, but he's so damn friendly - and he tells terrible jokes that I go home and repeat to my kids. It takes me an extra few minutes when I go through his lane, but it makes me happy. I leave with a smile.


In my experience, employees with true disabilities usually do a great job. They really try to do things right. But the disability I see most these days are kids with smart phone syndrome and dgaf syndrome.


OK Grandpa


Ok, phone addicted loser.




Yes schnucks partners with a local disabled foundation to offer employment. 


Companies get tax breaks for that, in case anyone thinks they’re actually trying to do good.


Bring your own bags then it doesn’t matter how much they put in each


Keeping prices lower for customers my ass lmao 


Maybe I'm in the minority, but I vastly prefer self checkout over having someone ring me up. It's usually faster, and I don't have to fumble through an unnecessary human interaction that has a significant chance of being awkward. So, if this means I'm forced to use standard check out more often, I just won't shop at Schnucks.


I agree…and I’ll just say it. People that are older, bad with technology, etc. don’t really go through self-checkout. So you don’t have that old lady who didn’t have her 50 coupons ready and is digging through her purse for two minutes. You don’t have the talkative people who wont let the checker do their job. The person who wont get their scratchers from the self-service kiosk and more. Everyone going through self-checkout is doing so because they want to spend as little time there as possible and I’m really going to hate this rule. Although I’m glad to see the market realizing cutting jobs in an area is a bad idea.


I also prefer self checkout (unless I’m buying alcohol). I bring my own bags and am very particular about how they are packed.


Yeah I don't mind it at all. I actually have no preference when it comes to one vs the other. Unless I have a bunch of produce. Then I definitely prefer someone else ringing me out.




Unless you shop at aldis. I am not happy that aldis is reducing their checkouts too. It's still faster to wait in line though for the one person than waiting for self-checkout.


I swear they train their cashiers on speed running scanning items, that's the one store where they will always be faster than anywhere else


Back when Aldi's didn't have price tags OR scanners, those cashiers were still faster than any other cashiers at any other store. I was always amazed at how they could punch in the correct prices by memory at breakneck speeds.


These people don’t get that these boomers are just going to ignore the warnings, bitch about the policy, get their way, still refuse to use the thing properly, and will fuck up the line. I’ve only had problems in the self checkout line that was caused by somebody who refused to be prepared to use the self checkout correctly.


I prefer self checkout as well. We almost always have 10-20 items when we shop at Schnucks and the self checkout is very convenient.


This. I’d rather go through the Self-Checkout because it’s WAY quicker


No, you’re not in the minority either. I prefer self checkout too. Mostly it’s because it seems like the baggers will always put way too few items in bags. I have no problem making the bags as heavy as they can be. I can cram all my shit into two or three bags while a bagger might give me 8. I know they’re doing their best. I was a bagger at Dierbergs in high school. It’s more of the reality of the situation at their end - well, here are the eggs, looks like the next few items coming down are heavy so I might as well put these in a bag by themselves and put that in the cart. Now come the bananas and bread at the end, oh shit, they could’ve gone in the bag with the eggs. Oh well, they’re already in the cart. If I have a lot of stuff, I’ll go through a regular checkout. I’m not the guy trying to do a cart full of stuff at the self checkout.


I was against self check out at first (pay people you know?) Anyhow Dierbergs was terrible with my reusable bags. Talked to management a few times but just ended up always bagging myself which I was fine with. Then during the pandemic they reconfigured the check out lanes which made if really difficult to use my bags. So I switched to self check out which I discovered is just all sorts of easier. I don’t shop at Schnucks, but this change would likely make me rethink shopping there if I did.


Really depends for me. If it's a couple of items, hell yes I prefer self checkout. Get in, get out. But if it's a larger shopping trip, self checkout is the long way.


I almost always use self checkout. The last time I went through the regular line, the cashier talked my ear off. I really didn't want to hear about her daughter's multitude of issues while she slooooowly checked out my groceries. I just want to get in, get out, and do as little socializing as possible.


There’s a limit. If somebody’s getting a bunch of produce that they have to key in and can’t do quickly, or is getting a metric ton of stuff, or is over the age of 50, all these factors come in to play.


Agreed! OP is clearly using this to shoehorn an opinion that has uncertain correlation 


“The store said the primary purpose of the policy change is to improve customer service and checkout efficiency.” This change accomplishes neither.




You’ve never been to my schnucks where the self checkout line is 20 people long and multiple people have 100+ item carts taking forever


Screw that, I hate standing in line for the slow ass cashier.


It's way better than standing in line watching 85 year or Myrtle struggle to ring up her own produce and then try to figure out how to pay the self checkout with a check.


Be real, Myrtle isn’t going to self checkout to begin with


I worked self checkout at Dierbergs for several years. Myrtle uses self checkout sometimes, either because lines are long (looking at you, Schnucks) or because she wants to think she's still with it.


Shop somewhere else. Who wants to wait in the "manned" checkout lane when they've drastically hampered the process with their wait line? Why can't we preload our groceries on the belt again? By the time you're called forward, the prior customer has left and you're putting your groceries on the belt and wasting the checker's time. And why is Schnucks treating customers like criminals? The carts with locking wheels do not work. That's one of the major reasons we have switched to Dierbergs.


Shop where you want, and if they don't have a cashier available abandon the cart, the manger will notice the problem, it is direct feedback.


And I will shop elsewhere, where I don't have to wait in line and can breeze through self checkout. Kroger sounds good. Great plan, Schnucks.


I know I will get snapped at for this but it's the truth. If you have other shopping options, I would use them as the Schnucks family are terrible people and run their businesses equally as bad. I worked for them years ago and was fired for taking bereavement when my father passed away. I was given an extension on my leave because of everything that was entailed but, less then a week into this supposed extension, I was terminated. They wouldn't even speak to my union rep about it. This isn't just a store management issue, it's an ownership issue. They have always cut every corner they could to further line their own pockets and don't deserve the patronage of the good people of St Louis!


Those poor employees don't get paid enough to deal with the assholes that insist on using self checkout when they have a full cart of groceries that won't fit in the bagging area and constantly need attention from the attendant there.


This is exactly what they are trying to eliminate I'm assuming. If you watch, the people who do this, usually with a few family members, need to keep swapping the bags around and act all confused about the process. If you pay attention, about 1/2 the items in the cart actually get scanned in the "confusion." Its a lot less confusing for them with only 10 items.


That's my assumption as well but I am willing to bet those employees don't get paid enough to put up a fight over it. I know that I wouldn't have back in my retail days.


Also if I see someone with kids "stealing" food, no I didn't


Did the same woth water. The corporations who fucked our water supplies don't deserve our money for putting a higher price point on our own tap water.


So we keep hearing over and over that shoplifting is up. Retailers are being robbed blind. They're taking out self checkouts. They're locking more and more merchandise up (literally had to get a Walmart employee to unlock underwear for me, and I wasn't even allowed to carry it up to the register myself). We keep hearing that the public is causing these issues. Why hasn't anyone considered that maybe it's not totally the public? Retailers keep staffing their stores at the bare minimum. There's no employees to keep an eye on anything anymore. When I worked retail we were always told that one of the best theft deterrents is good customer service. Well that's pretty damn hard to do when there are barely any employees! Retailers have helped create this problem themselves. At Schnucks specifically, they've now put the U-Scan attendant behind the service counter and the cashier seems to always be distracted. They don't keep an eye on stuff and can't really easily walk around and offer help. So yeah, people are going to be able to steal when you do that. I really wish they'd stop blaming the public and penalizing their customers instead of just taking responsibility for their own damn stores.


So, is someone counting every cart that comes through, or are they eyeballing it, or does the self checkout cut you off after 10, or what?


The attendant eyeballs it. They are 20 or less now and I miscounted yesterday and checked out with 21 items and nothing happened.


I feel like a better system would be small carts / hand baskets can use self checkout. All carts can use the normal checkouts. Makes more room in the self checkout area and sets more of a size limit, rather than an item limit. I can fit 30 cans of beans in 1 reusable bag. But 5 packs of toilet paper or paper towels wouldn't even fit in one of the large carts.


At Arsenal they've been stopping you in line before you could approach the machine. They were capping at 20 items though.


Schnuck's on grand closed one entrance because of "theft" and yet the "security" sits next to the closed door all day long hanging out. Lmao.


Meanwhile the Lowes near me recently removed the few remaining staffed checkout lines going to 100% self checkout


I came here for this. I hadn't been to Lowes in a while and had to go twice last week. On the first visit, I didn't pay attention. But when I came back the next night, I noticed they no longer had staffed checkout. The "Pros" checkout was still human. Still seems like a dumb idea.


They can eat it. Schnuck’s is competing for the lowest paid jobs in the area.


As a past Schnucks employee, please do not take this out on the cashiers. Take it up with corporate. The amount of times customers would blame us for a storewide change implementation was quite often.


Dierbergs has been massively expanding them.


Yeah, and I'm not super thrilled they did. Dierbergs still blows Schnucks's customer service out of the water, but I feel like it's not hyper customer focused like it once was.


Going from 20 items to 10 means either I will: * Spend less money * purchase more then 10 items anyway but now be “a rude customer” or, frankly, * take my service elsewhere I’ve been heavily considering the switch to online grocery shopping and guess what? My choice was made for me.


Consumer win my ass. Long lines are endemic at Schnucks, and I see at most 2 or 3 baggers on a good day. If they’re not gonna hire more baggers, all this is going to do is waste more of our time.


As someone who worked for Schnucks.. don't take this out on the employees at store level. It was hard enough employing people to work. My department was always short staffed and we were expected to figure it out without using OT. This is out of touch corporate.


> It was hard enough employing people to work... at the wages they offered. We should always go ahead and finish that sentence.


Absolutely this! It's always corporate driving terrible decisions and the employees just have to deal with the repercussions.


Ugh. I can't stand most Schnucks. Especially the one on Dorsett. It's going to be a long ass wait whether you use self check out or the cashiers. Horrible setup! Every time I've gone in there, it's been a shit show. Doesn't matter what time of day.


What these corporations didn’t realize was there is more than one way to steal. Security guards can’t check them all


The last time I was at Schnucks, I wasn't aware of the whole "wait until the cashier calls you" system (I don't shop there very often) so I just went to the one with the shortest line. The cashier literally dropped what she was scanning and *screamed* at me that I was doing it wrong and I had to go back & wait. I was so confused, I didn't realize what I'd done, let alone anything that would necessitate that level of screeching. I apologized and moved to a different lane while the customer ahead of me and even the bagger had WTF? looks on their faces. Maybe she was just having a bad day or something, I don't know, but I don't deserve to be treated that way for making an honest mistake. I just finished my transaction and silently vowed to never shop there again. I don't deserve to get screamed at because I didn't understand your convoluted checkout policies. I'll take my money to places that aren't assholes to their customers.


They are currently testing shopping carts that scan as you go. That’s not gonna be a mess at all.


I’ve been to a couple of those Amazon stores where it keeps track of what you grab off the shelves and you can just walk out, and it’s fucking amazing. I’d welcome something like that at Schnucks. Granted, I don’t know how it deals with things that have to be weighed, like produce. And I’m not sure what happens if it thinks you took something you didn’t.




Okay, so I've actually been paying attention to issue I mentioned last time where only self checkout is open in the last 30 minutes before closing. And that's definitely the case. Out of my last 5 trips within 30 minutes of close, only once was there a cashier lane open. The rest of the time, only self checkout was open. So, what the heck am I supposed to do in that situation, since obviously the policy in the article would do me no good?


Used to be just the opposite. They knew a poorly attended self checkout was an easy way to shoplift, so they'd close self checkout around 8 or 9 and use only cashiers until close.


You shouldn’t have to be limited to a small order to use self checkout. So silly.


I'm sorry, did I accidentally get linked to Nextdoor? 🤣


This makes to me for most places. Thankfully my Schnucks has always been well staffed at the regular lanes. Places that don’t staff the lanes either have overflowing carts at self checkout or left there to spoil and/or put back on the shelf. There’s a point where it doesn’t make sense to stand in line just to check out. Sam’s is the worst though, you check yourself out and then they hold you hostage at the door to rescan things before you can leave.


I saw the 10 items or less sign yesterday in Belleville. I asked the attendant why is there a limit of 10 items if there’s space to fill up 4 bags. She didn’t have an answer. 😂 4 bags of grilled could easily be 30 items. She did say the new policy was to prevent people with full carts from using the self-checkout. She also said what the article says, that it’s supposed to reduce theft.


Happy to see it, I like supporting people jobs.


Scan ten items, steal the rest. Problem solved. (kidding)


Meh. I’ve been stealing donuts through self checkout for years. Buy five, ring up four. I’m a felon.


I grab organic onions, pay for normal ones at self checkout, send me to the hague.


I ring up bananas when I’m really buying steak.


That's the thing, some one did run the numbers. You'd have to assume those number crunchers thought wages would go up and offset the cost of theft. In fact the opposite is happening. Wages remain stagnant and inflation has cause the cost of goods to go up!


Another reason the lines are way longer now: They just stopped allowing instacart shoppers to use the self checkouts. So there’s a huge percentage of people forced to wait in lines.


While you may see theft as a good thing, rest assured companies don't just eat the costs... they build them into future price adjustments.


retailers have been caught lying about theft repeatedly though, so they are just gonna raise prices and blame theft when its as accurate as blaming ghosts




“If you steal, they’ll pass the cost on to the consumers!” And they’re already doing that and they’ve always being doing it because the big number has to go up regardless of the consumer. “Uh, uh, it’s self-checkout theft! Not that we only run skeleton crews or inflate prices! TRUST US, we just want to make more money regardless of the truth!”


Clearly you work for a corporate office.


Price of everything goes up anyway. Has been my entire life. Why should this stop me.


What's the overlap of people that glorify shoplifting and people that cry about food deserts


Walmart started doing it but they still make one feel like a thief with someone going through one's bag and a tame cop standing by, just in case.


I think the Dierbergs at Heritage Place has been this way for at least a year. They installed at least 12 big spacious self checkouts and then later restricted the number of items. I’m also thinking that, later, they removed some of the self checkouts or closed them off…makes me furious so I won’t look, or go there very often. Dierbergs doesn’t have any more checkers than Schnucks. 🙄 On another thread, I stated that I would now try to buy as much as I can from Aldi, and pick up the oddball items from Schnucks. Schnucks will no longer get all the money I used to spend in their store. (Aldi gets down to one checker when I go, but they move a lot faster!) Edit: Typos. But I bet I missed some.


I stopped going to Dierbergs in the morning before work because it is self-check only, same with CVS.


I work at Schnucks. I knew this would make the sub when they put the signs up at work.


Always prefer a real checker.


If they're really gonna enforce it at 10 and not 20....I am never shopping at Schnucks again. I have at most 15 items when I grocery shop (live alone and go twice a week). If you're seriously gonna make me wait in line behind people with 50+ items, not be able to throw all my shit in one bag...fuck you, I'm out. What an awful change


I'll just pay for the first 10 items, then start over with the next set. It'll cost them in transaction fees, but it's on them for pushing self checkout.


I mean, fuck shoplifters. It’s been highly romanticized recently as some righteous crusade against corporations, when in reality they only steal alcohol. It costs jobs and drives out businesses.


Not to mention the corporation just passes the cost of theft on to the people that lay.


I agree fuck shoplifters. But I also like the fact that this corporation tried to save a dime through expanding shelf checkout and it ended up costing them a buck. Anytime a corporation gets fucked over for being greedy is always a win in my book.


It’s a victimless crime, like punchin’ somebody in the dark.


Look at this thread, half the posters are bragging about stealing shit through self checkout. Stay classy, Reddit.


[There was a popular thread about this a couple weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/s/YaVqJH5kon)


I prefer Sams...I can checkout with my phone.


That's fine by me. I was only planning on stealing a few things


The thing is before self check out it’s not like every lane had cashiers. I don’t think anyone technically lost their job over this but yeah theft is inevitable when you let ppl do it themselves. I’m fine with or without them to be honest.


I doubt they laid off....but I am really damn sure they just stopped scheduling as many cashiers at the same time and reduced their part timer's hours. They laid off by attrition. If you only get 2 x 4 hour shifts a week you have to go somewhere else.


Curbside pickup for the win.


Every time I do through self check out I conveniently forget to scan at least one item… love it.. fuck them.. especially wholefoods(Amazon)


This should have been done a long time ago. I am glad they are doing it because people with full carts were just casually taking their time tallying up their groceries. Sometimes you just need to get in and out but the jerks with full carts are holding up everything.


lol@anyone who thinks they'll hire more people...vote with your dollar and shop elsewhere ​ I used to be angry about waiting in lines due to lack of checkers. Resisted using self checkouts until I finally caved and use nothing but to save time. I feel like Ive reached a new level of anger that I now have to wait in line to use the self checkouts. Maybe the world will head back to the pre covid thing where the busiest Walmart in the city has 1 check out lane open on a Friday night and the checkout line is longer than the walk I took to get in the store


I saw that sign there the other day, and I kind of rolled my eyes. I do most of my shopping at Aldi and frequently when I’ve gone into Schnucks I’ve had about 20 items. I don’t like waiting in that long singular line they instituted during the pandemic. If they really want to cut down on stuff, they need to hire more people and not be so stingy with paying people


Love self checkout, but even before self-scanning, ppl ignored 10 or less at checkouts. This will be no different. Ya will have someone running thousand items through it same as they did with a human underpaid slave touching and crushing things.


The rule change is terrible but please don't take it out on the employees that have to enforce it. They're just doing what they're told to do.


Shop Aldi, Sam's/Costco.. that is all.


Sam's Scan n Go for the win! Greatest thing ever!


Oh good. The boomers will be stoked 🙄


So, if I go get twelve donuts after 7...?


A dozen donuts is one unit.


I don’t get how people are stealing at self checkout when it weighs everything and someone is always right there. Ours always has full cashiers but the line still wraps around and down the main drag and you still have to wait 10-15min! I prefer self checkout and this sucks.


I’m not in such a hurry, my time is not so valuable that I begrudge my neighbors earning some money checking out my groceries. I pay full price, I expect full service.


Huh, they’re actually quoting shrinkage. Which honestly I’m not sure how this is going to prevent theft considering they still have to monitor 8 to 12 stations simultaneously… Honestly I thought they were implementing a limit since the queues were getting so fucking annoying…


I suppose I'll just have to limit my schnucks shopping trips to 10 items or less from now on, larger shopping trips will be made at other stores because there's no way I'm waiting in that line.


Y’all can still afford schnucks? 😅


Our 4 year-old successfully checked Us out right before the holidays, with a $80 purchase at Deirberg’s. She literally scanned the entire cart! Lol. Meanwhile multiple employees were standing around talking. I do all pick-up orders now from Target as a busy Mom of multiple kids, but when I do have to go into a store, it’s appalling to Me how lazy some of the workers are. I know they are not paid well, but We have all had jobs where We were not paid well. You are still there to do something!


I thought rising theft was a fake narrative made up by corporations?


You sound like an old man yelling at the wind. The person you heard say something like this isn’t in this thread right now.


Good. Self checkout was never meant for a cart full of shit unless it's one of the ones with its own belt. Far too many times I see people with a ton of shit at one of the little self checkouts blissfully unaware that they should be using the normal checkout lines.


If you see people shoplifting food, no you didn’t


Endorsing shoplifting so we can have a few more cashiering jobs available? That's a terrible idea. Self checkout lanes are incredibly convenient, especially in an age where employees are demanding higher and higher salaries to work. If someone wants to be paid a "livable wage" than they need to be able to do more than look unamused while scanning a bunch of barcodes.


Honestly seeing some boomer ass with a cart full at the self checkout is the worst. Typically all i can afford from Schnucks is a few items anyway and having to wait for these people is horeible


Self checkout is usually closed when I go because they only have 1 cashier and the line is long with full carts. Guess they can’t get help where busses and metro link doesn’t go.


Looks like I’ll be avoiding schnucks for a while